• Published 18th Mar 2018
  • 2,415 Views, 8 Comments

Lycanthropy - Cipher800

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Twilight Sparkle, a lavender alicorn pony with a navy blue mane opened her purple eyes. She got up from bed and stretched like a dog before looking out of the window of her castle in Ponyville. It only felt like yesterday when she moved to Ponyville before her days as a princess. Everyone was happily going about on their lives, including her.

It seemed like a normal day at first, but when she went to the bathroom and looked at the mirror, she found a patch of wet, black skin on her muzzle reminiscent of a dog's nose in the place where two nostrils normally were. And when she dropped her mouth in shock, her teeth were not that of an equine's, but razor-sharp fangs. But other than that, she was still a pony, just with a dog's nose and teeth.

"Okay, this, is not natural. I better write to Celestia and Luna about this!" Twilight said as she ran to the room of her number one assistant, a purple dragon with green spines and a lime green underbelly.

"Wake up, Spike! Wake up!" Twilight said as she nudged her assistant until he opened his eyes.

"Twilight, what is it? Why is- oh." Spike said as he found Twilight's doglike nose and teeth.

"Spike, I woke up this morning and I found myself with dog features on my face. We better find out what this condition is." she said as she grabbed Spike and placed him on her back and continued rambling until she went to the library. Book after book, and nothing came out until she unknowingly grabbed a book about urban legends and skimmed around to find-

"Lycanthropy, a mysterious type of transformation magic that will slowly turn the pony that is inflicted into a wolf. No one has been diagnosed for this mysterious condition." Twilight said. "Until now."

"Lycanthropy? I thought it was just a myth?" Spike said as his eyes widened. He turned to Twilight, who's tail hairs fell off. Twilight's eyes opened as what numb of tail was left stretched out exponentially, growing a fluffy coat of lavender fur on it. To Twilight, it was like a new limb of blazing-hot metal was growing right out of her rump. Her cutie mark was turning lavender, almost as if it was fading away.

"We have to find my friends, and fast!" Twilight said before she began to feel immense pain, yelping like a dog would before she lay back down breathing painfully.

"Spike, find my, ow, friends. Moving is... ugh... too painful." Twilight said before she limped towards a pillow and lay down.

"Don't worry, Twilight. I'll help you. Just, please hang in there." Spike said before someone else walked in. A unicorn of light lavender fur came in. She had purple hair and cyan blue eyes. This had to be Starlight Glimmer, Twilight's first student.

"Starlight, there's something wrong with Twi, look!" Spike said as Starlight saw Twilight's doglike nose and tail and fading cutie mark.

"What's wrong with her?" Starlight said as she walked towards Twilight.

"She thinks it's lycanthropy, an urban legend disease of some kind. I'm not entirely sure if it is lycanthropy or not, but we must know how she's doing and the progress of her transformation. She said that we need to find her friends, but we need to see how she's doing at the same time." Spike said with a look of worry.

"Um, Spike? Do you realize that you write letters and send them via fire?" Starlight said.

"Yeah, I can send letters to anyone I want, but usually, I send it to Celestia. Oh hang on, there Starlight! I just realized that I can send letters to anyone. Let me get about five scrolls and we'll be on our way." Spike said as he went to another room.

"Don't worry, Twilight, we'll help you, I promise." Starlight said as she walked towards Twilight, who's transformation seems to have halted for the moment, but she was still seeming to be in excruciating pain.

"Thank you, Starlight. Thank you." Twilight said.

Meanwhile, Spike was busy writing letters to the rest of the Mane Six, telling them about Twilight's condition.

"To my dearest friends- No, that won't work." Spike said before he turned to another piece of paper and began writing again.

"Help! Twilight is in trouble and seems to slowly be turning into a wolf! She thinks it's lycanthropy and- No, wait that works." Spike said as he resumed writing.

Back in the library, Starlight was still looking at Twilight, who was wagging her tail a bit to see that someone was still going to be with her through this transformation.

"I'm starting to think that the transformation goes in stages." Twilight said as she got up onto her hooves.

