• Published 16th Jun 2018
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School of Equestrian Magic - virgoknight

Story of six magical mares entering the school of magic.

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chapter one Celestia's recruits

A creature oozing with a chaotic magic spiraling from his body looked towards the dark colored alicorn in the distance. His body consisted of a mix mash of creatures of every variety, creating a hideously disfigured monster by most. He looked at the alicorn again as she disappeared leaving him all one.

"I, I was never..." Tears shaped like ship and air planes dripped down his face.

A memory flashed through his mind the sky was pouring chocolate milk and cotton candy. He was dancing in the odd weather with the mysterious dark mare a dashing smile on his face. Another memory flashed the land was torn asunder as he swung a hammer the size of a mountain around like a toy. He smashed fields of corn laughing all the while he made jokes about popcorn.

The very same mare was shedding tears as she chased him across the land blasting her powerful magic. More and more memories flooded him until the very last one came.

"Discord.. I love you, But I can't anymore you are hurting the very ones who care," Her words echoed in the dark valley of their last meeting.

He was left there all one and stupefied with his jaw full of question marks. His heart broke that day and he secluded himself in a cave with a beautiful crystal tree. Discord monologues like he would when no one was around or even if ponies were around.

"All my life I was scorn for my being me and I find the one mare who could accept me and I... hurt her." A question mark fall out of his mouth and bounced up three times.

"I have lived a very long time, I could never make children to entertain me even with all my power." He flex's arms's as chocolate milk poured from his eye's.

"I wanna another chance to prove to her and to myself." He grins as the chocolate came harder.

"This will be my final act as Discord, I will do the impossible and make me my first brat haha." He rubs his chin thoughtfully as the magic he used began to invert on himself. He began channeling every bit of his chaos magic into his center creating a small cocoon. His toothy grin widened as felt his unnatural state weakened by doing this.

"More.. MORE!" He yells maniacally at the world itself.

His memories began to burn disappearing into the ether, He did not regret losing those memories. The chimera felt relief until the dancing memory appeared before him, joy spread through out his entire being. Discord thought as hard as he could please brat be more than me be joy be the laugh on her lips, no every pony lips please be happy. He felt himself dying as his magic began the process of making life.

A pink filly was appearing in the world in front him as he shrunk. "Pink oh how ridiculous.. perfect your as cute as a tasty pie litt...le on..e." He felt his strength wane

Her eye's shot open an ocean of blue stared at him with giggle on her face bubbling forth. he used the last bits of magic to teleport the both of them to the safest place he could remeber.

"Per.f.ec.t." Discord body dissipated from existence leaving the filly on a field full of stones with unique designs.

A young grey earth filly with a bland expression on her face was studying a piece of shale, when she heard an odd laugh nearby. She stood shaking her stone bits from her plain robes and she approached the noise carefully. To her surprise barely lifting an eyebrow she found abandon pink filly on her parent's farm.

"Hmm cute." She spoke as she put a stone into pocket while lifting the small foal.

Some time in the future....

Lightening flashed across the sky shining light upon a large school district. In the center of this district was two unicorns sitting at a table in deep thought.

The dark colored one with the moon upon her flanked finally spoke " Sister do we dance with this madness, Friendship empowers the natural state of mana creating a separate pool of magic that one can use?"

The white unicorn pushes in her spectacles as she spoke gently "Yes sister this dance is ours, as the principal of this school we are gonna pursue this subject and teach it to our students."

She followed up with "On that note Luna we are gonna be recruiting some new students, we have been losing our students to Sombra's dark school of magic."

"Bah that ignorant stallion will plunge our age of peace into one of destruction and destitution." growled the lunar counterpart.

"I do agree sister so I have made plans for tomorrows visit to Ponyville, I sense promise in our neighboring village." spoke the white mare with flowing pink mane.

"As you wish sister as for tonight I shall hunt for prospects with my dream magic." replied the lunar mare leaving the room with a partial open door.

Using her horn light filled the room and she made a wish "Please harmony help us find students to learn that friendship is true magic."

She left the room leaving the unknown visitor grinning cruelfully rubbing his hooves together.

"This will be quite interesting my dears." silence fell as the shadows left the room.

Luna the magus of the night was weaving dream magic with her horn causing her bedroom to glow faintly. The glow caused the dark magus to yawn as she covered herself in thick silky blankets. Slumber struck in moments throwing Luna into dreamland.

