• Published 10th May 2018
  • 2,317 Views, 19 Comments

Applejack's New Dress - Foal Star

After being dared to wear a frilly dress during a sleepover. Applejack has become accidently cursed thinking she's a five year old filly.

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Chapter five: A playdate?

Rarity was busy making the pink frilly dress as she stitched the frilly fabric together as she dedicated her energy to create a new dress for the little filly Applejack. She turned to see Big Macintosh playing a game with Applejack the stallion held his little sister in his hooves as he tickled her making the mare squirm, “stop it Big Mac ya gonna make me pee!”

He smirked nuzzling her mane. “Oh, but I thought you were a big mare.”

She squeaked, “I may but ya gots to be careful I just learned how to use the potty.”

Big Mac laughed and nuzzled her mane. The mare gave a yawn and rubbed her eyes. He then cooed “alright how about you go take a nap while Rarity finished your dress.”

She nods as Big Mac turned to rarity who signed, “hey Applejack you can use my bed okay?”

The foal nodded with a smile. “Otay! Tanks you!” She skipped upstairs as Big Mac followed suit. They came upon Rarity’s fancy bedroom fitted with a luxurious mattress with a canopy bed and soft purple blankets. Applejack couldn't help it running to t and jumped onto the bed sinking into the soft fabric squealing, “yay a bed fit for a princess!”

Big Mac came over and helped tuck the filly underneath the sheets and made sure she was comfortable. Applejack looked up at her brother with a big smile and asked, “Big Mac can you tell me a story?”

He sat down and sighed, “sure why not...it’s been a while since I told Apple Bloom a bedtime story.”

The stallion paused and cooed, “once upon a time in the magical field of Sweet Apple Acres. There was a happy little filly named Apple Blossom who would sit all day eating apples.”

Applejack gasped, “oh no is she supposed to be bucking the apples not eating them!”

Big Mac nodded as he continued, “that’s right the lazy little filly then accidentally ate a spoiled zap apple without realizing it.”

Applejack gasped “oh no! She can't do that! Granny says spoiled zap apples have strange magic!”

Big Mac chuckles “that's right, and she turns into an apple herself! But luckily her big brother came over and poured a magic potion onto the apple turning her back to normal.

Applejack wiped her bow. “Wow, that must of been close mean if she stayed like that for a long time she would've been eaten.”

Big Mac nods as he continued, “that's right, but luckily her big brother was there to rescue her. Now you need to get some sleep.”He then kissed her on the forehead and slowly got up as Applejack snuggled deep under the sheets putting a hoof to her mouth and started to suckle. Big Mac gave a light chuckle then slowly went down the stairs sighing turning to see Rarity busy at her sewing machine and asked, “how goes the dress?”

Rarity grumbled, “it’s done so tell me will it do?” The mare showed up the pink frilly dress with seams of white running down the rippling pink fabric and a giant white bow tied in the back of the dress. Big Mac mouth dropped in awe at the dress and gave a small nod and murmured, “Ey’yup?”

Then all of a sudden out of nowhere Twilight bursts through the front doors of the Carousel Boutique panting as she gasps “Applejack is she here?”

Rarity squeaked turning towards the tired mare and blushed as she explained, “She’s upstairs taking a nap darling.”

Twilight groaned, “fine, but we need to take off the spell that’s on her.”

They all rolled their eyes as Rarity sighed, “we know darling, but there’s not much we can do at the moment.”

Twilight sighed, “guess so, but we need to ease Applejack into wanting to buck apples again. We need her to want to become an adult.”

Rarity eyed her friend. “so how do we do that?”

Twilight explained, “well she needs to go to Sweet Apple Acres and rediscover her love for bucking apples...”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Good luck with that she thinks she's a princess of some sort.”

Big Mac turned. “well your her best friend and \you can lead her to Sweet Apple Acres and I’ll teach her how to buck.”

Rarity scoffed “as if I had enough public attention today as is. I won’t go back out there in a silly dress!

Twilight smirked coming up to her friend as she explained, “well we could always assist in helping you find your foal at heart. “

Rarity eyed Twilight and gasped in horror when she realized what Twilight meant. “No, you wouldn't dare let me put on the actually enchanted dress!”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Of course not, I was thinking of just putting on a normal filly dress.”

Rarity sighed in relief blushing as she mumbled, “alright well I guess I'll just have to wear then darling.”

Twilight sighed, “I apologize for making you wear a frilly dress. You already did a lot.”

Rarity chuckled nervously and waved a hoof. “Its nothing darling anything to help with getting Applejack snap out of her curse.”

Twilight nodded in approval lifting the enchanted dress with her magic. “Okay it's settled we get Applejack into her new dress after her nap.”

All three ponies nodded in agreement as Rarity dragged a hoof down her face.

