• Published 12th Apr 2018
  • 4,654 Views, 193 Comments

Fireteam Storm - Lordvessel

Before her grand Invasion in Canterlot, Tempest Shadow seeks aid from some other skilled creatures under the Storm King's command. Like her, they too were promised something...

  • ...

Chapter 10: A Walk in the Woods

The route from to the clearing where they landed was quite the incline, especially in full kit. But it did little hinder them as the decline back was much more traversable, and it was completely unable to dampen the spirits of Sanchez, who was casually singing to himself, much to Carter's irritation. Carter was profoundly impatient at that current moment, and what made it worse was that he didn't know why. He should have been ecstatic, at the very least relieved that their final op had been completed, the one that bought their ticket home. Yet their was this unyielding nerve that screamed that something, at sometime was going to undo all the work they had done to get to this point.

"♪I'll never let you turn around, our back on each other! That's a good idea, break a promise to your mother!♪"

"Sanchez! Give it a rest dammit!" Carter barked.

"Can't help it, amigo! We did it! ♪Turn around your back on each other!♪"

Carter found a nearby stone and slight chucked it at Sanchez who managed to dodge it.

"HEY! Now c'mon man that would've hurt!" Sanchez said.

Carter didn't say anything, letting his angered look do the talking. While it managed to put a cork in Sanchez' singing, it only elicited his scrutiny.

"Seriously? How? How can you still be like this after everything that's happened?" Sanchez questioned.

"Because now we have to deal with the liabilities that come with it!" Carter replied.

"So?" Sanchez stated. "We'd be dealing with that shit even if we hadn't decided to forgo an additional pony princess statue! Granted Green's little stunt did complicate things, but it's nothing we can't handle, we've dealt with worse!"

Carter opened his mouth to reply, but was only able to voice a frustrated grunt and continued walking. However, Sanchez wasn't about to let this go.

"Cap." He called out.

"I'm done talking about it." Carter dictated.

"Carter I-"

"You deaf now too, cause I shouldn't-"

"ANDRE!" Sanchez practically shouted.

Carter stopped speaking and listened. Unbeknownst to the entirety of the Storm Fleet, Fireteam Storm had a sort of unwritten rule when it came to first name basis. While common military doctrine dictated the action be met with reprimand, Storm's situation was unique, where there ranks within the Storm Fleet felt rather meaningless. Up until now they'd only used rank or last names to keep communication quick and to the point, but use of the first name warranted the individual in question to get serious real fast.

"You can cut the rank and file bullshit. What's wrong? Why are you acting like this?" Sanchez asked in earnest. "You clearly got shit on your chest, so let it out. Nobody's around but you and me to hear it."

Carter was quiet at first, unsure of how to answer. He felt anxious, but couldn't really place a definitive reason as to why.

"I don't know, Ed." He answered rather quietly. "But something's got me on edge like no fucking tomorrow."

"I can see that, but what?" he asked.

"I don't know, it just feels like we missed something. Something that's gonna bite us in the ass and undo everything we did to get to this point."

Sanchez was quiet, contemplating what Carter had said. He himself wondered what it could be, as every single loose end and threat had been dealt with.

"I know it seems stupid." Carter relented.

"No, it seems like you're just being alert." Sanchez said. "What I'm worried is if you're becoming paranoid."

"Paranoid?" Carter questioned.

"I don't mean to question your judgement, man, but you've been on edge about this op since the beginning. Hyper focused on it playing out the way it was supposed to. But with Green's little display of compassion, I think you've been thrown off your game, looking for threats that aren't there."

Rather than decry his assessment t, Carter gave it some thought. Maybe he had become a little unhinged with the plan taking a different turn, to the point where he couldn't help but feel he'd failed and now when faced with the reality of the situation, he was desperately looking for something that just wasn't there. Carter sighed, a sign of possible acceptance.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I had my head set on the way things were supposed to go. And now that the Commander has us keeping eyes on that little shit, I'm off my game. Typical that Green finds a way to fuck it all up."

"Hey to his credit, I don't blame him." Sanchez commented.

"Seriously?" Carter questioned.

"Don't get me wrong, he threw a wrench into things with that stunt but it didn't break the machine. Regardless, I can't blame him for doing it. Whether its been someone getting petrified, or smoked, or tortured. We've done a lot of bad shit to get here, Andre."

