• Published 14th May 2018
  • 438 Views, 13 Comments

The Narrator Hates Us All - TRIBOT 4000

Hello, I'm The Narrator. And I want to tell you everyones story. Take a seat and listen to the tales I have to tell. Who knows. Maybe one is yours.

  • ...

Button Mash Pt2

Previously on The Narrator Hates Us All: Button Mash
'Would you like me to walk you home?' Button asked, receiving a blushing yes. He held out his hoof and Dinky took it. The two walked one way down the street for a while until Dinky pointed out that she lived in the other direction.
And now...

It was the next day, which happened to be Saturday. Button Mash lay awake upon his bed, looking at the ceiling in his room. His beanie laid upon the dresser beside his bed, spinning, as beanies with spinners do. His thoughts ran wild like a manticore after it's prey, but the prey was faster. What was he to do now? He'd met a nice and cute filly. He had to work this out.

If he continued acting as a friend to her, she would probably do the same for him, and they would remain friends forever. But what about the small possibility that she liked him. Would it hurt her to think he looked at her as a friend? Maybe she would be understanding and let it go. No, she is a female, and males will never understand females. If he thought understood that she would let it go, then she would probably not let it go. So instead, because of treating her like a friend, he would lose a friend, and possibly a future More-than-friends friend.

Rule One: Never Assume a female will understand. Button thought to himself.

What if he went total romance on her? He could tell her sweet nothings like his father did for his mother. He could kiss her cheek all the time, take her out to dinner, always agree with her, and take her...ugh... shopping. He could also whisper things into her ear that made her blush, like his brother would do. No, bad idea, Buttons brother always got hit for those, and his relationship would end there.

Rule Two: Do the opposite of my brother. he thought with utmost confidence and assurance.

Then a second thought crossed Buttons mind. Acting too sweet would push her away, he could become clingy, and no filly wants that. If he was nice to her all the time, always did as she said, and never argued nor made her unhappy, two things could happen. Either she would hate him because he wouldn't be his own pony anymore, and different from his original self or she would take advantage of him and make him miserable. Though he doubted the latter would happen, it was still a consideration.

Rule Three: Don't turn her into massive...

Suddenly, the door to his room opened, revealing his mother, Love Tap. 'Dinnertime!' she announced joyfully, and loudly.

'...B#$%h!!' Button screamed before falling off his bed in a fright. His mother raised an eyebrow and asked what he had just said. Realizing his mistake in time, he was about to lie, but then a thought occurred to him. Innocence, that's what mothers love. He stood up and walked around the bed to his mother.

'You scared me while I was thinking and I said B#$%h.' he said innocently, as per his previous idea, 'I've heard my brother say it before. Is that bad?' Love Tap, smiled and spoke sweetly.

'Yes, honey, it is a very bad word. I'll speak with your brother and have that straitened out. Just hurry downstairs to dinner.' Button smiled at his own mischievousness and trotted past his mother to the stairs. Before he could go down however, his mother spoke once more.

'Oh, by the way Button' she said 'you have a guest for dinner. She says she's your friend.' and with that, Love Tap went to Button's brothers room, to vanquish a fowl mouth. Button however did not care at the moment. Instead he was frozen on the stairs listening intently. He heard nothing, but then again, if the "guest" was who he thought it was, then she was probably being as polite as possible.

Button trekked down the stairs carefully, trying his best not to make any sound. Guests were delicate creatures, and must be handled with care. Startle them, and they can become dangerous or even...feral. Buttons steps were made carefully, in fear. When Button finally made it to the kitchen, there before him lay the sight of none other than Dinky Hooves, the same filly of whom he saved the other day. of course by saved I mean accidently wacked her in the head with a mud clod to draw attention to himself and away from her.

When he finally reached the dining room, he could see Dinky sitting on the floor next to the table. Button assumed his mother had let her in, as only a polite pony would do. Dinky noticed him and waved sheepishly. Button waved back, though still curious about one thing.

'Hey, uh...what are you doing here?' Button asked. However, as soon as the words left his mouth he internally berated himself. You don't say that to a pony. Button tried desperately to save face by correcting himself. He stopped when he noticed the little filly giggling at his antics, which caused Button to blush.

'I thought I'd drop by' Dinky said softly with a smile, 'My sister knows your mom and when I told her about the little brown colt who uh...saved me, she thought I should come over and say thank you.'

Button smiled widely as the two went on to talk about their respective family's. During this time, the two became closer, oh ever so close. Not just in their relationship, but literally. They seemed to gravitate towards each other. Attracted in more ways than one, they were soon sitting at the dining room table together, munching cookies, talking about the many different quirks that each of their families had. Yes, a greater friendship grew from this. A friendship that would grow to be something so strong that none would ever have the power to break it.

Yes, this was to be Button's story.

Author's Note:

FINALLY!! DONE! I've been taking way too long for this chapter. Whoo!

Comments ( 8 )

What is this I see? A new chapter! Praise baby (insert whatever god you beleave in here)!

And it only took a decade :D

Anyways another great chapter keep it up

Will do. Who do you think the next narrated pony should be? You can even submit an OC if you want.

Well here's a idea a grumby changling that isn't the bigest fan of the sun.
(I know it's a bit silly)

Thanks pal like I said keep it up!

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