• Published 10th May 2018
  • 2,316 Views, 19 Comments

Applejack's New Dress - Foal Star

After being dared to wear a frilly dress during a sleepover. Applejack has become accidently cursed thinking she's a five year old filly.

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Chapter One: It's just a Silly Dress?

Applejack was having a busy,dark and lonely night bucking apples in Sweet Apple Acres. It’d been a particularly grueling day and she was about ready to collapse, held together by the sight of the last apples falling into the bucket. seeing the.

Once they finally dropped, she was actually surprised upon glancing around the orchard, finding indeed every single tree had been cleared, a sight that brought a big smile to her otherwise tired and sweat covered face.

”Big Mac and I actually did it! We finally did it.” However, her moment of enjoyment was immediately brought down by reality as her entire body quickly felt like she’d just gotten into an eight hour fight with a pack of Timber Wolves. She slowly dragged her sore body to the house, The mare eyes drooping and her muscles aching from the hard labor of bucking apples all day.

Still in spite of it, she was able to smile, even if her cheek hurt as well. “I might feel like I was chewed up, spat out and smacked dry, but least I finally finished Apple Buck Season. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.”

Still, she continued to flinch with each step she took and took an especially long yawn, doing her best to stay conscious. It was then a strange voice suddenly began echoing through her mind. “Aww, is the little filly tired?”

Applejack stopped suddenly trying to find out where that mysterious voice was coming from. She looked around the dark forest of trees and saw nothing, only for the the voice to mockingly coo, “Oh, it’s alright little filly, don’t be afraid just follow the sound of my voice.”

Possibly due to her being so exhausted and hazy from a lack of sleep, the tired mare nodded,finding the voice almost soothing and welcoming. She stumbled through the orchard towards her house, managing to open the backdoor, finding the kitchen empty with the lights out. She slowly crept through the house and up the stairs, not bothering to eat anything, and placed her ear on Granny Smith’s (her grandmother’s) door, chuckling at the sound of the old mare’s snoring and before tip-hoofing to Big Macintosh’s door (her brother’s) door and did the same hearing his loud heavy snores. She then crept to Apple Bloom’s (her sister’s) room and gently peeked inside to see she was deep in her sleep and quietly closed the door sighing in relief. “Okay, they're all asleep.”

She quickly and quietly crossed the hallway to her room and slowly closed her door locking it then sighed, “Finally, time to get some shut eye of my own, but first.”

Applejack quickly dove underneath her bed and took out a giant box, containing a dress she’d almost forgotten about despite taking it from Twilight’s library. In fact, as Applejack stared at it she pondered on why she took the dress in the first place? Then that same strange voice went through her mind. “You wanted to relive your foalhood remember? That's why you took that dress and you want to wear it now, don’t you?”

The mare nodded slowly as if in a trance and brushed the dust off the box,slowly lifting the lid to reveal a giant, poofy, frilly blue dress. It was amazingly soft, complete with the pink saddle and the curly pink frills at the end of it. The mare blushed as she whispered, “Oh, if Rarity saw me right now.”

Applejack giggled at the thought as she slowly took the gaudy and frilly dress up and revealed its full glory. Applejack cringed at it for a moment but the voice eased her mind, “it’s alright, you’re alone, nopony will see you, go on and dress yourself little filly.”

Her concerns dissipated as she removed the dress completely, allowing it’s full glory to be visible, reminding her of the time that Rarity dared her to wear during their slumber party a few weeks ago. She placed it over her front hooves steadily and slowly pushing out her head through the fabric while fixing the poofy bubble sleeves around her shoulders and adjusting them. She then turned to face the mirror and looked lovingly at herself, seeing the orange, rough earth pony mare in the giant fufu dress she twirled and sighed seeing herself in the mirror with a blush. Then she heard a voice, “You’re such an adorable little filly, don’t you think?” The mare sighed, “Well I guess I do look cute.” The mare giggled and clopped her hooves feeling really giddy.

