• Published 12th Mar 2018
  • 1,186 Views, 25 Comments

Princess Twilight's Aether-Corps - joetraincool2

Princess Twilight and her friends were victorious against the evil Storm King, but can she stop his Commanders from achieving world domination?

  • ...

Hazard Pay

Twilight paced back and forth across the foyer, her hoofsteps wearing a groove in the crystal floor.

"This is bad. Really bad! This storm is awful, and so many ponies are still out there working, and the camp is going to be flooded, and Fizzlepop has to fly through this. Not to mention this will set our construction efforts back until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. The ponies might not continue working in the rain, and the trains will show up soon, and there won't be anypony to unload them. Ugh..."

Twilight, exhausted from the day and from the mounting problems, gracelessly flopped down on her side and buried her face in her hooves.

"Princess, what's wrong?" Twilight looked up to see Flash Magnus adopting a defensive stance next to her. "Are we under attack?"

Twilight sighed, "No, Flash, nothing's wrong. Except that my entire operation is falling apart at the seams thanks to a miscommunication with Cloudsdale."

Flash chuckled, "The best laid plans always fall to the heat of battle. What separates the great strategists from the rest is their ability to adapt." He held out a hoof to help Twilight up from the floor.

"Now, what is priority number one, your Highness?"

Twilight sniffled, "Well, the trains are going to be here soon, but I doubt the ponies I've assigned to unloading them are going to work in this weather. If the trains don't get unloaded, it'll wreak havoc on the whole network."

"I see. Can something be done about the weather?"

"I don't think so. There aren't even close to enough pegasi in Ponyville, and this storm is massive and violent. Maybe I could put a dent in it, but I haven't even begun to study weather magic."

"Well, then you must lead by example. If those ponies cannot handle a little rain, then you must use your abilities to unload the trains yourself. Surely those ponies would not be so cowardly to let their Princess do all the work."

A steam whistle sounded in the distance.

"You know, you're right, Flash. Time is of the essence! Even if I have to do it by myself, this job is going to get done." She took a long sip of her coffee, and threw a magic shield around herself.

"You won't be alone, Princess. I may not have your magic, but I will help any way I can."

"Thank you Flash. Now, let's do this." She and Flash vaulted out the door, leaving the guards in their wake.

Nearly halfway to Ponyville. Fizzlepop shivered as the wind blew across the deck. I should ask Twilight if she can enchant this armor to keep me warm. Night had long ago descended, and all was going well so far. Most of the crew had gone below deck to get out of the cold, and only the heavy chuffs of the engines could be heard.

Fizzlepop turned as she heard the hatch to the hull creak open. Rainbow's head popped up over the floor, flashing a grin.

As she approached, she shouted, "Hey, I got you some cider," and handed her the mug.

Fizzlepop thanked her and sipped the warm drink, sighing contentedly. Rainbow Dash remained at Fizzlepop's side in silence, enjoying the evening air.

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash gasped. She crouched down, and her mane stood on end.

"What, what's going on?"

"I don't know, but I think we're in for a heck of a storm. There aren't any thunderstorms scheduled for tonight, though." She galloped towards the bow and perched on the bowsprit, bringing up her binoculars. In the far distance, roiling black clouds stood like a great wall in their path, spreading out in all directions. She returned to the helm and reported to Fizzlepop.

"I don't know why there's a storm over Ponyville, but it's definitely pegasus-made. Even from here I can feel how crazy powerful it is; I'm not sure we should fly through it."

Fizzlepop thought for a moment, weighing her options. "Well, I've flown through storms before, and even if you didn't know about it surely the Princess did, and she wouldn't have sent us out here if she thought a little weather was going to cause us problems. Besides, this is the first responsibility I've been given as Princess Twilight's Captain. I'm not going to fail."

Rainbow Dash wasn't convinced, "If you say so, but it wouldn't be failure to land somewhere and wait out the storm. And I'm sure Twilight would prioritize everypony's safety first."

"That may be, but we don't know whats happening down there. If you say a storm wasn't scheduled, Ponyville may be in trouble. They could need our help."

"Hey, ya, you're right! Quick, make this tub go faster." Rainbow began shadow boxing, pumping herself up for the possible fight ahead.

"Well, I'm not just going to charge in there," she turned to the communication tubes, "All Hooves on deck!"

Once the crew was present, she brought them up to speed, "Listen up! A large storm has shown up over Ponyville, so I'm going to need everypony in top form if we're going to get through this. We're just over an hour away from our destination, and about twenty minutes from the storm. If we fly low and take it steady, it'll be no problem. Now," she divided the ponies up: two to check the cargo, two to help Silver Spanner in the engine room, and the rest to man the trimming.

Fizzlepop, once again at the helm, adjusted the ballast and angled the rudders, bringing the airship into a shallow, sloping descent.

