• Published 12th Mar 2018
  • 1,187 Views, 25 Comments

Princess Twilight's Aether-Corps - joetraincool2

Princess Twilight and her friends were victorious against the evil Storm King, but can she stop his Commanders from achieving world domination?

  • ...

Secret Door, Secret Door, Secret Door

In the early hours that morning, arriving just before the sun, a train steamed quietly into Ponyville. Neglecting its whistle, the locomotive was instead satisfied with muted hisses and pops as it idled. The doors to its passenger cars opened wide, allowing the herd inside freedom after their long trip. Unknown to the sleeping town, the ponies quickly set to work, unloading the freight cars at the front of the train of their mysterious cargo. At the rear of the train, two covered wagons were ramped down from their flatcars. As the sunlight barely peeked over the horizon, the trainload of shadows split into two teams: One marched softly down the damp streets toward the Royal Guard's camp, and the other towards the Friendship Castle.

Nocturne Guards barred the large door as they approached. These ponies were unexpected, and with the Princess and so many townsfolk asleep inside, they were not going to take any chances.

Quiet whispers passed between the guards and the lead pony, and soon they were in. The guards parted, and pony after pony quietly walked into the castle.

As the sun rose, its light shown brilliantly against the sparse cloud cover left over from the previous evening's storm. It reflected off the damp ground, and everything shimmered in the morning light. God rays bled through the small crack between the lavender curtains of the master bedroom, and landed square on Twilight Sparkle's face. She groaned softly, the piercing light threatening to interrupt her slumber. She rolled over in an attempt to escape, but the sun's path was set. Soon the whole bed was illuminated by the sunrise, and she roused slowly. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she took stock of the room. Everypony, and dragon, remained asleep in their guest beds, but Fizzlepop's was empty. She quietly left her bed, and exited the room to the suite's antechamber.

Twilight found Fizzlepop standing next to the door to the hallway at attention, already dressed in her armor. By the way it gleamed in the soft light of the room, it was obvious she had spent time this morning cleaning it.

"Good morning, Captain," Twilight whispered as she crossed the antechamber, "Sleep well?"

Fizzlepop nodded, "More or less, your Highness." Her stoicism was practiced, and Twilight could glean nothing more than what was spoken.

"Alright, well, I'm going to get ready, then we'll head out. We have a lot of work to do today." She disappeared into the bathroom.

Some time later, Twilight reentered and asked,

"So, Captain, any news this morning?" Twilight really wasn't sure what responsibilities she expected Fizzlepop to have. Though she had had guardians in the past, their presence were always temporary affairs. Now she had taken another step, or maybe a leap, into her princessdom, by appointing a permanent guardian.

"Yes, your Highness," Fizzlepop clicked her heels as she responded, "A nocturne guard updated me as I made my rounds. First, there have been no sightings of Xanthantos in the Crystal Empire. Second, you are expected to host an emergency war meeting with General Sure Arc and General Kuiper at noon today."

Twilight raised an eyebrow, "Did they say what for?"

"No, Princess."

"Hmm, alright. Well let's get going." She moved toward the door, but Fizzlepop held up a hoof,

"Wait, Princess. I, well, while we have a moment. I..." She had been fighting with the words all morning, but remembering Luna's advice, she sighed and said, "I- I wanted to apologize, Princess. For so long, I committed terrible acts for incredibly selfish reasons, and that selfishness led me to target you and the other princesses. I have no excuses, and despite everything I've done you have shown, and are showing me, incredible grace. I couldn't be more thankful. I had so many opportunities over the past couple of days to ask for forgiveness, but I thought throwing myself into my work would be good enough. But last night I received some advice, and I feel like I should say I'm sorry."

Twilight smiled, then opened her mouth as if to respond, but stopped. The smile waned, and she looked away from Fizzlepop as if searching for the right thing to say. She frowned, and her head and ears drooped as she returned her gaze to her Captain.

"I -I'm sorry, Fizzlepop. I want to say I forgive you; no, I need to forgive you. But after everything my friends and I went through to try and stop you while you chased us, seeing the other princesses turned to stone, having my magic stolen again, I... I just don't know if I can right now.

"The past few nights I've had nightmares, Fizzlepop. Terrible dreams where I am stuck in stone, or in that cage, powerless as Equestria burns, and my family and friends are captured. You are in those dreams looming over me while I sit powerless.

"I know it isn't right, but your invasion has set Equestria, and my immediate family, in the sights of powerful enemies. If-if something happened to Shining Armor, Cadence, and Flurry Heart, I don't know what I'd do," Tears fell as she spoke, and her voice cracked slightly, "So I'm sorry, Fizzlepop. But I can't forgive you right now. Don't misunderstand, I'm not stipulating it, that would be manipulative and wrong. I-I just need some time..." She hung her head in shame.

Fizzlepop frowned. "I understand, Princess."

Twilight wiped her eyes and looked back up, "Thank you," she said softly, "Let's head downstairs. I don't know about you, but I'm starving."

Seeing Twilight back in sorts made Fizzlepop smile, and she fell in step beside the Princess as they walked down the hall.

"Oh, by the way, we have some guests this morning."

Twilight knew they were hosting Ponyville citizens in the castle, but she didn't think that was what Fizzlepop had meant.

"Really? Who?"

"You'll have to wait and see," Fizzlepop grinned mischievously, "If I told you, that would ruin the surprise."

Suddenly, the wafting aroma of breakfast hit them.

They descended the spiral steps, then turned the corner to the final staircase overlooking the castle foyer. Ponies were milling about, but Twilight was surprised to see long bench tables stretching the length of the foyer. Ponies in bonnets and stetsons ran around, serving the breakfast bounty. Mountains of pancakes and hash-browns were already being enjoyed by guests of the castle.

As soon as Twilight and Fizzlepop reached the last step, they were quickly accosted by a familiar yellow stallion in a brown cowpony hat,

"Well howdy there, Princess," he exclaimed while vigorously shaking Twilight's hoof, "Please accept these humble vittles courtesy of-" He reared up on his hind hooves, "AaaaAppleloosa!"

Twilight's hoof was still shaking until Fizzlepop stopped it, "Braeburn? What is all this?"

"Well," he explained as he led the two to their seats, "We heard about y'all's troubles and all, couldn't believe it when we got here. 'T'ain't fair these monsters runnin' around all over and hurtin' good ponyfolk. Good thing you always stop 'em. Anyway, weren't no way we weren't gonna help out. We figured y'all might be hurtin' on food, so we armed up the chuck wagons and hustled on out here."

"Well thank you, Braeburn. You have no idea how much this helps," Twilight said as she sat down, "I hope sharing food won't hurt Appleloosa."

"Think nothin' of it, Princess. We know once Ponyville's back on its hooves, y'all'll help us in kind if'n we need it. Now, as fer breakfast, we got pancakes and hash-browns. How do y'all take 'em?"

"I'd like a stack with everything on it, and my hash-browns crispy, please. And as much coffee as you can spare."

"And you, ma'am?"

"I'll have the same, I guess."

As Braeburn trotted off, Twilight looked up and down the table. Ponies of all kinds were enjoying their meal, and she ruminated that though she knew all their names, and many of them she knew personally, it was a rare opportunity to take breakfast with them. But it was sad, in a way, because the only reason they were here was because their homes had been destroyed. Maybe I should make this a regular thing. She noted that most of them looked happy, despite the circumstances.

"Sooo, Fizzlepop," Twilight started, attempting to make small talk, "When did you wake up this morning?"

Fizzlepop was already feeling out of sorts, sitting at the bench in her armor, surrounded by strange ponies. She would much rather be standing at attention, in the backdrop, than chatting with her charge over breakfast. Casual conversation was not something she was heavily experienced with. Monologuing was more her style, anyway. Perhaps, she reasoned, this was some sort of test. The Princess was making sure her captain had not been lackadaisical.

