• Published 7th Mar 2018
  • 516 Views, 0 Comments

Life’s Mistake - TopHat Demon

Nopony can know everything, not even the smartest minds in Equestria.

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Twilight sat out on the porch of her establishment In Cantrolot. Just a mini Hotel or little cottage, near the Castle that can be seen off the porch. The breeze swept violently against the side of the building, sheliding Twilight as she read her book. She fiddled with the pages With her magic. Twilight has always loved reading, but has gotten bored of all the books in her, small little dorm she has all to herself. Well not entirely All to herself, she has her number one Asstinstant, Spike. Hatched from an egg that granted her permission to join Celestia’s School of Gifted Unicorns.

But that was years ago, to Finish this school was a dream to Twilight. Even though she had all the correct answers to the test, or just the fact of being somewhere at the right time could just give her the extra point. She fiddled with the book some more. She was getting bored and she could feel it. She was about to call out to Spike, who should be organizing the papers in the other room, but she stopped herself. With a powerful mind one can do great things, such as getting a drink of water.

Gathering her stuff she set out towards the large door leading inside. The fresh sent of lavender waved at her nostrils, relaxing her even more as she entered her residence. Not only could lavender reduce the Mind to a relaxed state, but it could also higthen one’s ability to focus. Just a normal technique in interesting books that she read in her free time. She kept her pace heading towards the kitchen. She went to the cabinet to the left of the door entering the kitchen. Drawing the cabinet open with her hoof she used her magic to pick up a glass cup, trying not to shatter it. Turning slightly to the Kitchen sink she flipped the water on.

Silence filled the kitchen. No water was dipping into the cup. Twilights head twitched slightly. She should have sworn she fixed the plumbing. Doesn’t matter. Twilight flipped the water off and opened the cabinet towards the pipes. Ah here’s the problem, one of the Pipes looks dented. Using her magic, Twilight safely returned the pipe to its normal position. A though crossed her mind, it would be essential to learn more about how to fix a pipe issue. Before twilight left the kitchen she turned the water back on, the sound of Fresh water filled the kitchen. Twilight’s head twitched once more, and turned the water off, leaving the Kitchen.

Spike walked from a corner and looked at Twilight passing by him. Spike looked as if he wanted the say something, but then just turned his head back to the way he came from. Twilight saw this but paid no attention to the fact that she could not respond.

“Hey Spike! What’s wrong?”

Spike stopped from walking away and twisted his head back to Twilight.

“I was just going to tell you about today’s schedule, you know the meeting with Princess Celestia at 2:30 in the afternoon?” Twilight nodded, Spike continued “Well, She just now had something come up and now the meeting is at—!”

“—at 3:30!” Twilight exclaimed suddenly interrupting Spike, her head twitching ever so slightly. Spike looked at her and then nodded, he spoke in a bewildered tone.

“How’d you know that? They just contacted me with a letter just now.”

Twilight shurgged, she just knew all-of-a-Sudden. She shook her head slightly as Spike walked away, Twilight Ran a thought across her mind, is she psychic? Can she see the future? She shook her head once more, and chuckled to herself. None of that stuff exists. She went through another door to the library. Rows Upon Rows of books towered over neat tables and desks. Most of them had many projects that Twilight needs to work on for the Princess. The Metallic Frame to the entrance of the Castle and the School hung over the plans for the Grand Galloping Gala, Happening next week. This is what she would call, Extra Credit. Just stuff to get her into a better state of being. It enjoyed Twilight to Partake in these Projects, she learns more about all sorts of things.

Twilight twisted around different stacks of books laid neatly on the ground, most of the books on the ground she had already read. It felt good to organize a work space. It can increase Focus and room in ponies brain to think better and harder. She stepped over a stair step as she climbed the stairs to another part of her establishment. The Conjuring Acts of Magical Studies, states that most time alone can equal to most time spent with others. But when your working with magic, working alone can only do so much to the mind then when working with somepony else. This is the reason why Spike is here, Not the only reason, but one of them.