The rain pattered against the envelope of the airship as they edged into the storm. Lightning flashed in the distance, casting bizarre shadows against the thick clouds. In mere minutes visibility dropped to nothing.

"Watch your altitude, Fizzy! The downdraft will force us closer to the ground." Rainbow Dash could barely shout over the din of thunder and the increasing ferocity of the rain.

Fizzlepop eyed her compass and altimeter. In the low visibility, it would be easy to lose their way.

The winds howled around them, the summer thunderstorm seemingly attempting to eject the ship from its presence. Fizzlepop struggled at the helm, keeping the wheel firmly in the crook of her hooves. Forcing the wheel left, it was all she could do to keep the ship pointing in the right direction.

"Incoming gust from port, hold on!" Rainbow yelled as she grabbed the railing. Mere moments later the whole airship bucked right, throwing ponies against the starboard railing and tossing Fizzlepop like a rag-doll off the helm. The wheel spun freely, and the whole ship lurched.

"Oh no you don't!" Fizzlepop leapt up, grabbing the helm once more and forced it counterclockwise. She silently cursed herself for underestimating Equestrian weather.

"Listen up," she shouted into the communication tubes, "I want everypony on deck tethered, now!" She yanked a lever, and ropes descended from the overhead framework, all knotted to a guide-rail. The unicorns on deck grabbed the ropes and quickly tied them to the other ponies' barrels.

Down in the hold, two earth ponies slowly made their way toward the bow, meticulously checking each of the ropes holding the large crates in place.

Unable to brace themselves from the incoming wind, they slammed against the port wall as the ship lurched. For moments they laid on the floor, dazed and confused. One of the crates near the bow came loose of its mooring, sliding forward slowly across the steel floor.

The rain came down in torrents as the airship plunged further into the storm. Lightning flashed all around, blinding the ponies on deck and leaving their manes standing on end. Fizzlepop stood steady at the helm, concentrating hard on keeping control of the ship. She was lost in focus, ignoring the cold and the soreness in her hooves. She didn't hear Rainbow Dash call out an incoming downdraft.


As lightning struck, the blast of wind slammed into the airship, violently tipping it forward and forcing it down. Ponies scattered across the deck, sliding on the wet woodwork. Only their tethers kept them on deck. Fizzlepop was catapulted by the wrenching force over the helm and somersaulted, slamming head first onto deck floor. Dazed by the impact, she flailed about on her side, desperately attempting to gain a hoof-hold. Her heavy armor compounded with her exhaustion and kept her from righting herself. She saw the helm spin wildly, and the ship turned about, losing its heading and knocking Fizzlepop further off balance.

Bic Mac galloped toward her, managing his balance despite the random movements of the airship beneath him. Skidding over, he grabbed Fizzlepop in his forelegs and lifted her up. Back on her hooves, Fizzlepop sprinted back to the helm, grasping it tightly.

"I am not losing control again!" she growled. She eyed the altimeter and the compass.

We must be getting close. Time to drop below the storm. Angling the rudders, she sent the airship back into its descent in a desperate attempt to fly below the storm.

"Rainbow Dash, over here!" she called out. Rainbow Dash galloped from her perch on the bow, but only made it half way to the helm before she started slipping. Pushing herself, she ran in place on the wet deck before sliding back towards the bow.

"Something's wrong!" Fizzlepop was losing her balance, but had no visual in the inky blacks and grays of the nighttime storm. Bracing herself against the wheel, the realization struck her: The whole ship was tipping dangerously forward.

"You two," pointing at the two unicorns, she shouted, "Somethings wrong with the cargo. Get down below and fix it!"

Seeing the struggling unicorns attempting to obey, Rainbow Dash vaulted and grabbed their tethers. With a mighty heave, she swung them across the angled deck and they slid into the hatch.

"Engine room, report!"

"Captain?" Silver Spanner's voice betrayed her nervousness, "Whats going on? Why are we tilted?"

"Cargo must be loose. Be prepared, I'm putting us in full reverse!"

"Aye, Captain!"

Adjusting the controls, Fizzlepop set the props in reverse in an attempt to level the airship.

The hold was in chaos. Several of the containers, loosened from their ropes by the original crate, gave way and tumbled into the bow of the ship. The earth ponies had been powerless to stop them, and were giving their all to keep any more crates from falling forward. Dealing with the increase slope, only their sheer strength kept the heavy crates at bay.

The unicorns descended the stairs into the hull. They quickly planned ahead and leapt into action. The first grabbed the two crates that had remained in place, forcing them into stasis. The earth ponies jumped clear as the second unicorn began telekinetically lifting the fallen crates back into their original positions. Seeing an opportunity, the earth ponies tossed the holding ropes back across the crates and secured them as the magical stasis held them still. Levitation, stasis, ropes, levitation, stasis, ropes; the process continued until the final crate was set back in place.

"Cargo secure, Captain!" came the call from down below.

