• Member Since 21st Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Chrome Masquerade

Dashing do-gooder dog? Accomplished, affable aeronaut? Big-time brony? Lazy lackluster lackwit? You decide!


Based on Quarterdeck, by Julian Stockwin.

Leftenant Thomas Kydd was not exactly having a good week. After his disillusionment back in Halifax, he was left feeling more than a trifle despondant. While his crewmates had had years of educartion and establshed connections, he was a press-ganged sailor. A glorified slave, in his case.

Camperdown changed that, true. It waas his first battle and his bravery would grant him the opportunity to become a gentleman, and an officer to boot. But an education and a nice set of clothes do not a gentleman make. He knew that now. But still, he stuck firmly to his dream and stayed with the Tenacious. But his thoughts had been stormy ever since.

Now, the Tenacious -with its requisite crew- was coming back after finding the Lord Woolmer, the latter having a VIP aboard. Towing the mastless ship along, the Tenacious was heading toward Halifax and a well-deserved reward.

But when disaster strikes along the way, six unexpected guests would lend a helping... hoof. This would change the world in ways nobody could have expected.

Chapters (9)
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