Twilight kept her pace. The Stairs curved slightly as she assended, the windows to the left were open as the the cool breeze of the summer afternoon. After reaching the top of the stairs she turned to the left and continued trotting down a narrow hallway.

Her head twitched. Somepony was at the Door, but no knock can be heard, not yet anyways. She ran down the rest of the way down the hallway and took a sharp right to the nearest window. as she looked outside at the crowds of ponies moving in all sorts of different directions, only one pony stood out. It was a Stallion with a slight Over Breeze hair cut in a form of a wave. His Mane shown as a bright yellow, Golden, color. His goatee blended in with his mane and his white fur color. He wore a suit and tie, and what looks like Sunglasses. He looked Professional. Twilight Smiled, Turns out the Princess Sent another pony to do the meeting. Twilight Ran down the Stairs, and back to the Front door.

"...Three... Two... One...." When Twilight reached Zero she opened the door, to see the Stallion raising his hoof to knock the door but stopped, He stood there in a awkward Position before lowing his hoof and Clearing his throat.

"You must be Twilight Sparkle? Is that Correct?" He asked in a polite manner, he removed his glasses to reveal bright Blue eyes. His eyes looked grayed and blurry a little. "I'm here for the replacement for the meeting for Princess Celestia. Mind if I come in?"

Twilight hesitated slightly before she spoke, "Yes my name’s Twilight Sparkle, and yes you can come in.”

The Stallion walked into the Room, he glanced around before returning his Bright eyes back to Twilight. “What a remarkable establishment you have here, though it might not be clean, it shows that you work hard.”

“Well of course, I really need to start organizing some of my plans. Like today, the meeting with princess Celestia was moved an hour after the original time. We did get a letter talking about this, except she never written about a substitute for the meeting.”

The Stallion rose a brow and sighed quietly, “an hour early, hm. might as well be an hour late.”

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, walking close.

“Oh it’s all Right, I just seem to get the time Wrong every single time. but this time wasn’t just a wrong time, it’s just a schedule transfer, I’m all right, well...” he shook his head shaking thought out of his mind, “Let’s start with the meeting shall we?”

Twilight nodded and pulled up a chair with her magic giving it to the Stallion. The Stallion Took the chair with a smile and sat on it giving a ragged sigh. Twilight could tell that he was old, maybe in his Fifties or late Fourties.

“Is there anything that I can get for you, Dr. Chemical?”

Stallion shook his head, “that’s fine dear, I just— Wait!” He paused, “How Did you know that My name was Dr. Chemical, I never even said my name when You answered your door.”

“Oh just a hunch.” Twilight said smiling weirdly her head twitching.

“Well... That’s a pretty Remarkable hunch. Proves you’re good at inferring based on certain facts, if you know my name, then you should know about the Accident that happened just recently.”

Twilight pulled up another chair and nodded, she levitated a scroll into view, it had a royal seal on it. “Princess Celestia Sent me this letter by the the time the incident occurred. I must say it must be pretty Intense being in there with them.”

The Stallion chuckled loudly and said, “Oh you don’t know what it is like, really hard to even imagine what work I do.” Twilight chuckled as well, her head twitched slightly as she turned away from the stallion.

“So, one of the Inmate’s escaped the compound. Having the desire to kill is the natural emotion this Pegasus seems to have.” Her head twitched violently for a second before speaking again, “Before The Pegasus been committed into confinement, he killed a filly and another stallion in a Homicide Run.”

Dr. Chemical nodded pulling up another file in his hoof, he said in a hushed voice, “All we need is to know where he is, This is the file on the last time he was spotted.” He stood up from the chair and trotted away towards the door, putting the file on the table. Twilight also stood up and followed him to the door, Dr. Chemical opened the door which Twilight held open.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anypony.” Twilight whispered back, the Stallion turned slightly.

“Good,” before he turned away he spoke again, “It was nice meeting you Twilight Sparkle, but before I go I must tell you something.”

Twilight leaned in closer, “what would that be?”

Dr. Chemical lowered his head, though he might be old he still shown a menacing personality. Putting on his sunglasses he spoke in a professional manner, “Have you ever felt what it’s like to Die?” And with that he turned away.