The flight to the Ponyville Railway Station was quick for Twilight and Magnus. As she had predicted, the first freight train had already arrived, and was idling noisily with an impatient hiss from its safety valve. She eschewed the main door of the small depot, instead quietly landing on the ground next to the train. Trotting up the steps to the platform, she spied a railroad employee and the stationmaster arguing,

"Now look here, pal, we're under direct orders from the Princess, and I need this train unloaded so I can get out of the way for the next train."

The stationmaster scowled, "And I keep telling you, I don't have any ponies to unload the train. Nopony is stepping hoof out in this weather!"

"That's your problem, pal, not mine. Now, I'm going to tell you what to do about this train-"

"I'll tell you what you can do with that train! You can take that train and-"

Twilight lit up her horn, and began lifting the timbers off their flatcar. As soon as her magic touched the lumber, both arguing ponies turned on her in unison,

"Hey, don't touch that- Oh, Princess!"

Twilight rolled her eyes and smiled, redoubling her efforts unloading the heavy timber. Widening her stance, she lifted the load off its flatcar, into the air, and gently laid the large planks in a neat, organized stack under the woodshed on the other side of the tracks.

The worker was impressed at the telekinetic display, "Wow, I bet every warehouse in Equestria wishes they had one of you!"

Twilight continued working, her shield protecting her from the onslaught of rain as it pattered audibly against the magic barrier. Flash, the stationmaster, and the railroad employee watched from the platform, protected from the storm by the station's overhanging roof.

Looking down the tracks, Twilight counted the lumber laden flatcars that still needed to be unloaded. At least fifteen cars were coupled to the idling locomotive, patiently waiting their turn. This is going to take a while.

The stationmaster looked disapprovingly at the railroad employee, "Don't you have a job to do?"

"Ya, ya, I'll get to it. Princess, I'm gonna start moving the train up slowly, just keep doin' what you're doin'."

With two short blasts of the whistle, and a hiss from the cylinders, the locomotive's six driving wheels turned in sync, and the whole train crept forward. Car after car was unloaded, and the monotony caused Twilight to almost pick up the caboose in reflex. In all, it had taken her a mere half hour to unload a whole train, and it left the station just for the next train to arrive.

As the train pulled into the depot, Twilight eyed the station clock. It was late into the evening, and Fizzlepop still hadn't arrived with the airship.

"Cargo secure, Captain!" Fizzlepop heard through the communication tube. Her relief was palpable as the ship gradually leveled out. Though the disaster had only gone on a matter of minutes, it had felt like hours as Fizzlepop had clung to the helm in a desperate bid to keep from sliding off the deck. With the ship righted, she could get back to work.

"Excellent work, ponies," she cried to the tube bank, "now lets get this tub back to Ponyville!"

Cheers sounded out throughout the ship as Fizzlepop threw the throttle, and the ship roared to life with a symphony of heavy chuffs and hisses. Rainbow sidled up,

"You wanted to see me, Fizzy?"

Fizzlepop rolled her eyes at the nickname, "The truth is, I've lost track of our position. We'll be below the clouds soon, and I'll need your help figuring out how far off track we are."

"Sure, no problem. I've seen Ponyville from the sky hundreds of times, it'll be a snap."

The airship descended in the black, and the rain hit hard against the envelope. Fizzlepop let out a breath as they broke the cloud cover, finally gaining visibility. Peering over the starboard side, then port, she attempted to establish landmarks, but to no avail. Rain surrounding them on all sides, and not even the Canterhorn could be seen. Forests stretched out below the airship, but no signs of civilization were apparent.

Rainbow returned to the now slowing airship, and after shaking her coat dry, reported to the helm,

"Alright, I told you it would be no biggie, we're right here," and she planted a hoof on the navigation chart next to the helm. Fizzlepop stared at first, then squinted,


Rainbow Dash was too tired to play games, "What do mean? We're right here, where I'm pointing."

"What, in front of your hoof, or under it? It covers nearly an eighth of the chart!"

"Fizzlepop, how are you not getting this?"

Fizzlepop sat back, and threw her hooves up in exasperation, armor clinking through the motion, "I don't know where you mean? Every creature I have worked with has had claws, fingers, some sort of appendage to accurately point at things. I'm so sorry I don't understand the subtle nuances of hooves!"

Rainbow facehoofed with frustration, "Well how do you point to things?"

"What? I don't, I just use the...grid..." Fizzlepop groaned audibly, more at her own absentmindedness, and her apparent hoof illiteracy, than anything else.

The storm had knocked them off course, nearly an hour directly north as the crow flies. Luckily, they, too, were flying, and were much faster. As they picked up speed, the forest shifted beneath them, and exhausted ponies retreated to the warm and dry of the hull. Though the storm continued, even Fizzlepop could tell its intensity had decreased. She, more than anypony else, appreciated how well the craft had performed that evening, despite their trial. It's nice to be using it for something constructive, for once, she mused.

