• Published 2nd Feb 2019
  • 1,701 Views, 4 Comments

AppleSpike: Big Blue Wave - Phantom-Dragon

Applejack sings a song for Spike.

  • ...

Our Love Is Like A Big Blue Wave

The sun was slowly setting over the horizon. In the seemingly endless apple orchard of Sweet Apple Acres, on top of a hill, enjoying the sunset, is Spike the dragon.

The young dragon has grown over the years. His green spikes have grown long, his scales glistened more beautifully in the light of the sun, and his body has grown long, slender, with muscular builds. However, the biggest changes of all is that he had grown a huge pair of wings, and a few strands of fur around his muzzle, giving him the appearance of a small mustache and goatee.

Spike sat on the hill, watching the beautiful display of the sun before him. He was waiting there for a special someone.

No, not Rarity. He was done with Rarity a long time ago.


Ever since they've saved Equestria from the tyranny of the evil Storm King, Rarity and her new cat friend, Capper, have been going out on a lot of dates. Naturally, Spike didn't like this one bit, since he obviously had been crushing on Rarity since he first came to Ponyville, with Twilight. However, he knew there was nothing he can do with it.

As much as Spike wanted to get rid of Capper and have Rarity as his girlfriend, he knew very well it wouldn't change the fact that Rarity is in love with Capper. And it wouldn't impress her if she knew he was responsible of Capper's absent.

So, with a heavy heart, Spike watches from the sideline, as the pony he once loved, was having a good time with the gentleman she’s always wanted.

"Spike?" A voice spoke, snapping him out of his sadden gaze.

"BWAH!!" Spike exclaimed, as he rapidly beats his chest, before he turns to see Applejack. "Oh, AJ. It's you."

"You okay there, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked, out of concern.

"What? Oh, yeah. I'm fine," Spike said, failing to play it casually. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Applejack, sensing half-truth from the boy, was clearly not buying it. Looking in the direction he was staring, she got the hint when she sees Rarity and Capper having a fancy dinner together.

"Oh, I see," Applejack turned to Spike, giving him an apologetic look of sympathy. "I'm sorry, Spike. I should've known."

Spike sighed, knowing there's no point of beating around the bushes now, "Yeah, I guess some things just aren't meant to be," He said. "But Rarity’s happy. And if she's happy, then I'm happy for her," He added, while putting on a small sad smile. "I just hope Capper can take good care of her."

Applejack placed a comforting hoof on Spike's shoulder, "I'm proud of ya, Sugarcube," She said. "You've really grown up, y'know that?" Spike nodded in agreement. "But still, just so you know. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, then I'm here for ya."

Hearing those last words, Spike felt something happening in his heart. He couldn't describe precisely what it was, but needless to say, it made his heartache feel less...aching. Lifting his claw up, he placed it over where Applejack's hoof was. To him, it felt good. The feeling was similar to how Twilight would comfort him, in a loving, sisterly embrace, only stronger with Applejack.

Turning his head, Spike was looking directly into Applejack's piercing emerald eyes, with the farm pony doing the same thing to him.

For a moment, Spike felt happy. Like he hasn't been for a really long time. Wanting to break up the awkward moment, Spike cleared his throat, "Thanks AJ," Spike replied. "I really appreciate that."

Applejack gave a small smile, as she replied, "Anytime, Spike." Applejack slowly retracted her hoof from his shoulder, as she began to take her leave, "Well, I guess I'll just be leaving then."

"Uh, yes, it's been nice talking to you," Spike replied, as he released his grip on Applejack’s , then watched as the mare turns to take her leave.

Spike turned around, looking in the direction as Applejack was walking, into the sunset. Something inside him wanted to stop her. His head was full of words that he could say to Applejack. Spike was confused. He didn't know wether or not to continue watching Rarity and Capper, or fly away and try to forget everything. Though, one of his option was to go after Applejack.

Indecisive, Spike decided to go on his gut instinct, and ran up to Applejack, "Wait! Applejack!" He shouted, stopping her.

"Yes, Spike?" Applejack asked, looking at him with concern. "What is it, Sugarcube?"

For a moment, Spike was at a loss for words, as he tries to think up the ones he should say. It didn't take long before he asked, "Are you busy later this evening?"

Applejack shook her head, "Nope. Why do ya ask?"

