• Published 5th Feb 2018
  • 3,732 Views, 100 Comments

Little Miss Tempest Tantraum - Foal Star

In an attempt to restore her horn Tempest accidently turns into a foal, and has to learn to control her magic at magic daycare.

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Chapter Seven: A Prince of the Night?

Tinkle Spark woke up, whimpering as he rubbed his eyes. The little colt looked down and around the empty crib, before he looked up at Luna peering down at the young colt. He then squeaked as he looked down to see a big thick diaper with little moons printed on it, and he asked. “Hey, Pwincess Wuwu, did ya put me in a thick diapee?”

Luna drifted him up to her as she nuzzled him. “Yes I did, sweetums.” The mare kissed the little colt on the forehead and hugged him.

He blushed as he looked up. “So awe ya gonna tew me how I can dweam wawk now?”

The princess of the night plopped him down as she cooed. “Yes, soon after we finish our deal. I promised to help your friends, so now you owe me a favor.”

Tinkle blushed. “Ya mean ya gets to baby me?” He then felt his body shrink as he regressed in age, his diaper staying relatively thick.

Luna picked him up and cuddled him. ”Yep, now no more fussing,” She then took out a foal bottle filled to the brim with her breastmilk, and plucked it into his mouth. He suckled it for some time, loving the creamy substance that went down his throat. After finishing and burping him. Luna looked down. “Now sweetheart I’m going to tell you a story…A long time ago, there were many ponies that could dream walk just like me. Ponies ranging from earth ponies to unicorns as they used to help control the dream realm. But when my sister and I became princesses we decided I would be the only one patrolling it. So the ponies who could dream walk did it for their own amusement, or just stopped doing it entirely. In fact I believe that the original ponies that could were descendants of a relative of mine. The practice faded and for years I thought that all the dream walkers had vanished…until only a few weeks ago I saw you comforting your mom in a dream.”

Tinkle nodded as he explained. ”Yeah, she was cwyin because we weft Ponyville, so she had to wave some fwiends behind, and I wanted to turn her into a foal and pway and tew her I her bestest fweidn in ta whowe wowd!”

Luna nuzzled him and cooed. “I know. And upon seeing that, I knew you had to be a dream walker. Not only that, you were using your abilities to help others. So that’s why I've started training you.”

Tinkle smiled. “Does tat mean ya wike a auntie?”

Luna’s heart fluttered upon hearing that, and she hugged him. “Sure, why not? I always did think I would make a great aunt.”

Tinkle squealed in delight! “Hooray! Wew, Auntie Wuwu, wha do ya want to do now?” He then blushed, seeing his diaper grow yellow and sagging.

The princess patted his poofy garment and cooed. ”First, I think you need a change.” She proceeded to change the soggy garment and taped him up in a new diaper. The colt looked around aimlessly at the starry ceiling, before he was picked up and given a raspberry.

The colt squealed and kicked about. “Tat tickles, Auntie.”

Luna booped his nose. “I bet it does. So now that you know why I’m training you, what do you think? Do you want to be a dream walker?”

Tinkle paused as he considered. “Wew... suwe, guess is fun. But I wana see Shiny in potty twaining, maybe I’ww wearn someting fwom watching him do it..”

Luna sighed. “Well, he’s awake now, maybe later tonight.”

Tinkle eyed the night princess. “Tonight?! Oh, it’s mownin, huh?” Luna nodded as he asked. “Otay, so how about later?”

Luna nuzzled him. “Sure. Just remember to tell Cadence or another grown-up you need a change when you wake up.”

Tinkle blushed, realizing what that would mean. “So, I weawwy peed my diapee in my sweep?”

“Afraid so,” Luna answered, but then nuzzled him. “It's alright. In a year or two, I’ll teach you some tricks on holding your bladder at night.”

Tinkle nuzzled back underneath the blankets as :una tucked him in underneath the soft foal blanket. He whispered. “Goodnight Auntie Wuwu.”

