• Published 31st Mar 2018
  • 1,038 Views, 41 Comments

A New Starting Point - Lunar Flarion

A stallion finds himself in a new universe, which is far better than his own.

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Chapter 2: A New Friend with A Dark Past

POV: HT: Flare
I awoke to blinding lights and the smell of sterilization. I was in pain, so I repositioned myself slowly. I let off a moan as my body settled, looking in front of me, I saw a white bed with a white wall.

'Where am I?' I thought, I scanned the room, first to the right... nothing interesting to note other than I might be in a hospital of some kind. When I scanned to the left, I saw a weird sight. A mare with pink bat eyes, amethyst colored mane, pale purple fur, and bat wings looking at me with worry. She was the one who broke the silence.

"H-hello s-sir, are you alright?" she asked, she sounded worried. I still had to recover from the shock. Was I in the underground anymore? If not, where am I? I finally decided to answer.

"Hi, um, who are you?" The mare eyes shot open, not from shock, but what looked to be interested.

"Oh, I'm, um, I'm Princess Prim Bite! But, you can just call me Prim Bite, also you have a cool red eye!" She stated. I chuckled, she sounded like my bro. Also red ey- oh, that red eye.

"Well, Prim Bite, I'm Lunar Flarion, nice to meet you," I said, as politely as I could. One thought bit at me, where was I? I decided to ask.

"Hey, Prim Bite, where am I, also why am I in a hospital bed?" Prim Bite looked at me with confusion, but that soon fell through and she answered.

"Well, you are in Equestria, more specifically the medical area of the castle! Also, you're in the hospital bed because I found you injured! I made you a vampony to save your life!" She said that last bit with pride. Though I can't turn from one monster type to another, so I had to tell her.

"Well, thanks for helping me, but I can't be turned into a vampony," I said, she looked at me confused. I was about to explain but she stopped me.

"Wait! Before you explain, I'm going to go grab some ponies, I'll be right back!" She said, before bolting off into the opposite direction. But, I waited like she asked, but while I waited I decided to quiz myself.

'Why doesn’t my side hurt?" I thought to myself. Ever since I got the large gashes in my side I’ve had a pain there. Even though I got some pain medicine, it doesn’t really help with magical wounds. I didn't get to answer my question, as I heard several hooves coming my way.

Several ponies walked in, all in various states of consciousness, but the one with the glasses seemed to be wide awake and had a... notepad in her magical grip? All of them looked at me, all but Prim Bite looked shocked at the one glowing red eye that I had. The only stallion of the group looked at me with worry. Finally, after a couple of minutes of staring Prim Bite finally said," Mom, Dad, Midnight, Night this is lunar Flarion, Lunar Flarion this is my family."

I sat there bewildered, where was she going with this. Thankfully she answered the question rather quickly.

"I think we should ask each other questions!" She stated with a smile. The one wearing the glasses named Night was about to say something, but I believe the named Midnight got to asking first.

"Alright, is there any other name we can call you other than Lunar Flarion?" She asked, looking him over.

"Sorry, you can call me Flare," I replied, Midnight looked at me skeptically but nodded in approval. Night was the one to ask the next question.

"What are you? Because, when we found you, you weren't a vampony." I looked at her for a second, then replied.

"I'm a skeleton-monster pony, uh, with skin and stuff," I replied, Night looked at me dumbly, but right now I think she would believe most of what I said.

"A monster? Sorry, but even with your scars and eye, you don't look like a pony who would hurt kids." Midnight said. At that Flare’s red eye disappeared, a look of dread now plastered on his face. Indeed in the underground, his kind was starving, he only killed two, the town got the other ten or so.

"Midnight!" all the others shouted, but before the could ridicule her further, I spoke up.

"She is wrong, up until 8 years ago. When the underground started to run low on food," I said, "Let me explain, we monster ponies were sealed underground by the regular ponies, to break out of the underground we needed 7 souls, one day, however, a young filly fell into the underground, she befriended us, but when she went to face the king..." I stopped, the death of the king, my cousin still haunted me, but after a short, while I began again," She killed him and left. The underground almost went into chaos, but the old queen stepped in. She was literally thrown out by the head of the royal guard, whom they made herself queen, soon the underground started going hungry, after that, I complained to her, but she wouldn’t listen. So instead of trying to fix the problem, she tricked me into following her into the woods... tried to finish me off there, but she failed... After that, I knew the queen failed us, so I had to make a decision... you can guess what it was."

They all looked at me, shocked. I expected them to call me a monster, but instead, the mother of Prim Bite said,

"That was brave of you when your queen failed and you helped her subjects. Even if what you did was wrong, you thought it best at the moment," she concluded, the others thought about it, but then nodded. They understood the situation my kind was in, and they understood the action was necessary.

"Heh, thanks, but I guess I should be going, you don't want someone like me around," I said, but the royal family surprised me once again.

" That will not be necessary," Prim Bite's father said, he looked me dead in the eye and continued," You don't need to leave, we will house you, besides we don't want our citizens to panic at a strange pony like you."

I most likely had a stupid look on my face but I smiled and replied, "Thank you, and for letting me stay, I'll help in any way I can." They all smiled. Midnight looked at me and finally said the funniest things I have ever heard from a princess," Are you good at hide-and-seek?"

I looked at her and replied," I am, why?"

"Meet me down the hall and to the left from this room tomorrow, at noon." She said, and then added," You should get some sleep, cause tomorrow, you'll be helping the captain with her guards!" With that, they all smiled and left, leaving me to get some more rest. Tomorrow will be an eventful day. And the rest of my time here was about to get interesting...

Author's Note:

Here, have a picture of Midnight Bite.