• Published 5th Feb 2018
  • 3,732 Views, 100 Comments

Little Miss Tempest Tantraum - Foal Star

In an attempt to restore her horn Tempest accidently turns into a foal, and has to learn to control her magic at magic daycare.

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Chapter Two: Tempest's Foal Castle

Tempest was now playing in her playpen with the Cake Twins as they babbled and stacked blocks together. Mrs. Cake was sitting down with Twilight, with a cup of tea in her hoof. The alicorn groaned, rubbing her horn, “I had no idea the rejuvenation spell would turn her into a foal! I mean, the spell was supposed to just fix her horn for crying out loud!”

Starlight Glimmer, who was near the playpen (helping the foals build the tower of blocks), looked up and asked. “Wait, are you saying that Tempest is going to stay as a foal?”

Twilight gulped. “Well, I mean there doesn’t even seem to be a spell that could transform Tempest into a adult, and I'm not sure what I did wrong! Nothing about the spell mentions age regression!” She started sobbing and Tempest looked up at Twilight and babbled. “Twily i..its otay.”

But of course Twilight couldn’t hear her, so instead Tempest crawled over, climbed onto the couch, and laid into Twilight, hugging her belly. Twilight stopped crying and sniffled, seeing Tempest hugging her and held the foal tight in her hooves. “I’m so sorry, I never meant for this to happen,” Twilight placed the filly down as she wiped her face. “Sorry, it's been a long day.”

Mrs. Cake cooed. “Oh dearie. Well maybe if there isn’t a cure, you could try raising Tempest yourself?”

Twilight shook her head as she gloated the filly back into the playpen. “I…I mean I wouldn’t mind that but I don’t know anything about caring for foals. Much less ones with so much raw power. “

Tempest looked back to the grown-ups, overhearing the conversation as she babbled. “I dun tink tat Twily is gonna be abwe ta change me back.”

Pumpkin Cake giggled as she bounced jn her diaper. “Oh wew, bein’ a foaw isn’ tat bad. Ya dun gots to wowwy about anyting, and just wet youw mommy and daddy cawe fow ya.”

Tempest teared up and whined. “But my mommy and daddy dun wove me! Tey onwy cawed about me getting’ in Cewestia’s schoow! Tat’s it!” She started wailing with her horn glowing!

Twilight squealed in horror! ”Tempest, stop!” But it was too late, her horn burst sending a wave of magic throughout the castle in a bright light!

Princess Cadence was pushing Flurry Heart in her stroller while giggling. “Oh, I can’t wait to tell Twilight that Flurry Heart was just enrolled in magic daycare!”

Shining Armor smirked. “If anything she’ll be like: ‘Hey, why didn’t you tell me?! I can teach her magic!’”

Cadence laughed. “Yeah, or like: ‘Give me a book on foals and magic surges, stat!’”

They then came upon Twilight’s castle and Shining knocked on the door. He heard loud giggling and asked. “Hey Twily! Ya home?!”

There was no answer. Cadence then pushed the door in and gasped upon seeing that the room was a padded purple. They found Starlight Glimmer playing with the blocks, stacking them, then knocking them over and clapping like a foal. Cadence wobbled across the padding and asked. ”Starlight, what’s going on?!”

Starlight just drooled and babbled mindlessly. “I wuv bwocks!” Cadence sighed, lifting the blocks with her horn away from Starlight, making her whine. “No wun bwocks!”

Cadence cooed. “Well, I'll give them back if you tell me where Twilight's at first.”

Starlight babbled. “Twily is upstaiws, now give me my bwocks!”

Cadence lifted the blocks back to Starlight who squealed and started stacking them again. She then wobbled back to her husband and sighed. “Alright, this looks like a giant magic surge. You take Flurry and stay outside.”

“Wait, you can’t go in there alone!” Shining protested. “You’ll need backup.”

Cadence just giggled. “Honey, there’s nothing to worry about. This is just a foal’s magic surge. We’ve dealt with that before.”

Shining blushed, looking around. “Sure does look like one. It was just like that one time we came home to find Sunburst in a crib, shaking a giant rattle.”

Cadence giggled, booping Flurry’s nose. “Okay, you behave while I find Auntie Twily. No flying off or magic blasts for Daddy, got it?”

Flurry giggled and bounced around as Cadence wobbled through the padded foyer.