Moments later a groan from across the hall was faintly heard "Luna must you sleep like a dragon with a clogged nose."

In her sleep Luna used her magic to enter the dreams of the citizens in Equestria to search for potential magi. She felt herself being pulled into a dream where it smelled of a well used forge. There was one earth mare who was crafting a pair of hoof shoes sweat was glistening of the back of the mare. Luna used her eye of discern on the hard working earth pony, there was already two pools of mana within her.

Luna gasped aloud though the dreamer could not hear here "She already has friendship mana within her, I must nay we must recruit her."

"Ah ain't losing another.." she panted as she wiped the sweat from her orange brow.

Luna spoke allowed " Lose another?"

Howling was heard in the distance causing Luna to look in its direction, she heard the orange sweat covered mare stumble from her spot. Fear and anger was seen in her eyes as she grabbed her stetson from nearby coat hanger.

"Ah am gunna protect mah family!" she spat onto the ground, as she stood at the doorway barring any entry.

Luna felt the dream becoming a nightmare as the realm shook with the inner magics of the sleeper. large bulbous wolves made of wood, vines and mud came howling out the nearby forest.

"Timber wolves.." she growled aloud "Dark spawns created with nether magic."

She eyed her dreamer a powerfully built Earth pony with three apples upon her flank, giving her almost motherly appeal as she guard the doorway with a fierce expression.

The dream shook as you hear a young filly's scream in the darken forest outside the home. Luna watched in amazement as the mare blasted from the doorway towards the scream.

"Unusual most tend to run from the nightmare not towards it." mused the lunar magus.

"Applebloom nooo you ain't getting my little sister." came a piercing shout from the orange pony.

The dreamer and the observer following the screams into the dark forest felt horror as they came across a grim scene. There was blood smeared across the tree's leaving a trail deeper into the foreboding woods.

"Applebloom!" was word barely heard as the mare sobbed upon the ground.

"No ah ain't losing you too." Mana began out pouring from the inner pool inside the earth pony. Her body began to glow of an orange aura that created a powerful rune upon the ground that which she stood.

"You will be okay sister that is the honest truth." she yelled from the tops of her lungs.

Luna stared at this incredible scene "This earth pony is using friendship magic inside a dream."

"You are amazing child of Equestria if only you could see me." Luna always felt that her magic is weak because no one could ever see her in the dreams that she visit's.

Magic filled the air when suddenly she felt the pull again tugged at the magus of the night. She faded out of this dream watching the powerful mare face the darkness with her stetson held tight.

She was falling through the hallway of dreams hearing shouts and screams, images of dreams blurring past her.

She heard somepony say "Hands ooo that sounds like a blast!"

Another dream "Boulder would you like another sip of tea."

When she finally came to a halt she was outside a window that was beautifully designed. She felt a powerful urge to peer through the untainted glass. But as she peered through the window she felt a chill outside this home as snow flake fell upon her nose.

"This one is a detailed dreamer or so it seems." Luna grinned as she teleported inside the room. She felt immediate warmth spreading throughout her magical body upon entering the room. She looked around the room and it was no doubt this was a clothing workshop of sorts. Two mares appeared the dreamer and the dream inside the work room, the older was furiously working at making dark grey wool sweaters.

"Sister can't I help you with the clothes now." came an exasperated please from a small filly.

"Sweetie dear I so love you very much could you fetch me some more wool?" came an exhausted reply from a weary looking unicorn.

"Yes Rarity." came an dejected response as the filly faded up the stairs.

Upon closer inspection this was the inside of some store filled with clothes and materials spread in disarray. This beautiful but exhausted mare was making sweaters in bulk that would clothe entire village. She took a closer look at the dreamer and what she saw was beauty in its finest state. Rarity was impeccably clean mare with a glossy white coat that could even give her a sister a run for her bits. Her eyes could be sapphires like the three that adorn her flank so fittingly so. Lastly she thought her mane must be gift from the creators for its style and beauty was beyond simple hard work.

"I am not sure if this is a dream or a nightmare." chuckled Luna.

"Not one foal will be cold this year I promise you this." she whispered faintly.

The dream realm shook once again as the snow poured onto the home. The windows were being blocked by the sheer amount of frigid flakes.

"Hmm this is not good, what shall you do little magus." the black unicorn spoke.

The white unicorn finished her last sweater as she glanced at the snow barring her home. She stood slowly and flipped her mane with little huff.

"Oh it is on!" she yelled at the abominable snow.