"Gotta say, Fizzy, I may not know a lot about airships, but I know a lot about flying. And you are good at flying. Tonight's been big fun, we should do it again sometime."

Fizzlepop raised an eyebrow, "You found this fun? We ran a glorified errand, and nearly capsized in a thunderstorm. What part of this was fun?" Rainbow gently placed a hoof on her shoulder.

"The part where I got to see first-hoof how right Twilight was in hiring you. I'll admit, when I first heard about it I had my doubts. But despite how unimportant this job was, you did it without question. Even when you didn't know a single Ponyvillian, you still went halfway across the country to help Twilight provide for them. And when the going got tough, you stuck it out showed that storm who was boss."

Fizzlepop was expressionless as she mulled Rainbow Dash's words. "Thank you, Rainbow Dash. That means a lot."

"Heh, no problem. Now let's get back to town and figure out why we had to fight this dumb storm in the first place."

"Hear hear," Fizzlepop said with a grin.

Twilight was getting tired. It was late into the evening, and the moon had risen long ago. The "King of Storms", however, was doing everything it could to keep Twilight from seeing it. The thick cloud cover and pouring rain were also keeping her from seeing any sign of Fizzlepop and the others as she stole another glance at the eastern horizon.

Flash Magnus had a crease in his brow as he offered Twilight another cup of coffee. As Twilight had worked, he has spent the time attempting to find other ponies to aid the Princess in unloading the trains. Surprisingly, only two had volunteered: both were unicorns, and they had found their abilities, and their patience with the weather, taxed after a mere hour of work.

"I just cannot fathom it," he said, exasperatedly, "how can these ponies shirk a request from a Princess? Especially when the request is so straightforward. With enough hooves this task would have been completed effortlessly."

Twilight did not respond, instead focusing on maneuvering the heavy steam crane into place next to its fellow construction vehicles. Its smokestack and boom arm gleamed in the artificial spotlight, and its treads sank slightly into the soft grass. As she worked, the stationmaster answered for her,

"Well, to be honest, this is a fairly unique situation. Ponyville's never seen so much rail traffic in a month, let alone a day. And trying to get ponies out in weather like this is near impossible."

Magnus flew up from under the awning, becoming drenched again but not caring.

"Have ponies gone soft in my absence? It is just a little rain."


He coughed and wheezed as char fell from his burnt coat. "Fair point, he whispered and fell toward the ground.

"Flash, are you alright?" she caught him, and placed him gently on the platform.

Flash hacked, "Just fine, it would take a lot more than that to stop Flash Magnus."

The thunder rumbled in response to his challenge, and Magnus pulled a foreleg over his chest, eyes widening.

"Let's not tempt fate," giggled Twilight, and the two stallions laughed in agreement.

As the thunder quieted, Twilight let an ear swivel, "Do you two hear that?"

The pair focused, straining to hear.

"Sounds like another train," Flash responded quietly, "but its coming from the wrong direction."

As the chuffing grew louder, Twilight looked northward, toward the sound. Squinting, she could barely make out a shape against the clouds. Then, two spotlights appeared in the sky, and a deep foghorn blared.

"Oh thank goodness," Twilight breathed a sigh of relief, "It's Fizzlepop. Be right back." She took off, and landed on the other side of the woodshed looking over the open field. With a burst of magic, she lit up the field with a giant lavender circle. The airship responded with two blasts of its whistle, and slowly glided down toward the target.

The airship hissed steam as it completed its descent, and its anchor dropped onto the wet ground with an unceremonious thud. Twilight knew she could fly up to the deck, but checked her patience. She knew how important it was to thank everypony for their hard work as they exited the ship.

With a rattle of chains, the gangplank fell to the ground, squishing into the wet grass. Fizzlepop descended first, with the crew of ponies lined up behind her. They looked exhausted and haggard.

Twilight started to speak, but Fizzlepop shouted first, "Ponies, present yourselves to your Princess, her Highness Twilight Sparkle. Thank her for the opportunity she has given you!"

At first they just looked at each other, confused. Twilight spoke up,

"Oh, that's not necessary. I wanted to thank you all so much for your service today. I can't imagine how difficult it was to pull off, but rest assured that your efforts do not go unnoticed. I thank you, and Ponyville thanks you, and you will all be compensated for this as soon as possible."

In response, there was a quiet shuffling of hooves before one of the unicorns spoke up, "Thank you, Princess. Can we go home now?"

"Oh, of course. Uh, dismissed?" And the crew galloped away toward town. Soon only Fizzlepop, Rainbow Dash, and Big Mac remained with Twilight.

With a quick bit of magic, Twilight expanded her shield to cover the three, and dried them off.

"So, how'd it go?"

Fizzlepop responded with a quick bow, "Mission accomplished successfully, your Highness. All crew and cargo accounted for."

