• Published 5th Feb 2018
  • 3,732 Views, 100 Comments

Little Miss Tempest Tantraum - Foal Star

In an attempt to restore her horn Tempest accidently turns into a foal, and has to learn to control her magic at magic daycare.

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Chapter Nine: Graduation

The day of (hopeful) graduation had arrived, but Fizzlepop was nervous as she was looking up at Rebecca Pie, who was talking to the other judges: a few unicorn stallions and mares, along with Princess Cadence. Fizzlepop was super nervous, bouncing on her diaper while trying to keep with the conversation, but her foalish mind kept drifting off as the big ponies discussed things about Fizzlepop and Flurry Heart. The little purple coated filly gulped and suckled on her hoof, trying to calm her nerves.

Flurry Heart flew by the scared filly and poked her friend’s poof diaper and asked. “So, ya weady to gwaduate?”

Fizzlepop shook her head. “Not weawwy, I scawed. What if I pass and my mommy and daddy come to take me away?”

Flurry gave Fizzlepop a pat on the back. “Hey, it’s otay, ya gonna be fine. We alweady knew tat and ya gots a coow pwan to keep ya hewe.”

Fizzlepop sighed and shrugged. “Maybe. I jus hope my pwan wowks.”

Flurry hugged Fizzlepop and held her close into her wings. “Ya not going anywhewe. Ya staying with me.” Fizzlepop hugged Flurry Heart back, and Cadence came over and dawwed at the touching scene.

Eventually the two broke the embrace and both looked up at Cadence, blushing as the older mare asked. “Hey you two, ready to show off your magic?” The fillies nodded and gave Cadence adorable smiles. The pink alicorn dawwed and nuzzled them. “Alright, well the judges are ready when you’re good to go. Just get out there and show your stuff.”

Fizzlepop gulped as she whimpered and turned to Flurry. “Can you go first, I scawed.”

Flurry turned to Fizzlepop. “Hey it’s otay, how about we go together?” Fizzlepop nodded as she took Flurry’s hoof and they waddled towards the judges, who were looking down at the two.

Fizzlepop whimpered, looking at the rubber balls rolling around the pink padded floor. Then she felt a stream of urine fill her diaper, and the white padding yellowed with a hiss.

But the judges didn’t seem to mind, in fact the mare judge just cooed. “Hey, it’s okay you two. Just go on and move the balls with your magic.”

Flurry giggled and lit her horn hovering two balls above her head with ease.

Fizzlepop (still embarrassed from her accident) calmed down by sucking on her hoof, then she turned to one red rubber ball and grunted as she moved it into the air, and hovered it a few feet into the air.

The judges nodded and wrote things down in their notebooks. Fizzlepop then turned to see an Ursa Minor teddy plopped down on the floor, and she squeaked as her horn started to fizzle! But she calmed down upon seeing the teddy wasn’t moving as she thought to herself. “This is just a part of the test, to make sure I can control my magic surges.” Fizzlepop’s horn stopped fizzling and she concentrated on just keeping the ball floating in air. The judges nodded in approval and wrote more stuff down.

Flurry Heart. meanwhile,was busy giggling as she floated the balls in the air. All of a sudden her whammy dropped down and she squealed, waddling towards her favorite plushie. Her horn started to sparkle but she stopped and thought. “Wait, this is a test! Got to calm down, I want to graduate too and be with Fizzlepop!

Flurry calmed herself and gave a few deep breaths as she plopped down and hugged her snail plushie with her tiny hooves. The judges dawwed, wrote some more things down, and then they whispered amongst themselves as Flurry and Fizzlepop looked up with anticipation.

The mare judge came over and proclaimed. “Fizzlepop and Flurry Heart, you two have demonstrated the basics of using your magic without losing control. You two have now officially graduated magic daycare! Congratulations!”

The two fillies jumped in joy as Cadence rushed over and hugged the two. “Oh I’m so proud of you both!”

Fizzlepop nuzzled Cadence and felt happy as she felt the warmth radiating from Cadence’s fur.

Then Rebecca Pie came over and smiled as she proclaimed. “Well, I have to say, these two are the fastest to graduate from my daycare since Twilight.”

Cadence ruffled Flurry’s mane as she cooed. “Well Flurry is Twilight’s niece, so she has her genes,” Flurry beamed with pride, and then Cadence hugged Fizzlepop. “And Fizzlepop here has also grown so much in such a short amount of time.”

Rebecca Pie nodded, then explained. “Well, they can still come by whenever they like. The two are still a little too young to enroll in preschool at the moment, and I’m happy to watch the littles ones for you. They’ll make fine role models.”

Cadence looked up. “Well, we’ll stay here in Canterlot for a little bit longer, we have some... issues to take care of before we can take Fizzlepop back to the Crystal Empire with us.”

Rebecca dawwed. “Oh, are you planning to adopt her?”

Fizzlepop looked up at Cadence with a pleading look as the mare brushed a hoof over her head. “Well... we’ll have to see. But if everything goes well, Flurry will get a sister.”

Flurry squealed, flapping her wings in delight! “Ya heaw tat, Fizzy?! Ya gonna be my sissy!”

