• Published 14th Feb 2018
  • 2,385 Views, 2 Comments

Where Is Daddy? - thatonecoffeemachine

Screwball lost her daddy after a group of ponies turned him into stone. She has now set herself on a mission to find her daddy and get him out of that stone prison. Would she succeed or would she lose her daddy and her first and only friend?

  • ...

Your daddy will always be here.

There stood him. The Statue of Discord. The horrors are now over. The screams are now smiles. The chaos is now harmony. Harmony for everypony. Well, most ponies.

Screwball was still there, sobbing miserably. Discord's first friend is now his last friend. It was fun while it lasted though. It felt nice to feel love. It was nice to share it too. Like how he shared his love, his care, and for a filly he had never seen before. Well, he doesn't call it sharing 'love', more like having a sidekick to spread chaos with.

She loved it. She, an orphan who used to live out on the streets and used to get bullied mercilessly and now, is then given a chance to go under the care of the Lord Of Chaos. Finally having a home, having good food, having fun, having love. It was great while it lasted.

But to suddenly get all of that taken away, the love, the nurture, the attention, it stung her. To be given a prize and to suddenly take it back again, that's how it felt.

Screwball sobbed miserably, complaining about what heartless creatures those ponies who turned her father to stone are.

'How could they do this to you, daddy? Didn't they know that all you wanted was to spread fun and happiness around? Didn't they know that all you wanted was to be accepted, just like me?'

How could they celebrate after taking away her source of happiness. Taking all the fun away. All the chaos and fun stuff, all gone. Well, except for one.

It was still weird to her how she still had some of her powers. Though, not as strong as before, but she could magic up a cup of chocolate milk or two.

While she was testing the waters on her magic, she saw something landing form the sky. It was a gold chariot, along with a few armoured stallions dragging it.

In the chariot stood an alicorn, her coat white, her hair flowing even though there was no wind in sight. She might not be educated, but she does know a thing or two about physics. And about gravity. And gravity sucks to her, to be honest. Why can't everything just float in the air, being able to float an-

Eh-hm, back to story.

She knew who the alicorn was and what she does, and she hated her for that. Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria, the Princess of the Sun, the one who told the ponies to turn her dad into stone.

She couldn't hear what they were saying from so far. She got closer, but not too close as to not be seen.

She still couldn't hear. But after a while, she heard the word 'Canterlot' that came out of the Princess's mouth. She then heard 'castle gardens'. After that, the princess flew back onto the chariot and the lot of armoured stallions went to Discord's statue. They began to levitate the statue and carry it onto the chariot and flew off.

Screwball processed the information and started to piece it all together. They're gonna put her daddy up for display in the castle gardens in Canterlot.

She wished she could come but she couldn't. She didn't want to leave her father's side. She tried to teleport, but to no avail.

She felt like breaking into tears again, but stopped as she thought of something. Her sad frown quickly turned into a wide grin as she thought of her idea. Maybe, she could go to Canterlot, sneak into the castle gardens, find her daddy and set him free. She didn't think of how to, though. But, she'll figure it out.

She stood up, swiped the dust off of her and ran. She ran. She thought of finding the train station. She didn't know where it was though, but she just ran, hoping to suddenly bump into it.

After a few minutes of running, she slowed down and panted. She had been running everywhere and still no sign of a train station. She sighed as she finally knew what to do that could've solve this problem in like two seconds.

She then spotted a unicorn with minty green mane and coat colour. She also had a heart (the instrument, not the shape) as a cutie mark. She walked to the unicorn, since her legs were tired and worn out from running.

The unicorn was walking to a fruit stall. She stopped when she suddenly felt a slight nudge. "Um, excuse me, miss." called a voice.

She looks beside her to see a purple filly wearing a propeller hat. "Oh, hello there little fil-" she then realised the filly's eyes.

"-ly. Woah. Your eyes are-"

"Weird. I know." she sighed and looked down. She knew that that was gonna be called out somehow.

The unicorn watched the filly's mood drop. "Oh, sorry. Didn't mean that. I was actually gonna say interesting." said the unicorn, trying to cheer her up.