"Speaking of, where are Spike and Silver Spanner?"

Big Mac drawled, "You should see for yourself."

As they made their way toward the engine room, Rainbow Dash asked,

"Hey Twilight, whats with this crazy storm? As far as I know it wasn't scheduled. Is the Storm King back?"

She sighed, "No, nothing like that. Cloudsdale heard about the Storm King and misinterpreted it as an order for what they are calling "The King of Storms". I can't even imagine how this could have happened, and its been reeking havoc in town. I just spent the last few hours unloading trains."

Rainbow laughed, "Oh I can imagine. Twilight Sparkle, protege of Princess Celestia, Element of Harmony, Princess of Equestria, and living dock crane. Bahahaha."

Twilight wanted to retort, but Fizzlepop shushed them as they neared the engine room door.

Twilight peered nervously through the door. She saw Spanner on the far side, and the group quietly trotted up to her. Spanner pointed with a hoof into the firebox.

"As soon as he had the chance, Spike climbed back into the firebox. Isn't he cute?"

Spike was once again curled up in the hot coals, and flames licked around him.

Twilight smiled, "That is adorable. Has he been in there the whole time?"

"No, we had to kick him out for the trip to operate the engine, he spent most of the trip lounging on top of the boiler."

Twilight giggled, then called out to Spike to wake him.

He groaned, "Five more minutes."

"Spike, its time to go home."

He slowly crawled out of the firebox, and Twilight set him on her back.

"Welcome back, Spike. Did you have fun?"

Spike rubbed his eyes groggily, "Ya, it was yaaaaaaaaaaaawn great. We should do it again sometime."


"What's the matter, Big Mac," Rainbow jeered, "Afraid of heights?" She prodded his side with a hoof.

"Eenope, afraid of sliding off the darn thing."

Eyes narrowing, Twilight asked, "What does he mean, did everything go okay?"

"I promise you a full report tomorrow, your Highness."

"Ya, but you might want to have Pinkie bake some 'Sorry we almost capsized and dumped you off an airship in the middle of a storm' apology cakes for the crew."

If there had ever been a more hateful and rage-filled glare directed at Rainbow Dash than the one Fizzlepop was giving her, she wasn't aware of it.

"You what? Capsized? Fizzlepop, what happened?"

Fizzlepop sighed, "Sorry, Princess. The cargo got loose in the storm, and the ship tilted forward. Everypony was tethered or below deck, and the situation was under control within minutes. I had everything in-hoof."

"Fizzlepop, I expect a full report by tomorrow afternoon. Any other surprises?"

As they approached the railroad station, the last train of the evening pulled away, revealing a crowd of construction ponies and one irate CEO, who was busying himself yelling at the stationmaster.

Rainbow Dash, Fizzlepop, and Spike spoke in unison, "Uh oh."

"Is this another surprise, Fizzlepop?" Twilight said flatly.

"Fizzlepop may have gotten a little hooves-on with Jack Hammer. He didn't feel like sending his construction ponies out to the middle of nowhere for a housing project."

"He refused to follow your orders, your Highness," Fizzlepop interjected, "Nothing we said convinced him. I did what I had to to make him comply."

With an tired sigh, Twilight waved a hoof. "I think I understand, Fizzlepop. I'll fix it. You three head for the castle, and I'll take care of Jack Hammer. But let me make this clear, Captain," she pointed a hoof at herself as she looked at Fizzlepop, "I am not a tyrant. I don't force ponies to do my bidding, and I avoid using my title to strong arm ponies as much as I can. Please consider that when carrying out your duties." She turned to Big Mac, "Big Mac, thanks again for your help, but you better get home. I'm sure your family is worried about you."

"Eeyup." And Big Mac galloped toward Sweet Apple Acres.

Crossing the tracks, Twilight softly made her way towards the platform, overhearing Jack Hammer's ranting. Flash Magnus had stepped in to defend the stationmaster,

"Please back off, Mr. Hammer. There is no reason to get physical."

"And who the hay are you, anyway? And what's with the getup? Nightmare night was months ago. I-"

He was cut off as Twilight cleared her throat, "Good Evening, Jack Hammer. I wanted to thank you and your crew for aiding in Ponyville's reconstruction efforts. I've made arrangements for you all at the Lucky Horseshoe Inn just across the street. They're ready if you'd like to head over there."

The score of ponies walked off the platform, leaving Twilight, Jack, and Magnus.

"Now, Jack, I know it was a tall order to call so many ponies off their jobs and send them up here on such short notice."

He huffed, "You ain't kiddin', Princess. Now I'd like some answers, quick like."

"Of course," Twilight obliged as she rebuilt her weather shield, "Let's take a walk, please. I'd like to show you something."

He squinted suspiciously, but fell into step with Twilight and Magnus as they walked towards town."