"I awoke at oh-five thirty, your Highness," she reported, "I spent the first hour cleaning and maintaining my armor, then I made my rounds. I witnessed the change of the guard at oh-seven hundred, and returned to stand watch in your suite."

Twilight gave her a flat look, "Fizzlepop, I'd like you to do something for me."

"Of course, your Highness."

"When it's just you and me, in a casual environment, please relax. I won't ask you to call me by name instead of title, but I have a feeling these moments where we can just be friends will be rare. I don't want to know my Captain only as a villain in the past and as a soldier now. Does- does that make sense?"

"Is that appropriate, Princess?"

"I don't know, which is why I'm asking now before I find out if it is or not."

"I think I can do that."

Twilight smiled, "Thank you."

They conversated idly as they waited for their food. Twilight's attention was pulled this way and that by other ponies at the table. Some thanked her for her efforts stopping the Storm King, while many others had questions about their assigned roles for the reconstruction effort. Twilight was more than happy to help, but for the sake of expediency she told many of them to wait until the town hall meeting scheduled for later that morning.

Fizzlepop, relinquished of the small talk, found herself with not much to do. She glanced around slowly, spotting the Royal Guards at attention far away on the other side of the foyer. She took note of the crystal vaulted ceilings, and the many lavender banners claiming the castle's ownership. And every once and a while, she stared at the other ponies seated at the bench, sometimes a little too long to be socially acceptable. Most of the ponies ignored her, but every once and a while she would catch a grimace or a hateful look thrown her way. Each dirty look was a sting to her pride, and it drudged up emotions and memories that she had held onto for so long: nasty feelings of loneliness and desperation, feeling outcast. But she knew now that so much of that had been self inflicted, so she pushed down her ire and replaced it with patience.

"Oh look, I think this is ours." Twilight jabbed Fizzlepop gently with her wing to get her attention, and pointed towards Braeburn, who was carrying the plates on his back.

"Here ya go, Princess," he said as he set them on the table, "and I'll have yours out right quick." Moments later before the two mares sat a tantalizing bounty of pancakes and hash-browns. Twilight wasted no time digging into her meal, but Fizzlepop hesitated. She recalled vague memories of pancakes she had as a filly, but they were plain, only adorned with maple syrup. The pancakes before her were covered with various fruits, and the whole stack was topped off with whipped cream.

"Something wrong?" Twilight asked in between bites.

Fizzlepop shook her head, and with a quick cleave of her fork she took her first bite. Just like the donuts the day before, she was blown away by the sheer sweetness of the meal. Bananas, strawberries, blueberries, and syrup coalesced into a formula for breakfast bliss. And the hash-browns weren't half bad, either.

"Good morning, Princess. Is there some sort of event going on?" Fizzlepop looked up from her meal to see an armored, orange pegasus addressing Twilight.

"Oh, good morning, Flash. The nearby town of Appleloosa is treating Ponyville to breakfast this morning. Have a seat." Using her magic, she scooted herself, Fizzlepop, and their meals down a space along the bench, much to Fizzlepop's surprise and chagrin. The Princess could stand to learn something about personal boundaries.

"I would be glad to. Am I to take it that this is Ms. Fizzlepop you mentioned yesterday?"

"Oh, right. Flash, this is Captain Fizzlepop Berrytwist. Fizzlepop, this is Sir Flash Magnus, Pillar of Equestria."

"Nice to meet you, Captain," they shook hooves before Flash sat down. An Appleloosan mare wearing a bonnet came to take his order.

"My, that's quite the getup y'all have there. Anyway, what'll ya take? We got pancakes and hash-browns."

"That sounds delicious. But, if it is not too much trouble, could you replace the syrup with honey?" Flash turned to Twilight, "That was how we prepared them in my day."

"Sure thing, sug'," and the mare trotted off.

"Now that I have you both here," Twilight began, between bites of pancake, "we can get organized." She summoned a planner from somewhere, and flipped through its pages magically.

"We have a town hall scheduled at ten, a meeting with General Kuiper and General Sure Arc at noon, and the rest of the day will be busy work. Oh, and Flash, we'll be having a small ceremony at the Town Hall today to honor you for your efforts saving Ponyville. As bad off as the town is, I can't even imagine how much worse it would have been if you hadn't been here."

Flash Magnus beamed, "Thank you, Princess. Having an opportunity to serve Equestria was more reward than I could have asked for, but I will graciously accept any honor the town chooses to bestow upon me."

Fizzlepop nearly bit her tongue in surprise, "Wait, you defeated my Storm Guards?" she asked incredulously.

"Your Storm Guards?" Flash repeated, "You mean you are the Tempest Shadow that led the attack on Equestria?" He slammed his hoof on the table, "Princess, what is she doing here, and in your service no less? I demand answers."

The two stared daggers at each other as Twilight attempted to intervene, "Relax, Flash. Fizzlepop is serving me as the Captain of my honor guard in recompense for her actions. If we are going to defeat the Storm King's other Commanders, we need her help."

Flash squinted, "Normally, Princess, I would be wary of a twice turn-coat, but in light of recent events I will not doubt your judgement."

Twilight thanked him and, assuming the situation was defused, returned to her breakfast. But Fizzlepop wasn't ready to drop the conversation.

"How did you defeat my Storm Guards, Flash?" She had sent her best guards to besiege the castle, and the idea of a single pegasus defeating them seemed impossible.

Flash Magnus was about to answer when his breakfast arrived, "I will tell you about it sometime, Captain. It was no mean feat, I assure you. Your Storm Guards put up the best fight I have had in a while, relatively speaking. Suffice to say they don't like lightning very much."

Fizzlepop was losing her patience, mistaking Flash's antiquated speech for arrogance, "Well I can assure you, Flash," she said in a mocking tone, "If I had been here things would have gone differently."

"Is that a challenge?" Flash chuckled, "Will you call them back so I can have another go? Maybe then it will be a fair fight!"

Fizzlepop stabbed her fork into her pancakes, "I don't need them to beat you. I know I am more than a match for one oddly armored pegasus."

"This armor denotes a Commander in Cloudsdale's Royal Legion, and I have earned its plume and sabaton. What have you done to deserve yours?"

"Enough, both of you!" Twilight shouted, "I have barely started this whole military thing, and already the two ponies I've placed in charge are at each others throats! I will not have you two bickering like foals in front of everypony."

Fizzlepop and Flash replied in unison, "But Princess-"

"No buts. I need you two to get along and work together if we're going to have any chance at making this plan work." Suddenly, an idea clicked in her mind, "Tell you what. If you two really want to prove who is the better, then you can spar. I don't want you doing it in front of everypony, since that might give them the wrong impression. However, I have a project at the Castle of the Two Sisters in the Everfree Forest that I need to complete. I'll make you a deal: after our lunch meeting, we'll head out and take care of it, and you two can spar without anypony watching. But," she summoned a pair of pamphlets from somewhere in the castle, "you will do it by these rules."

Flash and Fizzlepop read the title together, "Equestrian Martial Arts: A Guide to Hoof to Hoof Combat?"

"Mhmm," Twilight replied, "These guidelines have been maintained for generations, and promote fairness, safety, and sportsponyship between athletes. Even the Royal Guard trains under these rules."

The two ponies read through the pamphlet. Magic, flight, and tools were banned, and it seemed there were more places on a pony couldn't be attacked than could. Fizzlepop was about to voice her concerns, but she saw Flash smile and wink at her.

"This seems like a fair agreement, Princess. If the Captain agrees, then we will gladly abide by these rules."

Twilight looked to Fizzlepop, who slowly nodded her affirmation.

"Excellent," said Twilight as she finished her pancakes, "Now, I don't mean to rush you two, but we need to hurry if we're going to make the town hall."

The two ponies glanced at a nearby clock. They quickly finished their meals, and the trio left the castle.