Twilight hesitated for a second, Have you ever felt what it’s like to Die?. The Question rang in her head. She never actually know what it felt like to die, but she knew pain. Pain’s just the body reacting to a impulse of displeasurement, she turned slowly to the file that laid on the table beside her. She smiled. Well, at least she has something to read now.

Twilight sat on her bed eyeing the file that she just finished reading, her eyes traveled around the room as uneasiness tempted at her mind. Suspense grew in her heart as every creak of the floor boards trigged her turning left and then right. The sun was setting outside her window, she looked at the file once more and opened it with her magic. Though she read it once, and was intensely creeped out by it, She can help but read it once more. This time however, the words she read the first time, didn’t give the same uneasiness as the second time. It actually made her interested.

“A Pegasus, pretty tall for his age, and pretty well built, killed Two other Pegasi in a Homicide Run.” She read aloud to her self, Twilight’s Head twitched every few seconds as she read the file. “He stabbed both of them seven times before exiting the house, the murder weapon dropped into the trash can as he left.”

She gasped, dropping the file on the foor. Pain crept up her hoof, she looked at it, a Paper Cut. But she was levitating the File with her magic, She knew that. She looked down at the file that laid on the floor, papers scattered everywhere. But one particular page stood out among the rest. She picked it up with her magic once more and read.

“They found the Pegasus, in a barn in a nearby town, streaks of blood soaked his fur as the source of the blood seem to come from his wrist, edges of his wings, and chest. Though he was still alive, he was committed into the Riveroak Asylm in Cantrolot.” She read out loud again. Twilight rose a brow, the last time Dr. Chemical last seen him was at the Asylum. Her head twitched, blood soaking down his wrists and chest, sounds like he almost committed suicide. Suicide. She actually never felt what type of pain Suicide might cause. She can’t shake the thought out of her head, Suicide, many commit it every day. Her head shook while a smile broke up on her face, she needs to know! The pain from the paper cut burned her skin, but with these thoughts in her head the pain dulled down into a sweet feeling. Her eyes darted left and right with more thoughts entering her mind, Some cases of suicide are cause by going insane, other cases are suicide are just bearing Unnecessary weight, some killing themselves after another suicide!. More and more thoughts kept chasing her mind into finding out more. More! more! more! She needs to know More!

The door to her room knocked.

Every feeling in her body stopped in an instant, the pain swelled up again, and her smile faded away. But her eyes still flickered ever so slightly. She spoke in a tired voice for it was only Quarter ‘Till Nine at night, “Spike is that you?”. Twilight knew Spike. He would answer right away. But there was Nothing. A few seconds past before another tap hit the door again. Twilight rolled her eyes and walked up the door. “Spike can you please answer me? Just answer me, that’s all I’m asking?”

Silence. Fear crept up her throat, “Spike?” She spoke slowly creaking open the door. The shadows of the fallen sun made the hallway dark, almost pitch black. A soft glow from Twilight’s horn eluminated the hallway like a candle. The Dark corridor looked ominous, none of the lanterns in the hallway were on, Twilight increased her pace was she drew nearer to Spike’s Room. Her nose flared with each breath, she held her nose with her hoof, the smell was really bad. Smelt of rotten eggs and sulfur. It burned her nose. To her surprise the door to Spike’s room seemed to have been broken by the hinges. The wooden door leaned away from the door as if it were only being held by one hinge.

To her surprise again, she realized that the door wasn’t fully opened. She nudged the door carefully, with much tension being held in her chest she pushed the door open. She winced at the high pitched squeaking sound. Adjusting her eyes towards the dark room she walked in, her light only managed to let her see a few feet in from of her. Then her light went out. Darkness filled her vision as the smell became stronger burning her lungs and throat. She coughed slightly, as she blindly stumbled around the room. She could feel her head twitching again. Going insane can let you commit suicide, Being alone can make you insane, Darkness can make you go insane. her head hurt with each thought. She stumbled some more around the room until she bumped into something hard. It felt slimy and wet and for some reason, Warm. She thouched what was in front of her again, this time a feeling of dread took over her, the object in front of her felt scaly.

