• Published 3rd Apr 2018
  • 4,529 Views, 168 Comments

Rainbow Maned Guardian - cccvvvttt

When stuck in the human world, Rainbow Dash Finds a young child, who doesn't have excactly have a good life....

  • ...

Chapter 2 (Author's note)

Author's Note:

I know this chapter was short, and it was going to be longer, but I've been busy, so this was the best that I could do

Rainbow was flying quickly through the air. While she was flying at a fast pace, she wasn't flying so fast that Drake had a trouble time holding on. There where a lot of things that where going through Rainbow's mind. She truly couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. A father, who was supposed to be their for their child, someone who would always protect them, and chase away the monsters of the night.

But his father was the monster. Not only that, but this monster, had forced it's son to attack him with the knife. Rainbow didn't truly know whether she should be horrified, or angry.

How could Drakes father do that to somepony so young? Even if he isn't a pony. Rainbow thought to herself, as some other thoughts came rushing in like a river. Drake..... He had to.... Actually stab his father. Nopony should ever go through something like that, or have to do something like that...

Rainbow really hated to be sappy, but this time, she really did feel like she could let out some of her tears, without the fear of being called out for it. Meanwhile on her back, Drake was going through something similar. He too couldn't believe what he done to his own father.

Why.....? Why did I have to do that? Drake asked himself, as he felt his tears threaten to escape from his eyes. I don't have anyone anymore, I'm all alone....... Alone, as a monster. He couldn't hold back his tears anymore, as they slowly dripped from his eyes. Most of them were lost in the rain, however, some of them fell onto the cyan fur of Rainbow dash.

She looked back at him, at first with a confused look, but she felt her heart ache at the sight of him letting all of his tears out. She could feel all of the pain that he had emanating off of him. Rainbow, now slowing her pace to a slow, looked back at Drake.

"Kid, are you okay?" Rainbow asked. Of course he isn't, he could have just killed his dad, he's probably feeling horrible, or something. I don't know, I'm not good at this. Drake looked at her, still with tears in his eyes, and a quivering lip.

"N-no, I'm not -okay...." He replied, causing Rainbow's heart to sting once more. "What.... What have I done?" Rainbow looked down, to find a place to land. She was flying over a forest, that had long pine trees. She slowly made her way back down to the ground, and once she was back down, she let Drake off carefully.

"Kid, I want you to listen to me." Rainbow said, with the best comfort she could muster, but she still wasn't good with this type of stuff. Drake looked up, whipping what tears he had left in his eyes.

"What you did back there..... Is something nopony from Equestria has ever done., and is something nopony should ever have to go through." Rainbow started. "But your dad was evil, and there might of not been another way.... I don't blame you for what you did, kid." Drake looked up at her, with a small, sad smile.

"Thanks, Rainbow Dash." He said. Rainbow gave him a warm, yet cocky smile.

"Come on, it's going to get dark soon, we should start a campfire." Rainbow said, and Drake nodded in agreement. They walked further into the woods, and they were quickly loosing daylight, as they gathered the martials that they needed. They found a small, nice little place to set up the campfire at.

"Hey kid, you don't happen to have anything we could use to light this, would you?" Rainbow asked, as she then saw Drake pulling something out of his pocket. It was this weird rectangular shape, with what seemed to be some sort of metal on the top. "What's that?"

Suddenly, Drake began to make it flicker, as a small flame came out. Rainbow stared there, in shock, at how he just made the flame come just like that.

"How..... How did you do that?" Rainbow asked, with a curious voice. Drake looked down at the lighter.

"It was something my dad said I always had to carry, otherwise...." Drake couldn't finish his sentence, as he remembered what happened that day.


"Listen here, you little waste of air!" Drakes father said, while holding a beer bottle. He could barley even stand up he was so drunk.

"Yes...... Dad? Drake said, with a timid voice, that was mixed with fear. Suddenly, he felt something tap against the front of his feet. He looked down, and saw a lighter, but he didn't move.

"Pick it up, dammit!" His dad shouted, as Drake did just that. He looked at it, with a look of uncertainty plastered all over his young face.

"Why do I need this?" Drake asked, and his father just laughed at him.

"Because, your going to set things on fire for me." His father said, with a simple, yet evil tone. Drake had a shocked look.

"But in school.... They said that fire was-" He was cut off when he felt the blunt part of the beer battle that his dad had make it's contact with the side of his cheek. He feel to the ground, as he coughed, a lot.

"You better do as I say, otherwise I'll do that again, do you understand, you worthless, stupid killer of a child?!" His father shouted, and Drake just nodded his head.

"No wonder I drink with a son like this...." Was the last thing his father said, before walking off, leaving Drake all alone.

End of flashback...