Carter raised an eyebrow and smirked, honestly surprised Sanchez of all people would be pulling this card.

"Seriously dude, after all the shit we've seen? Don't tell me you're goin soft, Ed?" Carter smiled.

"Hardly, but I can't exactly say I like seeing it happen."

This sudden sympathy was doing little to sway Carter, wondering if Sanchez was beginning to lose focus.

"Need I remind you that we all agreed to do this shit if it meant getting home?" Carter questioned.

"No, you don't. But I'm starting to think you're losing the gravity of what we've done." Sanchez stated. "We've upended God knows how many governments and replaced them with a power hungry dictator hellbent on obtaining all the magic this world has to offer and we've had a major hand in his rise to power."

Carter was no longer smiling, processing his friend's analysis of his recent mental faculties. He was part outraged and part contemplative, how one would feel when told an inconvenient truth, which this very well could of been, wondering if he was right. But some of that adamant confidence that a good leader needed came forward to deny Sanchez' insinuations.

"Look, Ed, these people, this world, it's not our problem. The only thing I give two shits about is getting home." Carter asserted.

"Andre, look I'm not saying you get a hard-on for it like, Jackson." Sanchez said defensively. "I'm just saying you've gotten colder over these last couple of years. It's like you don't even care that we've ruined lives."

"That's because I don't care!" Carter insisted.

Sanchez gave him a startled look, honestly taken aback by the harshness of that statement. Carter sighed, and took a moment to recollect before delving further into his statement.

"Let me try explain. You use humor to cope with our situation, Jackson relishes in the suffering he dispenses, and Green uses his sense of morality to draw from when he feels guilty, as stupid and unhealthy as that is in this line of work."

"What I'm saying is that I'm aware of the plight we put these people through, but we have our own to worry about. This is the one opportunity to be free of our situation, Sanchez, to go back where we came from and start again. We've done what was asked of us down to the letter, and trying to see to it that it stays that way. My focus is what keeps me in check. Everything we've done for the boss is worth it if it means we accomplish that goal."

"Still, you don't feel for these people?" Sanchez asked.

"Why should I? They didn't care about ours?"

Sanchez needed no further convincing, as the mere mention of that awful memory made him feel slightly angered by how it ended. Sanchez sighed and ultimately came to the same conclusion, although he didn't verbally acknowledge such. Content the message had gotten through, Carter proceeded to continue their route. A few minutes passed and they found themselves at the nearby riverbed where they had landed the little bird, which laid underneath a pile of brush to which the two had to clear.

"Doesn't look like anyone saw her." Carter stated.

"And why should they when I'm Inconspicuous as ever? My skills of concealment are unparalleled!" Sanchez boasted sarcastically.

Carter rolled his eyes as he helped Sanchez remove the impromptu cover from their vehicle. It was a quick process, taking little over a minute to complete. The two then proceeded inside the craft, and as they began their pre-flight check, Sanchez struck up conversation once more.

"So, you think the situation back in the city is under control by now?" Sanchez asked.

"Undoubtedly." Carter answered. "Commander sent a pretty clear message today. Just wish it ended with four stone statues rather than three."

"Well look at it this way, at least with this guard duty we'll be kept busy. Y'know, stay on our toes so that if something does happen, we'll be ready. At the very least, I can hope it'll calm your nerves."

"Despite the fact that this guard duty is what's got me on edge?" Carter addressed with a raised eyebrow. "Your skills at optimism and observation quite frankly suck, Sanchez."

"Y'know I try to help, but then everyone's got to be a goddamn critic." Sanchez cursed, shaking his head before igniting the ignition to the flying machine.

The thrum of the engine roared and soon, the rotors above began to whir to life, as the machinations of the little bird began to work in conjunction. The trees and plant life around them began to whip and lash wildly as airflow was generated and spread across the aircraft. Sanchez grabbed the control stick, pulling back as the craft began to slowly lift off from the ground, soon ascending to great heights and back towards the city of Canterlot.

It was unfortunate that the two hadn't been more observant during their lift off, for if they had, they may very well had spotted the group of five soaked ponies and a drenched dragon watching them from behind the cover of thick foliage. Deeming the area to be safe, the group came out from hiding, to discuss what they overheard.

"I think we're safe, for now." Fluttershy announced.