Honestly, Applejack couldn’t remember the last time she’d ever thought of herself as cute or attractive in any sense. Figuring she’d enjoy the moment the mare decided to do a few poses, crossing her front legs in front of each other. She giggled into her right forehoof next to her mouth and suddenly hugged herself and jumped into bed and sighed looking at the ceiling with a smile on her face as she thought to herself.

“It feels wonderful to do something so embarrassing and being the only pony in the world that knows about it, doesn’t it?”t, The mare then pulled the sheets up to her chin and slowly started to drift off into peaceful sleep the voice whispered again, “It’s alright, little fillies like you love frilly poofy dresses. You’ll see, I guarantee it.”

Over at Twilight’s library, the titular unicorn was still awake, happily studying an especially large book on the weather cycle in Ponyville. Yet, while in the past reading such a text would’ve been the highlight of her night, she couldn’t help by sigh in disappointment.“Well, next time we have a sleepover we definitely make sure we don’t have one during a storm.” She mutter quietly as she turned to the next page, feel a bit lonely after having engaged in a particularly eventful slumber party with her two friends and while it didn’t bother her at first, a few weeks had passed and she’d fallen into a rather boring routine.

It was such that Twilight actually squealed at the sight of a scroll popping out of Spike’s mouth and burst out with a trail of green flame. The mare turned to the scroll, promptly lifting it with her magic, spotting a sparkle sunburst for the seal. She eyed it and whispered, “What is this?” The mare opened the scroll and started to read what was in front of her.

Dear Twilight Sparkle

I apologize for taking so long to respond to your message about the incident and those enchanted foal clothes. I am sorry for giving you that enchanted pacifier and foal bonnet. I gave those things to your mother to help you relax back when she was young, I had no idea you kept them! But, this got me concerned seeing how powerful the spells were on those items. I also should warn you about a frilly dress that I gave you for your birthday a few years ago. I was hoping you would wear it as a way to help you relax a little from all that studying. But, my magic is clearly a lot more powerful than I thought so I recommend finding that dress and removing the curse.


Granny Sparkle Light

Twilight blinked at the scroll remembering back to the sleepover that she had with Applejack and Rarity two weeks ago gasped. ”Wait didn’t Applejack wear that dress on a dare!?”

She then ran to her closet, practically tearing it apart as she began throwing things out at random. Spike, who’d been peacefully sleeping up to that point, suddenly woke with a shock when he heard Twilight Sparkle crash through the library shouting, “Where is it!”

Spike tried to curl up back into his basket trying to get back to sleep. Only to be rudely awakened by another crash and he got up, cursing as he finally decided that going back to sleep will be futile. He went downstairs to see Twilight throwing books and other objects all over the room. Wanting to at least try and resolve the matter quickly, hopefully to return to sleep, Spike yawned and asked, “Twilight, what’s gotten into you?”

Twilight went up to Ppike a in flurry shouting, “Spike! I have to find the dress!”

“What dress?” Spike muttered under his breath.

Twilight rolled hers and responded, “The dress Rarity had Applejack wear during our sleepover. That dress!”

She went back to going through a chest full of old winter clothes. As Spike dodged the flying fabric he tried to recall the event in question. “You had a sleepover? Huh, guess I wasn’t here for that.”

He quickly ducked to avoid a few loose pieces of clothing as he switched to Twilight’s question. , “So? Is this dress important?”

“Yes Spike! Remember that enchanted foal bonnet and pacifier that made you think you were a baby?”

Spike groaned running a claw down his face shuttering remembering the embarrassing incident. “How could I forget that, ponies are still praising me on how I graduated from diapers so fast.”

Twilight turned towards the dragon with a worried look and continued, “Well, I learned that my grandmother also got me dress and that it was used to make me a proper filly.”

Spike ducked to avoid being hit by a flying boot to ask. “What would the curse do exactly?”

Twilight rolled her eyes as she sighed and got up, “My grandmother gave it to me to learn how to relax, so of course I never wore the stupid thing.”

Spike scratched his head. “So why would you have that lying around?”

Twilight blushed and bowed her head. “Well it just got caught up with the rest of our stuff when we moved here, like that enchanted foal clothes. I just forgot about it because I never used it.”

