• Published 16th Jun 2018
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School of Equestrian Magic - virgoknight

Story of six magical mares entering the school of magic.

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Chapter three test questions

“So what yer saying is that umm ah possess sort of fidgety magicks?” Applejack said with a bit of disbelief.

Celestia giggled as her magus powers were finished scanning the ponies “ Yes my little pony and it is amazing mana that you and your friends possess.”

Twilight was scribbling furiously upon a piece of parchment held up by her levitation spell and Spike swore he saw smoke coming out of her ears. Rainbow dash was walking next to the beautiful but quiet mare and as she would touch her face often giving rise to the question.

“Hey uh Fluttershy I notice you touch that side of your muzzle did something happen?” The cyan asked with curiosity.

“Uh um it .. is ..” Fluttershy trailed off as she drooped her head.

“ It is... um.. a scar.” She mustered with all of her strength which came out as a soft whisper.

“That is ...so.... awesome!” Rainbow flew circles around the other pegasus.

Applejack whipped her head around and spoke “Rainbow quit yer bellerin can't ya see she don't like talkin about it.”

Celestia walked up to the three talking and gentle nuzzled the mane of the pegasus in question. Twilight still looking at this bizarre scene grabbed a book nearby and started searching through it at a fast pace. Spike thoughts wandered so she has a scar face I wonder what happened to her?

“Umm yea sorry about that but how did it happened?” Rainbow dash asked again while rubbing the back of her head.

“Rainbow Dash What did ah git done sayin.” AJ replied with a facehoof.

“I uhh.. rather.. not talk about it.” Fluttershy said touching her mane again.

“Ohh sorry something sad huh cool by my standards, anytime you wanna talk about I'll always be willing to listen Flutters.” Rainbow dash said with a tinge of red to her cheeks.

This caused Fluttershy cheeks to turn red as she turned her head “Oh ok umm thank you.”

“So is it common for Timber wolves to attack ponies around here.” they were interrupted by the lavender unicorn with her book still covering her muzzle.

“More so in the last few years.” Fluttershy said while Applejack looked at the ground with a scowl upon her.

“Interesting Timber wolves are supposed to be spell bound to EverFree as its sentinels its very odd behavior for them to attack outside their territory.” she said as if she was listing facts.

“What in tarnations do ya know!” came a angry voice from the mare leading the group to the village plainly in sight.

Over the grassy knoll was a rural but serenely beautiful quilt of colors arranged in such a way was a village. The arrangement formed more clearly as group recognized patches of farmland intermixed with the growing town.

“Them varmints have been takin lives from poor pony folk fer a long time.” she said softening her tone as she realized her anger was apparent causing the other mare to feel awkward.

Twilights ears drooped “ Sorry I only know whats in these books, I am usually reading books in my room or at the school, its all I really knowl.”

"Hey Jacks don't be mean to our friend who helped save us!" The cyan mare flew in front of the unicorn flaring her wings to life.

“Bah ah um sorry for getting mad at ya, just a sore problem for me.” Applejack said with a shake of head.

"Gah I.. am sorry to but I need this information, it could help your village and any traveler's." she spoke with a concern in her voice while still holding a book covering her muzzle.

Applejack surprised by her concern and thoughtfulness replied "Uh yer pretty kind of nice there and its Ponyville sugarcube and yer more than welcome to shoot the hay with us.

Celestia along side her sister stood at the entrance of the village with the magical crystal wagon pushing on observed her protege behavior as a mother would their own. Twilight stopped looking at her book and observed the village making mental notes of her surroundings scribbling here and there.

Spike throwing another sapphire into his mouth stopped chewing and mouthed one word “Wow.”

this place is amazing I hope we get to say for whilehis thoughts wandering. Fillies and colts ran around the wagon poking their muzzles in odd places.

"Cool nuggets we got visitors hi Applejack." spoke one of the colts from the group.

"Hey there nugget got to guide these mare around today." She waved her stetson at the group as they passed them.

“Tiss nothing fancy here but we do have a few decent crafts pony around.” Came the orange earth mare holding out her hooves out in a welcoming gesture.

“Ah am also the blacksmith here ah usuallly make shoes and kitchenware in case anypony here is interested.” She followed with a business smile.

“Shoes pfft those would slow me down and make me at least twenty percent slower.” Rainbow dash jiggling her hoovers in front of her.

Applejack rolled her eyebrows as she took the group touring the village explaining some of the hot spots. Celestia grinned as she followed her memories flowing into her mind auntie Tia can I have some more of the chocolate cookies here these are the best. Ahh Cadence was such a sweet filly I do miss her so, But I am sure that the crystal empire is treating her well. Luna looked at her sister and then towards a multi colored covered confetti building with a joking mask on its bill board sign, she made a gesture towards the building.

“Applejack pray tell what does this building sell.” She spoke with a curiosity.

