• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 9,354 Views, 104 Comments

A Sweetie Lesson In Friendship - Secret_Shadows

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom read Sweetie's diary, what could possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Part 1

A Sweetie Lesson In Friendship

Part I

Edited/Re-written By: Rendan, Original by Me.

Sweetie Belle sat quietly in Rarity's room, she shared the room with her sister when she stayed at the boutique. Sweetie Belle was busy writing her most personal and private thoughts in her diary. The diary was a gift from Rarity and she told Sweetie she could keep it at the boutique and she would keep it hidden for Sweetie,

"Like a good big sister would do." she said when Sweetie first got it.

'Dear Diary,
Today was a most wonderful day, Shadow Fire returned from his family vacation and I got to see him in school today, I think he is the cutest colt ever!...' Sweetie wrote in her diary.

"Sweetie, where are you." Rarity called from downstairs.

"Just a minute!" Sweetie called back before closing her diary and placing it safely under Rarity's bed.

Sweetie trotted down the stairs to Rarity's work room to find Rarity with a small, newly sewn dress.

"Sweetie, be a dear and try this on, would you?" Rarity said as she gave the dress to Sweetie.

"What's it for?" Sweetie asked

"Oh nothing, it's just a client's dress for their little filly and I don't have any mannequins small enough, so, you will have to do." Rarity said.

"Ok, sure" Sweetie said, starting to get into the dress, it was a little small, and she noticed something about it when she got it all the way on.

"Uh, Rarity?"

"Yes sweetie dearest?" Rarity said as she was fixing certain parts of the dress, making random adjustments.

"Why... Why does it have a padding in the back?" Sweetie said, worried that she she was quite sure she knew what the answer was going to be.

"It's for a foal Sweetie, and foals aren't stall trained yet" Rarity said

"You mean... I'M WEARING A DIAPER!?!?!?" Sweetie yelled at Rarity, her voice cracking in the process.

Rarity leaned down a little bit and her ears fell and she looked at Sweetie "Yes." She said, matter-of-factly.

"THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING!" she yelled "If anyone found out about this I would be a laughing stock, my life would be ruined!" She said

Rarity's ears perked back up and she regained her normal proper, royal-like tone. "Sweetie, no pony is going to find out about it, and its not like it's for you, it's for a foal. Besides, look at how cute you look" She smiled, pointing a hoof at a mirror.

Sweetie blushed, embarrassed "FINE!" She said with a crack.

A few hours later Sweetie was back in Rarity's room with her diary once again.

'It was TERRIBLE. It was the most horrible, embarrassing, stupid thing ever! I'll admit it was nice to feel young again, but a DIAPER!? I can think of better ways to feel younger!...'

"Sweetie, time for bed." Rarity said as she entered the room.

"Ok!" She said as she closed the diary, placing it under Rarity's bed.

Sweetie walked across the room and got into a cot that Rarity put out when she had Sweetie over, they both got in their beds and Rarity began to get into bed, very lady like, no less.

"Goodnight Sweetie Belle" She said.

"Goodnight Sis!" Sweetie said in a loud high pitched voice.

And with that they both fell asleep soundly.


The next day after school Sweetie Belle walked to Rarity's boutique with her fellow crusaders.

"Whats the plan today Scootaloo?" Sweetie asked.

"Sky Diving Cutie Marks!" Scootaloo said.

"Aint that a little dangerous, Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom added.

"You'll never get your Cutie Marks if you think about danger! Besides, Rainbow Dash already said she would help." Scootaloo said.

The three of them entered the boutique and Rarity greeted them.

"So whats the plan today, crusaders?" Rarity asked

"Cutie Mark Crusader Sky Diving!" They said in unison.

"Oh sounds dangerous" Rarity said

"Don't worry, Rainbow Dash is gonna be there to help us! She is the best flier in all of Equestria, we'll be fine!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Well why don't you go get your parachutes I made you out of the closet in my room?"

"Okay!" They said.

"Sweetie, can I talk to you for a moment?" Rarity asked.

"Sure sis!" She said "Why don't you guys go on without me, I'll catch up" Sweetie told the other two Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Ok" Scootaloo said while her and Apple Bloom went upstairs to Rarity's room.


In Rarity's room, Apple Bloom was deep in the closet trying to find the parachutes while Scootaloo was reading an interesting book she had found open on Rarity's bed.

"Oh hey Apple Bloom, look, check this out." Scootaloo said.

Apple Bloom's head poked out of the closet and the pile of clothing that fell on top of her. "Whats up?"

"I found Sweetie's Diary!" Scootaloo said, laughing at entries in the diary.

"I don' know Scootaloo, It seems like ah invasion of Sweetie Belles privacy." Apple Bloom said, now exiting the closet.

"Oh come on, you have to read this."

"I dun' think that's a good idea," She said.

"Fine then, I'll read it for you" Scootaloo paused "Today I helped Rarity make a dress, I was stuck being a model as..." Scootaloo trailed off "Oh this is rich" She said

"What?" Apple Bloom said, her interest sparked.

"You have to read it to find out!" Scootaloo said

"I dun' know." She replied nervously.

"Come on, you know you want to." Scootaloo said.

"I guess..." Apple Bloom said reluctantly, she sat down next to Scootaloo and started to read the entry.

Immediately both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo started laughing at the entry about Sweetie Belle an the dress, beginning to laugh so hard they were crying.

Sweetie had just come to the doorway when she saw what was going on, Immediately her face turned beet red and tears welled up in her eyes. "WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Sweetie said with a voice crack.

"Oh Sweetie you have to read this diar-...." Scootaloo stopped mid sentence realizing who she was talking to.

Sweetie broke down crying. "Why.... Why would you...?" Sweetie said as she lay on the floor crying.

"Sweetie, I uh..." Apple Bloom started

"What's going on up here?" Rarity said as she entered the room, she assessed the situation and realized what was going on.

"Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, I think its best if you two leave". Rarity said in a stern voice.

"But... We didn't mean to.." Apple Bloom started trying to apologize again.

"Leave. Now." Rarity said pointing a hoof at the door.

Sweetie Belle jumped up, still crying, "WE'RE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE!" She yelled. She collapsed onto the floor and started crying even more.

"Sweetie, I..." Scootaloo said before receiving a harsh look from Rarity, more then enough of a warning as the two fillies left.

Rarity sat down next to Sweetie and put her hoof around her as Sweetie cried in her coat, feeling betrayed.