• Published 16th Jun 2018
  • 376 Views, 0 Comments

School of Equestrian Magic - virgoknight

Story of six magical mares entering the school of magic.

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Chapter six pedestal or chitin.

Sunlight was piercing through the clouds on the town casting shadows in every direction. Changelings were scattered unknown to the occupants of the village. In the midst of this beautiful chaos was two powerful magi, weaving both alchemy and their magic together. Mares and stallions surrounded the town square staring waiting for the next step to happen.

Celestia sung softly "Oh little joke please fall and release your yolk."

"Let this little spell of ours change in size."

"Oh little joke who we douse with honey."

"Be as quick as this fur came from the adorable bunny."

"Oh little joke awaken to my touch."

Luna jumps in with a quick jibe "Oh little Celly don't you think that's a bit much."

The crowd chuckled as Luna was weaving lights that appeared as sigil's in the air around her. The hexagon cystal began glowing as it absorbed the magic surrounding her into its vessel. It pulsed with energy filling the crystalline globe with magical symbols that littered its surface. Lyra in the crowd poked her friend Bon Bon with her hoof and pointed at the globe making jubilant sounds along with her motions.

Twilight sat patiently nearby, Spike took the opportunity to comb her wild bed head using his claws gently upon her mane. A soft swoosh was heard as Fluttershy landed next to Spike holding her dear bunny in her hooves. Sweat could be seen dripping down her face as she watched the preparations for the test continue her eyes looking wildly about.

"Whoa whoa nelly calm down sugar cube." came a confident voice from behind them.

Applejack appeared with a cyan colored pegasus walking alongside of her making a hoof bump. Fluttershy looked at her saviors with a small smile and took a deep slow breath which calmed her breathing. The calming pegasus sat her rump down next to Spike as both the mares joined her in the crowd watching the two unicorns finishing up their performance.

"Sister I believe the test is prepared." she spoke softly as the pedestal was levitated next to the cauldron by a dark blue aura.

"Indeed I shall quite enjoy this test, now my little ponies is the time of the test." Celestia rose from her sitting position her rod still stirring with a powerful light aura around the rod. A flash of light surrounded the area and then it receded to normal sunlight in a few moments and in those moments potions of every color walked out of the cauldron.

"Are those walking!" exclaimed tan pony from the crowd.

"YEA." yelled a burly stallion with puny wings on his sides.

Celestia held a hoof at her muzzle as she tried to contain a giggle from escaping her lips. She looked over her potions with glass legs walking out the cauldron defying gravity and reason for doing so. Luna rolled her eyes as she used her magic to take to the the skies, vanishing from everyone's sight but her sisters.

"These are test potions for those who are brave enough to take a drink." She then followed up " And any pony allergic to most to any ingredients from Ever free should not partake from these potions."

The crowd murmured amongst themselves but an eager hoof rose quickly in the air, A pink hoof with a earth mare bouncing on her tail appeared in front of the crowd. This caused an audible gasp from the crowd but the mare paid no mind as she bounced in place in front of everyone waiting oddly patiently. Another hoof came through the crowd this time stood a daring cyan pegasus with a lightening bolt for a cutie mark standing next to the goofy looking pink mare. A deep breath was heard before the crowd heard a soft "Yay!"

"Oh come on Fluttershy, Twilight says you have quite the potential." Spike was heard as he was gently pushing the pegasus next to Rainbow dash who struck an heroic pose.

"Ah suppose its my turn." came forth Applejack standing tall next to the four.

"But hey your blacksmith!" shouted a little light pink filly while wearing a diamond tiara on her head.

"Yea go back to the soot and dirt, and yea you pink pony should be pranking someone not learning magic!" came another filly with a silver spoon for a her mark.

Apparently the crowd was surprised at the potential students before a marshmellow colored hoof waved in the air front of everyone gently directing the attention to herself. She stood next to the four making it five ponies attending and stared at them gently but with a hint of fierceness.

Pinkie pie was huddling with Fluttershy as the crowd slowly calm down, while Rainbow dash stood protectively in front of them along side of Applejack.

"Now now friends of Ponyville, I have personally spoken to both of these delightful unicorns." She waved in direction of the Celestia.

"They promised anyone who wanted to take the test...Anyone!" she motioned to herself and the crowd surrounding them with a patient smile.

Rarity tried to search the crowd for the two young fillies who began the verbal assault with no avail. She walked up to Applejack flicked her mane with a grin and stood next to them.

"Well that was fun right Luna, looks to be these five who will begin the test."Celestia spoke to the sky as if her sister could hear her.

"My little ponies its very simple but daunting task before you touch this crystal here to show if you have the ability to manifest magic." Celestia spoke as she made motions with her hooves.

"The crystal imbued with her magic can detect at a magical molecular level the potential that you born with." Celestia followed up as Twilight pulled out a chalk board making a diagram to explain the item in question.

"Now I did explain that any pony can learn friendship magic, this determines the chance that you can use it." She spoke gently as she touched the crystal in a demonstration.

The crystal became a fierce light that nearly blinded all, like a raging pillar of light that shone to every shadow in the village revealing to none who was hiding there. The crowd Oooo along with the five who stood there. Pinkie was wearing a pair of shades along side of Rainbow dash sharing a bowl of popcorn. Applejack covered her face with her hat as Rarity stood behind with Fluttershy while the bright light began dimming down.

"How was that sister." Celestia spoke aloud while cupping her ear skyward.

"better than last year!" She responded faintly from above somewhere.

"Applejack would you please come forward and prove to yourself, that you have magic." Celesita spoke standing at her full height which was amazing for a unicorn. Applejack jumped forward with a bit of nervous energy and as she landed she adjusted her hat. The crowd watched as the orange mare walked up to the gem and with no hint of hesitation visible by most leaned forward to touch the gem.

The crystal began humming as energy began springing to life, the crystal spun in circles as orange energy spilled forth filling the crowd with warmth that grandma would exude upon her family. Celestia raised an eyebrow at the event and then made a slow whistle.

"That my little pony shows that you have a impressive fortitude and potential in earth friendly magic." Celestia motioned for her to wait by the cauldron.

"Fluttershy would you please participate." Celestia made a gently motion towards the pedestal.

Fluttershy took fourteen slow breaths and watched her savior stand by the cauldron, she decided to take a leap of faith. herself. She walked forward cautiously while attempting to smile at the beautiful white unicorn only to stare at the ground. She made it to the pedestal and reached forward and before she could, Angel her bunny nudged her hard to side just enough to barely dodge green fireball.

"Now attack my little lings!" came a dreadful voice from little filly with pink fur and a tiara upon he head, green eyes flashing.