The Industrial Era that so much of Equestria enjoyed had noisily descended upon the sleepy country town of Ponyville. Steam billowed in the air from so many pieces of construction equipment working around town. A traction engine was powering an impromptu sawmill near the railway station, its flywheel spinning rapidly to supply power to a circular saw. Outside of the castle, a traction engine and steamroller were working in tandem to repair the muddy dirt roads, and the foundations of destroyed homes were already being relaid in stonework. Foals meandered about town watching the machines doing work, fascinated by the whirring governors and chuffing pistons.

Twilight and her entourage had barely made it to Town Hall in time. As the clock tower bell rang out, ponies from all across town gathered in the open square outside. Twilight shuffled her note cards one last time, and stepped out onto the platform.

In Twilight's opinion, her speech had been successful. She was a couple of years removed from that first fateful Winter Wrap-Up, and nowadays Ponyvillians had an almost implicit trust in her judgement and organizational prowess. Already they had set to work, aiding the construction ponies in the various tasks Ponyville desperately needed to make a full recovery. Flash had been rewarded a Purple Heart of Courage for his efforts saving the town, and Pinkie Pie had promised him and Fizzlepop a long overdue 'Welcome-to-Ponyville-Hope-You-Stick-Around-Awhile-Thanks-For-Saving-Us-From-The-Storm-King-Also-I-Need-To-Know-When-Your-Birthdays-Are' Party once things had settled down.

Mayor Mare smiled as she peered through her upper story office window, "I just don't know how you do it, Twilight. How did you get these materials here in an evening? And a full construction crew? It should have taken weeks just to get the gears of government turning."

Smiling bashfully, Twilight answered, "Well, I hate to admit it, but I have a filing cabinet dedicated to contingency plans for all sorts of emergencies, and I keep track of hundreds of major industrial suppliers' inventories so I know who to contact. I'd really hoped I'd never have to access the Conflagration folder, though."

The mayor returned to her desk, "And aren't we thankful for that. It's no good to fret about the future, but having a plan in case of emergencies is, in part, what separates the leaders from the rulers. Of course," she chuckled, "not many towns in Equestria deal with the same sorts of problems we have here in Ponyville, but since Nightmare Moon appeared that morning I have only had to report timber-wolves once. Don't tell anypony, but I'd take a thousand Discords over those monsters any day."

Twilight could understand that. Ponyville had a reputation for the powerful creatures that skirted the edges of town looking for an equine snack. She had long since learned how to dispel the wild, arcane magics that animated timber-wolves, partially thanks to an alternate timeline Nightmare Moon, but that simply wasn't an option for most ponies. Now they seemed like a distant memory for the town. Perhaps it was time to-

"Princess," Flash Magnus called as he opened the office door, "We need to leave if we are to prepare the castle in time for our luncheon."

Another time then. "I'm sorry, Mayor. I hate to cut our teatime short. Same time next week?"

"Of course, Princess Twilight. "

Twilight, Flash Magnus, and Fizzlepop exited the town hall. Experience and intuition warned Twilight that Rainbow Dash's sudden arrival was imminent, but that did nothing to stop the inevitable. She crashed into Twilight, bowling her over and slamming them both against the now closed doors. Hopping up, Rainbow Dash pointed an accusing hoof at Twilight.

"Twilight, I've been waiting forever for you. Why didn't you tell me Flash Magnus was in town?" Before Twilight could respond, Rainbow Dash noticed him.

"Omigosh, Flash! Thank you so much for saving Ponyville while we were in Canterlot. Normally, that'd be our job, but we were, uh, busy, you know?"

Flash laughed, "It is good to see you again, Rainbow Dash. I appreciate your thanks, but I wish I could have done more. I'm sorry I could not stop that airship from running through your home," he looked at the remains, still floating above the outskirts of town, "A pity, that. It was a very nice cloud structure."

Beside herself, Rainbow Dash grabbed Twilight by the shoulders and whispered, "Did you hear that Twilight? Flash liked my cloudominium!" Throwing her aside, she remembered herself and readopted a cool attitude, "It's cool, I was thinking about remodeling it again anyway. Oh, hey Fizzy."

Fizzlepop nodded silently.

"So anyway, what're you three up to? Oh, I bet it's some super secret military stuff, right? Can I join?"

Twilight giggled, "Well, you're not far off, actually. We're meeting the Western Generals for lunch today. I'm not sure what they want, though." She thought for a moment, "Say, Rainbow Dash, what's your formal Rank in the Wonderbolts?"

Rainbow Dash suddenly straightened, clicking her hooves together, showing uncharacteristic discipline, "Ma'am, Private Rainbow Dash, Ma'am!" She relaxed and grinned, "Twice a month they run us through military drills in case we are mustered. Otherwise we respect the hierarchy, but we're pretty casual. They don't promote anypony during peacetime though. Say, Twilight, think you could put in a good word for me?"

"Sure, Rainbow, I think that's within my authority. But not if you make me late for this meeting," She continued explaining as they walked toward the Castle, "For now, I'm bringing Flash and Fizzlepop along as advisors, but I'll keep you posted. Oh, actually, I could use your help. We're heading out to the Castle of the Two Sisters this afternoon for one of my projects, and these two could use a referee."

Rainbow Dash was confused, "A referee? For what?" She gasped as she realized, "Are they going to spar? Oh wow, I was going to work on my house, but there's no way I'm missing this!"

"Excellent," Twilight said, "just make sure to keep quiet about it. I don't want to worry about an audience while I'm trying to work in the Everfree."

"Sure Twi," Rainbow rolled her eyes, "I know better than to drag a bunch of ponies in there. Plus, I'll finally get to see what you've been working on."

It was Twilight's turn to roll her eyes, "I've told all of you before, it's not that interesting. It's just-"

"A rudimentary analysis of the natural thaumic energies of the forest," Rainbow Dash quoted, "We know. That doesn't mean we're not curious."

Twilight smiled, "And I appreciate your enthusiasm. Anyway, we'll meet you in a few hours at the northeast entrance to the forest."

"No problem. See you guys later," And she took off in a cyan blur.

Approaching the Castle, Twilight noticed Braeburn and some other Appleloosans meandering around one of the chuck wagons.

"Braeburn, I'm glad your still here," she said as she walked up, "I didn't have the opportunity to thank you earlier for breakfast."

He beamed, "No sweat, Princess. It's the least we could do for y'all. And we got the Castle all cleaned up, too. We're on our way now to serve up some lunch to the Royal Guard out at their camp before the real lunch rush starts up."

"Thank you, Braeburn. And speaking of the Royal Guard, I have a some guests coming in an hour. I was hoping I could ask you a favor?"

"Well, sure, Princess, whatcha need?"

"How good are you at barbecue?"

The wind rushed passed as the two chariots tore through the open sky. Attempting to catch a tailwind, the pegasus guards dropped suddenly, causing General Sure Arc to nearly lose his peaked cap. Grabbing it, he held it against his head and shouted gruffly,

"Dag blast it, you bird brains, slow down!"

"That's a negative, Sir," one of the pegasi called out, "We can't let those night-stalkers beat us to the LZ." With a fresh flurry of wing-beats, the golden Royal Guard chariot put on more speed, inching away from the blue and black Nocturne Guard chariot paralleling them.

"Nonsense, we're supposed to show up at the same time. A sign of 'unity' and all that dung."

"Do you hear that, Lieutenant?" General Kuiper's atypical Trottingham Accent was barely audible over the rushing air, "Our golden colt counterparts are opting us to land first. Put on the speed, lads, we shan't disappoint them."

Soon the Nocturne Guards forged ahead. Scowling, General Sure Arc shifted the corn cob pipe in his mouth and shouted,

"Boys, if those web-wings land in Ponyville before us, the only thing you two will have to look forward to is a court martial!"

The race was on.