Later that afternoon when Applejack was enthusiastic upon seeing her new dress as she squealed in delight. “Oh, my Celestia it’s perfect!”

Twilight smiled, “I’m glad you like it I designed it just from you now are you going to be good and listen to your big brother. Because you and Rarity are going on a very special playdate.”

Applejack gasped, "Really!? Where are we going auntie Twily!?”

Twilight blushed at the strange nickname. “well Big Mac and I were talking, and we thought it best if you tried your hoof in applebucking later.”

The farm filly bounced around with enthusiasm, “Yay! That sounds like fun!”

She jumped overtaking the pink dress and had Twilight help her slowly the outrageously pink dress over her forelegs. The farm mare gradually slid it over her making sure it fits perfectly, Applejack beamed a sense of pride as she gave the dress a few twirls blushing.

Twilight hugged her best friend now turned filly and cooed, “oh you're welcome sweetheart I hope you enjoy yourself.”

Applejack turned to Rarity and asked, “you ready?”

Rarity who was now putting on a big blue poofy dress sighed and grumbled, “yeah sure let’s go.”

Applejack clapped her hooves in glee as she too Rarity by the hoof and once again speed off into the streets of ponyville. Big Macintosh shook his head and sighed, “this isn’t going to end well.”

Twilight chuckled, “well good luck watching these two.” She lifted the enchanted blue frilly dress and exclaimed, “as for me I’m going to take care of this.”

While Twilight began to squeak. Big Mac followed the two mares to the superstore where Applejack squeaked, ”I want a dolly first! I want the cutest doll in the world!”

Rarity squealed, ”wait I meant I wanted to go to Sweet Apple Acres...to...uh..eat apples.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Rarity I eat apples all the time, but I want a dolly.”

Big Mac gave a hearty chuckle as they went through the front doors of the superstore seeing the shoppers to turn their gaze on the odd scene. Two grown mares were wearing insanely over the top dresses and looking more like two five-year-olds. The ponies couldn't help themselves to whisper or chuckle, and rarity once again felt her face redden with embarrassment asked, “Applejack please can we go somewhere else everypony is watching.”

Applejack turned around, “oh don’t worry they’re just jealous of our fancy dresses now come on I think I see a good doll!”

The doll the farm mare picked out was one that looked like. Celestia made of fluffy white fabric. The light rainbow mane was made of a soft silky material that weaved in the air almost like the real Celestia. Applejack held the doll up and bounced up and down shouting, “Big Mac can I have this doll, please! Please! Please!”

Big Mac blushes and just gave a slight nod and a simple. “Ey’yup.”

Rarity groaned coming to the toy section taking a doll version of Blueblood. Big Mac then led the two to the checkout corner, and the mare cashier at the checkout counter chuckled seeing the two mares in their filly dresses putting the dolls on the conveyor belt. The cashier scanned both items and tapes on her cash register as he cooed, “What lovely little dresses you two are wearing what’s the occasion?”

Applejack jumped up and down with giddiness. “Rarity and me having a playdate!” Rarity groaned and bowed her head with her red coat on her face now a bright red.

The cashier giggled as Big Mac paid for the dolls and she nervously commented, “wow um aren’t you two a little old for this?”

Big Mac sighed and explained in a whisper, ”uh they Applejack just wanted to be like little fillies for a day and Rarity is playing along.”

The mare shrugged seeing it wasn’t any of her business. She gave the dolls to the two fillies with rarity growling, and the cashier asked, “So Rarity are you playing along for Applejack how adorable.”

Rarity sighed, “ yes uh tanks, darling.”

Applejack squealed “alright come on Rarity let’s go play with our dollies!” The fashionista squealed being pulled across Ponyville once again.

Granny Smith came down the stairs and shouted, “There you are Applejack! You have me worried sick!”

The filly blushed as she hugged her granny. “I’m sorry I just wanted to go to school but the foals there were mean, and I ran off. I’m sorry.”

Granny Smith stunned by the act blushed and patted her head. “It’s okay sugarcube, I was just worried you might have gotten hurt.”

Big Mac blushed at the touching scene while Rarity was just embarrassed and impatient tapping a hoof on the ground she asked, ”hey what about w-“

Before the mare could finish Apple Bloom burst out of nowhere and shouted, “Hey Applejack!”

Applejack squealed and hugged her sister twirling around. “Hello, Apple Bloom how have you been doing?”

Apple Bloom sighed, “I’m doing fine glad to see you doing okay. So what is ya doing here? Did you see Twilight?”

Applejack nodded as she explained, ”yeah I did she was nice and told me I should come here to buck apples, but I wanted to play with my dolly with my bestest friend Rarity.”

Apple Bloom chuckled and shrugged “alright well have fun I’m going to uh…go and play with my friends.” The filly ran off not wanting to be dressed in another embarrassing dress. Applejack shrugged took Rarity by the hoof and squealed “come on Rarity let’s play!”