Spike wasn't sure why either. Still, he just hope he doesn't regret asking, "I was thinking, maybe....later....would you like to go out for dinner with me?"

Applejack was at a loss for words, "Ya mean it?" She asked, almost excitedly.

"Yeah, I mean, if you want to that is. I'm okay if you don't-"

"Yes!" Applejack answered excitedly, before she quickly composed herself. "I mean, I'd love to."

Spike felt relieved, "Great!" Looking up at the clocktower, he looked back at Applejack as he said, "Well, I guess I'll be seeing you later tonight. About 8?"

"8 it is," Applejack agreed as she began heading back to Sweet Apple Acres. "See ya later, Sugarcube."


That was the most magical day of their lives. One that they’ll cherish for many years to come. Because since then, the two were the perfect pairs.

"Howdy Spike," Applejack greeted, snapping Spike out of his thoughts, as he turns to see his mare friend.

"Oh, hey AJ....." Spike looked at Applejack, bedazzled at her appearance. She stood before him, with her mane neatly don up in a few curls, and a pink summer dress, decorated in small white polka dots. "Whoa..." Spike said breathlessly.

"Is it too much, Sugarcube? I'm sorry if I came a little too-"

"No! No!" Spike shouted, before he composes himself. "I mean, you look amazing, Applejack,” With a smirk, he complimented, “Or like you Apples would say. You’re the apple of my eye."

Applejack couldn't help but blush at the compliment, "Thanks."

Spike patted a spot on the blanket, inviting her to sit down, which she gratefully accepted. Reaching to the side, Spike pulled out a basket, with a blanket covered on top, "I have a little surprise for ya," He said, as he pulls the blanket off, to reveal a whole basket, full of jars with zap apple jams.

“Zap apple jams?” Applejack asked, incredulously. “Yer big surprise is zap apple jams?”

“Not just your average family special product, AJ,” Spike grinned. “Zap apple jams made by yours truly.”

“You...you actually made these, Spike?!” Applejack gasped.

Spike nodded his head, “From the very first day, when I brought the rain to Sweet Apple Acres,” Spike winked.

Applejack looked up at Spike, in confusion, “Say what?”

Some times ago

Applejack was hard at working, bucking the Zap Apple Trees, all alone, out in the heat of the day. Big Mac had injured his legs, when he accidentally stepped in a gopher's hole, and twisted them, while harvesting the Zap Apples. Thus, Big Mac was temporary out of the picture, leaving Applejack to continue the harvest, on her own, in their attempt to meet the Apples' business partner, Filthy Rich's orders on time.

It wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't for the fact that Cloudsdale's water supply has been drained, meaning the pegasi are unable to make any rain clouds needed to make the work less aggravating for the earth ponies. And so, Applejack was forced to work for the whole day, bucking the Zap Apples, while fighting the urge to collapse to exhaustion from the heat.

Spike was just passing by, when he looked and saw Applejack, straining to buck the Zap Apple Trees, while torturing herself, in the heat of the day.

Spike could not stand to sit idly by and watch his mare friend succumb to the heat any longer. And so, he flapped his wings, over to the nearest pond, scoops up a mouthful of water, before he flies over to Sweet Apple Acres, where he magically breathes a huge raincloud.

It just so happens that at one point, the young dragon had learned a rare skill of dragon magic of his own. By scooping a mouthful of water, he is able to breath a huge raincloud, like those made by pegasi. And with it, he was able to give his mare friend the refreshments she needed to continue her work.

Applejack was panting heavily, when she began to notice drops of waters being poured on her. Looking up, she was surprised to see the sudden downpour. Nevertheless, the rain was refreshing, cool, and relaxing. Just what she needed to continue her zap apple harvesting.

Hiding behind the raincloud, Spike smiled to himself, pleased with how effective his help was for Applejack. Deciding to assist her even further, Spike flapped his wings around the remaining zap apple trees the farm pony has yet to harvest, picking the apples from their branches and filling them in the buckets that were placed at the base of the trees.

After awhile, the zap apples have disappeared, leaving Applejack to analyze the decent amount of zap apples she had harvested, before she took notice of the basket Spike had saved her the trouble of harvesting.

"What the hay?" Applejack exclaimed, walking over to the baskets Spike had filled. “Huh, I must’ve been in the heat for too long,” Applejack scratched her head. “Cause I don’t remember coming to this part of the orchard before. Or did I?”