“Hmm oh laughter and ah am told its guaranteed.” Applejack went on “Ah haven't been in there though ah heard its ran by a earth pony named..”

There was a pause in the air as she attempted to remember the name. But before she could answer them Rainbow dash raced to the door with a grin and opened the door. In that instance a bucket tipped over spilling its contents upon the cyan pegasus head. Powerful sweet scent of blueberries filled the air lighting the noses of everypony here. The mare turned around and looked at the group while trying to wipe the goop off of her feathers.

“Bah what is this stuff, I am so gonna get even with whoever did this!” She looked into the barrel of a cannon as attempted to step inside.

She gasped as confetti blasted her back a few steps covering her in in tiny colorful scented pieces of paper. She looked like a pony pinata that had a really bad day. The whole group stood there in shock for a moment before they started laughing in unison at the sputtering pegasus.

“Hiya there my names Pinkie Pie and I love to see ponies laughing.” came a muffled voice from up top the cannon. The group looks up a little to see a pink earth mare hopping off the cannon landing herself in the middle of the group with a tray of cupcakes in her mouth. Luna stopped, her eyes going wide as she pointed with one hoof at pony while tapping Celestia shoulder with the other. Pinkie grinned as she placed a cupcake in the hoof of everypony before they even noticed it was even there.

“Yup laughter is what you can get here with a side of giggles.” she grinned while wearing a rubber chicken suit with a frying pan for a hat.

This caused Applejack and Rainbow dash to start breaking out giggles, but a certain lavender unicorn put her book down with her mouth agape. Celestia catching what was going quickly and went to calm her sister before she turned towards the pink mare in question.

“Are you a resident here miss Pie.” Celestia said with an even tone.

“Of course you silly filly.” she said taking off her costume slowly in front of the group causing Fluttershy to gasp.

In the nearby sky a cross eyed grey pegasus was watching the scene before she crashed into a hay bell with thump. Pinkie giggled as she blew a raspberry at the group while hopping in place simultaneously.

“So wanna be friends I craft the biggest smiles see.” she made smile so big that it caused the group to tilt their heads in contemplation.

“How is that even possible, no matter what you are doing is theoretical impossible.” came the unicorn waving her hoof at multiple sections of the earth mare in question.

Applejack shrugged as she watched the scene go on “The name is Applejack ah craft and bend the metal around here.”

Rainbow dash took the cue “I am Rainbow Danger Awesome Dash I craft the clouds around or at least soon ill will be.”

Fluttershy giggled softly as she touched her muzzle “I.. am.. Fluttershy I take care of the poor pitiful critters here.”

Celestia arched her hindquarters with the sun at her back “I am the Celesita principle of school of Equestrian magic.”

They all stood there before cyan pegasus swung her hoof around the pink mares shoulder with a grin “That was one impressive prank you had there Pinkie.”

Luna snapping out of her daze “I am Luna the magus of the moon, I watch over the dreams over the ponies protecting them from nightmares.” Pinkie giggled and then a thought hit right in the face like a cupcake that went a little stale.

She giggled as she hopped in place and then she noticed Luna's presence moment later realizing she introduced herself as a dream magus. Her mane balloon out for a second before deflating you could almost hear a deflating sound as it did so. She gently passed Rainbow Dash who had a curious expression upon her muzzle and then walk into her building.

As she entered she spoke with a monotone over her shoulder “ Sorry today were closed come back at a later time please.”

“Geez what was that about.” tossing her rainbow colored mane with a slight huff.

“Indeed.” came Luna voice oddly tinged sadly.

“Applejack I think its best that we move on.” Celestia said as she gestured with a scooting motion.

Luna stopped as the group moved on and she approached the window of the building to see the pink mare standing at a table all alone in the darkened building. Pinkie was looking down at a picture that was obscurely out her view giving her aura of depression. Did my actions in her dream truly cause such consequence's no I cannot fall for this again. She felt a crack in her steel covered heart as she heard a muffled sob from inside and she quickly beat a retreat to catch up with her sister.

Applejack was showing them Lyra's hands on notes, apparently a musical theater. Towns hall where one can go to get approval for permits and meet with the mayor that is village related. Twilight made note that the roads through the village is of basic cobbles stone, showing that there is progess towards a proper town so she thought.

“This here is Rarity's All or so she calls it.” Applejack said with a bit of respect “The unicorn here claims she can craft anything, but sadly clothes are her favorite and of course funny looking little varmints made of stone."

“Ahh sounds like an artificer.” Luna grinned.

“Indeed sister I haven't seen an artificer in quite some years.” Celestia said thoughtfully.

“Whahoho.” came a unique laugh as beautiful white unicorn chuckled upon her door step appearing as her name was called.

“Darlings what a lovely group of mares you are.” She spoke with a generous smile.

A little chunk of clay that was the shape of a sapphire with a pony shape stood at her hooves. Celestia thought how odd a sapphire clay chunk with little hooves, the detail is amazing I must give her my compliments.