Screwball perked up at that. "Really?"

"Well, yeah." said the unicorn as she got closer to examine them. "I've never seen anything like that before. You must be really special." said the unicorn.

"Thanks, uh- Oh! I was actually meaning to ask which way is the train station." asked the filly as she then remembered the reason she asked the unicorn in the first place.

"Oh! You just need to go straight, pass the stalls, then pass the line of- You know what? Why don't I take you there with me? I'm actually going there too." suggested the unicorn.

Screwball nodded. "Okay, thanks uh...."

"Lyra. Lyra Heartstrings. But my friends call me Lyra." said Lyra. She then looked at the filly.

"And you are?"

Screwball gave her a nervous glance. "Can you please promise me not to laugh if I told you my name?" asked Screwball. Lyra thought that it was weird that the filly thought that she might laugh at her name but nodded.

"Okay! Promise!" said Lyra excitedly.

"My name is..... Screwball." said the filly. She thought that Lyra would laugh at her name, but when she looked at Lyra, all she gave is a smile.

"See? Told ya I won't laugh. It's a nice name." she said. But before Screwball could respond, she then remembered the reason she met the unicorn.

"Oh yea! Uh, could you please lead me to the train station, please?" asked Screwy. Lyra gave an 'oh yea I forgot' look to her and giggled a little. She then began to lead the way.

They both had reached their destination. Lyra was there to pick a friend from her trip. Screwy was there to get a ride to Canterlot. After waving bye to Lyra, she sighed. She had never been treated that way by anyone except for, well, Discord.

She walked around, exploring the train station and seeing which train goes to where. Eventually, she found the train to Canterlot.

She quickly ran to the train, but was stopped by a stallion who appears to be a guard. He stuck out his hoof to the filly.

"May I see your ticket?" asked the stallion. The filly looked at his hoof.

"What ticket?" she asked, confused.

"You need a ticket to get on the train." said the guard. She looked down and then back at the guard.

"Can't I just, ya know, go in without the ticket for once?" asked the filly. The guard rolled his eyes.

"Why don't I just do that to everypony instead? No, I can't. It will be unfair for the ponies that paid for their ride if I let you go in free." he said. The filly frowned.

"Please?" pleaded Screwy. The guard didn't budge, though.

"No means no, kid. Now scram!" he said, obviously annoyed with the little filly. The filly frowned even more.

"Just this on-"

"NO YA SWIRLY EYED FREAK!" he yelled. This got him attention as ponies around them started to stare.

After a few awkward moments of staring, they stopped and left them alone.

This gave Screwball an idea. Screwy frowned even more and looked at the guard. "Daddy said that they were unique...." she then sat down, dropped her flank down on the ground, sniffling, before bursting into tears.

The guard looked at her, astonished by the sudden change of mood. This got the ponies attention again, and soon they approached them both.

"What is going on?" asked a pony. Screwy then pointed at the guard, which made the guard sweat.

The ponies looked at him, with pure anger. "How could you do this to a child?!"

"What kind of a sick stallion are you?!"

"You dare abuse kids?!"

"That poor baby..."

Everypony started to judge the guard. The guard stared at them, sweating nervously.

"Uh, w-wait! Hehe....." was all he could say as the ponies started ganging up on him. This then gave Screwball a chance to go in. She snuck into the train quietly.

After a few minutes, mission complete. She had successfully snuck in. Now was the most boring part of the plan. The waiting part.

She found herself a vacant chair and the end of the train and sat, pleased with her hard work. She could still hear shouts from outside, which made her giggle a little. Nothing like a bit of chaos.

After a few moments, she heard a few rastling sounds before the train moved. Yay, it's finally going!

She started thinking of her plan once more. When she gets there, what would she do? How would she do it? What would she need to do to free her daddy once more? Then again, he's placed in the castle gardens. The Castle of The Princesses. What if she gets caught in the act? Will the princesses turn her to stone as well?

So many questions popped into her mind. While thinking, she felt her tummy rumble. She was hungry. But, nothing seems to be around. She could magic up some chocolate milk, but that wouldn't fill her.