The Castle was immaculate. Starlight, Spike, and many of the mares staying at the Castle had made quick work of the various chores in preparation for the Generals' arrival. The crystal floors sheened, and everypony was preened and prepped to make a good impression. Fizzlepop and Flash Magnus had spent the hour cleaning their armor, despite neither set being Equestrian standard issue. Twilight had donned another tiara, due to her last one being trod underhoof by a certain unicorn. For expediencies sake, she opted to wait for the Generals in the foyer, flanked by her two advisors, and with Royal Guards lining the walls at attention.

They had not waited long when they heard voices on the other side of the door,

"And I'm telling you," said the gruff voice, "that it was obvious to anypony around that our chariot landed first."

"Pfft, if you could call that a landing," said the accented voice, "your ponies practically nosedived into the ground. Admit that you crashed."

"As Colonel Purple Dart once said, 'Any landing you trot away from is a good one.' Now shut your fruit-sucking trap and let's make a good first impression."

"Hmmph, I don't have to worry about that, dirt-kicker."

The doors opened.

As soon as the two generals stepped hoof through the door, every guard, Fizzlepop, and Flash Magnus snapped a salute. Flanking the generals were their respective Lieutenants, who simultaneously stepped forward and started in sync,

"Announcing the arrival of General-"

They wheeled on each other, angrily shouting at the other to wait their turn.


Every pony except Twilight snapped to in response to General Sure Arc's command, their heels clicking audibly in the echoing foyer. The two Lieutenants fell in step behind their Generals as they approached.

Twilight quickly mentally reviewed what she new about the two Generals. Both were stallions of educated upbringing and military heritage, and were held in high esteem for their quick thinking and strategic competency. They were the Western Generals, who controlled military logistics in the geographical western half of Equestria, as opposed to their Eastern counterparts. Both had a reputation for stubbornness. And that was where the similarities ended.

General Sure Arc was a short, elderly earth pony whose coat had turned white with age. His jaw was set from a lack of teeth, and he squinted one eye from an old injury. He never left home without his traditional peaked cap, and his corn cob pipe, which he smoked liberally, despite protests from restaurant goers who didn't know who he was.

His cutie mark was a magically perfect depiction of a Whinniesburg Grasshopper Field Cannon, named after his grandfather. Grasshopper Henry's militia was instrumental in defeating the ruling aristocracy, whose tariffs with Equestria had become economically insurmountable, and ended Whinniesburg as the last continental colony to cede power to Equestria.

General Sure Arc was known as a true wizard with cannons. He had established field artillery as the first technological innovation to the Equestrian military in nearly a thousand years, and it was rumored he could hit a target a mile away with a cannon with half that effective range, using nothing but his pipe and the sun to measure.

His counterpart, General Kuiper, was a tall nocturne pony with a midnight-blue coat and a slightly lighter mane, which he kept cropped short. His cutie mark depicted a constellation only Luna herself could name, and he excelled in astronavigation. Despite bat-ponies traditionally heralding from the Hollow Shades, General Kuiper came from a line of wealthy Trottingham merchants. Why he had eschewed his aristocratic roots for military service nopony is really sure, but Twilight knew he was the youngest to hold that title by promotion. His armor never made a sound.

They snapped a smart salute at Twilight,

"Generals Kuiper and Sure Arc, reporting for duty," shouted the elder general.

Twilight never missed a beat, her etiquette practiced, "At ease, sirs. Please follow me to the dining room."

The Castle's dining room had been thoughtfully prepared for their visit. The massive room's walls were decorated with Royal Guard and Nocturne Guard banners on either side of the room from each other, with Twilight's banner by itself on the thin wall across from the entryway. The banners were framed by Rarity's generously gifted ionic marble columns, whose planters had been filled with sunflowers and lavender, the traditional flowers of their respective guard.

The large dining table in the center of the room had been laid out fairly spartan, eschewing decoration for a massive bounty of delicious barbecue. Grilled corn on the cob drowned in barbecue garlic butter made the main course, flanked by grilled, skewered vegetable kebabs and mashed potatoes. The center of the table held a large tray of buttered biscuits, stacked three levels high, covered in a thin towel to retain heat.

As soon as the doors opened, General Sure Arc's jaw dropped as he looked over the spread, nearly losing his pipe in the process. Twilight grinned at his reaction as she took her place at the head of the table, flanked on either side by Fizzlepop and Flash Magnus. The generals seated themselves across from each other, with their Lieutenants next to them at the far end of the table.

Once General Sure Arc was seated, he spoke,

"Permission to speak freely, your Highness?"

"Granted," Twilight said, regally turning her hoof.

With the procedural etiquette completed, Starlight began serving the food.

"Thank you so much for hosting this meeting on such short notice, your Highness," General Kuiper said as he placed a napkin in his lap, "I can tell already that this meeting will be a productive one."

General Sure Arc was already noisily chomping on a corn cob,

"Princess, this is, frankly, the best formal meal I've had in years. You have no idea how sick I am of those snobby unicorn dinners up in Canterlot, with their foreign sauces and tiny portions. Oh, uh, no offense."

"No offense taken, General," Twilight giggled. There was a reason Pony Joe's was her favorite diner.

"And I must say," followed General Kuiper, "what an honor it is to dine with Sir Flash Magnus himself. On behalf of the Royal Guard, we thank you for your efforts both in the past, and more recently here in Ponyville against the Storm King's forces. You have done us a great service."

"The honor is mine, Sir," Flash replied, "any opportunity to serve Equestria is a gift."

"Speaking of which," said General Sure Arc, "I see we have the honor of eating with Captain Fizzlepop, the Canterlot Conqueror herself. You really showed us a thing or two the other day. Say, filly, how would you like a position up in High Command? We could use a pony with leadership chops like yours. Maybe put you in charge of this shiny new airship fleet the Storm King so generously gifted us," and he laughed heartily.

She glanced at Twilight, then shook her head,

"You know I can't do that, Sir. I owe the Princess my life."

"Fair enough," the General replied, taking a long drag from his pipe. "Still, it's obvious you have strategic talent. Under Princess Twilight's leadership, you'll do well, I'm sure."

Twilight sipped her cider before replying, "Thank you for your vote of confidence, General Sure Arc."

General Kuiper spoke, "Well, your Highness, our confidence is well deserved. Suffice to say you've breathed new life into the Royal Guard, although... we do have a few questions."

"Not now, Kuiper!" Sure Arc snapped, "Ahem, what I mean is, we'll wait until after the meal. Princess, I'm sure you're curious why were here, so let's make quick work of this delicious lunch and get to business."

Starlight gave the table one last wipe down before carrying the used dishes to the kitchen. With the table clear, they could get to work.

General Sure Arc and General Kuiper nodded at their respective Lieutenants, who set briefcases on the table.

"I'm sure you are aware, Princess Twilight," said Sure Arc, "that the following will be a confidential discussion. I'm assuming these two are acting as your advisors?"

Twilight nodded, "That is correct, General. I trust Captain Berrytwist and Sir Flash Magnus with the information we discuss here."

"Excellent. Now, if you would do the honors of sealing the room, we can begin."

With a flick of her horn, a lavender sphere appeared above the table, quickly expanding to fill the shape of the room. A Seal was a particular form of defensive magic, capable of stopping physical breach as well as eliminating auditory wavelengths, similar to a Bubble of Silence. Nopony except those currently in the room would be privy to their conversation.

"Alright, let's start with the good news," Sure Arc began flipping through various documents, squinting his good eye, "as per the rights of your title, your honor guard has been approved by default. In fact, we were hoping you'd establish one sooner, but that's neither here nor there. You can have up to ten individuals acting as your guardians, and of course you have the final say as to who gets the cut.

"We're proud to report the pending success of your Dot-Dash project far ahead of schedule. The creator and patent holder, a mister Samuel Horse, odd name, was contacted and has been working with the Royal Guard and a number of private contractors. As of this morning, we have successfully integrated telegraph through the Castle complex in Canterlot. We believe that within the month, we will have a communication hub in every major city, and in the towns and provinces in between.