"Twilight's still there! And she's alive!" Applejack stated.

"We gotta go back! We gotta save her!" Rainbow insisted rather foolheartedly.

"I agree, darling, but we're in no position to do anything of the sort!" Rarity argued.

"No KIDDING!" Spike concurred. "DID YOU SEE THOSE GUYS!"

"Seriously Spike!" Rainbow said dumbfounded. "You're the closest to Twilight out of any of us, how could you turn your back on her?!"

Applejack, with an angered glare was quick to yank Rainbow by the tail, causing her to fall first on her bottom, before shooting a glare her way and snapping at her.

"Nopony's turnin' their backs on anyone, Rainbow!" Applejack scolded. "But in case you haven't noticed, we all have ones we care about stuck in the city! My family, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, not to mention Starlight and the Pillars!"

Rainbow paused, taking on a rather shameful expression, no doubt as a result of her rash hoof-pointing. Content that the message had been delivered, Applejack's mannerisms took on a more sympathetic quality.

"I understand you're eager to get your hooves back in the fray, but we just don't have the slightest chance in rescuin' any of them by our lonesome! It's just a fact."

"I'll say!" Pinkie concurred. "For Equestria's sake that crazy unicorn crashed the party with an entire fleet of warships!"

"Not to mention an angry horde of spear wielding monsters!" Spike added.

"And the estranged creatures we just saw! My bits have them as the ones for blowing up both that building and the bridge we were standing on!"

"Speakin' of which, we haven't even covered those odd fellas that flew off in......whatever that contraption was." Applejack said. "By how they were talkin' Canterlot's probably well under lock and key! And by the looks of them, they seem well capable of keeping it that way!"

"So what do we do?" Fluttershy asked.

Applejack pondered the idea, and it didn't take very long for her to come with an answer.

"We need help, from anypony that's willing to give their hoof to free Canterlot. We've made plenty of friends and allies over the years. I'm certain they'll give us the help we need when we tell them of our situation. Problem is, we need to split up to cover more ground as quickly as possible."

The five elements and Spike were apprehensive of that prospect, but ultimately came to agree with a simple nodding gesture.

"Now onto who goes where." Applejack announced. "I guess I'll head to Appleloosa, got plenty of family there already, and I'm sure Little Strongheart can sympathize with our situation. I'll round up any ponies and Bison who'd be willin' to help."

"I'll head North to the Crystal Empire." Rarity announced. "Prince Armor and Princess Cadence might be gone, but Sunburst and the Crystal guard should still be in reserve."

"I'll head even further north and see if our buddy Prince Rutherford could help." Pinkie shared.

"I'll head into the Everfree and talk with King Aspen, Zecora, and the woodland creatures."{ Fluttershy stated.

"I'll talk with Thorax, see if he can lend a hand." Spike announced. "Although his hive isn't quite what it used to be since the reformation."

The ponies all looked to one another before staring back at Spike, who in turn was beginning to feel awkward with all eyes trained upon him.

"What?" he questioned.

"Actually Spike, we're probably going need you to get of two groups." Rainbow clarified.

"Huh I don't-..........Oh! Ember and the dragons!"

"Exactly." Applejack concurred.

"Well, they'd be a tremendous help for certain, but I don't know if Ember could get them all to help. Dragons from the dragonlands aren't the most sociable creatures."

"Nor the most charitable." Rarity added.

"Hey it's still worth the effort." Applejack argued. "If we can even get a portion of em' to lend a claw, it'd increase our chances."

"I guess you're right." Spike said glumly. "What about you Rainbow?"

"Well seeing as you're still a baby dragon, my guess is that you'll need a chaperone." Rainbow replied.

While his pried would have argued differently on any other occasion, the circumstances surrounding the here and now made her company all the more beneficial, not to mention expedient as Rainbow could fly faster and cover greater distance than Spike ever could hope to on foot.

"Appreciate that." Spike said earnestly.

"Hey, no problem little dude. Sorry about what I said before. We'll get Twilight and the others back." Rainbow promised.

"That we will. Applejack concurred. "We all got our missions, when we're done, we meet back at this spot, and get ready for the fight of our lives. Let's show Equestria why we were chosen to be the elements!"

Applejack outstretched her forehoof, a gesture for the others to add theirs to the pile. They did so immediately and in unison, raised them up, shouting in one voice.