Then, she smelled something. It smelled delicious. She looked to the walkway of the train and saw a mare, her coat yellow and her brown mane in a bun, pushing a cart full of all kinds of yummy looking goods. This made her tummy rumble even more. She drooled a little.

She saw a few ponies going up to the cart and getting food. They gave the mare bits in exchange for food. Screwy sighed. She didn't have any bits. Her magic also isn't strong enough to magic up some bits for her.

Wait a second, magic.

She could hypnotise her. That's it! She may not have enough magic, but she learned a few things while sneaking into a library that one day! She wondered if she could pull it off. Her swirly eyes would definitely help. Finally, her eyes are useful after all.

She waited for the cart to go by her side of the train. After a few minutes, the cart started to go to her side. It stopped by her side of the train. The mare gave her a stern look.

"Would you like anything?" she said, her voice not so cheerful. That was her cue.

Screwy stared into the mare's eyes. She then started her plan. "You don't seem very cheerful there, miss. Is everything alright?" she asked innocently.

"Everything's going great, swirly. Now what do ya want?" she said in a demanding tone. She was already tired with work all day and the filly asking her a question like that while she's working is making her day even worse.

"Oh, I don't think so. You seem...... stressed." said Screwy as she got closer, not changing the place of her eyes and the mare's. "Ya know, you could use some relaxation." Her swirly eyes began to turn a tint of green.

The mare gulped. She was confused. But her confusion did not last as she felt....... tired. And it's not from work. She stared into the filly's eyes, suddenly feeling heavier and heavier. "Yea..... relaxation...." mumbled the mare.

"How about you sit here? Beside me. Then instead of working hard and stressing yourself, you could enjoy this ride with me on the train. Look, I'll even let you sit beside the window. That way, you could watch the view while sitting in relaxation. Wadda ya say?" asked Screwball in a smooth voice. The mare smiled a little, but she felt a little unsure. The mare's eyes began to turn green and swirly, just like Screwy's.

"Come on, you know you want to." said Screwball. She raised her hoof a little before she stomped. The mare's eyes went back to normal. There stood the mare, looking like nothing has happened. Only, she had a smile on instead of a grumpy and stern frown.

"....... he he ha ha he........ okay, I'm going to sit now.......ha...." mumbled the mare as she went to the seat beside Screwball and sat, smiling and wobbling.

It was a success. She had successfully hypnotised the mare. She then looked at the cart greedily. She saw plenty of sweet smelling pastries. She grabbed some of the food from the cart and began to eat.

After her sweet and delicious meal, Screwball fell asleep. She was leaning against the mare, who was looking out of the window, smiling and giggling insanely.

After a few minutes, the train stopped. Screwy was still asleep soundly, until she felt a slight tap on her shoulder. "Psst. Psst. Hey swirly. Ooh swirly~ Your stop is here." said the mare, tapping the filly's shoulder.

Screwball mumbled a little before waking up, rubbing her tired little eyes. "H-huh?" she said as she looked at the mare.

"You're here, swirly. Hehehahaha....." said the mare, giggling insanely once more. Screwball got down from the seat. "Bye bye, swirly!" said the mare as she waved to the filly. Screwy waved back and walked off the train.

When she got off the train, she walked and looked around. Canterlot seemed nice and pretty and full of order.

Screwball gagged a little. Order was not something she likes. Unlike chaos, order was...... order. And she's glad chaos existed.

Her daddy once told her while sitting on a 6 foot rubber ducky that, without chaos, life was boring. Would you like to wake up everyday, go through the same routine everyday, nothing exciting happening because it's order? Unlike order, chaos meant that life was..... well life. Unpredictable things could happen. Each and every moment of life was unpredictable. Maybe it would suddenly rain chocolate milk. Maybe the road would turn into taffy. Maybe Celestia would one day fall in love with Discord and get marr-

Eh-hm, again, back to story.

While walking, she could see it. She could see it from the distance. The castle, there in what ponies called, all it's sick and disgusting 'glory'.