Fizzlepop just blushed as she nodded, while thinking. “I hope that’s true…I hope my plan will work…

Rebecca cooed as she asked Cadence. “So, what do you have planned for the celebration?”

“I’ve been meaning to take the two to Donut Joes’ for a while now.” Cadence explained.

Flurry squealed flapping her hooves. “Yay, donuts!”

Fizzlepop blushed while thinking to herself. “It’s been ages since I had a donut, this is going to be quite the experience.

Later that evening, Cadence was strapping the foals into a two seated stroller and Fizzlepop was nervous as Flurry bounced in her seat with excitement. “We going to get donuts!” Fizzlepop scrunched her diaper with a nervous look as Flurry looked over with a worried look and asked “Wha’s wrong?”

Fizzlepop looked up and whimpered. “Ya dun tink tat some big ponies awe stiww mad at me fow when I was a big meanie, do ya?”

Flurry threw up a hoof as she explained. “Wew ya did aw tose bad tings as a big pony. But ya a foaw now, and evewypony wuvs foaws.”

Fizzlepop scrunched her diaper, still nervous. “But ya suwe tey wun be mean to me?”

Flurry giggled and hugged her. “Ya a good fiwwy now, and ya gonna be my sissy and a pwincess, so ponies awe gonna wuv ya, I pwomice.”

Fizzlepop nodded as she started to bounce in her diaper. “Yeah, ya wight! Ooh, I can’t wait to be a pwincess!” She started to bounce in her seat with excitement as Cadence cooed. “Aww, look at you two,” Then she turned and called to her husband. “You ready to go?”

Shining just gulped as he shuffled in his hooves, trotting out. “I hope Donut Joe isn’t too angry at Fizzlepop. She did enslave some of his customers after all.”

Cadence rolled her eyes. “You worry too much, Shining. I mean she’s a foal now, and we can explain how she’s a changed filly. Besides, who could possibly be mad at such a cute face?”

Fizzlepop looked up, whimpering as she knew the grown-ups were talking about her. Cadence patted her head and cooed. “It’s alright, I’ll protect you. Trust me, you’re going to love Donut Joes’. I used to take your Auntie Twily there whenever she got good grades in school.”

Fizzlepop bounced on her diaper with excitement. Tinkle Spark then came waddling over and squealed. “Awe we weally going to Donut Joes’?!”

Cadence nodded again with a smile. “Yes, now come on. I need you to hold my hoof, I don’t want you getting lost in the city.” The colt nodded as he held onto the pink alicorn’s hoof and followed her, with Shining pushing the stroller and following close behind.

Fizzlepop gulped as she was pushed along. But to her surprise, the ponies that she’d once enslaved now just smiled and waved at her. The filly blushed and waved back as Flurry Heart hugged Fizzlepop and squealed. “See, wook! Ponies wuv ya! So dun wowwie about ta bad things ya did as a big pony.”

Fizzlepop smiled and hugged Flurry Heart. “Otay, I wun wowwie aboutr it anymowe. I’ww twy to be a happy fiwwy. If I weawned anything fwom Magic Daycawe, its ya gots to say sowwie when ya do somthin’ wong.”

Fizzlepop unbuckled herself as she stood on her chubby hind legs and waved back at the ponies and babbled. “Hey, I sowwie fow being a meanie poopy head. I was just twyin to get my hown back. I didn mean to cause so much twouble.” The ponies all dawwed and she blushed realizing that they probably heard nothing but baby babble.

Cadence gasped when she saw Fizzlepop standing up in the stroller! “Fizzlepop, sit down! You’re going to hurt yourself!” She helped the little filly get strapped back into the seat as she continued to push them along.

Shining giggled and asked. “What do you think she was trying to say?”

Cadence shrugged. “I have no idea, but you know how foals are, they just love attention.”

Tinkle Spark smirked and whispered. “Hey, Fizzlepop, ya know ponies can’t heaw ya, wight?”

Fizzlepop blushed, she had forgotten that fact. “Yeah, but at weast I twyin to say sowwie.”

The group eventually strode into Donut Joes’, the big earth pony stallion was busy serving some customers, when he turned to see Shining and Cadence trotting in, Shining pushing the stroller with the two excited foals. He beamed a smile at the two and greeted. “Hey you two! I haven’t seen either of you since the wedding!”

Donut Joe came over as Shining blushed. “Yeah well it’s been pretty busy since then, what with becoming Prince of the Crystal Empire and all.”

Donut Joe smirked staring down at the two foals, who were babbling and making grabby hooves at him. He dawwed. “Oh look, you’ve got two foals already-“ But then he peered at Fizzlepop, who blushed as she scrunched her diaper. Donut Joe looked up and asked. “So is this that Tempest pony who enslaved most of my customers?”

Shining gulped and nodded, as Cadence sighed. “Yeah, but she’s good now. And as you can see, she’s just a foal. I assure you, she’s not evil anymore.”

“Oh, I see,” Donut Joe replied. “Well… any foal is welcome at Donut Joes’,” The stallion then peered down at Tinkle Spark and asked. “Speaking of which, hello Tinkle Spark. How have you been?”