The atmosphere of the throne room felt cold, dark, and dreary, a farcry to its once splendous glory. Where once Twilight had been a guest within these halls, she now sat behind bars, showcased as a trophy of war, as a prisoner. It had been hours since Commander Tempest had left her to attend the disturbances taking place across the city. The writing on the wall had been laid out just before she left, and her heart felt shattered by the mere implication that somepony, anypony, more than likely a pony she knew was about to be killed.

Suddenly, the clank of iron hoofsteps emanated from further down the castle. Twilight looked up, nearly felt her heart skip a beat. Other than the Commander and the creature who had seem to relish in making her suffer, was Starlight Glimmer, chained and brought forward in a state of disarray, sporting a profound bruise across her face. They approached Twilight's cage and upon arrival, Jackson yanked Starlight's chain leash forward, causing her friend to fall to her knees, much like herself when the cruel creature had kicked her to the floor.

"Princess Twilight." Tempest announced with clear condescension in her voice. "Allow me to introduce Miss Starlight Glimmer, I assume you two are antiquated?"

The mere fact that they got to her pupil put any sense of anger aside, replacing it with unyielding concern for the safety of what could very well be her last living friend.

"What are you going to do with her?" Twilight pleaded.

"Well now that you mention it." Tempest mused. "Starlight here is going to be my personal assistant for the remainder of our occupation, helping me sift through the various tasks of overseeing both stability and whatever assets our search reveals."

Tempest slowly began circling her cage, that same malicious smirk never leaving her face. Twilight new she had another purpose from her friend, one that put Starlight in peril.

"She'll also being serving as further incentive for your cooperation." Tempest explained.

Despite knowing it would come, the revelation still made Twilight's heart sink. Tempest completed her loop around the dimeritium cage and returned to where Starlight stood, caressing a hoof under Starlight's chin, much to the captives disdain. continued

"I could go into further detail, but I'm a rather busy woman. Given how I'm short on time I'll make it brief. Fail to meet my desired expectations, and I'm afraid I'll have no other choice but to have Lieutenant Jackson here oversee her supervision."

She could hear the monster in question chuckle under his breath. Twilight had already been subject to his methods once already, and judging by the bruises on her friend's face and body, it seems she met a similar fate. Any reservations Twilight had on aiding Tempest had effectively eroded, now knowing that not only her life was at stake, but that of her friend's put any hint of resistance to rest.

"That won't be necessary. I'll help you. Just don't hurt her." Twilight pleaded.

"That's what I like to hear." Tempest smirked. "And if you should stay true to that promise, no harm will come to her. Now, I suggest you get some rest, It'll be sundown soon enough and we have a very busy day tomorrow."

Both Equestrians tilted their head in confusion to that statement, wondering how the Celestial bodies were going to move at all without the guiding hoof of the alicorn sisters, but they didn't voice it fearing a reprisal. The trio that had entered now began to leave, and just as they we're about to leave Twilight's visual Range, Tempest turned around to her once more.

"Oh by the way, expect one of Storm shortly, they'll be your nightly security until the Storm King arrives.

Tempest proceeded to leave, as Twilight was just praying that if any of the strange creatures were to show up, it be any one but the one she had in tow. Despite her disdain for the creatures, Twilight was simultaneously curious about them, as they didn't seem to even be of this world, right down to strange machinations, vests, armor and pouches that adorned their bodies. Furthermore was their motive, and why they had allied themselves with this cruel band of marauders rather than the ponies of Equestria. She supposed that she'd never find out, but in time, that would be far from the truth.

Comments ( 24 )

"That we will. Applejack concurred. "We all got our missions, when we're done, we meet back at this spot, and get ready for the fight of our lives. Let's show Equestria why we were chosen to be the elements!"

Applejack outstretched her forehoof, a gesture for the others to add theirs to the pile. They did so immediately and in unison, raised them up, shouting in one voice.


TF2 Sniper Voice: "And then they got trampled by a horde of Emus. A gift from Australia.


Btw, I think it would've been smarter to threaten Twilight by breaking statues of ponies starting with those she knew. Every time she disobeys, one statue is thrown off a balcony.

Sounds like it could work, until you remember that the statues are only of the alicorns, and those alicorns are needed alive and imprisoned to aide in the Storm King's plan.