She backed up a inch and blasted another light spell from her horn. A silhouette lingered there silently, swinging back and forth by the smallest inch. Twilight’s eyes grew small as she crept closer. The silhouette looked like a small figure. The closer she got, the more apprehensive she felt. Finally the light spell crept over the figure, she stopped as she watched helplessly. Spike was never at the door, nor the hallway, he never left his room at all. Twilight started to breathe heavily, panic set in as her eyes started to tear up.

“No...No....” She whimpered, backing away slowly her light spell intensifying, “...T-this can’t be happening... No... Spike?” She stepped closer to the limp body, she saw blood drip down Spike’s scales from his neck. His eyes looked dulled and far out, his mouth hung. She looked up slowly, she watched silently as her eyes traveled up the noose to the Celing where a black hook stayed immobile. Spiked hanged himself.

Twilight couldn’t stay in there any longer, her eyes darted and her head started aching again. She can’t control herself as she walked lifelessly to the body of Spike and used her magic to release him of his sinful deed. She turned towards his bed and sat next to it. Levitating Spike next to her she cuddled with him for the last time. She cried an anguished scream.

Life is only for the strong...”, The voice in Twilight’s head rang as she screamed continuously, “He committed an act of weakness. It showed that he knew nothing of this God...Damn...World...

Twilight stopped screaming and stifled a cry as she said aloud, “Why Are you here, Just get out of my Head!”

Here you are crying, over a weakling that knew nothing, might as well call you weak.

“Just Shut Up! Please, I don’t want to know everything! But you get me a reason to know more! I can’t control myself!”

Twilight shook her head violently, whimpering louder and crying as the blood from Spike stained her coat a dry red. Newer thoughts started going into her head, You’ve found the reason why ponies are here in the life, they are here to die! they are here to hate! they can’t control themselves! They know nothing!. And then all of a sudden there was a knock on the door outside, her head twitched shakily.

Dr. Chemical is at the Door.” The voice in Twilight’s head said lightly as if it already knew. Twilight looked around the room darting her eyes left and right, the light spell went out as darkness filled her vision. She’s wouldn’t leave Spikes side, not until he’s learned his new fact for the day. A game played out in Twilight’s mind, she would ask Spike a queastion and see if would respond. That was unlikely, because he was dead. But Twilight said in her kind loving voice.

“Did you know that’s the average age for Suicide is from Ages 12 to 18, some adults do it to. Can you tell me some ways one might commit suicide?” She gave a smile waiting for an answer. No response, she sighed and stood up pulling Spike with her.

What are you Doing?” The voice in Twilight’s head spoke, it sounded a lot like Spike. Twilight chuckled and pushed her ear next to Spikes mouth,

“What’s That Spike? What am I doing? Why I’m going to the front door to meet our visitor. Don’t know why he is here this late, maybe to tell me about something that he must have forgotten.”

That is rather odd, But hey Twilight?” the voice of Spike spoke again.

Twilight nodded going down the flight of stairs, Her grip on Spike’s body loosed a bit as his voice whispered, she heard the questions coming from Spike. She smiled a grim smile as she placed Spike on her back as she trotted towards the nearest bookself. She pulled a book off and exclaimed clearly.

“After this Visit with Dr. Chemical, I can read you this book which would answer all of your questions! Would that be fun?!”

With a approved hum, she walked over towards the Front door. She opened it with her magic, not even bothering to hide her crazy face and Spike. Dr. Chemical’s Face shown a smile but slowly changed to a look of terror. He put on his sunglasses and put his hoof over his ear.

“We found her, Send in the troops.”

Twilight looked dumbfounded for a few seconds before asking, “What’s going on? Who ar-!?” She stopped, as her vision filled with darkness. Her body felt light and heavy at the same time making her fall to the floor, her breathing slowed. The only thing she heard was the distressed voice of Dr. Chemical,

“I’m Sorry Twilight.”

And her vision went black, the only thought in her mind was Spike, hung by the rope. She now knows how she learned so much information, Spike was Feeding it to her. But he didn’t tell her about this.

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