• Published 10th May 2018
  • 2,313 Views, 19 Comments

Applejack's New Dress - Foal Star

After being dared to wear a frilly dress during a sleepover. Applejack has become accidently cursed thinking she's a five year old filly.

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Chapter six: A little filly or a big mare?

Pinkie Pie and Spike were both now in the main mess hall of Sugarcube corner eating cupcakes and drinking milkshakes together. Pinkie Pie giggled, “so come on you have to admit being diapers was fun.”

Spike groaned as he dragged a claw down his face. “Please don’t say that out loud.”

Pinkie Pie giggled and sipped her milkshake and Spike sighed, “yes it was good alright.”

Pinkie shrugged “there’s nothing to be ashamed about. You can just be my practice baby until the cake twins are born.”

Spike eyed Pinkie and asked, “twins? I thought Mrs. Cake only had one foal.”

Pinkie squeaked. “Oops, uh I yeah I meant the foal.” She then turns towards into nothing and gives a wink all Spike does is shrugs “alright whatever.”

They both turned once again to Applejack bursting through the front doors now in her pink frilly dress and tears streaming down her face. She ran into Pinkie hugging her and cried, “Pinkie!”

The pink coated earth pony blushed as she held the mare close and asked, ”why what’s wrong?”

Applejack looked up and whimpered as she nervously asked, ”tell me am…am I a big pony or a little filly?”

Spike gulped as Pinkie laughed. ”Oh, you’re a big mare Applejack.”

The mare asked, ”but…but why am I acting like a little filly? How do I stop being a little filly?”

Pinkie paused as she turned to Spike who was just staring at Applejack’s mud-soaked dress. ”How about we get that muddy dress off then a bath first.”

Applejack nodded and clapped her hooves and chirped, “Sounds great! I’ll go get a bath!” She then ran up the stairs as Pinkie sighed, “I’ll watch her, Spike can you help Mr. and Mrs. Cake down here?”

He shrugged “sure thing.” He got up and went to help the smiling despite the voice shouted in her mind, don’t you dare! You’ll be dirtier!

Applejack scoffed in her mind fighting back, no way! I’m a big mare! And I’m going to prove it!

As the farm mare entered the bathroom upstairs, she threw off the giant pink dress and started her own bath and slowly fell into the water giving a deep sigh of relief. Pinkie followed suit coming into the bathroom smiling “oh looks like your all ready for bath time.”

The pink coated mare came down and started to pour some bubble bath soap creating large big pink suds in the water and cooed, “alright you big filly let’s get you all cleaned up.”

Applejack nods as she let Pinkie scrub her mane and coat with soap and shampoo scrubbing her down cleaning the mare behind the ears as if she were the farm mare’s mother. Applejack blew bubbles as she splashed around kicking about in the pink sudsy water. When Pinkie seemed satisfied that Applejack was cleaned she helped her out of the bath and drying her off with a giant white fluffy towel. Pinkie asked, “so you still want to wear the dress Rarity made you?”

Applejack looked up and blushed as she asked, “yes but it’s super dirty can you wash it?”

Pinkie held the pink frilly dress up now sparkling clean and nodded. “here it is all cleaned and ready for little Applejackie!"

The farm mare clapped her hooves and quickly gussed about putting the dress back on slipping her fore legs through the bubble sleeves and ruffling the skirt of the dress seeing it sway around her. Then all of a sudden Applejack started to pee on the floor with a loud hissss making the mare gasp in horror “I..I…I didn’t mean to.” She wailed and hugged Pinkie close who patted the mare on the head. ”Pinkie. I…I… want to wear a diaper.”

Pinkie blushed unsure of what to do asked, ”why do you want to do that? I thought you were a big filly?”

Applejack shook her head, “well I wana diapee for comfort really. Just in case if I have another accident.”

Pinkie seeing the yellow puddle on the ground sighed, ”alright come on I’ll get you in one but let me clean this up first.” She grabbed a mop cleaning the mess as Applejack continued to sniffle. When Pinkie finished, she took Applejack by the hoof and lead her to the nursery taking out a big thick white diaper from underneath the diaper changing table and explained "Spike had some extra big diapers I think they'll fit." Applejack gigled "okay Pinkie i'll wear Spikey's diapees." She then lifted her dress as Pinkie Pie began taping it around her friend's rump. Pinkie made quick work outting the diaper on Applejack making sure the tabs were snug. Applejack nodded in aprroval seeing the diaper now strapped snuggly around her giving the mare a sesne of comfort and relief. She then fixed her dress, so the diaper was well hidden under the layers of pink fabric. Pinkie patted her head and cooed, ”now that you're all cleaned and have some proper protection. Do you want to help me bake a cake?” Applejack chirped “yeah of course!”

The pink coated mare then lead Applejack down the stairs and blushed as she could hear the diaper crinkle but just sighed, alright I’ll just try to keep her in the kitchen where nopony will notice the diaper.

Pinkie lead her to the kitchen and helped set up the baking supplies as Applejack started to pour the flour and cracked eggs pinkie couldn’t help but nuzzle Applejack and coat how good job she was doing and thought, Well it seems as if taking the dress off didn’t work I hope Applejack isn’t like this forever!

As for Rarity she groaned looking around the town square with a look of worry on her face. She scanned the place looking for her friend, and it seemed she wasn’t anywhere to be seen. The mare stomped a hoof. “Ugh, where did she go!?”