The princess kissed the little colt on the forehead and whispered. “Goodnight, my sweet little prince.”

Tinkle woke up in a normal crib later that morning and looked around, rubbing his eyes. Then he looked down at his saggy diaper and poked it, sighing. “Mommy Wight, I a heavy wettew.”

Twilight Velvet peeked into the room and asked. “Hey sweetheart, how are you?” Tinkle Shine stood on his hind hooves with his yellow stained diaper sagging between his legs. With a smile, Velvet came up, picked the colt up from his crib, and placed him onto the changing table. She un-taped the diaper and started cleaning him.

Tinkle blushed and asked. “So um, gots question.”

Twilight Velvet looked over and giggled. “Ask away, sweetie.”

The colt asked. “Um...wew, I was told by Pwincess Wwuw she wans to be my auntie, is tat otay?”

Velvet giggled. “Oh really? The princess wants to be your aunt?”

Tinkle shrugged. “Dun know, but she weawwy nice and is twainin me to be a dweam wawkew, wike hew.”

Velvet blushed as she finished taping up his diaper and helped him down. “Well I have to say, you’re doing a lot for being only three years old and not even out of diapers. But isn't’ dream walking hard?”

Tinkle giggled. “Yeah, but is wots of fun! Wuwu wets me pway with otha foaws my age and tew them tat bein in diapess is otay.”

Velvet patted his diaper. “Oh, you’re so cute! I can see why Flurry and Fizzlepop loved playing with you. Now come on, Cadence is making everypony breakfast. And you don’t wanna miss the most important meal of the day.”

“Yay!” Tinkle squealed, as he waddled down the hallway and came into the kitchen. The aruoma of pancakes and eggs wafting from the stovetop. Fizzlepop and Flurry Heart were in highchairs being fed oatmeal by Shining, who had traces of the brown goop all over his fur, but he didn’t mind.

Tinkle squealed as he climbed onto a chair and asked. “Ooh, can I have sywup aww over my pancakes?”

Cadence slid over a plate of pancakes smothered in syrup with a smiley face made of whip cream, and blueberries for eyes. The colt giggled, bouncing in his seat as he was given a rubber fork and knife, and Cadence asked. “Do you need me to cut it up for you?”

Tinkle shook his head. “No, I can eat it aww by mysewf,” He started chowing down on his nice breakfast. “Yay, it’s tasty! Tank you, Auntie Cady!”

Cadence giggled. “Um...I'm not your aunt, sweetie. I’m just Flurry Heart’s mom.”

Tinkle blushed. “Oh... wew Wuwu says she my auntie, doesn't tat make you and Pwincess Tia my aunties too?”

Cadence blinked. “Wait...did Princess Luna come into your dream last night?”

Tinkle nodded. “Yeah. She said I a dweam wawkew, and she said she my auntie.”

Shining Armor and Cadence turned to look at each other with surprised looks, and Shining turned back and asked. “So is that true? Are you related to Luna?”

Tinkle giggled. “Yeah! Does tat make me a pwince of ta night?!”

Shining and Cadence both looked over at each other with surprised glances.

Later that morning Golden Spark was getting ready to go to Twilight Velvet’s house. She was in her bathroom, brushing her mane and sighed, seeing her little Sparkle Light sleeping soundly in her crib. She smirked and turned back to the mirror, fixing her mane. Then she sighed again, seeing the bags under her eyes. She rubbed them while yawning. “Maybe I’ll ask Cadence if Tinkle Shine can stay over for a few more days. Maybe she can even help potty train him.”

Then she heard a knock and quickly ran downstairs, thinking. “Oh come on, I just put the baby to sleep!

The mare came down the stairs, headed to the doorway, and opened it and gasped upon seeing Princess Luna. She bowed and whispered. “Pr..Pr..Princess Luna!?”

Luna blushed. “It’s alright. I...uh...need to talk about your son.”

Golden got up with a worried look on her face. “What about him, did he do something wrong?”