"We have also sent out guard contingents to establish lookout forts as first lines of defense and warning along our coastlines. We have no doubt that those will be completed within the month; however, getting telegraph out into the wilderness will take much longer. Oh, and the various railroads across Equestria have already sent requests for telegraph technology, as they believe the instant communication will increase efficiency and safety. Do they have your approval on that?"

"Granted," Twilight said as she telekinetically signed the document, "I'm glad to hear it's been successful so far, and I know ponies across Equestria are going to want access. Let's work on a route to privatization as quickly as possible so everypony can take advantage of it."

"Of course, Princess," General Sure Arc took a drag from his pipe, "Let's see... Ah, Specialist Flash Sentry has completed his advisory work in the Crystal Empire. We are reassigning him to your detail as a strategist and liaison between you and the Royal Guard. He has our full confidence, and can aid you with any protocol or other questions you may have."

"His help will be greatly appreciated," said Twilight.

"Now," General Kuiper continued, "I know you've been asked this before, but on behalf of the other princesses and the Equestrian government I'm afraid I must insist that you change your mind on staffing the castle."

Twilight sighed, but was quick to reply, "I agree, I'll-"

General Sure Arc interrupted, "Now Princess, I know you have your reasons, but we really must insist. Beyond the basic security issues, having an unstaffed castle leads to logistical headaches and- Did you say yes?"

She nodded.

General Kuiper smiled, "Well, that's wonderful to hear, Princess. We shall aid in any way we can. Now in regards to your proposed retaliation against the forces of the Storm King, we have some news. Firstly, a parliamentary ethics board has reviewed your proposals, and though you have their support there are some... stipulations."

General Sure Arc nodded, "Apparently Princess Celestia, in her infinite wisdom, " There was a hint of sarcasm that Twilight didn't appreciate, "enacted a decree that, should an Equestrian Princess take direct military action, the number of individuals in her command shall exceed no more than one hundred. Obviously this was a knee-jerk reaction to Princess Luna's betrayal, and the law is archaic and obscure, but parliament wants it enforced anyway. That includes all staff under your command, not just soldiers. With four airship crews, that would pose a problem. However, General Kuiper and I may have found a solution."

"As per your request," General Kuiper explained, "we exchanged two captured airships with Equestrian Standard Air and Aerostat. They, unknown to us, have been working on a joint venture to produce a new kind of airship. I recommend you see them for yourself, but even I can tell it is a huge technological leap that could give Equestria an edge. The Storm King, no doubt, outnumbers us easily, and going against them in their own airships would put us at a significant disadvantage."

General Sure Arc interrupted, "That's right, Princess. If we try to take them head on, given these restraints, I'm worried we'll fail. We can hammer out the details later, but if we exchange the engines from the current airships into these new ones, I have no doubt their all-aluminum construction, cannon bays, and many other features will make the difference. Princess, we cannot allow an airship gap!"

Twilight and Fizzlepop looked over the documentation and photographs. The three airships were massive, their full length longer than three Storm King airships lined up from bow to stern. The envelopes were built on a completely rigid frame, intertwining like ribs throughout the length of the ship. Compared to the standard Equestrian non-rigid airships, these housed multiple separate gas cells to lessen the risk of rupture. Their bi-level gondolas were directly attached to the underside of the envelope, lacking the typical ship's hull design and open deck of other airships, giving it an sleeker look.

Fizzlepop, though impressed, was slightly confused,

"Why do they need the engines from the Storm King airships?"

"Thus far," explained General Kuiper, "Equestria has been unable to produce a steam engine light enough to power airships. Instead, we utilize thaumic engines which, though efficient, produce an excessive amount of heat, requiring ambient air to keep them cool. However, this proved to be structurally unsound on their design, and has stalled the project. They have assured us that by exchanging the engines from the captured airships, the retrofits will be completed within a month's time. Much shorter than the research and development time needed to reverse engineer the metallurgy behind the Storm King's engines."

"I'm not sure about this," Twilight said tentatively, looking up from the documents, "On paper it makes sense, but this represents a drastic change in our initiative. I'm worried this will send the wrong message to our allies; it will look as though Equestria is preparing for total war. The plan is to stop Xanthantos when he appears in the Crystal Empire, and then make a decisive strike against the Storm King's island fortress, avoiding bloodshed as much as possible. I'm worried weaponizing a giant airship will eliminate any route to a diplomatic end to this war. I've already amended our rules of engagement to include magic to combat the relics and magi they may have, ending a policy that has lasted a millennia. Isn't that enough?"

General Sure Arc puffed his pipe, "With all due respect, your Highness, a slight escalation is exactly what we need. This peacetime and military stagnation has weakened Equestria's place in the world, and our enemies see us as a honeypot. And look at our neighbors, the Griffon Baronies! They threw away the Classical rules of engagement as soon as they built their airship and ironclad fleets. Now, it's true that their airships aren't on the same tier as the Storm King's, but up until this week we didn't even have an airship fleet!"

"May I remind you, General," scowled Twilight, "that we are not at war with the Griffons."

General Kuiper interjected, "Unfortunately, your Highness, the comparison is apt. Much like the Storm King's forces weaponized magic-nullifying metals, it seems only Equestria has remained stalwart in its dedication to the Classical treaties. Regardless, there is a more Ahem delicate factor to consider." He turned to Fizzlepop, "If you don't mind me inquiring, how is it that you and your crew... maintain yourselves aboard these airships, especially during extended voyages?"

At first, Fizzlepop didn't react. She maintained her flat look, before quickly turning to Twilight,

"Princess, please accept their offer," she pleaded.

Twilight nearly fell out of her chair in surprise, "What, why?"

"You don't want to know, please accept their offer."

"Captain, relax. What I am getting at, Princess, is that the Storm King airships do not meet any maritime hygienic standards required of Equestrian ships, both merchant and military. They are completely unsuitable for long distance travel. As such, we believe it not only wise, but necessary that you accept this opportunity."

"Oh," Twilight muttered quietly as she signed the papers. Nopony could deny the sudden air of awkwardness at the oversight.

"Sir Flash Magnus, you've been awfully quiet," General Sure Arc said as he packed his briefcase, "something on your mind, son?"

"Hmm?" he responded absentmindedly, "Oh, I apologize for not taking part in the discussion. Though much has changed, I felt a little nostalgia for my days in the Royal Legion, when we would meet in the grand hall and plan quests. And I am very much looking forward to completing this one," he grinned.

"Hear, hear!" shouted Sure Arc, "And remember, Princess, we have your back. Those Storm King Commander freaks won't know what hit 'em," He and General Kuiper stood from the table and saluted, "With your permission?"

"Of course," Twilight stood, resuming her etiquette, "Thank you all so much for your help. You are dismissed."

The Generals and their lieutenants finished their salute, turned smartly, and marched out of the dining room.

Twilight sighed as she released the tension she hadn't realized she was holding. She wasn't sure she would ever get used to dealing with the military leadership, even with the authority she carried. Just as she was about to relax, General Sure Arc suddenly popped his head through the door,

"Oh, Princess! I almost forgot. Must be getting senile in my old age. News from the Crystal Empire: some sort of magical discovery," he hoofed over a manila folder, "I'm sure you'll find it interesting," he winked his good eye, "Anyway, back to the front!" and walked out the door.

"So, Princess," Fizzlepop grinned, "seems you are now the proud owner of three brand new airships." But Twilight didn't respond, and stood there looking forlorn.

"Is something wrong, Princess?" Flash Magnus asked.

She turned to face them, "I- Am I doing the right thing?"

"You seek to rid the world of a violent power that desires world domination," Flash summarized, "How could that not be a good thing?"

Twilight giggled, "Well when you put it that way. I just wonder if the way I'm going about it is right. I've never done anything like this before. There are so many factors; so many things that can go wrong. And if I make mistakes, I could put ponies in danger."