"Kid... Are you alright?" The voice of Rainbow asked, causing Drake to snap out of his little episode.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just thought of something, that's all." He replied. He looked at the pile of wood that he and Rainbow made, that was surrounded by some rocks, to keep the fire from spreading. He slowly bent down to the fire place, and began to lit it with his lighter. Soon, the wood was set aflame, as the small pile of wood became the little campfire that he and Rainbow would sit around.

Rainbow looked at him, as he looked into the flames. It seemed like he was just under some sort of mind control as he did so. He wasn't moving a muscle, all he was doing, was staring into the flames. A thought came to Rainbow.

He's all alone. He probably doesn't even know his other family, if he has one at that. Where will he go after we're all sent back to Equestria? That's when it clicked in her head. Maybe.... Twilight will let me take him back to Equestria, since he has no where else to go, and he can even stay with me. Rainbow shook her head slightly.

Wait, hold on, what about being a Wonderbolt? That has always been my dream. Sure, he might still be able to come to Equestria, but who would he stay with? Would he even be able to stay with me? I live in a cloud house, and I don't think that he can walk on clouds.. She then looked back at Drake.

He's all alone, though. Even if I'm the one who can't take care of him, I will be the one to get him back to where he can truly be happy at, Equestria.

"Hey kid, can I ask you something?" Rainbow asked, finally getting Drakes attention away from the fire.

"Sure, what is it?" He asked back.

"Well, I was wondering..... If you wanted to come back to Equestria with me ..." Rainbow said, and Drake gave her a curious look.

"The place where you live at?" Drake asked, and Rainbow nodded.

"Yeah, that's the place, and I think you would be happier there than here." Rainbow said. Drake put his hand up to his chin in thought. He didn't really have anything else to live for in this world, but in Equestria, maybe he could have someone to be there for him. Maybe..... It was just a thought, after all.

"That would be cool." Drake said, with a smile. Rainbow returned it, before looking at the fire.

"I would have to ask my friend, Twilight first though, but knowing her, she would have to say yes." Rainbow said, as she looked back at Drake. "We should get some sleep, my friends are still out there, and I need to find them."

Drake looked at her, with a nervous glance.

"Are your friends nice?" He asked, and Rainbow nodded.

"Of course they're nice, they might be some of the nicest ponies you-" She was cut off, when she heard another voice, that didn't belong to either of them.

"Dashie?" The voice asked. Rainbow recognized it as the childish nickname that Pinkie had given her, and the voice sounded just like her.

"Pinkie? Is that you?" Rainbow Dash asked, with a hopeful voice. Suddenly, something rushed through the air, with full speed. The thing that rushed through the air, was a certain pink bouncing party pony. Pinkie rushed towards Rainbow Dash, and tackled her to the ground, while also pulling her into a tight hug.


"PINKIE!" Rainbow Dash shouted, causing the earth pony to stop her little rant. "It's glad to see you too, but can you please slow down?!" Pinkie nodded her head furiously.

"Okay! I can slow down! See?" Pinkie said, and with that, she instantly calmed down.

"Thank you, Pinkie." Rainbow Dash said, a small smile forming on her face. "It's good to see you too." Drake, who was now standing, was just staring at them, with curiosity in his eyes.

"Who's that?" Drake asked, pointing a finger at the pink mare, who was surprisingly staying still, until she noticed that Drake was there.

"Heya there, little cutie!" Pinkie said, bouncing over to him. "My name is Pinkie Pie, what's yours?" Drake took a few steps back, with uncertainty.

"Dr....Drake......" He said, with a bit of a gulp.

"Heya Drake! My name is Pinkie Pie! Wait, I already said that!" Pinkie said, not being able to control her giggles. Rainbow hovered over to them, with a slight, yet worried look on her face.

"Pinkie! I need to talk to you, in private for a minute..." Rainbow said, giving her a serious look.

"Okie Dokie Lookie!" She said, as she and Rainbow walked out of hearing distance from Drake, while still keeping her eye on him.

"Pinkie, I need to tell you something that is very important, alright?" Rainbow said, and pinkie nodded.

"Alright! Go on and tell me!" Pinkie said, bouncing up and down in the air.

"Drake, right now, is homeless." Rainbow Dash said, causing the pink mare in front of her to grow a face of shock.

"WHAT?!" Pinkie shouted, causing Drake to look at them, with a confused look upon his face. He was still at the fire, and yet he still heard Pinkie from a mile away. Rainbow quickly placed her hoof over Pinkie's mouth, and looked at him, with a nervous smile. As soon as Drake returned to glaring at the fire place, Rainbow looked back at Pinkie.

"I'm going to remove my hoof from your mouth, but you cannot shout again, understand?" Rainbow asked, and Pinkie nodded her head. Rainbow removed her hoof, and Pinkie gave her a look of concern and worry.

"What do you mean he's homeless?" Pinkie asked, as she looked back at Drake, before turning back to Rainbow. "Is that the reason he's with you?" Rainbow nodded.

