• Published 12th Apr 2018
  • 4,654 Views, 193 Comments

Fireteam Storm - Lordvessel

Before her grand Invasion in Canterlot, Tempest Shadow seeks aid from some other skilled creatures under the Storm King's command. Like her, they too were promised something...

  • ...

Chapter 8: Motivational Reminder

A loud and deafening blast echoed in the air as yet another Storm Beast was sent flying back several yards. This would have made Starlight's Fifteenth bad guy for the day, unfortunately, it wasn't going to be the last. With everypony she knew either captured or otherwise, Starlight had attempted her own escape from the city with her friend Trixie. However given the magician's rather panicked disposition during emergencies, that had lasted all about 2 minutes before they found themselves discovered and surrounded.

Thankfully at that moment, the combined force of Equestrian Guards lead by Shining Armor and the pillars of old Equestria had just so happened to be at the right spot at the right time. Seeing as both parties had been attending the festivities, they had managed to intervene before any harm could befall the duo. With their combined strengths, Starlight and the pillars had managed to work their way all the way to the gardens, near the hedge labyrinth that resided within.

However what had begun as their escape had now turned into an effective holdout, as they repelled wave after wave of the invading forces. The fighting had lasted a solid fifteen minutes without interruption, and in that time their numbers began to dwindle, as many were either killed or hauled off by the ever surmounting horde of Storm Beasts. Soon, all that remained were herself, Shining Armor, Flash Magnus, Somnambula, Rockhoof, and Starswirl the Bearded.

"Rockhoof! On your left!" Flash shouted.

Rockhoof turned to see two Storm Beasts wielding Halberds begin charging towards him. While the hulking equine wasn't particularly fast on his reflexes, he was more than capable when it came to his defense. Rockhoof flipped up his trusty shovel before catching the rear of the handle with his teeth. With two quick strokes he was able to parry the Storm Beast's lunges and quickly followed up by slamming the spade into both of their heads. One's helm had cracked under the intense force Rockhoof had put into his strike.

Elsewhere on the battlefield, Somnambula and Starswirl were in a tag team effort of dispatching their own set of enemies. Somnambula, with the aid of a pilfered enemy quarterstaff, swiftly flew in and out of the oncoming foes, landing light but swift blows on the Storm Beasts. In truth, she was playing the part of bait, as Starswirl used the windows of opportunity she opened up to blast the witless brutes with a variety of spells. Starlight, Flash, and Shining Armor found themselves using a similar tactic, with a few intermittent brawls of melee coming in for those Storm Beasts who managed to close the distance to land a strike.

"We can't keep this up much longer!" Somnambula cried out, as she evaded a Storm Beast's sweep with a blade

"Anypony have any bright ideas!" Rockhoof shouted, stomping down and probably breaking a Storm Beast's leg. "Now would be the time."

"I would teleport the remainder of us out of here, but to do so would take time!" Starswirl declared.

"How much time?!" Starlight yelled.

"Two minutes, but with onslaught we'd be lucky if we got thirty seconds!"

"Volley!" Shining cried out.

A rain of arrows came descending from on high, but the magically adept amongst them were quick to respond with shield spells that encompassed their party. The arrows bounced off the glowing aura before landing harmlessly on the ground. The remaining party were then quick to see yet another wave of heavily armored Storm Beasts approach, shields up and spears pointing out in their direction.

"They just keep coming." Flash breathed, nearly exhausted from the amount of maneuvering he'd been doing in the last hour.

"We have to meet them." Starswirl stated adamantly, horn already glowing and ready to cast.

"My friend, you can't be serious? " Somnambula questioned.

"Starswirl, there's too many of em', we need to fall back." Rockhoof insisted.

"Where to!? They're all over the city!" Flash cried out. "We'd be lucky if we made it another 100 yards!"

"We have to think of something!" Shining stated. "Maybe the Princesses are in the castle leading another defense! If we can fight our way there we can-"

"Uh, guys." Starlight quavered. "Where did they go?"

The remaining members of the party looked around, and to their astonishment, they found their enviroment devoid of the Storm Beasts, aside from those who lay injured on the ground.

"Where did they go?" Somnambula asked.

"Maybe we got them on the run." Flash suggested optimistically.

"No, I don't think so. They had the pressure going." Shining said, thinking strategically. "Why would they just stop when they had the advantage?"