"I'm not going to sugarcoat it, Princess," Fizzlepop said sardonically as she stood up from the table, "leading an army into battle is hard. Those under your command could get hurt, or worse. And what about you? You're just as mortal as the rest of us; aren't you worried that you might not make it back from this little adventure? It's not too late to back out."

Twilight was quick to rebuke, "I would never sacrifice Equestria's security for my own safety."

Fizzlepop playfully jabbed Twilight's side, "That's the confidence I expect from the Princess who defeated me."

"Besides, Princess," Flash Magnus added, "Hasn't that always been a possibility when you and your friends run off to save Equestria? I think it is self explanatory that those you recruit for this effort know what they are getting into and feel the same way about their country as you do."

She paused for a moment, "I guess I never really thought about it before. I've always been meticulous when planning, but I've never factored mortality. Maybe I assumed if I was thorough enough, nopony could get hurt. Oh dear..."

"No need to fret, Princess," Flash Magnus consoled, "That is hardly a failure on your part as it is the confidence and assumed invincibility of youth. The possibility of danger must be considered as a factor, but you cannot let fear of injury keep you from doing what needs to be done."

"Thank you both for your advice, and for putting this into perspective. Let's go find Starlight and Spike, and head out to the Everfree forest. In the meantime, I'll start looking through this package the General gave me."

Night of the Friendship Festival, Three days prior

The Crystal Empire Builder thundered along the rails through the snowy wastes of Northern Equestria. The blizzard raged outside the window, the flurry of snowflakes visible only from the interior lights of the passenger cars. Princess Cadance lounged on her chaise, safe from the elements in her private rail car. The long train trips between the Crystal Empire and Canterlot were the only time she had to read these days, but between her exhaustion and frustration at the Storm King's incursion, and her subsequent imprisonment, she just wasn't interested.

She stretched inelegantly, enjoying the temporary solitude. She knew a nap would be nice, but her honor guard were paranoidly checking in on her every so often to make sure she hadn't been kidnapped, replaced, turned to stone, or worse. She wanted to fault them, but more and more often it seemed the nervous imaginations of her guards, and her husband, were becoming reality. Poor Shining Armor, Cadance thought to herself. At least Queen Chrysalis hadn't separated them. She laughed at the idea of Queen Chrysalis having more decency than the Storm King and his unicorn lackey.

Thanks to her sister-in-law everything had worked out in the end, but she couldn't fight the what-ifs that roiled in her mind. She had only found out a few hours ago that she had her magic stolen, along with the other princesses. Even if Twilight and her friends had failed, she knew Shining Armor would have come to their aid with an army, but did her husband and their subjects stand a chance against such a powerful enemy? And what about Flurry Heart? If the worst had passed, she would have been left behind without... Cadance couldn't bear the thought as a tear rolled down her cheek.

This had been the last straw. For the first time in years, Cadance had yelled at her adopted aunt, criticizing Celestia for being too laissez faire. In the end, though, she couldn't blame her; except for Twilight, all the princesses had failed to protect their subjects. Either way, the invasion had been a wake up call for Cadance, and she would not argue against Shining Armor's overprotective attitude any more.

It was bad enough the Crystal Empire had been fighting Windigos the past week. They had appeared suddenly in various areas along the Empire's border, and combating them was proving difficult. Thankfully, they didn't seem to be openly hostile, but it was obvious they were trying to cross the Crystal Heart's protective barrier. Knowing Shining Armor had his hooves full with the Windigos and Flurry Heart made her own recent helplessness all the more infuriating. At least they would all be together again soon.

The locomotive's whistle blew long and loud, signalling their crossing the viaduct over Icefell Gorge. Cadance wondered how many landmarks still carried their names from Sombra's era. As many times as she had taken the trip, she knew that home was a mere hour away.

The train's brakes squealed as it halted in front of the station platform. Cadance gathered up her belongings and peered out the window. The snow had disappeared, replaced with a clear summers night thanks to the magic of the Crystal Heart. That is a lot of guards, she thought to herself. Though the Empire only numbered a few million souls, she knew Shining Armor had been ramping up recruiting efforts to reestablish some semblance of a military. Now they were out in full force, all to escort their Highness back to her Castle less than a mile away.

She stepped through the portal onto the platform and saw Shining Armor standing there waiting for her. He looked haggard, still wearing his winterized armor, his limbs and neck wrapped in heavy cloth.

His eyes lit up when he spotted her, "Sweetie!"

"Oh, Shining!"

They embraced, wrapping a fore-hoof around each other's neck and nuzzling. With a quick kiss, they left the platform and loaded their carriage for the quick trip back home.

"Cadance," Shining Armor began, "I'm so sorry for everything that happened. We barely had time to mobilize... We didn't even know something was wrong until the sun and moon went haywire. I'm so sorry..."

She put a hoof on his shoulder, "It's okay, sweetie. You couldn't have known. I'm just so glad you were here with Flurry Heart. And I'm sorry I haven't been taking your concerns as seriously as I should have. I know it would've made a difference if I had brought my honor guard with me," she started to get upset again, so decided to change the subject, "Is Flurry asleep?"

Shining Armor nodded, "At least she was when I left the castle. I know she can be a hooffull for the maids and Sunburst, but those Windigos are wreaking havoc along the barrier, and the Crystal Ponies just can't combat them. It's not their fault they don't have unicorn magic, but with only me and a few Royal Guard, its been an uphill battle. And I hate to drop this on you after everything, but..." he paused, concern growing on his face.

"What is it sweetie? You can tell me," Cadance assured.

"Well, we're not sure, but we think they've foalnapped somepony."


"Mhmm. She was last seen wandering around the northern fields, but didn't return home the other night."

"Do you think it was another case of displacement syndrome?" Cadance asked.

"Possibly. The Crystal Empire has been back for over two years now, I had hoped the Crystal Ponies would get used to their new surroundings, but couple that with the effects of Sombra's selective amnesia and they keep trying to return to their old habits."

"Don't worry, Shining. I'm sure we'll solve that problem eventually. Let's focus on the Windigos for now, then move on to the bigger problems. Just one thing at a time. Besides, now that I'm back I can hel-"

"No," Shining Armor interrupted, "You are not going out there to face those things. If they did foalnap that mare, you could be next. I can't bear the thought of something happening to you again."

"Shining, I can-" she thought of Flurry Heart, "No, you're right. I know you can stop them, sweetie."

They continued chatting as they exited the carriage and entered the castle. The halls were dim and quiet, only populated by sparse guards making their rounds. The two young rulers went straight to their suite, where Flurry Heart was soundly sleeping in her crib. The maid, a Crystal Pony mare, had fallen asleep upright in the rocking chair, a bedtime storybook still resting in her lap. Cadance used her magic to cover her with a nearby blanket, and nuzzled Flurry Heart before retiring.

Cadance awoke suddenly the next morning, startled by Flurry Heart teleporting onto the bed. She cooed as she wrapped her four tiny legs around Cadance's barrel.

"Good morning, Flurry," Cadance said softly, "Mommy's home. Did you miss me?"

Flurry Heart babbled excitedly, hugging her mom tighter.

Wrapping a foreleg around Flurry, Cadance said, "I missed you, too. Why don't we go downstairs and get some breakfast."

"Mhmm," Flurry mumbled, smiling.

As they exited the suite, Cadance couldn't help overhear Shining Armor and Sunburst talking in another room. It sounded like they were arguing,

"I know the Windigos are a threat," Sunburst said, "but I'm worried this might be more of Sombra's magic in the castle."

Shining Armor rebutted as he finished dressing in his armor, "I understand, Sunburst. But I have to prioritize the Windigos right now. I'll help you investigate it as soon as I can, but it'll have to wait."

"I don't think we can," Sunburst was getting agitated, "The Crystal Ponies keep wandering into the wall like there's supposed to be a doorway, and I know I detected magic on the other side. If that wall goes down, who knows what might come out of it."

"Or it could be nothing, Sunburst. Your concerns are valid, but my Royal Guards are already out there fighting a known threat, and they need my help. Put some barriers around it to keep the ponies from walking into it."