She quickly trotted to the castle, not wanting to waste any time to see her poor daddy.

She reached the castle. The castle wasn't bad, but it wasn't as cool and neat as her daddy's castle. Candy cane trees, gummy alligators everywhere, ground made out of sugar, that's what makes her daddy's castle perfect in every chaotic way.

While trotting to the entrance, she saw two guards, obviously guarding the entrance in case anypony decides to walk in and bother the princesses.

She tried to think of a plan. She could hypnotise them, but then it was hard for her to hypnotise both of the guards at the same time. But if she hypnotised them one at a time, the other guard would see the first guard being hypnotised and would run into the castle to report to the princesses (I have no idea what I'm writing either).

Then, she thought of a plan. Maybe she could put them both to sleep. Her magic might be enough for that, at least.

She quickly trotted to right in front of the entrance, before a guard stick his hoof out to block her.

"No pony allowed to enter instead of the royal highnesses themselves, guards or anypony who had an appointment with the royal highnesses. And I had never heard of any reports on ponies having appointments with the royal highnesses, too." said the guard, sternly.

Screwball looked at them, then backed up. The guards thought that she would leave now but instead she just stood there, unmoving. After a few minutes, she started smirking.

The guards looked at her, confused. "What in Celestia's name are you do-" the guard couldn't continue as he and his partner collasped onto the ground, snoring and mumbling to themselves as they got pulled into a deep tiredness and slept soundly.

Screwball snickered before continuing her journey into the castle. Well, unlike her daddy's castle, this castle is quite clean and peaceful. The breeze was fresh and cool. The flowers were blooming and the birds were tweeting and little animals ran all over the place.

The castle on the inside was quiet and peaceful and...... boring. Screwball's though of how much longer would she need to stay in that boring place. All she wanted was to go there, free her daddy somehow and go home, chaos going wild once more. It was already boring travelling there (except for the part where she made ponies gang up on a guard and hypnotised a mare), but to need to go through a boring castle with nothing floating or popping out from nowhere, it was even more boring.

She had no idea how the castle worked, so she had no chance but to just walk around and hope that she'll bump into the door to the garden.

She had to follow one rule while being in there though, which made it the most boring adventure she had ever had. Which was not to get caught by the princesses. If she got caught by the guards, she could've easily just put a sleep spell on them and when they wake up, they would think that it was just a dream. But if she got caught by the princesses, while knows what would happen. Since they're alicorns and their magic is stronger, maybe the spell won't work on them. Maybe they would find out that she is Discord's daughter and would be forced to turn her into stone as well.

While walking, she passed by a few guards and maids and, the same as the previous guards, she would put them under a sleeping spell. She then continued to walk around until she found the castle gardens.

After a few hours of walking around (the castle was like a big hedge maze), she had finally found the door to the gardens. She went through the door, but then closed it as she heard sounds of talking.

She then heard a small voice that said '...... Discord.....' and after that came a few other voices that appeared to be laughing.

She huffed in annoyance. They sound like they are laughing at daddy.
The doors then opened. She was quick to find a hiding spot, which was a big vase at the side of the door. She climbed into the vase quickly as the door opened.

"Hmm..... Could've sworn I saw something lurking in the dark......" said the voice of a stallion. The stallion looked around a little more before leaving, thinking that he might have been seeing things.

Screwball sighed in relief as she knew that the guard had left. She came out of the vase and towards the door. She opened it a little and peeped, just in case a guard or somepony else was there. She sighed in relief as nothing was behind the door.

She walked through the door. She then started walking around and looking high and low in search of her daddy's statue. She then stopped and grinned, as she saw the statue.

There it stood, the statue of Discord, standing on his display. Her grin faded as she saw the expression on her daddy's face. The look of horror, pain and agony was what his face showed. She then thought if it hurt when he got struck by the rainbow light thing that was produced by the ponies. She noted to herself to ask him later after he was freed.


It then struck her. How was she supposed to free him?

She tried her magic. Wasn't strong enough, of course. She then picked a rock and through it at the statue. It didn't do anything since the statue was made of rock itself. Also she thought if her throwing rocks at the statue would physically hurt her daddy. She stopped the idea of throwing rocks. She then stood on two hooves and tapped the statue.