Luna shook her head. “No...I may have done something wrong. In fact, I should've told you this sooner,” Golden was blinking in confusion as Luna sighed. “Can we talk about this inside? Maybe it’ll be best if we’re both settled down for the conversation.”

“Of course, I’ll go make us some tea.” Golden offered.

Luna strode in as the mare quickly shut her door, and went to the back to start boiling some tea. Luna sat patiently in the living room, smiling at the family photos of young Tinkle Star with Golden pregnant, and a handsome stallion standing next to his family.

Golden Spark came back with a tray, as she settled it down and asked while sitting down. “So what’s all this about, princess?”

Luna just took her tea and blushed. “Well you see, your son is... a dream walker. And he and I have been working together for some time.”

Golden Spark blinked. “W-what?! What do you mean?!”

Luna sighed. “Let me explain. To put it simply, your son can go into other ponies dreams.”

Golden blinked as she thought back to a dream she’d had when she first moved to Canterlot. A dream where she’d played with her son...but she was also a filly his age. The mare whispered. “So..all those stories of him helping you were real?”

Luna giggled. “Well, sort of...but he’s doing well in his training. And in fact, last night we, helped two little fillies in dealing with their magic surges.”

“You mean Princess Flurry Heart and Fizzlepop.” Golden concluded.

Luna nodded. “Exactly, and in fact...I think he may be of great help to them. But I also think it’s about time we had your approval for him to be a certified dream walker.”

Golden Spark sipped a cup of tea and then asked. “Well, is dream walking dangerous?”

Luna shook her head and continued. “Not really. In fact, until he’s much older, he won’t be going anywhere near nightmares.”

Golden Spark nodded. “Then of course he can dreamwalk. In fact...believe it or not, him dream walking helped me cope with living here,” She sighed. “Moving here was tough. I left a lot of good friends in Ponyville, and it’s been rough having two foals now.”

Luna nodded. “Well if you need help with foalstiing, I know a mare or two who would love to watch your foals.”

Golden laughed. “Alright...Well, I’m guessing you're wondering if I'm going to leave Tinkle Shine to help Flurry Heart and Fizzlepop.”

Luna sighed. “Only for a little bit...I can’t be there all the time, but he’s been a very good friend of theirs from what I’ve seen so far.”

Golden smirked. “Okay, only for a little while longer. But I’m still going to come by to hug him.”

Luna smiled. “Of course...now, we’d better discuss this with the others.”

A short time later ,Shining Armor and Cadence were sitting down with Luna and Golden Spark (who was holding little Sparkle Light in her hooves) as Luna was explaining things. “It seems that Tinkle Spark is going to be the one who will help Flurry Heart and Fizzlepop get their magic surges under control.”

Golden Spark explained. “I’ve already talked it over with Princess Luna. I’m fine with him staying here as long as you're okay with it.”

Cadence blushed as Shining gulped, “Uh, you sure that’s a good idea? I mean, can’t Tinkle Spark just dream walk from his house?”

Luna explained. “He can...but he can get lost in the dream realm, it’s a very big place. And if you don’t know your way around it’s easy to get lost. It would be much easier if they all slept within the same vicinity. And it will make it easier for me just in case they get out of hoof.”

Shining and Cadence looked at each other, blushing as they thought about last night. Then Cadence whispered. “We’re fine with that. Just make sure they know to stay out of our dreams unless we give permission. And the same goes for the dreams of any other ponies they happen to stumble across.”

Tinkle Spark was gulping and scrunching his diaper as Cadence then asked him. “So, little Tinkle Spark, it’s up to you. Do you want to stay here with us for a little bit longer?”

He jumped and down in excitement! “Yeah, I wan to! Tat sounds wike wots of fun!” The adults all laughed as he ran to his mother and hugged her legs. “Mama, I gonna miss ya.”

Golden Spark nuzzled him. “Oh, don’t worry. I’m going to come by everyday so you know how I much love you,” She kissed him on the forehead as the little colt ran off to the nursery shouting “Fizzlepop! Flurry Heart! I stayin!”