"I did, and they trotted right through them. It's one of the worst cases of displacement syndrome I've seen. Please, just thirty min-"

"No, Sunburst. I need to go. We'll discuss this again later. "

Cadance watched as Shining left the tower, leaving a dejected looking Sunburst behind. Walking up to him, she asked,

"Good morning, Sunburst. Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Uh, no, Princess. Not yet."

"Let's go to the kitchen, and we'll talk about this problem you're having."

As they sat down at the table, Sunburst explained,

"We had a situation the other day while you were in Canterlot. As you know, I've spent the past couple of months investigating the Crystal Ponies' health. The only correlation I can find between the remaining amnesiacs and those suffering from displacement syndrome are the uninterpretable, crystalline geometric cutie marks they have. For months I've watched ponies accidentally walk into the west wall of the castle library, thinking they were just not paying attention. It was only recently I realized that only ponies with the geometric cutie marks were doing it, and they were increasing in number.

"Anyway, I was continuing my work, coincidentally near the wall, when two large stallions walked by. Before I knew it they were pounding away at the wall with their hooves like mad-ponies. I yelled at them, but they kept at it for minutes. Suddenly, they stopped, looked at each other in bewilderment, and galloped away. They made a sizeable fissure in the wall, too. And I know there is some sort of magic behind that wall, I can feel it."

Cadance was concerned, "Do you know what kind of magic?"

"It's really faint, but it sort of feels like an enchantment, but different. I need to investigate, but I can't do it by myself; I'm just not powerful enough."

She put a hoof on his shoulder, "Don't worry, Sunburst. After breakfast, we'll go take a look. Maybe we can't do anything about it today, but we can always get help. I'm sure Twilight would love a mystery to solve."

As they neared the library, they saw a sizeable crowd gathered outside the doors.

"What's going on?" Cadance asked the guards stationed outside.

"Prince Shining Armor has ordered the library temporarily closed until the west wall is repaired, but these ponies refuse to disperse."

"We need to get in," cried one of the mares. Sure enough, she had a vague, geometric cutie mark like Sunburst had said.

"Well, uh, do you know what for?" Sunburst asked.

The mare thought for a moment, "Huh. No, I don't know why I need in the library. I guess I wanted a book, but now I'm not sure."

"Either way," one of the guards interrupted, "the library is closed until further notice. Please disperse."

Realizing their confusion, the small crowd aimlessly wandered off in different directions, leaving only Princess Cadance and Sunburst.

"I'm sorry, your Highness," said the guard, "that includes you. Prince Shining Armor doesn't want you to get hurt by whatever's going on in there."

Seeing Sunburst's disappointment, Cadance said, "I'm sorry, Sunburst, we'll have to look into it another day. It's probably for the best. Alright, Flurry, I have a surprise for you I got in Canterlot." But as she turned, she suddenly realized Flurry Heart was no longer resting on her back.

"Where is Flurry? Did any of you see where she went?" The three shook their heads. Then, they heard giggling on the other side of the library doors.

"She must have teleported in when we were distracted. Hurry, we need to get her out of there!"

The guards parted as Cadance galloped through the large double doors to the library. Soon they and Sunburst were right behind her, rushing to find Flurry Heart before she got into trouble.

Meanwhile, Flurry Heart was enjoying herself thoroughly. The tall library ceilings were fun the fly in, and the many rows of shelves were great for hide and seek. She flew around a corner, and, unable to stop in time, came face to face with the west wall. With a great flap of her wings, and with an instinctual shield spell, she slammed into the wall, causing the whole thing to crumble. None the worse for wear, she giggled at her discovery of a new hiding place, and flew in.

Cadance and Sunburst skidded across the slick floor of the library attempting to round the corner. Their worst fears were realized as they saw the gaping maw of a new, unlit hallway reaching into the center of the castle where a wall once stood. They heard Flurry Heart's echoing giggles down the passage. Steeling herself, Cadance galloped toward the entry.

"Princess, wait!" Sunburst called, "Look at the walls."

She stopped, noticing the neatly aligned crystals evenly spaced along the walls and ceiling of the entryway.

Sunburst caught up to her and, eyeing the crystals, adjusted his glasses, "They look like enchantment crystals, but I've never seen any this fine before. I'll need time to decipher their function."

"Time is what we don't have, Sunburst. Flurry Heart is in there," She resumed her gallop.

"We don't know what's in there. It could be a trap!" Sunburst called.

But Cadance didn't stop, so reluctantly Sunburst charged in with her. As soon they crossed the threshold, the crystals activated, and solid beams of magic energy crisscrossed the portal like cell bars. They were trapped.

The guards quickly caught up to them, but could not pass into the hall.

"Go get help," Cadance ordered, "We'll find Flurry Heart." The guards ran off, and Cadance and Sunburst descended into the black.

The passage angled into a corner, destroying the ambient light from the library. Cadance and Sunburst lit their horns, and their soft blue and yellow glows lit the room. To their surprise, the hidden hallway did not go very far, dead-ending into a round room with high, vaulted ceilings. The interior exactly matched that of the rest of the library, with crystalline shelves lining the walls.

"Wow," Sunburst exclaimed, "this looks like any of the other ancillary chambers in the library. I wonder why it was sealed off."

Cadance had another mystery to solve, "Flurry Heart, sweetie, are you in here?"

A soft giggle emanated from somewhere in the room. Cadance brightened her glow, pointing it at various spots in the room. It didn't take long her her to spot Flurry's blue and orchid tail sticking out from under a reading table. Cadance gently lifted the tablecloth and said, "Boo."

Flurry Heart jumped in surprise and laughed, joyful that mommy had found her. Cadance wrapped her in a foreleg and kissed her on the cheek.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're safe, sweetheart, but you can't run off like that. You understand?" she scolded.

"Uh-huh," Flurry muttered sorrowfully, then rasberried.

"Sunburst, let's head back to the entrance until help arrives."

"Hmm?" Sunburst answered absentmindedly, already entranced by one of the many books, "Oh, I'll catch up in a minute. This is fascinating..."

High in a mountain cave miles north of the Crystal Empire, a gargantuan snake-like creature peered into his crystal ball. Xanthantos the Gorgon, easily as tall as three stallions stacked upon each other, bent over to get a better look. He laughed as he watched Shining Armor and his Royal Guards retreat,

"Those foolish ponies," he hissed, "it will take far more than five unicorns to defeat my Windigo summons." He palmed the crystal ball with his scaly claws, manipulating the field of view to get a larger picture of the Crystal Empire. He could faintly see the soft glow of the barrier projected by the Crystal Heart, blurring and obscuring the city inside.

"I almost have it," he monologued, "by tomorrow I will have found the weakest point in the barrier; I'm so close. And once I enslave the population, their magic will fuel me for generations. Noone will be able to stop me!"

"Not even the Princesses?" a voice hissed from the back of the cave. Xanthantos turned, and from the shadows of the volcanic lava's glow a globby, roiling shape appeared.

"Strife? How did you find me?"

The umbrum laughed wheezily, "I have my ways. And I come bearing news."

"Save it. I'm well aware of the Storm King's demise. I foresaw it."

Strife was surprised, "If you know this, then you know he was defeated by the same ponies you seek to conquer."

"Fool," Xanthantos snapped, swiping at the incorporeal form of the umbrum with a claw, "Do not compare me to him! The Storm King was weak, needing to steal magic and artifacts to assert his will. And he was foolish for trusting that unicorn. I am a great sorcerer, and I will defeat those ponies with my summons. Now begone, I have work to do."

"If you are so powerful," the umbrum asked sardonically, "why enslave the ponies for their magic?"

"You know nothing," the sorcerer retorted, "I am not here for something so shallow. I could sap the magic from just about any creature. Enslaving the ponies is just a bonus. No, my real goal is here," He manipulated the crystal ball to show a blurry image of the castle.