After wobbling up a set of padded stairs she came upon Spike in a diaper, suckling a pacifier methodically. Cadence took the pacifier out, making him squirm as she cooed. “Tell me where Twilight is and you can have it back.”

Spike babbled. “She pwayin with ta fows in hew woom, now give me paci.” Cadence plopped the pacifier in his mouth and continued to wobble until she opened Twilight’s door, revealing an adorable scene of Twilight and Mrs. Cake in big poofy pink dresses bouncing with three little foals.

Cadence came over to the alicorn and shouted. “Twilight!”

Twilight squealed. “Oh Cady, ya hewe!" The enchanted purple alicorn ran over and started shaking her rump as she chanted, "Sunshine, sunshine, wadybugs awake! Cwap ya hooves and do a wittle shake!”

Cadence giggled, repeating the motions. “Okay, Twilight, settle down. Now who did all this?”

Twilight giggled, pointing at Tempest. “She did Cady! She wit hew horn and made evewyting big and bouncy!”

Cadence gasped upon seeing the little foal bouncing on her diapered rump on the floor! “Oh, I see!” Then she apologized. “Well sorry for making this adorable playdate short, but it’s time to put everything back to the way it belongs.”

The experienced foalsitter lit up her horn and the floor instantly turned back to crystal as Twilight and Mrs. Cake’s poofy dresses disappeared, and Spike squealed. “Hey, who put me back in a diaper?! I haven’t worn those since I was a hatchling!”

Twilight was groaning as she held Tempest in her hooves and Mrs. Cake was readying to leave with her twin toddlers. “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Cake. I had no idea how powerful Tempest’s magic surges could be.”

Mrs. Cake blushed. “Oh it’s fine, princess. Ordinarily I wouldn’t mind a bit of play time with my children, but I think I’ve had my fill of magic surges for one day,” Tempest wiggled her hooves, whining as Mrs. Cake turned and dawwed as she picked up the little purple foal. “Oh it’s alright, sweetie, it’s not your fault. You didn’t do this on purpose, I’m sure. But you’ve got to get that horn of yours under control,” She nuzzled the foal and turned to Cadence. “And thank you for helping us, dearie. Pound and Pumpkin Cake, this is Princess Cadence, Flurry Heart’s mommy.”

Cadence blushed. “Oh, I’ve heard of these two,” She came over, eyeing them. “From what I heard, they chased Flurry for breaking one of their toys.”

Mrs. Cake blushed back. “I apologize, they can be quite the rambunctious little foals sometimes.”

Cadence came down and blew a raspberry, making both foals squeal in laughter as she giggled. “Oh aren’t they precious? We need to set up more play dates together.”

Mrs. Cake giggled. “Yes, we definitely should, preferably with somepony to keep their magic surges under control. Between Flurry Heart and Pumpkin Cake, they could turn half of Equestria into foals if they really wanted to.”

Mrs. Cake then left the castle with her two foals as Tempest waved bye.

Shining Armor came upon the scene a moment later, convinced that the coast was clear. He turned to Twilight with Flurry in his hooves and asked. “So everything back to normal now, Twily?”

Twilight nodded as she explained. “Yesm everything is normal, Shining. Just an unexpected magic surge, no harm down.”

Meanwhile, Flurry gasped upon seeing the other foal, who blushed and waved a hoof. Shining Armor chuckled. “So who is the little one? Is she yours?”

Twilight sighed. “No. This is Fizzlepop Berrytwist, or Fizzlepop for short,” Both ponies blinked in confusion as Twilight sighed. “You know, Tempest.”

Cadence gasped in realization! “You mean Tempest Shadow?!”

Shining Armor frowned and narrowed his eyes. “Twilight, you’re actually letting her live with you?! Have you forgotten, she turned Cadence into a statue for crying out loud!”

Twilight sighed, this wasn’t the first time she’d had to justify her decision. “I didn’t forget, B.B.B.F.F, but trust me Fizzlepop is sorry for everything she’s done. In fact, she was trying to become a part of the community here.”

“You’re saying she was reformed?” Cadence raised an eyebrow. “This isn’t like Starlight Glimmer, Twilight.”

Twilight replied to Cadence. “Tempest stood up to the Storm King and played a big role in stopping him. She wanted her horn back so it would be easier to get ponies to warm up to her, which caused her to turn into a baby! Only now, she’s having insane magic surges!”