Suddenly a slight clank of metal on stone came into earshot. The ponies instinctively turned around, only to see a small green cylindrical object bounce it's way towards them before losing momentum and transitioning into a roll. Starlight looked at the object, noting the strange white text that seemed almost printed on it's surface. Something about it striked her as familiar, but she hadn't the clues to pinpoint exactly what. In any case, Starlight and those present stepped away, unsure of what purpose it served, however everypony present doubted it spelled any good for them. Suddenly, the object made a loud pop before discharging a thick plume of white smoke, growing and spreading out in intensity with every second that passed.

"What in blazes?" Rockhoof muttered.

"Everypony get back!" Starswirl ordered.

Through the hiss of the cylinder hissing smoke, the sound of clanking metal was heard again behind them. They turned around and sure enough, another one of these cylinders came tumbling there way. Then another came hurdling over a nearby rooftop, and another from over the hedge.

"What is this devilry!?" Somnambula cried.

"Some sort of contraption." Starswirl noted.

"For what?" Starlight asked.

Starswirl set up a magical barrier around the lot of them, in his many years of wisdom was able to come with a quick conclusion.

"If I had to guess, they're meant offset us, perhaps obscure our surroundings?"

Starlight looked around, and found his words held merit as she could barely make out the surrounding area, as thick clouds of smoke obscured everything from view.

"Seems to be workin' flawlessly in that department." Rockhoof quipped. "Can't see a blasted thing through this smoke."

Starlight couldn't help but ponder this change in tactics from the enemy, almost as she had seen this maneuver before. Then it hit here like a lightning bolt, and she could feel her heart sink in her chest as she realized who they were now dealing with.

"We need run! Now!" Starlight pleaded.

But it was too late, something in close proximity to them let out a deafening crack, causing everypony to instantly recoil to the painful change in volume, only to become immediately distraught as something at break-neck speed effortlessly shattered Starswirl's barrier. This was immediately followed by a loud *thump*, leading to an equally frightening detonation behind them. Splinters of metal and strange reflective dust scattered in it's wake. Somnambula and Shining Armor were the closest, and thus suffered the immediate brunt of the attack. The two cried in pain as fragments of shrapnel tore through them.

"Shining Somnambula!" Starlight screamed.

Those who had been shielded by their comrades turned around to come to their aid, only for the deafening roar of the thunderous cracking sound to be repeated at sustained intervals, and a continuous stream of shearing tracers to follow. Attempts to raise another protective shield were achieved, but fleeting, as the able bodied unicorns felt their power waning, leaving their prospective barriers as little more than a slight obstacle for their attackers as they shattered like glass.

"Evade and scatter!" Flash cried out, taking flight." We have to get out of this smok-"

Another deafening crack cut his directive short, as another unseen projectile closed the distance and made it's mark in Flash's lower back, tearing through his body and exiting with a splatter of his blood.

"No!" Starswirl cried out.

As Flash plummeted to the ground, a figure obscured by the white smoke came rushing towards, making a B-line towards Rockhoof and Starlight.

"Starlight look out!" Rockhoof he yelled, pushing her away so that she was no longer in the trajectory of the enemy's charge.

The huge creature that now on closer view, looked like it was half machine, collided with Rockhoof, who just barely had time to brace for the impact. Despite the hulking equine's best efforts, the collision caused his hind legs to stumble, letting the gargantuan figure push him back several feet. Starlight, who currently battled both her unseen attackers and her fear of them, wasn't able to see the other large figure racing towards her from behind. She had only managed to turn her head by the time it had gotten close enough to attack. The last thing she saw before blacking out was the thundering end of it's fist, colliding into her temple which sent her to the ground unconscious.

Somehow through, the chaos, Starswirl saw the attack on Starlight unfold. The attacker in question resembled nothing he had ever seen, possessing an almost ape-like posture but bipedal, and yet had the exterior of some highly advanced automaton. Had it not been for the rolled sleeves revealing tanned skin and patched hair, he would undoubtedly guessed it was some sort of machine. The attacker turned his gaze to Starswirl, and responded by raising a rather large device towards him, the end of it resting on it's shoulder. Quickly concluding an attack was underway, Starswirl raised another barrier. Although weakened, the magical prowess Starswirl had achieved granted him some fortitude against whatever chemical dust still hung in the air. The creature's device discharged, revealing to Starswirl that it was the source of the loud cracking sounds that had permeated the air. Projectiles bolted forth from the weapon, leaving a bright streak in their wake. One or two had made impact on Starswirl's barrier before it had shattered into tiny pieces. Starswirl ducked in the nick of time, just narrowly evading three more as they soared over him. Starswirl was ready to press the attack, when suddenly another bout of cracks emanated from behind him.