"So whats the big idea, anyway," he said as he looked around, "town seems fine to me. Those ponies were working on projects, you know. Quite the lucrative contract from Big Iron building a new steel mill. I'm sure you realize I'll be dealing with the flack from them soon."

"I understand, Mr. Hammer." As they walked, the houses began to thin out, but Jack didn't notice. "Please understand that Ponyville has dealt with property damage before, but never like this. We simply do not have the resources locally to rebuild. We are dealing with the aftermath of an attack from a foreign power, and I have over a hundred displaced ponies."

The group rounded around City Hall, and the incredulous look on Jack Hammer's face was displaced with confusion.

"Wow, that's a lot of prime real estate. Uh, Princess, why is your castle so far away from everything? Seems like ponies would want to build real close to royalty, not away from it."

"Does the Princess have to spell it out for you, Jack?" Magnus was running out of patience.

"What? You mean..." He flipped around, then back again, "But that would mean nearly half the town got razed. That's crazy!" But as he looked, he noticed remaining street signs and foundations creeping out of the mud. Squinting helped him pick out the details of what hadn't been removed during the cleanup.

"This is what we're dealing with, Jack. And don't think I didn't take your companies contractual obligations into account. Every contractor in Canterlot is dealing with reconstruction efforts there, and the other major cities were too far to pull from on such a short notice. Manehatten is by far the closest, and you were the top contractor not working on a public works project."

Jack humphed, "Alright, I get the picture. But that doesn't excuse your soldier's behavior today."

"I understand, please accept my apology for her methods. She has already been reprimanded. Despite the gravity of the situation, I never intended any disrespect."

"Well then, I accept your apology. I don't know about you, but I'm beat. Why don't we chat more in the morning?"

Twilight held out a hoof, "Agreed." And they shook amicably.

Jack Hammer returned to the hotel, and Twilight and Magnus squished their way through the muddy streets back towards the castle. As they neared, it became clear through the downpour that the castle was besieged by Nocturne Guard.

"Do you think perhaps Princess Luna is nervous?" Magnus laughed.

"Wow, I don't think I've ever seen so many nocturne in one place." They trudged up toward the giant door of the Friendship castle, where two soldier's stood watch. They saluted.

"Good evening, your Highness, Sir Flash Magnus. All's quiet. Princess Luna sends her regards."

"Thank you, sirs," she said as they entered the foyer. Closing the door, she magicked the mud off of herself and Magnus and said,

"That was the longest day I have ever had. Ever. Magnus, do you know how to get to your room?"

"Of course, Princess."

"Good, then I will see you tomorrow." And with a flash of light and a pop, she disappeared upstairs.

Magnus laughed heartily, "Good night to you too, Princess," he said to nopony in particular.

Twilight reappeared in the hallway in front of her suite, the most private sanctum of the castle. Surprisingly, a guard was stationed outside her door. She was not in the mood to talk to anypony else today. She laughed inwardly at the thought of herself from two years ago dealing with all this.

"Evening, your Highness," the guard said as he opened the door.

"Evening," Twilight mumbled as she walked past. Finally, her suite, her sanctuary, the port in the storm, respite from all this work and sociali- Why are Fizzlepop and Rainbow Dash standing outside my bathroom? The two mares were arguing quietly in front of the bathroom, and Fizzlepop was still wearing her armor. Worst yet, they had tracked mud into the suite.

"What are you two doing?" Twilight whispered accusingly, "It's late, go to bed."

"We can't. Trixie's in the bathroom and wont let us have a turn. And Fizzy here is a dirty cheater."

"I am not. We flipped a coin, and I called heads, she called tails, and heads decided I got the bathroom next."

Rainbow Dash pointed a hoof accusingly, "And I keep telling you that's wrong! I called heads, and you didn't say anything. I get the bathroom first."

"Ugh, both of you, be quiet," Twilight said a little too loudly, "Rainbow, head down the stairs a floor and turn to your right. There is a spare full bath you can use. And don't take to long, please." Rainbow darted out of the room. "Fizzlepop, you can take your turn after her, but first let's get you out of that armor."

Fizzlepop looked disgusted, "Princess, to be frank, I'm not a cripple. I am more than capable of removing my own armor."

"I didn't mean to insinuate that, but when you returned I noticed some of the spellwork had deteriorated, I need to know yaaaaaaaawn why. Or, maybe it can wait til morning. Either way-"

Before Fizzlepop could protest, Twilight disassembled the suit of armor and placed it in a neat pile near the door to the hallway.

"Now then, to get on to important matters," Twilight moved past Fizzlepop and rapped on the bathroom door.

"Trixie? Are you in there? I'd like my bathroom back please." But no response came. "Are you sure she's in there?"

"Yes, she was walking in as soon as we arrived."

I just want to go to bed. "Trixie, you better say something now, because if you don't I'm going to unlock the door." Silence. "Alright, I hope your not in a compromising position."