"No foal shall face the dark alone, no filly will weep in a dark place and no colt shall be left shivering alone!" Rarity ranted as she gathered the clothes with her levitation spells.

The sheer amount was weighing her down causing her to collapse as she attempted to heft the entire bulk. she lay upon the cold hard floor, tears flowing down her face.

Luna stared at this scene she felt a powerful emotion filling the room, nothing like an eruption but more of a empty container being suddenly filled. Rarity began floating as magic filled her body opening a pool of mana she never used before. Friendship mana whirled around her giving her strength to complete her task.

"No foal will die of this cold!" she screamed from her lungs.

"Yesss they will.." came an despairing faint voice from outside.

Luna turned around as shocked filled her face "Wendigo's!"

Outside in the snow were dozens of twisted ghostly ponies crowding the window. Their eye's were glowing of malice and hatred as their words echoed.

"All will fall to this chill and nothing you can do will stop it..." came a voice from every direction.

Rarity turned towards the door and lifted her clothes in tow "Darling.. stop me if you can."

A roar was an instant response as Rarity charged the door mana flowing about her creating a path through the snow.

"Another possi.." Luna once again felt the pull of her magic guiding her "Not again I want to see this one play out!"

She faded from this dream watching the mare baring her hope upon magic, dashing through the blizzard. Luna felt disappointment in never finishing a dream.

The lunar magus felt herself materializing in a warm room with sweet scents in the air. She could feel warmth in the air and cold from the hard stone floor upon which she lay.

"Hi what cha doing in my dream!" came an exuberant response from a pink mare staring Luna right in the face.

She blinked slowly staring at a face that was covered in frosting not sure if this was one of Celestia dreams. Then it hit her with sudden realization that she was being seen for once!

"You can see me, thou can see me!" came the traditional teachers voice.

The pink mare flicked her ears in every direction attempting to catch her voice. Then she sighed as she pawed at the floor with her hoof drawing nonsense symbols on the floor.

"Nope can't hear you but I would love a cupcake." she reached inside her mane and pulled out a chocolate cupcake with blue sprinkles on top.

"Mrs. Cake said I shouldn't eat before bed but never said anything about eating in your sleep!" she chatted incessantly.

Luna stood up and spoke excitedly making several gestures "Then how did you know I was speaking then pink one."

"Ooo ooo I know I know pick me." came a voice from her left which was another pink mare, the very same mare.

Luna pointed her hoof at the pink mare with sudden dread as she saw the sigils on the floor. Her mind began to race as she began figuring out this was chaos magic.

"I can read lips its real fun and useful too!" came a third pink pony from her right.

The first mare spoke after chewing her cupcake with glee "By the way my name is Pinkie pie and I want to be your friend."

Pinkie pie was pink mare with a adorable curly hair that covered both her mane and tail. Her ocean blue eyes seemed to peer into the Luna's being.

The Lunar magus stepped back and said "I am not sure if I want to be yours. I have had bad dealings with chaos users."

The floof that seemed to be alive as Pinkie's mane died down in instant becoming a straight mess. All three pinkies began looking at the floor with liquid akin to chocolate milk flowing down her cheeks.

"Its cause I am annoying isn't it, I am sorry I promise to be better." came the voice from the left.

"No silly its cause I can use unusual magic and it startles ponies." came the voice from the right.

Luna stopped in her steps feeling a weight upon her chest, she turned her head to look at the Pinkie in the middle. She was holding a clueless looking baby alligator in arms with no teeth to bare. She reached out with her discerning eye and felt there was a light that glowed inside a storm of chaos and there was something so vague but familiar about the storm that raged inside.

"It may be possible Pinkie, I sense good within you and something familiar I can't quite place." She spoke as felt the symbols in her bedroom finishing their spell and ending the spell she cast.

"I must go.. I am sorry Pinkie." She said as she used her magic to fade from this dream. She watched as Pinkie held her alligator close to her body, crying as she watched the alicorn disappear.

The last words she heard was "Please be my friend..."

Luna awoke with a start, sweat beading down her body. She felt herself tremble as she pulled into a huddle on her bed.

"I am so sorry Pink one, but I am unsure." she said steeling her heart into a cold mess.

Luna sniffed the air as she scented delicious waffles lingering near the doorway. She poured herself out her sanctuary and dragged her hooves towards the delicious smell.

"Oh how I love my dear sister preparing breakfast everyday." she grinned to herself.