So, she had no way of freeing her daddy, it shows. She felt a wave of sadness hit her again and again as she knew that she had failed. She had failed at freeing her daddy. She had failed him.

She traveled all that way for nothing. From Ponyville to Canterlot. Asking a pony for directions, making ponies gang up on the guard at the train station, hypnotising a mare into being totally insane and happy and not mean at all, putting almost half of the castle to sleep. She did all of that for nothing.

After doing all that, she still didn't want to leave her now stoned father's side. Even if she failed, she didn't feel like leaving. Leaving her daddy out in the garden like that. All cold and alone, nopony to talk to, nopony to make chaos with, no magic to even make chaos.

She laid on the grass. She didn't care anymore. She didn't care if she got caught. She didn't care if the princesses spot her. She would not leave her father's side.

There she laid, beside the statue, tears going down, looking sad and given up on. She felt tired. She felt tired of everything. Everything being in order, everything being 'harmonic', well what has it done to her? Did it give her any justice? Any happiness in life? No. It only gave happiness to others. The others that teased her of her looks, of her ways, it only helped them.

Nopony ever pitied her. Nopony ever came up to her, asking for friendship when that was all that she wanted. Ponies were known as the most harmonic beings in Equestria, but they never seemed to care. They never seemed to care that maybe she was in pain. Maybe she was suffering. Maybe she was going through something. But no, all they did was tease.

But yet, chaos helped her in the end. Discord, the Lord Of Chaos, the Dark One, the Spirit of Disharmony, he helped her. The Being of Chaos, the one that had never believed in harmony, he took her under his wing. He cared for her, he nurtured her, he loved her. How could that be possible? Being ignored by harmony but being loved and praised by chaos.

But it was all over now, the princesses and those certain ponies, they stopped it and encased it into stone. Her fuel of happiness, her source of joy, her daddy, it's all gone. And all because of them.

She felt angered but sad. How could they call her daddy a heartless monster? A heartless monster that never cared for ponies and only use them for his own entertainment? Use ponies as his plaything? How could they say that to him like they are not one? How could they say that he was heartless when they themselves, ignored a poor and orphaned filly, who was teased mercilessly, who never had a chance at friendship? The heartless creature that tortured many ponies, who took the lives of other, who uses them for his own entertainment......... who gave a poor filly that was ignored by society a home, food, love and made her his own daughter. Who loved the filly that was not his own flesh and blood as his own daughter. That was the heartless monster, they say. That was who he is. That is what he is.

She cried. She cried, whimpering in sadness as her heart stung in pain. That was the society that she lived in. Harmony. But it never made her life any harmonic.

She glanced up at her daddy, that terrified look on his face. Chaos is terrifying to many. But not to her. Chaos was nothing but happiness and joy. Chaos was, it was, it was her daddy.

She laid her head down again, her eyes stinging and her throat dry as she cried hard.

She felt like sleeping. Her eyes heavy, her body tired, the sadness filled in her. But then she remembered, before she slept, her daddy would usually sing her a lullaby.

Her eyes welled up once more, but then shut her eyes to stop herself from crying any more. Her throat was dry but she didn't care. Like she said, ponies liked order, right? So why shouldn't her night be in order as well?

"So there you are my Dad...... a statue oh so cold so dead..... you tore their world apart...... and everypony lost their head...... now I must carry on...... making chaos for you instead..... cause you are my daddy Discord..... and I am a piece of you......" she sung softly.

"I miss you, Daddy....." she whispered as she cried herself to sleep.

In the dark and night sky, a faded voice came out of nowhere. She didn't know what it said or where it came from, but it filled her with warmth as she fell asleep.

Don't cry, my little abomination. Your daddy is still and will always be by your side.

Author's Note:

Here's the sequel to 'The End Of Chaos'. Hope you all enjoy:)

Comments ( 1 )

I think it's saying a "heart" because ScrewBall is a child, and she just doesn't realize that it's actually pronounced "harp".

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