Twilight slowly magicked the door open, but closed her eye and turned her head away as she entered.

"Trixie?" She and Fizzlepop entered the bathroom fully, and burst into laughter.

"Well," Fizzlepop said between giggles, "I'd say that is a compromising position."

Trixie had fallen asleep while brushing her teeth, and her head lay on the edge of the sink, with the rest of her body slumped down on the ground. Groggily, the sound of laughter brought her back to the waking world.

"Huh, what grkk-" she nearly choked on her toothbrush, and fell backward onto the tile. Twilight and Fizzlepop laughed even harder at the display as Trixie spat out toothpaste.

"What's going on, where am I?" she asked accusingly of the two. It took a moment to settle down before Twilight could answer,

"You're in my bathroom, Trixie. I was going to ask you why you were here?"

"The Great and Powerful Trixie," she said, remembering her persona, "was invited to stay here by Starlight because somepony forgot Trixie's wagon back in Canterlot."

Twilight facehoofed. How was she supposed to know Trixie had traveled there with her wagon, only to be carted back to Ponyville unconscious?

"I'll make arrangements for its return, Trixie. But yes, you are welcome to stay in the meantime. Just try not to fall asleep in the bathroom anymore, please." Fizzlepop grinned, and Trixie scowled.

"Now, if you'll excuse yourselves, I'd like to use my bathroom," and Twilight threw them out and locked the door.

"Hmph, touchy," Trixie remarked as she sluffed towards the bedroom.

Fizzlepop stood alone in the suite's antechamber. She glanced around, taking in some of the personal affects decorating the room: A couch rested against the outer wall next to a small bookshelf, and above the shelf was a mirror. She walked up to it, noticing the photos of Twilight's friends. She compared her messy, scarred face to the smiling faces in the pictures.

Is friendship something I desire? she thought to herself. Her musings were interrupted by Rainbow Dash returning from her shower.

"Night, Fizzy," she called and darted into the bedroom.

Heh, I might have it whether I want it or not. Grinning, she left to get ready for bed.

When she entered the bedroom, Twilight waved her over. The room was a crystalline cylinder with high vaulted ceilings and tall windows, covered with lavender drapes. Twilight's bed sat off to one side, while the temporary beds semi-circled around it, taking up the rest of the room. Spike, Trixie, Rainbow Dash, and Starlight were already fast asleep. Twilight was sitting up in her bed as Fizzlepop quietly approached.

"I know the single bed's not much, but make yourself at home. After we sort through this mess with Ponyville, we'll see about getting you a room," she whispered.

"Thanks, Princess. It's more than I deserve." She nestled in between the sheets, and went to sleep. Soon the only sounds were light snoring and the pitter-patter of the death-throws of the "King of Storms".

The airship swayed under her steel-clad hooves as lightning crashed all around. She was adorned in heavy, black armor with electric blue inlays. Her grip on the helm was tight, and the blistering winds posed no threat. Thick, black smoke surrounded her airship, but Fizzlepop was not deterred. Her goal, a shining beacon in the dark, was straight ahead.

The beam of light flickered as she neared, but never faltered. Closer and closer her airship flew, beating against the hot air. Hot air? Peering deeper, she could see now, her goal, her destination: Canterlot. The city on the edge of a mountain. But it was wrong, somehow. The heat was intense. It ebbed and flowed in the air and dried her lips. But she pressed on; there was no turning back! She dropped the airship, down and down, and looked upon the honeypot of magic and wealth... on fire. The whole city was aflame. The spires, those that still stood, were like massive candles atop the worlds largest candelabra.

No, this isn't right. This wasn't the plan! But there were Storm King airships swarming everywhere. She looked port, then starboard, her airship flanked by other Storm King airships, manned by massive Storm Guards. With a force like this she had taken Canterlot, she could take the world. She sped ahead toward victory, leaving the other airships behind. It was hers! Closer now, close enough to land. Time to slow down, but the airship wouldn't respond. She yanked back on the throttle, closed the reverser, wrenched the helm, nothing! The ground was quickly approaching. What had gone wrong? The control, the power, was gone.

"Help, help!" she cried, but there was no one. The Storm Guards were gone, the airships were gone, there was only her. And the ground. She braced and-


The airship beneath her had disappeared. Canterlot no longer burned, and her armor was gone. Instead, she stood in the inky black, seeing nothing.

"Hello, is anyone there?"

Suddenly, light! Above her, light shown down, illuminating her. But nothing else. Then, ahead of her, another light. The Princess!

"Princess Twilight? What's going on, where are we?"

"Be quiet!" she snarled. Fizzlepop reared back in shock.

"This is your fault! All of this. You brought them here, and for what? So you could have your precious little horn back? Huh? Stalked my friends, captured the Princesses, and now my family is in danger from some Gorgon freak! Now I have to put my life on hold to fix your mistakes.