Starswirl's eyes went nearly white as he felt their entry. The feeling they caused was overwhelming, as if shards of glass had tore through his ribs and organs. He only let out a pitiful exhale, as he seemingly felt as if he'd somehow been disconnected with reality. He still stood, but felt his strength gradually wane until it could no longer support his stance. He fell to his knees, coughing out sputters of crimson onto the ground as he did. His vision was directed downwards, as the seconds passed like minutes. He saw it with his own eyes, his own subconscious unable to divert away from it as if transfixed by some spell. He was looking at a puddle of his own blood, which grew and grew with every passing moment.

A loud tap managed to catch his attention for a second. Using what little strength he still possessed, he turned his head and saw a pair of legs slowly close the distance to him from behind, each step sounding like an avalanche to his ears. Finally, his attacker, no, his murderer, had stopped. By this time, Starswirl was on the ground, his robe and fur soaked a deep red. He could feel the life seeping away, slowly but surely. He had only the strength to let out one final query.

"W..why?" He mumbled pitifully. "Why do this?"

His attacker only stared down at him through the electric blue of his visor, a helm of advanced make obscuring any emotion. By the time he finally answered, Starswirl was gone.

"Because I'm done waiting." Carter hissed under his breath.

Sanchez checked his surroundings as he stared down the ACOG attached to his M4 SOPMOD. Upon finding no further threats, he quickly linked up with Carter after effectively subduing the other unicorn with a clean punch. Upon inspection of Carter's handiwork however, Sanchez whistled in astonishment.

"Old timer really held out, huh?" Sanchez quipped.

"Doesn't matter." Carter stated. "None of them had any chance. What's the status on the other hostiles."

"Them? Well I'm pretty sure the pegasus Jackson nailed is dead. If the bullet didn't kill him the drop sure as hell did. I'm pretty certain the two you blasted are still alive but down for the count. Those dimeritium grenades I made for your 40mm don't pack much of a punch when it needs to make room for the powder inside. And as for the other unicorn, pfft. I knocked her the fuck out."

Carter rolled his eyes as he watched his subordinate raise up his strong arm in admiration. Meanwhile, Carter could hear a scuffle taking place, just a few meters away.

"Hmm, well why don't you go make sure they're all still combat ineffective while I help Green." Carter suggested.

"Why would Green need help? When it comes to fighting I mean, dude's a giant!"

Carter simply pointed, to which Sanchez followed it's direction. Through the clearing smoke, Sanchez could see as Green and the large Earth Pony had been effectively duking it out for about two minutes now.

"¡Noombre! They're still fighting!? Pony must be fucking tough." Sanchez chuckled. "Either that or Green really has gone that soft."

"I'm gonna go with the former on that. Thing's fucking huge for an Equine. Precisely why Green chose to tackle it. But now, it's time to put an end to this."

Carter loaded a fresh magazine into his HK416 and began his approach. However before he could so much as take a solid step, Sanchez placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, hey. Humor me, cap. Let's see where this goes before we intervene. Besides, I think we can all agree that maybe Green needs a reassessment." Sanchez suggested.

"Reassessment?" Carter questioned.

"A chance to prove he's still in the game." Sanchez clarified.

As much as Carter wanted to be done with this, Sanchez proved a point. Green had effectively slipped a fast one on them all when he intervened on the princess, and despite his verbal reassurances, Carter had a suspicion that Green wasn't as in on the game-plan as the rest of them. Carter needed to see if that was the case. If Green killed this one with as much ruthless efficiency as he had shown in the past, maybe there wasn't much to worry about. If not, Carter would need to discuss some things with Green.

"Okay then. You've convinced me." Carter said, lowering his gun and spectating the fight between Green and the Earth Pony.

At this point, the smoke had cleared. The fight at some point had reached to a battle of melee, as both combatants had somehow been disarmed of their primary weapons, with an old shovel and Green's M249 laying several yards away from both each other and their owners. Green's helmet had been either thrown or knocked off at some point, with his face now possessing newly earned bruises and cuts.