Spike groaned in agitation and asked, “Well what happened to the dress after the sleepover?”

The mare sighed and threw her hooves into the air. “I have no idea! I know Applejack put it on because Rarity dared her, but after that, I have no idea. That’s the problem! Things went crazy with a tree crashing through the window!”

Spike chuckled and this made Twilight turn to him with an angry glare, prompting the young dragon stepped back. “Alright, alright, I get it’s serious. Why not just talk to Rarity and Applejack tomorrow morning they may have remembered where the dress went.”

Twilight gave an exasperated sigh and chuckled, “I suppose you’re right Spike. Let’s start with Rarity, she may have taken it on accident.” The purple mare picked Spike up and tucked him back in his basket the little dragon chuckled at a thought and laughed, “Could you imagine if Applejack was the one who kept it!”

Twilight giggled at the thought and scoffed at the notion, “Yeah as if, she would drink a gallon of hot sauce before wearing something that frilly and girly.”

Applejack woke up early the next morning with her baggy eyes squinting at the sun peeking through her window. She groaned and rubbed them grumbling as she was going to get up when a voice went through her mind, “Why are you getting up so early? Little fillies like you need their sleep.”

Applejack was stunned at the thought and shook her head and growled in agitation, “No, I need to get up we, need to pack them apples I bucked last night.”

The voice trailed through her mind again. “Don’t worry about that, your big brother can do that. Now you get back to bed.

Applejack shook her head and stomped with a growl, “No way, no how! I’m Applejack, and I’m a grown mare!” By this point the mare was beginning to contemplate smacking her head against the walls if it meant shutting the voice up. However, the voice came back again, and stronger than before.

The voice cooed, “Come now, you worked so hard and for so long. You deserve a break. Surely taking a day off can’t cause that much trouble, can it?”

Despite the back of her mind telling her vigorously this was wrong, part of her couldn’t help but agree with the voice. The more she thought about staying in bed, the more tired she felt, and where once her legs felt as strong as they always did, not they felt like slabs of concrete, and even a slight twitch was almost painful.

Just taking a quick glance back at her bed looked so warm and inviting, as her eyes quickly grew heavy, a tired smile formed on her face as she mumbled in a drowsy tone, “Yeah I deserve a break.”

The voice whispered back, “That’s right, just go back to sleep, it's alright, your brother can handle things. You can always rely on your big brother.”

The mare smiled and nodded feeling the longing of her bed she snuggled back under the covers as she whispered, “Yeah, Big Mac can do that, I’ll go back to sleep…just for a little while.”

The voice continued, “That’s right little filly, you go back to sleep, there’s no need to worry yourself about big pony stuff.”

Applejack shook her head again and growled, “Would you stop calling me a filly! I’m twenty three for Celestia’s sake…”

The voice however, continued its voice becoming louder, yet still maintaining it’s soothing and comforting tone, “Oh, silly filly, your not that old. “

The mare covered herself deep within her sheets as she murmured, “Yeah, that’s right, I’m a little filly…so tired...”

The voice then continued, “You’re only five years old you, don’t even have to go to school yet. All you need to worry about is learning your ABCs and 123s at kindergarten.”

Applejack growled getting up again and shouted, ”Now cut that out, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Stop talking to me like I’m some baby!” She practically shook the bed with a stomp as she yelled at nothing.

The voice however, continued undeterred, continuing to whisper in the mare’s ear. “Oh, hush now little filly, you are only five.”

Applejack stomped a hoof, “No I’m not, I already know my ABCs! Heck, I’ll prove it right now. A, B, C, um…E…?” Despite the letters having been as clear as a mirror in her mind at first, once she got past C, AJ’s mind became a total blank. No matter how hard she tried to focus, nothing, just a total blank.

The voice laughed at her failure. “Aww, that was a good try. But now you see you need to learn. But you don’t need to worry about that. Now little filly go back to sleep.”