"You think you deserve answers, huh?" The Princess stomped forward, scowling accusingly at Fizzlepop. "You think you deserve your bed? You think you deserve redemption? You think you deserve Friendship!" Fizzlepop tripped, and Twilight was on top of her. She lit her horn and-


Fizzlepop was alone again, and the darkness was gone. She circled on the empty deck of the airship. The ship was still, the night was clear, and calm prevailed. She faced the bow, and saw a shape in the mist. A mere shadow, but the fog separated in front of her, and in the pale-blue moonlight Princess Luna appeared, touching down gracefully on the bowsprit.

"Princess Luna," Fizzlepop gasped, "What's going on?"

"Good morning, Captain Berrytwist. Please calm yourself," she cooed as she approached across the deck, "'Twas merely a nightmare."

Fizzlepop sat down, "I-I'm dreaming?"

"Indeed. Your true form lies still in Twilight Sparkle's bedroom." She sat down in front of Fizzlepop.

Fizzlepop sighed, "Well that's good. But why are you here?"

"'Twas I who stilled your nightmare, Captain Berrytwist. In the waking world, my duties are to command the path of the Moon in the night sky, aid in ruling Equestria as part of the Triarchy, and to protect my little ponies from monsters that hide in the shadows. The land of dreams are also my domain, and with my magic I command nightmares to cease, and for the subconscious to be still. 'Tis the least I can do as recompense for my past behavior. But surely you knew these things." She wave a hoof dismissively.

"Why would I know that? I mean, I get you're a Princess, but..."

Luna gave her a flat look, "Were these facts not among the knowledge you armed yourself with before carrying out your attack? Was it not common knowledge that my sister commands the sun, or that Princess Cadance rules with her husband in the Crystal Empire, while raising a newborn foal, no less?" She was standing now, pacing back and forth in front of Fizzlepop as she talked, "And the Princess Twilight, barely a mare in her own right, newly ascended, and currently the Defender of Equestria, friend to hundreds, and a beacon of hope to millions."

Fizzlepop sat facing forward, stoically staring at Princess Luna. But inside, each new fact was adding weight to her guilt.

"These facts I present to you are common knowledge in Equestria, and in many parts of the world. Can you truly claim ignorance, Captain? Or would apathy be a better term?"

Fizzlepop said nothing.

"My purpose here tonight is not so shallow as to berate you, Captain Fizzlepop. Allow me to make myself clear: In you I see a mare of great potential. You are competent in many skills, you have unique world experiences to share, and I trust Princess Twilight Sparkle's decision to allow you a second chance. But what I have seen so far from your behavior is that akin to a bully. A malcontent who seeks power and position.

"You saw us as nothing but a treasure trove of magic, and sought to use it for your own devices, indirectly but all the same. And I doubt that even you are convinced that your injury justifies your actions. Had it occurred to you at any point to return and seek medical advice? Equestrian medical sciences have improved immensely during my exile."

The mask broke, "I-I didn't know what to do. I was just a filly when it happened, and the ponies in my village shunned me. I was so alone."

Luna placed a hoof on Fizzlepop's shoulder, "I understand your pain, Captain Berrytwist. I, too, for so many years thought I was being shunned and unappreciated. But as I recall those years of my past as the Nightmare slowly took charge of me, I realize that, in anger and jealousy, I pushed away the very ponies that were attempting to aid me. I mistook their efforts to comfort as mockery, and my sister, I was convinced, was doing everything in her power to undermine and belittle me. Can you truly say that you never pushed away a friend out of frustration or rage?"

Fizzlepop thought for a moment. Memories of her foalhood were drudged up, and from those flooded more from her travels. Not just ponies, but all sorts of creatures, at one time or another, had attempted to help her, and she ignored, or used them. The realization that her own behavior, perhaps more than anything else, had made the world seem like a hateful, uncaring place.

"So you understand?" Luna said softly.

"I didn't even realize what I was doing. I just assumed everyone was out to take advantage of me, so I... took advantage of them. I was even trying to take advantage of the Storm King for my own benefit. That sure backfired."

They shared a laugh, and Luna said, "You are a strong pony, Captain Fizzlepop. Someday you will learn to forgive yourself, as I did. And I hope that 'I'm sorry' becomes a part of your vocabulary. It helps." She winked.

"Well then, I think I've found a good place to start." Fizzlepop stood up, then bowed, "Princess Luna, I am truly sorry I invaded Equestria, turned you and the other Princesses to stone, stole all of your magic, and nearly doomed the world for my own selfish desires. I can only hope that you all can forgive and trust me someday."

Luna smiled, "An excellent apology, Captain, and I accept. Now, if you will excuse me, it is nearly sunrise, and I have duties to attend to. Good morrow, Captain Berrytwist."

She smiled back, "Good morning, Princess Luna. And thank you."

The dream broke.