The pony, which had been addressed as Rockhoof by his companions, was pressing the attack, launching consecutive blows with both his hind and forelimbs. Green was desperately dodging or blocking the pony's kicks and slams. Despite his advantage in size, one well placed attack to the head could have easily killed him. He was lucky the first time when his reinforced helmet took the blow, but simultaneous came off from the sheer force of the attack. Suddenly, Rockhoof then spun on his hooves and jumped, rearing both legs towards Green's head in the process. Green was quick though, and by ducking under Rockhoof's attack, he found his opening for a counter attack.

Green used the opportunity to deliver and uppercut directly to Rockhoof's lower abdomen. The equine in question winced in pain, but was able to quickly face his attacker in an attempt to set up a defensive response. However this would backfire, as speed suddenly seemed to be on Green's side, providing him an ample target for his next attacks. With all his strength, Green slammed down on the top of Rockhoof's head with one fist, then a precision jab at the underpart of his jaw. Rockhoof only managed to block the first one with his foreleg, but took the other directly. He could feel something snap as he yelled in pain. Green didn't relent, following his successful attack with more precision blows to both disorient and damage his opponent where it mattered, the head. One slug across the right of his jaw, another uppercut; this time to his throat, a powerful double handed slam to the top of the skull.

Each impact further tested Rockhoof's resolve, but each blow made him weaker and disoriented by the minute. He was still standing. In an attempt to get the offensive, Rockhoof stood on his hind legs, ready to shatter the ground beneath his attacker. This was a fatal error. Green was given his window, and with precision accuracy, delivered a knock-out punch, square on Rockhoof's muzzle. Green could feel the crunch of broken cartilage as blood spurted out from Rockhoof's nostrils. Any momentum Rockhoof had managed to gather faltered in an instant, as the momentum of Green's fist sent him falling to the ground on his back.

Green had to hold himself back as the adrenaline surged through his veins. Several seconds passed, and as his battle high began to subside. He could hear clapping coming from his left, and looking over his shoulder, he could see Carter and Sanchez standing there, the latter clapping his together.

"Way to go, amigo!" Sanchez cheered. "Finish his ass!"

Green's attention was then turned to the coughing fit that came from his opponent. Looking down, he saw that Rockhoof barely moved, the immense level of pain almost overloaded his senses. When he could finally make sense of his surroundings, his blurry vision revealed a looming form standing over him. Through his heavy breaths, he was able to utter a sentence.

"You.....you....you're...pretty tough, ain't ya." He panted, spitting out blood that had collected in his mouth. "Haven't......lost a fight..............in ages. What..........what in Equest......gah.....what the hell are you?"

Rockhoof began an attempt to get back on his hooves, but stumbled in the process. Green pulled out his Mk.23, and trained it on the pony.

"STAY. DOWN." Green warned him.

"I've......never been...one to stand down from a.......scuffle. I don't mean to change that." Rockhoof asserted. "You've already killed two of me closest mates...............I'm not gonna sit down..........and let their sacrifice..............go in vain."

Rockhoof was now on his feet, much to the anger of Carter, who felt Green should have down what needed to be done at this point.

"Green! End it." Carter ordered.

Green wanted to, or at least a part of him wanted to, to look like a professional, to convey to his squad that they were all on the same page. But this didn't feel right, something compelled him to hesitate.

"Go on killer...............do it............do as your buddy tells ya to." Rockhoof provoked.

"I said stay down!" Green barked once more.

Rockhoof then chuckled, as if laughing in the face of death himself.

"You think just becau-"

A Gunshot permeated the air as Rockhoof's eyes went white. He fell with a thud as his body went limp, the last traces of life exiting with one wheezed breath. Green was equally wide-eyed, quickly realizing that he hadn't accidentally discharged. When he turned his head to the right, he could see Jackson approaching, smoke venting from the barrel of his modified Mk. 12 SPR which he held in one hand, stock resting at the joint above the elbow. In his other hand was Green's helmet, which had been knocked off his head when Rockhoof bucked his legs into it, snapping the chin strap. Jackson walked directly up to Green before lightly pushing the helmet into his chest. Green took hold of it and donned it back on his head before meeting face to face with Jackson. Despite the helmet masking all emotion, Green could tell he was less than pleased.

"Can't save em' all, huh?" Jackson quipped with a malicious tone. "Prick."

Jackson intentionally bumped into his shoulder as he made his way past him to link up with the others, Green trailing behind, picking up his dropped machine gun and contemplating the severity of what he failed to do.

"All hostiles down." Jackson announced. "Orders?"