As luck would have it, Spike was coming down the road squeaked upon seeing Rarity and trembled with embarrassment knowing she played with him while he was in a diaper and asked nervously, “Hey uh Rarity you looking for Applejack?”

Rarity sighed, “yeah I need help with her she almost broke from the curse, but I think she came here.”

Spike pointed to Sugarcube corner and grumbled, ”she’s in there.” Rarity sighed and patted the young drake on the head. “Thanks, Spike and don’t worry nopony will ever know you wore a diaper today alright.” He blushed, even more, when Rarity kissed him on the cheek, and she bounded to Sugarcube Corner while Spike rubbed his cheek lovingly as he stammered while star gazed. “I don't know if this is the worst day of my life or the greatest.”

As Spike went back to the library Rarity burst through the doors of Sugarcube corner and shouted: “where's Applejack!”

Everypony just pointed to the kitchen where the fashionista growled and stomped towards the back of the bakery and burst through the kitchen doors. There she saw Applejack giggling as she was finishing baking a cake with Pinkie and turned to Rarity. “Hey, I’m baking a cake!”

Pinkie blushed, and Rarity put on a fake silly gaze as she giggled, ”um that’s great but. I...uh wanted to do some more applebucking.”

Applejack shook her head and stomped a hoof in defiance.“No I…I’m not a big mare I dun want to buck apples."

She stomped off making the diaper crinkle under the dress. Rarity blinked in surprise than did something she never thought of doing and laughed, ”aww Applejack is wearing diapees.”

Applejack turned around and growled, ”yeah I had an accident so what?”

Rarity came up and cooed, “Well I don’t wear diapees. I’m a big filly who can use the potty all by myself. That means now ya got to listen to me and we going to go buck apples.”

Applejack wanted to fight back but stopped as Pinkie raosed her hooves and shouted, ”yeah that sounds like a good idea!"

The farm mare shook her head and plopped down onto her rump making the diaper crinkling loudly with the dress flying up and grumbled, “No dun wana, besides I wana finish making the cake!”

Pinkie Pie couldn't help but chuckle and exclaimed, “you did, and it’s a wonderful cake! But you need to try to play with Rarity while it bakes.”

Applejack just kicked her hind legs making the diaper crinkle as she whined, “no dun wana buck apples!”

Rarity had enough got up and slamming a hoof down she shouted, “Applejack you are not a little filly in diapers! Your my bestest friend and the only way you’re going to grow up is if you come with me and buck some apples!”

Applejack whimpered and nodded as she thought, Rarity is right I’m older thanshe is. Yet she doesn’t wear diapers and can buck apples, that means I can too!”

The farm mare got up and fixed her dress before she conceded, “fine, I’ll go buck apples with you.”

Rarity smiled and was going to lead her through the kitchen, but Pinkie Pie bounced over. “I think it’s best you two went out the back.”

The fashionista blushed to hear the distant crinkles of the diaper under Applejack’s dress and nodded, “good point, thanks Pinkie we will go out the back.”

She helped Applejack and lead her through the back door. Pinkie sighed in relief and mumbled, “Rarity I hope you can snap Applejack out of this curse.”

Applejack looked up with determination as she followed Rarity outside who despite the frilly dresses and the diaper crinkles echoing around them. The two laughed and talked like two little fillies about the fun day they had. Applejack squealed and clapped her hooves. ”Oh, I can’t wait to play with our dollies again! I want to dress Celestia in a pink frilly dress too!”

The white-coated mare blushed, “yes I would love to see my little Blueblood as well.”

Applejack nuzzled Rarity, and she patted the farm mare’s mane snuggling her not even caring about the diaper anymore. They eventually came back to Sweet Apple acres where Applejack stood face to face with another apple tree. Rarity turned to her friend and asked, “you ready Applejack?”

Applejack nodded as her brow furrowed more determined than ever before to prove she was a big mare. All the while the voice was screaming in her mind. Don’t do it! Remember your a little filly, and you’ll get your pretty dress dirty again.

The mare shook her head and did her best to block out the voice with her own thought, no I’m a big filly older then Rarity, and I’m going to prove it by bucking this tree. She turned around and bucked the tree over and over again. Rarity smiled and giggled seeing the diaper slip off. Applejack shook the foalish padding throwing it off from her rump. The mare then continued bucking until she was hot and sweaty tearing through was a pink frilly dress and stomping it the ground as she shouted in her mind, I’m no longer a little filly who likes dresses and diapers! I’m Applejack a big filly! The voice finally said one more thing before leaving, fine be a big dull mare I’ll be fine, I will find another host who wants to relive their foal hood!

Applejack blinked gasping at how all the memories of her life slammed back into her mind, and she fell back into Rarity’s hooves. Rarity watched with her heart pumping in her chest as Applejack stirred and looked up and whispered, “hey Nice dress Rarity did you steal that from a five-year-old?”

Rarity scoffed, "your the one to talk." As she threw Applejack on the ground then tore her own dress doing the same as the farm mare did to her pink frilly dress stomping it on the ground. Applejack sighed rubbing her head. ”I’m so sorry Rarity I never meant for this to happen.”

Rarity just came up and hugged her best friend. “I don’t care about that darling, I’m just glad you're okay.” Applejack laid herself into her friend’s white coat and stood there for quite sometime unsure of what to say.