"No, wait, do you say it goes in stages?" Starlight said.

"Yes. I didn't feel any pain when I got up this morning, so that is my conclusion. First, I got up with a dog's nose and teeth, then, my tail became that of a wolf's, and now I feel the sudden urge to eat meat. Must have been my stomach reshaping itself. Unlike the rest of my body, my cutie mark seems to be fading gradually." Twilight said before she started to feel sleepy.

"Great, now I feel sleepy again. Good night, my faithful student." Twilight said before she fell asleep on a couch.

"Starlight! I finished the letters, and they should be here in a few minutes." Spike said as he looked at his sleeping friend. Twilight was kind of cute at her current state and appearance, even though it may be a disease or not. Twilight seemed to be okay.

The door opened to reveal the group that Spike called for: an orange earth pony with a blonde mane and green eyes, a butter-yellow pegasus with sky blue eyes, a pink earth pony with a dark pink mane and periwinkle eyes, a white unicorn with dark purple hair and cerulean eyes, and a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane and magenta eyes. All of them walked towards the transforming alicorn.

"Oh... my... word." Rarity said before fake-fainting.

"So ya weren't lyin', Spike. There is something wrong with her." Applejack said as she looked at Twilight.

"She came to the conclusion that it is lycanthropy, an urban legend of sorts in which a pony becomes a wolf." Spike said as Twilight's hooves began to change. They seemed to get cracks around them before they softened and split open. The skin on the toes and base began to form pads as claws made their way through her toes, completing the new paws. Her coat grew a bit shaggier, covering what remained of her cutie mark, not that it was visible anymore.

"Is that, umm, don't we think we should." Fluttershy was out of words.

"Well, what I think we should do is take her to the hospital. Oh, and Celestia needs to know about this as well." Spike said.

"Good idea." Rainbow Dash said as Fluttershy petted Twilight on the head. Even though she was asleep, she seemed to like the gentle strokes that the pegasus gave her.

Meanwhile, Spike was writing a letter to Celestia.

"Dear Princess Celestia. Today, we have found that Twilight is slowly, but surely turning into a wolf or a dog. We need you to see this right away. She is currently sleeping on a couch in the castle library Sincerely, Spike." Spike said out loud as he wrote the words onto the paper and rolled it up into a scroll before breathing green fire on it, sending it straight to Canterlot.

"There, now it's on its way. Hopefully, she should be here any moment." Spike said as he went back to Twilight, who was still in a deep sleep. She hasn't shown any more changes yet. Hopefully, they can find a way to-

A flash of light brought a marble white alicorn with a mane of blue, green, and pink that was flowing in the absence of wind. She wore a golden tiara on her head, a golden collar around her neck, and four golden shoes on her hooves. She was also accompanied by a dark blue alicorn with a mane resembled the night sky. As opposed to the other alicorn, she had black regalia, save for her shoes, which were a sparkling light blue. Both alicorns walked towards Twilight.

"Lycanthropy? We thought it was erased forever by our teacher, Starswirl the Bearded. Why did we forget it?" Celestia said as she inspected Twilight. She didn't seem to be in pain, though. They looked at her black, wet nose, her doglike paws and her fluffy tail. No cutie mark was found.

"Could it be that lycanthropy is still around?" Luna said.

"Wait, do you have Starswirl's journal?" Celestia said.

"Yes, I kept it in the library." Spike said as he looked through book after book until he found the journal.

"Why did I forget about that before?" Spike said as he grabbed the journal and opened it.

"Ah, here it is, there's what we wanted. I finally found out how to prevent ponies from getting lycanthropy after all these years. With a quick spell, I managed to get rid of it. Lycanthropy on normal ponies can be erased quickly. There is only one case of lycanthropy left in the world, and not even I was able to erase it, unfortunately. If you happen to own my journal and you or your friend is slowly turning into a wolf, be thankful that this is the last case that will ever happen." Spike said as he read the book.

"And the last case of lycanthropy is on Twilight." Celestia said.