"Get the Storm Beasts in here to take care of the bodies and restrain the prisoners." Carter ordered. "Sanchez, Jackson, you two oversee the process. I need to chat with Green for a moment."

Those words nearly caused an anxiety attack in Green, as he knew he was about to get chewed out. Sanchez and Jackson replied with a simple nod before setting out with their task. Carter directed his attention to Green.

"Follow me." Carter ordered.

Green did as he was directed without saying a word. Carter led him to a nearby street that cut through a building via a tunnel. On a regular day it would no doubt be bustling with activity, but with the current occupation being enforced, it offered quite a bit of privacy. A Carter stopped just underneath the entrance, so did Green.

"Cap, look I know-"

"Helmets off." Carter ordered. "This needs to be a face-to-face conversation."

Green stopped talking and did as told. As he did, so did Carter, revealing his irate expression that was being solely directed at Green. For Green, the sense of letting the team down at such a pivotal moment made it hard to look Carter in the eye.

"Cap, I know I messed up. I'm sorry I-"

Carter cut him off quick gesture of the hand to stop talking. A second or two passed before Carter spoke.

"Green, where are we?" Carter asked.

The question came across as confusing.

"What, what do you mean?"

"No. I'm asking the questions. Just answer. Where are we?"

Green, confused but ultimately trusting the better judgement of his CO, opted to answer.

"Canterlot, sir." Green replied.

Carter nodded, but the overtones of anger in his posture were evidence enough to know that this conversation wasn't a simple inquiry.

"Canterlot. Would you call this place home? Do you want stay here? Hmm? Do you wanna stay in this shithole for the rest of your life?"

With one sentence, it became evidently clear where this was going. Green's only real option was to the verbal onslaught, and opt to do better in the future.

"No, sir." Green replied.

Carter then proceeded to get right in Green's face.

"THEN WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Carter roared. "This is twice now! TWICE that you've not been able to go through with the task at hand! The fuck is wrong with you!? What happened?!"

"I don't know, sir." Green answered defensively.

"Oh you don't know!? Well let me educate you then!" Carter said with sarcasm in his tone. "You think we're in the home stretch just cause' this is our last op. That we can just take it easy now that the mission's done!"

"No, sir, it's not that." Green argued.

"Oh you better believe it's not that! I warned all of you not to get complacent! Not to let your guard down! But look what happened. You come to the princess' rescue!"

"I didn't do it to save her!" Green shot back.

"Aw bullshit! You wouldn't have stepped out in her defense we're it any other op, but she was a princess, she was innocent, you couldn't step back, look the other way, you couldn't fucking help yourself! THE ONE TIME WHERE IT MATTERED! And then onto what just happened now. Couldn't pull the trigger. No qualms beating his ass to an inch of his life. But you couldn't kill him. Why? Answer me, why?"

"I, thought he would stand down." Green replied.

"And make it harder on yourself!f? Cause' that's what you've essentially done. You've made our job harder! We had her! RIGHT FUCKING THERE! But now we gotta guard her! Contain her! Make sure that anyone of these motherfuckers who live in this city don't stick their neck out and try and save her! And don't feed me that bullshit that you wanna earn favors with the boss by giving him more than he asked! No, you did it cause' you feel guilty! That's why you sweet talked the Commander, that's why you couldn't pull the trigger! Cause' you feel guilty! Don't you!"

Green didn't have a response, clearly his Captain had read him like a book. Carter took a deep breath, apparently he was able to vent his frustrations out. He posture and tone changed as he placed both hands on Green's shoulders.

"Green. You need to get your head back in the game. Need I remind you that we have one chance to do this right. We pull this off. We. Go. Home!"

That last word, that one word hammered the message across.

"You're right. I'm sorry." Green replied.

"Don't be sorry. Be better. Prove to us that you're still with it. Cause we can't let our conscious keep us away from where we belong."

Green nodded in affirmation. Content that his point had been delivered effectively, Carter gave Green some breathing room and donned his helmet once more.

"Alright, c'mon big guy. We still got work to do."

Reflecting on his commander's words, Green tried to tell himself that whatever crimes they committed here would be inconsequential in the greater scheme of things. But a biting nerve in the back of his head told him that this still wrong, and no matter what was said, or how greatly it could be justified, the feeling of guilt would never be so easily whisked away. Now, it was onto to Green whether his sense of morality took precedence over the team's endgame. A one-way ticket home.