Cadence blushed, seeing the little filly rubbing her horn and in spite of herself she dawwed. “Oh, is this really that little meanie Tempest? How could I be so hard on such a cute face?” She lifted her and nuzzled the filly, who squirmed in Cadence’s magic. Cadence booped the filly’s nose and turned to Shining, still eyeing the filly. “Oh come on, Shining, she’s just a baby. She’s no harm to anypony anymore, and I doubt she could take over Equestria in her current state.” She floated the filly to Shining.

Shining sighed, hugging Tempest with his right front leg and watching her nuzzle his fur. He blushed. “Alright, I suppose she’s adorable. But I’m still unsure of her playing with Flurry Heart. Remember what happened with the Cake Twins?”

Cadence rolled her eyes. “Flurry Heart was only trying to help. Let the little ones play in the playpen for a few minutes, Spike and Starlight can watch them and make sure they behave. Besides, I have a proposal for Twilight. One that I think will make her life easier.”

Cadence was now sitting down with Shining and Twilight as she explained. “Shining and I enrolled Flurry Heart in a special daycare to help young unicorn foals, or in my case a baby alicorn, in learning to control their magic surges. So how about you enroll Tempest?”

Twilight sighed. “I know about that, my mom took me there when I was very little. Apparently my surges were ten times worse than Shining’s. But aren’t those sessions in Canterlot?”

Shining nodded. “Yes, but Flurry’s surges have been getting really bad lately. And for the safety of all, we decided to stay with Mom until Flurry has them under control. The sessions start next week, but it’s not too late to sign up.”

Twilight groaned. “But I also have a lot of other things going on here in Ponyville. I can’t just go to Canterlot right now, let alone take Tempest there.”

Cadence turned to Shining, giving him a pleading look. But he shook his head. “Absolutely not. She may be just a foal now, but she still turned you into stone. It’s way too soon.”

Cadence rolled her eyes. “You were just like this with Thorax, and look how he turned out. Besides, this could be just what Tempest needs to learn how to be good.”

Twilight was confused and asked. “Wait, what is it that you're proposing, Cadence?”

Cadence turned towards Twilight and explained. “How about you let Shining and I care for Tempest? She’ll also be with your parents, Twilight, it’ll be perfect.”

Shining stomped a hoof. “No way am I having you be alone with her, Cadence! I won’t allow it! How do we know for sure that she actually turned good? What if this has all been a ruse? She may be a foal, but with how powerful her magic surges are she’s a danger that must be contained! Besides, I don’t want Flurry Heart learning any bad habits from her!”

Tempest was currently sitting down with Flurry Heart in her playpen, the baby alicron pouting with her hooves crossed. “So ya the poopie head who tuwn my mommy into stone?”

Tempest gulped. “Yh..y..yeah..bu I changed! I dun do mean stuff any mowe, I pwomice. I just wanted my hown back, tat meanie Stowm King twicked me!”

Flurry Heart looked her playmate down, examining her closely. “Wew Auntie Twily wuvs ya, so I guess it’s twue wha ya say,” She commented. “Bu, ya gots to make it up to my mommy and daddy, pwove ya not a meanie pants.”

Tempest smiled. “Yeah, otay! I can do tat.” She tapped a hoof to her chin. “But wha I gonna do?”

Flurry babbled. “Wew sometimes when I do someting naughty, I twy making a pictua fow Mommy and Daddy. How about ya do tat too?”

Tempest clapped her hooves. “Tat sounds good! Twily gots quills and papew upstaiuws.”

Flurry gasped in delight! “Gweat, wets go!” Flurry flew Tempest up and over the playpen as Cadence and Shining Armor were busy arguing.

The two foals crawled up the steps to see Starlight with Spike, the dragon groaning. “Ugh, what does Tempest keep putting me in diapers for? Does she enjoy it or something?”

Starlight giggled. “Maybe it’s because you’re a baby dragon?”

Having overheard this, Flurry giggled and babbled. “Ya put Uncwe Spikey in diapees?!”

“Yeah, bu it was my magic sugwes. I dun mean fow tem to happen,” Tempest whimpered as she rubbed her horn, then added. “I tink Mws. Cake hates me now cause I a bad fiwwy.” She starts tearing up, making Flurry babble as they continued. “Hey, is otay, I gots cwazy magic suges too. Wike one time I put Mw. Sunbuwst in a cwib and I even pu a diapee on Daddy. He wooked so siwwy!”

Tempest gasped in surprise. “Wait, weawwy?!”

