• Published 3rd Apr 2018
  • 4,529 Views, 168 Comments

Rainbow Maned Guardian - cccvvvttt

When stuck in the human world, Rainbow Dash Finds a young child, who doesn't have excactly have a good life....

  • ...

Chapter 3

Rainbow Dash, along with Drake, and the newly found Pinkie Pie, where all walking on a trail, inside the dark, shady forest they found themselves in. Even though the sun was up in the sky, shi8nning down on the world with it's beautiful light, it still wasn't enough to make the forest have enough light to see clearly.

They were all hungry. That was the reason they were hunting in the woods, is to find something they could have as breakfast however, they didn't want to leave the forest, at the chance of getting caught by one of those humans, and to only have Celestia knows what happens to them.

Rainbow was keeping her eye on Drake, making sure that nothing bad was going to happen to him, while Pinkie was just bouncing aside them, as she usually does, but she was also looking out for some food that could be growing on some trees. Drake had told them some of the fruits that he knew grew on trees, thanks to school.

"Well..... I'm sure that apples grow on trees, and fruit like berry's grow in bushes." Drake said. Though Rainbow and Pinkie were unsure if he was right, since he was so young, and didn't seem to really know what he was talking about either, but it was the best lead they got for getting some food, so they looked for those areas.

"Hm, I don't see any apples growing on any trees anywhere!" Pinkie said, as she stopped bouncing, and went into a normal walk.

"Kid, are you sure that apples grow on these trees?" Rainbow asked,m as she hovered into the air a bit.

"Yeah..... I've seen them on trees... When I was at school." Drake replied, as he lowered his head at the word school. He missed that place. It was his safe haven, a place where he could escape the nightmares that where awaiting him at his house.

"Are you sure that they grow here, though? In this forest?" Rainbow asked, and Drake shook his head.

"I'm not sure......." Drake said, whilst rubbing the back of his head.

"That's just great!" Rainbow said though, it came out a bit wrong. Drake thought that she was directly blaming him for this, thus making him lower his head with shame, though this went unnoticed by Rainbow and Pinkie, however.

"Hm, maybe we should look somewhere else." Pinkie said. "Then we could-" She was cut off when she heard somepony, more like someone shouted something that made all three of them freeze.

"OH MY GOD!!!!! IS THAT A TALKING PONY?!?!?!?" The voice shouted. They were all paralyzed with fear, as they looked around. However, they saw nothing, but the trees that surrounded them.

"What the? Who said that?" Rainbow called out, trying to locate the creature who said that, but all she got in return, was more voices. Even though they couldn't see where they were coming from, they heard the direction that the voices were in. It was coming from outside the forest.

"Wait, were not over there, that means, one of our friends have to be over there." Pinkie said, with an overly dramatic gasp. Rainbow, realizing that her pink friend was right, turned her head in the direction.

"If one of our friends are over there, then we have to help them!" Rainbow said, as she was getting ready to fly off in that direction.

"Wait!" Pinkie shouted unexpectedly , causing Rainbow and Drake to jump up in shock.

"What Pinkie?!" Rainbow asked, hating the feeling of being shocked by something, even though she was supposed to be the bravest pony in Equestria.

"I'm no Twilight, but shouldn't we come up with a plan for this, or something like that?" Pinkie asked, whilst putting her hoof up to her chin in thought.

"I guess..... But we should at least try to see which one of our friends are out there." Rainbow replied, and both Drake and Pinkie nodded their heads in agreement.

"Well we could hide behind something, and see which one of our friends their talking about." Pinkie said, as they began to make their way in the direction. The walk was short lived however, as street quickly came into view, and they saw what seemed to be a crowed of humans, circling around another thing.

"It's so bright and colorful!" One of them from the crowed shouted.

"It can talk too!" Another one said.

"Pl-please leave me alone..... I- I didn't do anything...." A timid voice pleaded with the crowed, a voice that was all too familiar to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie. The voice belonged to Fluttershy.

"That sounded a lot like Fluttershy....." Rainbow said, now growing a look of concern on her face.

"Come on! We have to save her!" Pinkie shouted, as she pulled out her party canon out of nowhere. "I'll blast them all away with my party canon!"

"What do we do?" Drake asked, not really being sure what to do himself. Rainbow put her hoof up in thought, before getting an idea. She looked at Drake, due to the fact that it involved him.

As the crowd of humans where pilled up against Fluttershy, the poor shy pony leaning back against a wall, with fear burning in her eyes.

"Please leave me alone...." Fluttershy said meekly, her efforts being rewarded with more photos of her.

"Where did you come from? Where did you learn how to talk? Are you real?" All the humans asked, which just made her even more uncomfortable.

"Hey guys...." The voice of a young child said to the crowd, and some of them turned around to look at him.

"Kid! Come look! It's a talking pony!" A women said, as Drake then put a look of fear on his face.

"That pony is dangerous.... I think...." Drake said, forgetting a little of what he was supposed to say. This made everyone in the crowd gasp with shock.

"ITS DANGEROUS! RUN!!!!!!!!" One of them shouted, as they all began to run away from the shy Pegasus, who had her wings over her eyes, but she removed them when she could no longer feel the crowd of all the humans. She saw the small child, who gave her a soft, but shy smile.

"Are you... Fl-fluttershy?" Drake asked, with curiosity in his voice. He had a little bit of trouble pronouncing her name.

"Um.... Y-yes, who are you?" She asked, not really sure if she should trust the boy or not. She then saw two ponies come out of the woods, Fluttershy knowing who those ponies where.

"Rainbow Dash! Pinkie Pie!" Fluttershy said, all of her nervousness removed from her voice.

"Hey Fluttershy." Rainbow said, as the three of them went into a group hug. Fluttershy looked back at the child, who was just standing there, with nervous singles coming from his body.

"Um..... Girls, do you know who that is?" She asked, looking at Drake.

"Yeah, I know him, he's with me right now." Rainbow said, looking at him.

"Why is he with you?" Fluttershy asked, as Drake got a little closer to the group. Before Rainbow could answer, an angry voice shouted out.

"Look! It's those dangerous ponies! They have a kid! Get them!!!!" The voice shouted. They all looked in the direction of the voice, and only saw that same crowd running towards them.

"We better get the hay out of here!" Rainbow said. They all nodded, as they made a full sprint away from the crowd, who only seemed to be getting closer.

Rainbow Dash, along with Drake, Pinkie, and the newly found Fluttershy, had all made their way back into the woods, away from the humans that were trying to get the child away from the "Dangerous" ponies.

"Thank goodness were safe..." Fluttershy said, out of breath from the encounter.

"Yeah... That was a close one, right Drake?" Rainbow asked, as she turned her attention towards him. He seemed to be looking off into the distance, distracted by something. Rainbow could tell that something was on his mind.

"Kid, are you alright?" Rainbow asked, as she hovered up next to him. He jumped a little, but then regained his composer quickly.

"Yeah.... I'm fine..." Drake said. Rainbow gave him a little mix between a suspicious look, but concerned look.

"If you say so......" Rainbow said, as her friends walked up to them.

"Who is he....?" Fluttershy asked. "Why isn't he with his parents?" Rainbow gave her a sad look.

"I'll..... Explain......" Rainbow started. "Lets go for a walk...." She said. As they were walking, Drake suddenly began to feel shame again. He lied. Something was eating at him. He knew that what it was shouldn't have been eating at him, but for some reason he couldn't explain...... It was.....