Oh yeah. Forgot about that. Still though. What they should do is execute a pony every time Twilight disobeys. That way she would cooperate effectively.

Can't they chip away parts of the statues, in places that won't kill them?
Like from face, legs, parts of cutiemarks, etc

Chip away the head to reach the brain so they come back retarded or something

"Still, you don't feel for them?" Sanchez

"Why should I? They didn't care about ours?"

hmmmm, the plot thickens! Apparently Fireteam Storm weren't the only humans dragged there, interesting!

I beg to differ.


So, how are you doing? Hope that you can update this.

Pls when's the update coming?

Update ?????

I, unfortunately, think it’s dead

Sadly on hiatus. Or worse, cancelled.

I hope lordvessel returns read this makes me miss him even more

"he didn't actively attempt to take over the world."

Uh, had Poland fallen in 1920, more would have followed.
And the very existence of USSR's client states makes your point moot.
He was just as bad. AND his "body count" is way higher.

Hello there?

What happened to this story?

The truth is, I honestly doubt it, it has been completely inactive on the page for more than a year, but maybe I could be wrong, after all, hope is the last thing that dies. When I finished reading the last published chapter I only thought one thing: "I don't see it possible for this story to end with a completely happy ending."


The truth is, I honestly doubt it, it has been completely inactive on the page for more than a year, but maybe I could be wrong, after all, hope is the last thing that dies.

Nice insight and wisdom there. I actually do hope that with this new year of 2024, that this would finally continue where it left off.

When I finished reading the last published chapter I only thought one thing: "I don't see it possible for this story to end with a completely happy ending."

Considering how Twilight has already been captured immediately than in the canon movie. And quite recently, Starswirl and half of the Pillars are already dead/killed and Starlight is heavily injured.

When you eventually see my very old comments in this particular fic. You can clearly see that I have theorized a similar bleak outcome for this stories potential ending as well.

But, what is your theory on how it would end?

First of all, sorry if my grammar is not the best, English is not my main language.
I'm honest, I have many theories about how it could have developed, first of all, the possible Allies of Equestria, that would not be a battle... it would be a massacre, in the first confrontation they would only have a numerical advantage, the buffalo, the yaks and the Dragons have more resistance but I don't think it is enough to withstand the caliber of weapons that Fireteam Storm, the changelings may be able to confuse them since they are not aware of their transformation abilities. I said first battle because I theorize that in the first confrontation they would be massacred and then retreat to make a better battle plan, in this case the story would be very long and perhaps characters like the hippogriffs, Carper and Caleano could appear and make a second decisive battle for all or nothing.

By the end of the story I take two things as undeniable facts, The Storm King is going to betray Tempest and Fireteam Storm once he has all the magic and that possibly Twilight and/or Starlight have influenced "Green" in some way, they will try to convince him that what he is doing is wrong and he should free them.

Once these two events pass I see three endings:
1._ The battle is at its highest point and due to the heat of the moment The Storm King kills "Green" or he himself sacrifices himself and dies, Tempest surrenders, while Fireteam Storm is at the mercy of Equestria and they are possibly condemned to Tartarus or stone prison (with all the deaths they have caused...forgiveness is impossible), there will be the possibility of even a sequel in which "Grogar" frees them...dreaming is free.
2._ The battle develops in the usual way but "Green" betrays Fireteam Storm and does everything possible to save Equestria, which causes the rest of his team to abandon him and leave him to his fate... with many threats of death.
3._ Everything develops like the movie, The Storm King dies, they try to reform Tempest or send her to prison, while Fireteam Storm escapes while everyone is distracted and there will be a possible sequel to see them all in the battle of Grogar 's Bell, although at this point it opens certain fractures within the team due to The Storm King's betrayal, the deaths they have caused and that they cannot return home.

I have a feeling that "Green" will affect how the entire story develops, militarily speaking...he is the easiest link to break the chain. Personally, I don't feel comfortable with the second ending I theorized but at the end of the day, the author has the last word on what happens in his story. The only thing I beg is that this story does not end like the typical story in which the human arrives in Equestria, repents of his sins, accepts Harmony in his heart and boom.... magically in one of the last two chapters he transforms into a pony and he forgets when he was human, because I know histories that they made that plot twist at the end.

What do you think? Any theories you want to share?

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