• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 9,355 Views, 104 Comments

A Sweetie Lesson In Friendship - Secret_Shadows

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom read Sweetie's diary, what could possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Part 3

A Sweetie Lesson In Friendship

Part III

The weekend seemed to roll around rather slowly for Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, but it went all to fast for Sweetie Belle.
It was a school day and Sweetie wasn't even up yet.

"Sweetie! Wake Up!" Rarity yelled, Sweetie just rolled over in bed and shoved her hooves in her ears.

"Sweetie Belle You're Going To Be Late For School! now Wake Up!" Rarity yelled again, this time using her magic to pick Sweetie Belle up and set her down on the cold, hard floor.

"Whaaaat" Sweetie moaned as she got up off the floor.

"You need to get ready for school, your late enough as it is" Rarity said

Sweetie was still in the process of waking up when she heard Rarity mention the concept of school. Sweetie instantly turned and looked Rarity in the eyes, a look of sad, almost depression in her face.

"But.....Apple Bloom and Scootaloo...." Sweetie said, she looked down at the floor, her ears dropped.

"I know Sweetie, but you have to go to school" Rarity said, she put a hoof on Sweetie's shoulder.

"Ok, I guess" Sweetie sighed, as she walked out of the bedroom and got ready for school.


Before school started was mainly uneventful for Sweetie Belle, she even managed her mane and got her school supplies ready, a normal morning right? wrong.

Sweetie was just walking into the school yard, and she received several off looks from other fillies and colts. Time seemed to slow down as the reality was sinking in to Sweetie, she looked around, the world seeming smaller and smaller as she got closer to the schoolhouse, the embarrassment was setting in, as more and more fillies and colts looked at her, laughing and giggling. She even heard one filly say "Maybe Sweetie needs to go home and get a diaper change and take a nap."

She started to feel very upset, and she ran into Shadow Fire who at first looked sorry for her, but then he heard two giggling fillies singing "Shadow and Sweetie sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G" and he gave her the most awkward look and just turned and walked away while shaking his head. Sweetie thought to herself 'Oh Celestia now he doesn't even want to be my friend, he knows.....'

Sweetie started to cry as her world was falling apart around her, and then she heard someone say "Oh look Sweetie Baby is crying she must need a diaper change."

Then it all set in when she saw Scootaloo, the grin plastered on her face was not pleasing to Sweetie Belle, she could tell just by the look in Scootaloo's eyes just what she had done, time seemed to stop as the two locked eyes, and for a brief moment, Scootaloo's face seemed to say 'And you thought we were friends'.

And then time sped up again, back to the normal speed, the world started spinning around Sweetie Belle, eyes watching her, the world melted away, she started breathing heavily, every last eye in the school yard was on her.

Sweetie Belle's eyes started to tear up even more, her face redder than an apple. She stepped back slightly, the sound of laughter was the only sound Sweetie Belle could hear.

Scootaloo's expression turned from one of victory, to one of apology. She didn't realize how much this would affect Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Snapped out of her trance when Apple Bloom began speaking.

"Sweetie, are ya ok?" Apple Bloom said as she stepped closer to Sweetie, a genuine look of concern on her face.

Sweetie just looked at Apple Bloom, then back to Scootaloo, then she turned, tears in her eyes, and ran back to the Boutique

"Scootaloo, why did ya do that?" Apple Bloom asked as she approached Scootaloo

"I....I though..." Scootaloo began, she stopped when a look of disgust painted itself on Apple Bloom's face.

"I can't believe you" Apple bloom said as she turned and ran after Sweetie.


Sweetie burst through the doors of the boutique and ran right into Rarity who was moving items around her shop.

"Sweetie whats?" Rarity was cut off by the sound of crying and her sister's look of pure terror and embarrassment.

Rarity started hugging Sweetie as she cried, and so they sat, Rarity gently hugging Sweetie, trying with the warm embrace to comfort her.

Puddles of tears were all over the floor of the boutique.

A few minutes later after Sweetie started explaining what happened to Rarity, she saw why her sister was so distraught.

"An-A-And Th-they w-were all l-laughing at m-m-me." Sweetie said through her tears.

"Sweetie, its going to be alright, everything is going to be ok." Rarity said, she looked up at the clock on her wall, it was nine thirty, Sweetie missed the start of school.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Come back later, we're closed" Rarity said in a loud tone.

"Rarity? Is Sweetie here?" A familiar voice of a small yellow earth pony said through the door.

Rarity looked down at Sweetie, Sweetie looked back up at her with a look of approval to what Rarity was about to say.

"Yes...come in" Rarity said, the door inched open and Apple Bloom slowly marched in.

"Sweetie Belle, I'hm SOOOOOOO sorry!" Apple Bloom exclaimed as she ran at Sweetie Belle and nearly knocked her over in her apology hug.

"I dun' know if you can ever forgive me! But I'hm soooo sooo soooooooo sorry!" She said

Sweetie wiped a the tears from her red puffy eyes. "I...I don't know what to say" Sweetie said, she wasn't sure if she was going to forgive Apple Bloom or not.

"It was all Scootaloo, I dun' know why she did that" Apple Bloom said

"I......I forgive you" Sweetie Said

And with that, for the rest of the day, after Rarity explained to Cheerilee where Apple Bloom and Sweetie were, they talked, and they became friends again, but a sour remnant of their old friendship loomed over them, primed to strike.


"Again! I'm Grounded Again!" Scootaloo yelled to herself. She, again was in her room, grounded.

"I Can't Believe Them!" She said

The anger and hate overshadowed the regret of her actions, she was about to do something very stupid and very mean, that could mean the end of any hope of being friends with the other two crusaders ever again.