• Published 14th May 2018
  • 437 Views, 13 Comments

The Narrator Hates Us All - TRIBOT 4000

Hello, I'm The Narrator. And I want to tell you everyones story. Take a seat and listen to the tales I have to tell. Who knows. Maybe one is yours.

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Crimson Vision Pt1

If you're wondering what kind of voice I was imagining while writing this then listen to Kevan Brighting.

Crimson Vision opened his eyes slowly, as the first little bits of sunlight began to sprinkle over us red-furred face. He had just woken up from a very nice nap, one which had rejuvenated him enormously. As he raised his head from the mattress and moved his golden mane to get a slightly better view, he realized something awfully peculiar: he wasn't in his own room. Looking about he recognized that it was his parents bed. 'But how?' He racked his brain in search of an answer. He remembered the day before as if it were yesterday. He had woken up, eaten breakfast, gone to his work at the Library, left, went to the party and...

Oh yes! The party. That must be the reason for all this kerfuffle. He had simply had too much to drink and somehow ended up at his parents house. Oh silly Crimson, he had always been a little bit strange acting after having too much to drink. He wondered if he cried in their arms and chuckled at the idea of his Mom treating him like a foal again.

Wait. That can't be right. It can't be. He didn't have a hangover. If he really had been drunk last night then he would at least have a small headache. Maybe he had simply forgotten what happened last night. Getting up he landed on the wooden floor below him. The boards creaked loudly, causing the entire room to groan against itself. Crimson walked out of the room and looked for his parents in the kitchen where he could smell the sweet and soothing aroma of Daisies wafting from. When he arrived however, he was met with quite a shock.

His parents were not there.

They simply weren't there as if someone had snatched them up entirely. There was no sound except the sizzling pan on the stove, which Crimson promptly turned off with his horn. His fathers newspaper remained at his usual sitting place, on one end of the table, his mothers apron lay on the floor in front of the previously mentioned stove.

'Strange' he thought 'That my parents would just vanish into thin air'. He searched the house a few times before deciding that they must be outside. Opening the front door he took a step onto the...wait a minute. That's not grass. Looking down at his hoof he could see that there was no grass, but only metal painted green. Glancing up he could see that he wasn't even outside. Instead all he could see was a metal casing around the building, painted to look like his old neighborhood. He went to the edges of the wall and pushed in multiple places. It was useless. He was stuck. He had no way out.

On the verge of having a panic attack, Crimson ran back inside. He went outside the backdoor only to realize it had the same problem. Now very truly scared he ran to every edge of the house desperately. 'Who would do this?' he thought 'Who would want to imprison me in a such a way? I have done nothing wrong. I have hurt nopony. Why would anypony want me here?' He sat down on the couch thinking this over until he saw one of the windows. Something about it confused him, so he stood up and trotted over to it. He noticed that the painting of the sky and sun was painted on the window itself, instead of on a painting behind it. Grabbing a metal vase from the coffee table he struck the glass as hard as possible. As it shattered it revealed a most unsettling sight. There before him were ponies all staring at monitors. What scared him the most however, was that the monitors all displayed him. From foalhood to full adult, his entire life displayed on screen for the examination of hundreds of ponies.

His entire life meant nothing but a project to them. Yes, that was it, his life had been an experiment or something. Yes, yes! Now that he knew this, he could escape. Leave his captors. Who wouldn't let them control one more aspect of his being. His mind and body were his own, and nopony else's. He must escape!

He must!

He must.

he must ...

Crimson Vision opened his eyes slowly, as the first little bits of sunlight began to sprinkle over us red-furred face. He had just woken up from a very strange dream, one that had startled him greatly. As he raised his head from the mattress and moved his golden mane to get a slightly better view, he realized something awfully peculiar: his roommate had already left. That was strange, his roommate John Doe always woke up late. Why would he be up now? A glance at the clock told Crimson that it was still 7:00 AM. Leaving the comfort of his sheets, the red furred stallion walked outside of the room where he could see John cooking breakfast, his asphalt grey mane tied up in a bun. His charcoal grey coat glistened slightly from sweat as he flipped a slice of cheesy bread. Not cheesy as in bad, but cheesy as in...well...with cheese.

Crimson stepped loudly forward to announce his presence which Joe acknowledged with a turn and a nod. 'How are you this fine morning' Joe said, much to cheerily for his roomies comfort. 'I'm fine' replied Crimson 'What about you? You never wake up this early. Is something wrong? Is it your work? I know you hate being a lawyer.'

'No, no. Nothing is wrong. I am perfectly happy where I am.'

At this point Crimson was assured that something was up, with his friend acting strangely happy. Joe sat down to breakfast and began eating, almost robotically, as if it were an assignment of some sort that he had to smile for. Crimson reached to put a hoof on his friend. 'Look...' he began 'if there's anything you need to say, just say...it...' his voice slowly dissipated as he felt nothing make contact with his hoof. He stared bewildered as his hoof simply went straight through the shoulder of his roommate. Removing his hoof as quickly as possible his friends body began glitching like a bad TV signal. Hs body morphed and became distorted several times before disappearing. As Joe disappeared so did the rest of the apartment.

parts of the room began glitching away slowly. Crimson took off back into his room trying his best not to touch any of the strange bits of missing room, without success.

Everything disappeared into white nothingness.

Crimson Vision opened his eyes slowly, as the bits of light shone his face. He had just woken up from...something. he still wasn't sure what it was. When his vision fully cleared he took a look around the white room. As he raised his head to look around he noticed something holding his hooves tightly against his body. Look down he saw a straightjacket, likely to hold him in place. He struggled against it, trying to break free. Attempting to use his horn, he realized in horror that he was magicless. 'Help!' He began screaming 'Help, I'm being held hostage!'

He struggled and screamed like this for what felt like hours, until a small doorway opened up on one side of the room. Two large Griffons entered, behind them a orange coated mare entered. She wore a doctors outfit and held a clipboard in one hoof. Her yellow mane was done up in a modest bun. 'Mister Vision?' she asked looking at the scared stallion who could only stare at her his mouth agape. He nodded slowly and the mare smiled.

'My name is Doctor Applejack. You can call me Applejack. I am here to help you. First however, you need to answer a few questions for me. One: Do you know who you are?' Crimson answered carefully, saying that he was Crimson Vision, a Librarian in Canterlot. She then asked if he had been having strange dreams lately to which he answered yes. explaining his story to the doctor he felt a little relieved, after waking up so many times he was finally able to tell somepony what was happening, even if they didn't believe him, it was good to get it off his chest.

Once he finished, Applejack made a motion to the two large ponies who still stood at the door. They came over and removed all the restraints, including the horn magic reducer. With another wave of her hoof she signaled them to leave. They did so reluctantly. As soon as they left she turned around quickly with a needle she had been hiding in her jacket, and inserted into Crimson whatever it was that was. Crimson felt something between shock and sadness. He had been betrayed. He had been lied to. This pony was not his friend, she was his enemy. Before he could voice his feelings however, she pulled him close whispered in his ear that he had quite a number of ponies to be, before he'd reach the end.

As he sat there silently a purple unicorn stepped into the room, lit up her horn which had somehow not been restrained and obliterated them both.

Crimson Vision opened his eyes slowly...

Author's Note:

There will be a part 2. I don't know about a part 1. But I do need your help to make the next chapter. Please give me any ideas of places you'd like Crimson to be. Also, any of you who would want to draw Crimson, just know he's not exactly the main character. We will be moving on to a different pony after him.