Before she could voice her thoughts “What in tarnations, did you make another Rarity!” Applejacks voice rang out loud causing the white magus to wince.

“Manners little apple.” she responded “And of course I did this little gem is great at making wool socks with me.”

“If I may you are an artificer correct?” Celestia asked politely.

“Oh yes oooo you have amazing mane my dear perhaps I could introduce a lovely scarf to compliment it?” she asked with ease.

“My sister has no need of scarves.” Luna chuckled.

Heat flooded the area as Celestia arched her hindquarters and rearing up causing the area to flare with a warm comforting light. Luna grinned and arched her hindquarters and rearing up using her cutie mark which flared to life illuminating the area with soft glow of light creating a comfortable but bizarre atmosphere. Rarity gasped as a fainting couch walked on its own to catch its owner fainting onto its soft velvet pillow cushions.

Her head shot up as the AJ rolled her eyebrows “You are the magi sisters!”

Chuckling was heard as the two alicorns nodded their heads at the white unicorn who was barely sitting up from her fainting couch. “Yes we are Rarity it is our pleasure to meet one of your capability.” Luna responded as she clapped her hooves softly. Nearby ponies started gathering around the group of mares as the alicorns were chatting amongst them.

“Now my little ponies and all those who are interested, we are holding a magic talent test.” Celestia said with a smile that beamed across the growing crowd.

“Among the tested we will choose those to join the school of Equestrian magic, who will be personally taught by us and our faculty.” Luna said standing as tall as she could muster.

“Question?!” came a voice from a mint green colored mare.

“Please go ahead.” was answered by the sisters.

“Can anyone attend the test even .. non unicorns?” she asked thinking of her dear friend.

“Of course my dear all ponies great and small possess a variety of magic. Here at our school we will help teach this and so much more.” Celestia responded with voice full of wisdom.

Cheers were heard and quite a few gasp's as well rang throughout the crowd as pressed in asking random questions. The two sisters looked at each and then with a hidden gesture they slightly rolled their left shoulder blade with a soft giggle turned back to the crowded ready to answer them.

“Can my daughter get in?”

“Can my turtle join?”

“Are there muffins there?”

“When are you gonna hold the test?”

“My little pones please one at a time.” Celestia chuckled “I realize we haven't held a testing in quite some time but please bear that we are holding one here.”

Luna looked over the crowd with a pleased smile and told them “We the sisters swear the by the code of the magi that any and all those that pass the testing will be able to learn from our school of magus.

“And yes we do have muffins.” She concluded with a simple wave of her hoof.

The crowd giggled at that last one as a very audible gasp was heard from back of the group. Applejack chewing on a piece of hay while tipping her fathers memento was lost deep in thought as the crowd pressed on with further questioning. School of magus sounds like phooey nonsense to me, but it would explain a few incidents I have had lately with my craft. She flexed her hooves as she stared into a recent memory, AJ was pounding a piece of metal attempting to create a plow for Big Mac. When suddenly her body began to heat with warmth as her thoughts brought to her brother who protected them from harm every day on his patrols. Applejack bent and molded the metal with ease creating sparks of every color.

“This plow will protect my brother!” She intoned as the aura faded from her body. She fell limply on her anvil, sweat pouring down her body in attempt to drown her legs. The plow shined brightly as the symbol of cutie mark appeared on the back half of the plow strengthening the metal sled. She had these magical surges often when crafting a piece of gear and when she felt love for those dear to her some kind of magical wonkyiness goes on.

“Dah .. umm Celestia can I come?” Applejack asked with a bit of shyness.

“Anyone may partake of the test dear apple.” The lunar magus first.

“Of course you may Applejack please attend we ask all to at least attend.” she said to the earth mare and then to the crowd.

“We shall appear at noon tomorrow attend at your own peril.” Luna spoke “I mean um if you interested.”

The two figures of knowledge along with there protege and assistant left the crowd to visit an inn for the night. “Hey do you think anyone will come?” Spike asked the three. Twilight made hoof gestures at her muzzle while pointing at him before they heard a sigh.

“I know its been awhile since we had students Spike, ever since our failure..” Celestia trailed off looking off in the distance.

“Sister tiss not your fault I was being foalish.” her sister said with regret.

“Nay Luna I took you for granted and pushed you towards my ideal never considering your fee..” Celestia oofed as Luna hugged her tightly.

“So thats a maybe then?” Spike said a bit downtrodden.

Twilight face hoofed at her assistant who stared at his caretaker before he caught his mistake. “Oh.. I am sorry, I was hoping to see some others around my age I kinda wanted to meet some others.” his words trailed off.

“Its ok Spike and you are correct we are of the same mind my young student.” Celestia said as she regained her composure.

“So lets make a plan and please Twilight speak your mind about our goal for tomorrow.” Luna spoke sincerely. That night three mares and dragon talked well into the night planning the test that will bring students back into the school of equestrian magic.