"This structure houses possibly the most valuable and powerful artifact on Equis: The Crystal Heart. These ponies do not know the power they possess."

Confused, Strife asked, "Does it not just keep the snow at bay? I cannot imagine what power you see in it."

"It is so much more than that. Under that barrier, the Crystal Heart manages everything; The weather, the temperature, humidity, even the very soil is nurtured by that artifact. In that dome it's eternal summer. Don't you see? Those ancient Crystal Ponies created the foundations of terraforming magics! With it in my control, I could bend the very planet to my will, and no longer would I have to wander, seeking barren volcanoes and dry deserts for warmth. Curse this cold blood of mine."

Strife laughed, "You seek to conquer and enslave a country of millions just so you can be comfortable year round? How wonderful. Why not return to Medusus, your homeland? Surely that would be simpler, though much less entertaining."

Xanthantos hissed, "Banished. My Gorgon brethren could not see the true power they could posses, nor did they have my aspirations. We are a race capable of powerful sorcery, but they wile away their lives clinging to warm rocks and basking in the sunlight. Such a waste. Nor can I inhabit the dragon lands; they despise us with a territorial fervor. No, this plan is much better."

"And the princesses?"

"Equestria is far enough away that they cannot possibly arrive in time. I will hold the whole nation hostage; that will cow them into keeping their distance. Even if I could, I have no desire to quarrel with those who move the very sun and moon."

The umbrum chuckled, "For your sake I hope you're right. May the stars bless you, Xanthantos. And don't worry, I'll be keeping an eye on you."

"Begone with you, fog." But Strife had already disappeared.

"Oh my gosh, Princess, "Sunburst exclaimed, "It all makes sense! The displacement syndrome, the amnesia, the cutie marks, all of it!"

"Oh?" Cadance was having trouble sharing his enthusiasm, having spent the last hour in vain trying to disarm the bars of their magical prison. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't force them to deactivate.

"This whole antechamber is dedicated to the crystallers. I had trouble making sense of the term etymologically from its Old Ponish roots, because its base word more directly translates to something like 'craftspony'. We thought a Crystaller specifically referred to those who performed a Crystalling Ceremony for the royal family, but crystaller can refer to any tradespony that works in crystal fabrication!"

"Uh-huh," Cadance responded as she tried to telekinetically rip a crystal from its mount in the wall.

"And that's not even the half of it. The Crystal Pony's enchantment crystals are on a totally different level technologically. I've never seen such precision. These interior matrices even match the strange geometric cutie marks. Sombra must have locked away this technology for fear they would use it against him."

Cadance sighed, "That's great, Sunburst. Did you find a way out of here?"

"Huh, oh yeah. Hold on." He lit up his horn and grabbed one of the crystals in his magic. Concentrating, he stuck his tongue out as he manipulated the crystal. Suddenly, there was a click, and the magic bars disappeared.

"Sunburst, how long have you been able to do that?"

"Oh, I read about those half an hour... ago." He withered under Cadance's stern gaze, "Eh heh, sorry."

Shining armor and his guards charged into the library as Cadance, Flurry Heart, and Sunburst exited the antechamber.

"Cadance, Flurry Heart! Are you okay?" He exclaimed, drawing them into a hug.

"We're fine, sweetie. Flurry just got a little curious."

Shining Armor was relieved, "How did you escape? Last time somepony got trapped in one of these sealed rooms it took us hours to get them out."

"Give me some time, Prince Shining Armor," Sunburst interjected, "I'll explain everything."

The next morning, Cadance looked over the town square from her balcony. Sunburst had spent nearly all night studying in the previously sealed library room, and from what she had heard he had made great progress. Now an impromptu job fair had been erected in front of the castle to reconnect the Crystal Ponies with their skills. It had taken a miracle to organize the event and get word out, but she could already see thousands of ponies gathering in the early morning sunlight.

Shining Armor, meanwhile, had gathered thousands of Crystal Legion soldiers in an attempt to do the same. From his platform, he looked down on them spread out across the Colosseum grounds. Using a guide created by Sunburst, and knowing of the imminent threat of Xanthantos, he got straight to the point,

"Today, we will release you from the last stranglehold Sombra placed on your culture. Using dark magics, he enslaved you and sealed away your memory to serve his own devices. And now we know that he sealed away your talents, the very talents that made the Crystal Empire a super power in days past. Captain, please demonstrate."

He moved out of the way, and the captain took his place. He described his actions to the army as he placed his right hoof over the crystal inlay centered on the chest of his barding. As the captain concentrated, slowly the gem began to glow. Suddenly, there was a gleam, and his armor shimmered as magical energy coursed through it. For demonstration, he sparred with two other legion stallions, and defeated them easily, as the armor enhanced his strength. Magical blasts from Shining Armor were deflected, and physical impacts were absorbed. And it clicked with everypony in the stadium, who became overwhelmed in remembrance and understanding.

A new day shined over the Crystal Empire, having had their true magic restored. With their enchantment crystals, they could compete with the raw strength of the Earth Ponies, control weather like the Pegasi, and display magical abilities on par with the Unicorns. That evening, as Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and Sunburst looked over the reborn city, they came to the simultaneous realization,

"We need to tell Twilight!"

Far away from the Empire, Xanthantos stared angrily into his crystal ball.

"What is this? I turn my back for a day and suddenly those ponies jump leaps and bounds in magical prowess," he fumed, "No matter. By the end of the month I'll have discovered their secret, and built up more than enough magic to defeat them. Know this, ponies, the Crystal Heart will be mine!"

Comments ( 8 )

If the main OCs in this story were voiced, what would they sound like?

General Kuiper has a generic english accent, but General Sure Arc takes reference from a specific person, which Ive left hints at in the story. Anyone who can prove they know who that is w/out spoiling it gets a cookie. 😋

Finally! I've been waiting a while for the next chapter of this, and I wasn't disappointed! Here are my thoughts:

1. I'm a little confused by this whole "I can't forgive you right now" thing between Twilight and Fizzlepop. I've been under the impression that she already did forgive her at the end of the movie. Is this an effort to make some realistic PTSD or something?

2. My biggest wish for the next chapter is that we'll get to see what's going through Celestia's head right now. I think deep down, she just wishes everyone could get along without any trouble, but now she's seeing that Equestria is going to have to be ready to fight if they need to.

3. Hey, look! We finally get to see the villain!

4. Good grief! All this time, the Crystal Ponies were secretly overpowered alicorn OCs that could conveniently do anything?? :)

Enjoyed reading this chapter. See you around!

Glad you enjoyed it. Not to spoil anything, and I hate to explain in comments because the story should be able to speak for itself, but the show doesn't give any evidence that the Crystal Ponies have any magic, and usually in fanon they get boiled down to 'worse earth ponies'. By enchanting spells into crystal matrices, they can bring themselves to a competitive level, not necessarily better than the core races. Like a Jack of all trades sort of thing. I definitely could have made it clearer. Something to fix for the eventual rewrite lol. I can guarantee there is a reason for the Crystal Pony's inclusion, though.

As the sun rose, its light shown brilliantly against the sparse cloud cover left over from the previous evening's storm. It reflected off the damp ground, and everything shimmered in the morning light. God rays bled through the small crack between the lavender curtains of the master bedroom, and landed square on Twilight Sparkle's face...

'Gold' rays, I assume?

I was so excited to see that another chapter of this dropped. I've really enjoyed this story thus far and, if this chapter is any indication, I will continue to enjoy it for some time. Well thought out, well paced, and well executed all around. Keep up the good work!

Glad you are enjoying it. 'God Rays' refer to the phenomenon when light filters through cloud cover creating a beam effect, usually seen in the morning or after a rain storm

My education continues. Thank you

Thanks for the explanation. Although really, I'm a little more concerned about Twilight being somehow unable to forgive Fizzlepop (even though it seemed like she did at the end of the movie), and what Celestia is thinking of all of this.

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