The mare sighed and grumbled but followed Applejack up the stairs, and she sat down along with the farm mare in the tea party set that Granny Smith set up earlier.

Rarity grumbled sitting down and taking a cup of tea as Applejack took her doll and cooed, ”so my dolly is the princess of Equestria and wants to have a royal feast!”

Granny Smith came in putting down a plate of apple fritters steaming from the oven. The mare cooed, “Now eat up little ones I don’t want a single fritter on the plate when I come back.”

Applejack giggled, “Okay granny.” She started to devour the fritters like a little filly without any manners just stuffing her face while Rarity watched disgusted and tried to put on a fake smile. Applejack eyed her friend and asked, “why don‘t ya eat it’s rude not to eat in front of a princess.”

Rarity rolled her eyes as she started taking a fritter and slowly but into it. She nodded, “yum it’s good.”

Applejack giggled, ’why don’t you feed your dolly too?” She started to shove a fritter into the Celestia doll’s face. Rarity blushed “um don’t want my dolly to get dirty.”

Applejack waved a hoof. “You can get her cleaned later now come on! Play!”

Rarity groaned but did just that shoving a fritter into the doll’s face and cringed seeing the perfect coat of her prince Blueblood doll’s coat being dirty. Applejack laughed “aww see our dollies love the apple fritters too!”

Rarity blushed and asked, “uh yes they do but um...I always wanted to buck apples.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “why you're going to get your pretty dressie dirty, and you’ll get all icky.”

Rarity sighed as she paused thinking and continued, “well...um...I just think that it sounds like fun I don’t usually play outside.”

Applejack tapped a hoof on her chin feeling a small pang to buck apples as well. “Now they can get some sleep while we go buck apples!”

Applejack waddled over and stuffed her doll under the sheets and made sure it was snug under the blankets. Rarity just sighed and followed suit. Applejack then jumped on her friend and hugged Rarity once again before asking “now come on we need to go outside and buck apples!”

She ran downstairs, and rarity followed along, and they both came to the apple trees where Applejack stopped, and the voice echoed through her mind once again. Why do you want to buck apples? You’ll just get your new pretty dress dirty besides little fillies don’t work they play.

Applejack stopped and nodded “yeah um…maybe I don’t want to buck apples.”

Rarity groaned as Big Mac came up and asked, ”why not I can teach you?”

Applejack shook her head. “no dun wana buck apples.”

Big Mac walked over to Rarity shaking his head and asked, “can you talk some sense into her?”

Rarity just cringed knowing she needed to be the one to help Applejack buck apples she ran to the first tree and bucked it with her back hooves making it shake a little, and a single apple fell. She clapped her hooves together with a small sense of pride and squealed, “Hey look Applejack I got one!”

Applejack rolled her eyes, and despite the voice, shouting, don’t Applejack! You’re going to get dirty!

Applejack bucked the same tree sending every apple from the branches slamming into the bucket. The farm mare smirked at Rarity and nagged back. “How about that!”

She then feels not a sense of pride but a want to continue so she goes to the next tree and bucks it giggling as t she went from tree to tree bucking them one by one. Rarity watched hoping that this would snap Applejack from the spell.

But as Applejack bucked more getting sweaty and covering her dress in dirt leaves and pieces of apple she blinked realizing that she was dirty and felt tired and the voice whispered, see being a big pony is hard and icky. You should just relax and get some sleep.

Applejack almost listens to the voice, but Big Macintosh came over and started to help the mare learn how to buck correctly bucking a tree with his own back legs. “There see if you hit the center of the tree you can get more apples.”

Applejack eyes beamed and she prepared and bucks again sending even more apples down as she thought no, this is fun...all that time playing with dolls and being silly. That...that wasn’t me... Big Mac patted his sister on the mane, and the mare blinked as the voice shouted, stop your supposed to be just a little filly!

Applejack shook her head and stomped a hoof down on the ground, “no! I am a big filly, and I wana help my family!” She starts to buck the tree more and more until every leaf fell around her she shouted in her mind. I love being sweaty and dirty and bucking apples! Big Mac held Applejack as she heaved up and down clearly having overexerting herself. Then Applejack’s mind broke she squealed jumping into a mud puddle and rolled around until she was caked in mud splashing mud all over squealing “I love being dirty and fun!” She then jumped into a pile of leave and threw them into the air squealing. Then she stopped suddenly looking down at her dress caked in mud and trembled seeing how dirty her coat was covered in bits of leaves. The mare stepped back as she thought to herself, what is going on? Why am I bucking apples? I...I…”

Applejack bursts into tears and ran off towards Ponyville as Rarity squeaked and ran after her friend. “Applejack wait up! Stop where are you going!”