Flurry nodded. “Yeah, so dun wowwie. Besides, I dun know why big ponies dun weaw diapees, instead they use scawy potties.”

Flurry shivered as Tempest giggled. “Ya scawed of potties?”

Flurry reluctantly confessed. “Yeah, cause tey make a scawy fwushing noise, wike a monstew!”

Tempest babbled. “Dun wowwie, is not a monstew, tey not wike Stowm King. I suwe ya Mommy and Daddy wiw teach ya ta use ta potty someday, and you’ww see is noting to be scawed of. Or I’ww pwove to ya when I get a chance.”

They then went into Twilight’s room and Flurry flew Tempest up to Twilight’s desk. Flurry babbled. “Quiwws and bowin papew? Yuck! Whews ta cwayons and cowowed papaew?!”

Tempest groaned as her horn sparkled to life and shot the desk, turning the quills into a box of crayons, the pots of ink into jars of hoof paint, and the scrolls into sheets of colored construction paper. Tempest gasped in excitement! “My powew tuwn tings into tings fow foaws!”

Flurry Heart was amazed and babbled. “Tat so coow! Wew, wha ya waiting fow? Wets make awt!” Flurry then spilled the foal paint and started smearing it on a pink sheet of construction paper, as Tempest got crayons out and started making a letter with a blue crayon.

As Shining and Cadence argued, Twilight heard giggling and something go splat. She turned to the playpen, gasping when she noticed an absence of its occupants! “Where are the foals?!”

They all look around but found no trace of them! Shining roared! “I knew Tempest was trouble, she must’ve foalnapped Flurry while we were distracted!”

Cadence rolled her eyes. “Dear, she’s a foal now too. I doubt they could’ve gotten far.” And they all went upstairs to Twilight’s room to investigate the splat noise. That was where they found Flurry Heart playing with foal paint, and Tempest doodling. The foals looked up and Tempest gulped showing her picture.

Cadence gasped upon seeing a little purple foal hugging a white coated stallion and a pink alicorn with the words: “I Sowwie” scribbled foalishly.

Cadence blushed, coming over and hugging Tempest. “I accept your apology.”

Even Shining blushed and sighed. “Well, can’t argue with a foal’s drawing. At least it’s better than chocolate hoof prints, or the time I caught Flurry tangled up in toilet paper,” Shining took Tempest and nuzzled her. “Alright, I guess we’ll watch her while she’s at magic daycare. But make no mistake, I’m keeping my eye on her.”

Twilight sighed in relief, but then groaned upon seeing her desk in its foalish state. “Great. Well, I’m glad that’s over with, but these two just turned my desk into an arts and crafts table. It’s gonna take forever to change it back, even with Starlight’s help.”

Flurry blushed, holding up a paper with smeared, multi colored hoof prints. Shining and Cadence dawwed and nuzzled Flurry, as Twilight rolled her eyes.

A little later, Twilight packed little Tempest a pink diaper bag, while the little filly was in her playpen, hugging a bunny plushie. “Now Tempest, you be a good filly for Cady, Shiny, and my mom. Got it?”

Tempest nodded and babbled. “I pwomice, Twiwy. And I sowie fow messin with ya study stuff, I twyin to show I not a meanie, and I twyin to be a good fiwwy.”

Twilight picked up the little foal within her magic and she took the little filly into her hooves. She didn’t hear the babble, but she knew what Tempest was trying to say. “Oh, I forgive you, sweetie,” She then booped her horn. “Just try to control those magic surges, okay?”

Tempest nodded. “Otay, I wun do tem on puwpose anymowe. I pwomice.”

Twilight then drifted Tempest to Cadence who buckled the filly next to Flurry Heart. “Alright sweetie, there you go.”

Tempest whimpered but Cadence plopped a purple pacifier in her mouth. “There, just suckle on that, that should calm you down.”

Tempest blushed, feeling more calm while suckling on the pacifier. Cadence looked up and smiled. “Alright, Twilight, we’ll give you reports on Tempest’s behavior and progress.”

Twilight sighed. “Okay, and thanks for doing this, Cadence,” She hugged her former foalsitter, then turned to Shining. “And thank you too, B.B.B.F.F.”

Twilight hugged him and Shining smirked, ruffling his sister’s mane. “You owe us big for this, Twily. I expect at least a few weeks of foalsitting.”

Twilight laughed. “You got it, I’m sure Flurry will love spending time with her Auntie Twily.” She then waved goodbye as Cadence and Shining headed out the door.