The little foal bounced up and down. “Doing gweat, Donut Joe! Can't wait to eat donuts!”

The stallion ruffled the colt’s mane. “Glad to hear that. Now come on let’s get you all seated.”

The two fillies squealed as they clapped their hooves together. Shining and Cadence placed their foals into highchairs and they sighed in relief as they plopped down on their seats, finally having a chance to settle down.

Donut Joe came by with a menu and asked. “So what do you want to start out with?”

Shining just sighed. “Some coffee and two plain donuts for me.”

Cadence blushed. “Um, I'll have a cup of tea and two powdered donuts with pink sprinkles please.”

Donut Joe wrote the orders down and turned to the foals. “So what will the little ones be having?”

Cadence giggled. “Do you have that donut flavored milk still?”

Donut Joe laughed. “We sure do! I don’t have it on the menu, but I make it special for any customer that asks!”

Shining blinked. “Donut flavored milk?”

The shop owner chuckled and explained. “I remember when I first opened my shop, and Twilight Velvet brought her little Twilight in on her way to daycare. She asked if I had anything for foals, so I blended some donuts into a special milk. Surprisingly, Twilight liked it. So I figured the least I could do was start offering it to other customers if they asked.”

Shining made a bleh sound as the foals giggled and Cadence nodded. “I had no idea.”

Donut Joe chuckled. “Yeah, it was a cute story. It’s a pity Shining didn’t like it, first time he tried it, he spat it up all over me,” He then looked down at Tinkle Spark and asked. “So what will you be having?”

Tinkle Spark blushed. “Can I have two chocowate donuts and hot cocoa?”

Donut Joe wrote the order down, chuckling and smiling. “Alright, I better go get your orders. You five just hang out and relax.”

Donut Joe walked off as Shining sighed. “Well, that was weird. Donut flavored milk? That’s the first time I've ever heard of it. You think I’d remember drinking something that disgusting, especially since Mom says I wasn’t usually a picky eater as a foal.”

Fizzlepop, meanwhile, turned around. Other ponies blushing as they waved back at her. She babbled excitedly and shouted. “Hey, I sowie fow being a meanie!” The ponies laughed and Fizzlepop sat down. “Wight, keep fowgetting tey onwy heaw foaw babbwe.”

Tinkle Spark giggled “Dun wowwie bout tat, ya wiw tawk soon. Besides is ta thought that counts.”

Flurry giggled. “Yeah, Tinkwe Spawk’s wight, at weast ya twyin.”

Fizzlepop nodded as Donut Joe came back with their donuts and drinks. He gave Shining a steaming mug of coffee and a plate with his plain donuts, Cadence a cup of tea and her fluffy white donuts with sprinkles, and two foal bottles in front of the fillies filled with a strange looking milk. The two took their foal bottles and started chugging away, as Shining and Cadence laughed.

Donut Joe dawwed again. “Aww look at the two, they’re so adorable. Well, I’ll leave ya be. Got other customers to tend to.”

The stallion walked off as Cadence sighed in relief. “You know,” She said to her husband. “They really did graduate. Not a single magic surge in over a week. Now we just have Fizzlepop’s parents to worry about.”

“So I’m guessing you sent them a copy of the graduation certificate?” Shining asked.

Cadence nodded as she sighed, “I legally had to, and there really wasn’t much I could do otherwise. I guess that means all that’s left is to start potty training her.”

Fizzlepop stopped suckling for a second and started to shake a little thinking. “Oh no, my mommy and daddy know that I graduated magic daycare! How long will it be until they come to take me away?!”

Cadence sighed again. “You know, I’m not going to worry about it for right now. I think Fizzlepop can show her parents who she wants to stay with.” Cadence smiled at Fizzlepop, who gave Cadence a bright smile back as her horn fizzled a little from the excitement.

Fizzlepop then pondered and thought. “Wait…I can control my magic surges! That means I should be able to use them too!” She turned to Shining’s donut, lit up her horn, concentrated with all her might, and zapped it! It poofed into a cute donut with pink frosting. Shining squealed as he took a bite, blushing, and Fizzlepop burst into laughter.

Cadence gasped! “Oh my, look at the naughty filly! Now she’s using her magic surges on purpose.”

Shining blushed, realizing what that meant. “Well…alright, I suppose I’ll let it slide. But don’t get too carried away.”

Flurry turned to Cadence’s donut and grunted as she poofed it into the shape of a diaper and Cadence laughed. “Aww that’s adorable.”

Fizzlepop sulked as she poofed Shining’s mug of coffee into a bottle baby bottle with the words “Cranky Baby” printed on the front.

Shining smirked. “Okay, I have to admit, that was cute.”

Flurry wanting to have fun to grunted as she sent a magic surge and poofed Cadence’s mug into a pink sippy cup. Tinkle Spark giggled as he lit his horn and poofed bibs on the two of them Shining got one that was baby blue and said “Spoiled Prince" and Cadence got a cute pink one that said “Precious Angel” The two adults shrugged and giggled as they clinked their foal cups and Cadence cooed. “To many more foals.”

Shining blushed as he took his bottle and started gulping his coffee, and Cadence smirking as she sipped her sippy cup.