"Yes, that's the reason, but that's not even the worst part about this." Rainbow said.

"What is, then?" pinkie asked.

"The worst part is that his father was.... Hurting him, in many ways." Rainbow said. Pinkie was wearing a stunned expression.

"His father, was hurting him?" Pinkie asked, and Rainbow once again nodded.

"He probably doesn't want to talk about it, but I saved him from his father." Rainbow said.

"Wait, you saved him, what happened?" Pinkie asked. Though, she was usually bouncy and had a bubbly personality, she was serious when she needed to be.

"His father was about to do something horrible to him, so I went in to stop him, and when I did, he SOMEHOW got the upper hoof on me, and starting chocking me." Rainbow started. "Then, Drake got a knife, and.... Well, I think you got the rest..." Pinkie was stunned, as she looked back at Drake.

"I feel so bad for the little guy, maybe I'll make him a cupcake." Pinkie said, with a small smile. Rainbow sighed.

"I'm pretty sure that Drake see's himself as a monster right now." Rainbow said, only letting a single tear drop from her eye. "I know he's not, though. He was just forced to do something bad, and..... Well I can't really blame him for what he did." Pinkie put a hoof on her friend.

"I'm so sorry to hear that about the little guy, but I don't think he's a monster either." Pinkie said, as she soften her look. "I know you want to bring him back to Equestria, right?"

"Yeah. how did you know?" Rainbow asked.

"Well duh, your the element of loyalty, you would never leave a colt that had nopony alone, and besides, you already brought him with you." Pinkie said, with a smile. I hope that we can bring him back too." She felt herself in the embrace of Rainbow Dash.

"Thanks Pinkie." She said, as she then gave her friend a serious look. "But don't think about telling anypony else that I was sappy, alright?" Pinkie nodded.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie said, as she did all the steps for the pinkie promise, Rainbow gave her friend a smile, before she nodded her head in the direction of Drake.

"Come on, we should get back to him, what do you say?" Rainbow asked, as Pinkie nodded in agreement. They both made their way back to the small campfire, with the only other living thing there being Drake. As they reached the site, a thought came to Rainbow.

I hope that nopony, or human will be able to hurt him ever again. I'll make sure that he can't be hurt be any other pony or human. Rainbow thought to herself, as they finally made it back to the fire.

The night had been pretty long, and very cold. When they got back to the fire, they talked about how life was like in Equestria, and about all their friends, like Applejack, who was sometimes competitive towards Rainbow Dash, Twilight, who was the smartest one of them, Rarity, the one who loved to make dresses, and lastly Fluttershy, the kindest pony you would ever meet, but has a tendency to be a bit shy sometimes. Those where how their friends where described.

After that, they talked about other things, like funny jokes, and what not. While there was some laughter thrown through out the night, that didn't stop Drake from having the look of hurt, and shock in his eyes. Though, they had a good time, Drake mostly kept to himself, instead of talking.

After they did all of that, they fell asleep, only to have a new day shed upon them, as the brightness of the earths sun came up. Rainbow began to stir in her sleep, as her eye lids began to break apart, causing them to open. She let out a loud yawn, as she usually did when she woke up. She felt the warmth of something else, and when she lifted her wing, she saw Drake.

Rainbow was confused at first, but then she remembered that she let him sleep with her last night.

Right, I didn't want him to be cold, so I let him sleep under my wing... Its kind of cute... Rainbow said, as she then shook her head lightly. Not a big fan of cute stuff..... But I guess that I could let it pass this time.... She wanted to back to sleep, but then she realized two things.

One, was the ground was no longer comfortable to sleep on, and second, she had to find her other friends, they were still missing. Rainbow groaned, as she got up slowly, and carefully. Though, she didn't want too, she knew that she had to wake up Drake.

"Drake, can you wake up, please?" Rainbow asked, causing him a stir in his sleep. He too began to wake up, as he rubbed the tiredness from his eyes.

"Where.... Am I?" Drake asked, as he looked around. He remembered the events that happened yesterday, and his somewhat confused face turned back to normal. "Hello, Rainbow Dash." He let out a small smile.

"Good morning, kiddo." Rainbow said back. While those two where awake, a certain pink pony started to wake up as well. Pinkie yawned, as she got up, and saw that Drake and Rainbow where awake.

"Good morning you two!" She shouted, once she was close enough to them, causing them to recoil with surprise.

"Pinkie! You scared the heck out of us..... I mean, you could have scared Drake!" Rainbow said, trying to correct her sentence. Pinkie giggled.

"Sorry about that, we should get some breakfast, what do you think?" Pinkie asked. Rainbow looked at Drake, then looked back up at Pinkie.

"That sounds good, what do you think, Drake?" Rainbow asked, and Drake just nodded his head. "Alright, lets go then."

"Okie Dokie Locky!" Pinkie said, as they left their campsite, and began to hunt down whatever they could find for their early morning meal.