Soon enough, they turned to see Twilight's final transformation. She increased to Cadence's size as her torso became more streamlined. Her legs lengthened and became built for running. Her ears changed shape and became more triangular in shape as her snout grew longer and more sharp teeth grew. Her wings grew larger and looked more suited for flight while her horn lengthened and grew somewhat sharper. Twilight Sparkle was no longer a pony, though she did retain her wings, horn, mane, and fur color.

"Her transformation is complete. There's no turning back now." Luna said as a groan came from the transformed Twilight's mouth.

"Ugh, where am I? Is this a castle, where are we, Spike?" Twilight said as she grabbed Spike with her paws.

"Are those, paws!?" Twilight said as she looked at her new canine body in shock.

"Apparently, the worst is has to offer is temporary memory loss, it seems." Spike said as he walked towards Twilight.

"Spike? Who are those people, and why is Princess Celestia here too, and why am I a dog with wings!?" Twilight said.

"Twilight, I'm sure you have a lot of- hey, Luna!"

Luna pounced onto Twilight and started rubbing her head, causing her ears to droop as she smiled, poking her tongue out like any old dog would on a hot day. Celestia pulled Luna away with her telekinesis before walking up to Twilight.

"My sister, well, she tends to, do what she did." Celestia said as Twilight recovered from Luna's onslaught.

"I see why Luna would- how do I know her name!?" Twilight said. Everyone gasped when Twilight said Luna's name out loud, even though she seems to have memory loss. Twilight also seemed shocked as well before memories began entering her mind.

"Wait a minute, it's all coming back to me, Spike. The last thing I remembered before falling asleep after I was starting to transform into a dog, and now when I woke up, the transformation was complete." Twilight said as she looked at her new paws. She felt her bigger wings and longer horn with her new paws. At least she still had those. She channeled her magic and opened Starswirl's journal.

"When the transformation is complete, there is no way to reverse what has been done. It is fortunate that aside from the carnivorous diet and the more doglike demeanor, the subject is still mentally their old self." Twilight read out loud.

At least she is still herself on the inside. Sure, she might have cravings of meat, but she can at least live off fish.

"I'm glad to see that I'm still my old self. But what about everyone else I know?" Twilight said.

"Don't worry, Twilight. Once you learn how to get your instincts under control, I'm sure it will work out just fine." Celestia said warmly.

Author's Note:

Alright, so here is another one-shot. I kind of like dogs, and I also like MLP, and boom, this story was born. I hope you like my work here. Hopefully, everyone will be okay with Twilight's new form after this little thing. I had trouble finding a good reason to make this, but you do what you did.

Comments ( 5 )

I LOVED IT! I only have one problem. The story just jumps into the situation too quickly, when Twilight wakes up and then find out that she's turned into a wolf. That could be developed more. Other than that, pretty good. I tried to do the same when I wrote a story called Twilight Turns Into a Puppy, but I sucked at writing it. I cancelled it and gave the rights over to BluePuddlePonyGhost, who made it 100% better.

Still, a cute and adorable story. Stay awesome my friend!

Wait a minute. YOU WERE THE AUTHOR OF THAT STORY!!! Well, I did read it, and "Lycanthropy" was a based off that said story as well as a few other elements here and there, such as this AU "My Little Wolf", which isn't much of an AU, but is more of some guy drawing ponies as wolves. As for the ending, well, if you know me, I feel like I'm always on a time limit. I think I did a pretty good story, didn't I?

It was an enjoyable story, yes. Honestly, though, I'm surprised at how many people remember TTIAP (then again, it did receive over 700 views). But I do enjoy a good transformation story, especially involving dog and wolf transformations.

A good tip I can give you from my own experiences is to take your time. If you rush writing the story and you don't enjoy writing it, then it won't come out as well as you would want it to. Perhaps you could make this a series and have all the characters experience transformations. Try to get into writing multiple stories in one series (for example, see my Armada Trilogy) and then perhaps more people will read your stories (please don't take this the wrong way)?

Anyway, I've talked too much now. Have a wonderful day and stay awesome! :rainbowwild:

One-shots... aren't really my thing, but maybe I do need an editor.

I said that maybe I do need an editor.

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