Applejack was stunned as she blushed “B..but I’m not a filly, I’m even potty trained….right?’ she eeped at what she just said and fell back onto her bed with her eyes growing with fear. But the voice continued, “Yes, you are and your such a big filly.”

Applejack beamed with pride thinking how she can go potty all by herself and how she didn’t need to wear training pants anymore. The mare blinked as her mind drifted again and yawned, a wave of drowsiness silencing the alarm bells going off in her head. “Okay I go night nights.”

She went back to bed and felt more relaxed and comfortable seeing how she was only five and didn’t need to worry about big pony stuff. As she drifted off to sleep once again her last thought was, “I wonder why I was so worried earlier?”

Big Macintosh did finish packing the apples in barrels in the family barn and as the hulking stallion wiped the sweat from his brow. He looked around seeing that Applejack was still nowhere to be found. He chuckled thinking how she might of stayed up late last night and slept in, not that he particularly minded. Honestly, after the fiasco that was last Applebuck Season, he’d probably have been tempted to tie her to the bed, if only to ensure she got a proper night's rest.

Regardless, he continued working as Granny Smith came outside, muttering aimlessly as she cracked her back. Once her spine was realigned she took a quick glance around the area and noticed something off., , ”Say Big Mac, is Applejack with ya!?”

He shook his head with a simple “Ey’ nope”

The old mare scratched her head as a knowing frown formed on her face. “Did she stay up all night bucking apples again.”

Big Mac nodded “Ey’yup.”

Granny sighed, ”I swear that filly is gonna work herself into an early grave. Alright, well I suppose she can sleep in for a little while, but we should get her up to sell them apples before they spoil.”

Big Mac nods. “I’ll get her up in a little bit.”

Granny went back inside, grumbling about her stubborn granddaughter and Big Mac finished placing the barrels onto a wagon. Yet despite what he said, his own mind couldn’t stop pondering. “I know AJ’s one to work herself too hard, but even if she did work all last night she’d never sleep in this long , it’s almost midday.”

He decided to at least go and check on his little sister, just to make sure she’s alright. The big stallion steadily went through the house and went upstairs and tried opening the mare’s door and gave a gentle knock. “Uh, Applejack you okay?”

Then he heard the strangest response, “Yeah Big Mac, just brushing my mane, wanna look pretty.”

Big Macintosh blinked suddenly questioning if he was hearing things correctly. ”Uh…you doing something with Rarity today?”

Applejack laughed.“Not entirely sure, maybe if she wants to make my dress even more pretty, but I'm okay, just getting ready for kindergarten.”

The sudden mention of kindergarten immediately set the red stallion on edge, as he knocked again, much louder than before.. “Uh, Applejack can you unlock the door please? I think we need to talk”

“Sure Big Mac!” Single sound of a latch being pulled free and a door open later, Big Mac was stunned seeing Applejack, now wearing an outrageously poofy and frilly blue dress.

Despite how concerned he’d been mere moments ago, he couldn’t help but burst into roarous laughter at the sight before him. The laughter quickly spread to AJ, who couldn’t help but giggle at seeing her brother rolling around in laughter. After about a minute of almost bursting his stomach laughin, Big Mac finally managed to get up,with tears streaming from his eyes. “Oh Applejack, you got me good. Did you lose a bet or something?”

She giggled, “No, I like this dress,“ she did a perfect curtsey with her frilly dress and a cute blush on her face. Big Mac’s smile immediately dropped as he blinked in confusion, now growing concerned. “Uh, Applejack, be serious, now why are you wearing that dress?”

Applejack got up and gave her big brother a smile. “Because I like it silly. I already said that”

Big mac still confused sighed, “Look…uh I think you may have worked too much last night let’s go to Nurse Redheart.”

Applejack gave a cough and checked her forehead.”Silly, Big Mac, I’m not sick.”

The mare then squeaked as she felt the pang of needing to pee and started doing a cute potty dance jumping back and forth. “Hold that thought, gotta go potty.” She ran down the hall to the bathroom and shut the door with Big Mac blinking, this time out of serious concern as opposed to confusion and it only grew with each passing second.

”What in the hay is going on with Applejack?”