From behind the leaves at the top of the trees, Spike couldn’t help but chuckle slightly at how oblivious she was.

Later that night, with her family tucked in bed, sound asleep, except for her, Applejack was in the kitchen, working on stirring and cooking the zap apple jams.

Unfortunately, because she had been working out in the orchard all day long, the strong mare was too tired to stay awake.

Succumbing to exhaustion, Applejack slumped to the floor, snoring loudly, when Spike walked in.

Spike couldn’t help but smile at how cute she looked, asleep. He carefully got down to the floor, gently picked her up in his arms, before he quietly took her up to her room, and tucked her in bed.

Applejack smiled lovingly, as she cuddles herself deeper into the warmth and comfort of her bed.

Spike turned to take his leave. But not before he gave Applejack a quick kiss on the nose.

The next morning, Applejack woke up at the crow of a rooster. The apple farm girl stretched her hooves out, letting out a yawn, before she became bright and alert, when she remembered.

“Oh! The jams!” Kicking the blanket off, Applejack races down to the kitchen, and her eyes widened.

Stacked in neat and organized rows are a whole jar of zap apple jams!


Applejack was surprised, "Y-Y-You made zap apple jams?!!" Applejack gasped.

"Yep," Spike smiled. "Granny Smith taught me a few tricks, so that I can help the zap apple jam making business easier for you."

"Oh, Spike," Applejack chuckled, playfully hitting Spike on the shoulder. "You sneaky dragon, you. You're just too helpful, y'know that?"

"Hey, that's me," Spike replied. "Spike the noble dragon, helping his friends, big or small. Besides....” Reaching to the side, Spike holds out a huge rainbow colored pie, surprising Applejack even more, “....consider it as my anniversary gift for ya, AJ.”

Applejack was deeply touched, “Aw Sugarcube,” She smiled, standing up, walking over to the dragon, wrapping her hooves around his neck. “Yer just too much, ya know that?” She smirked.

“Too much about you~” Spike sighed.

"I have a gift of my own for ya, Spike," Applejack said, as she brought out a guitar.

Spike gasped, "Whoa, is that-"

"My mom's old guitar?" Applejack finished. "Yep, it is." Applejack smiled as she looked at the instrument her late mother used to play, "She played this when she first sang to pa, once. And now, I'd like to sing one of my own, to you." With that, Applejack strums a few strings, as she began to sing a song, that was music to Spike's ears.

As Applejack continue to pour all her heart out, through her song, to her dragon friend, Spike felt himself lost into the song, and felt himself floating on clouds. In his thoughts, Spike sees himself flying in the sky, with Applejack, magically standing on clouds, smiling at him, batting her eyelashes, with the sun shining behind her, illuminating her country beauty. With a leap, Applejack jumped from one tuft of cloud to another, with Spike following.

Eventually, Spike followed Applejack, all the way to the end where she plummeted into a body of water below. Taking a breath, Spike dives after her. With a loud splash, Spike magically changes into his puffer fish form. Appearing before him, is Applejack in her sea pony form. At this point, Spike thought he was looking at a siren, as Applejack continues her song, while grabbing Spike on both sides of his fish form, and spins him around. Soon, the two resumed swimming in the ocean, flying through a beautiful coral reef, and a colorful school of fishes.

With a flip of her tail, Applejack swam up for land, with Spike following. Once he broke the surface, Spike finds himself, transfiguring back into a dragon, and on top of a surprised Applejack, lips pressed together. Spike looked around to see they were back in Sweet Apple Acres.

Blushing brighter than the apples, or Big Mac, Spike got off, allowing an equally blushing Applejack to get up.

“Whoa!” The dragon exclaimed. “What-when-Huh?”

"S-S-Spike?" Applejack panted.

"I'm sorry, AJ," Spike apologized, while looking away. "I don’t know what came over me.” Looking back to see Applejack was still blushing from the kiss, Spike heaves a heavy sigh, “I’ll just be going then.” He was about to fly away, only for Applejack to grab his arm.

“No, wait!” The dragon looked back, to see a timid smile was forming on Applejack’s face. “I didn’t tell ya to leave. I’m just...surprised. That was the first time some pony or any creatures have ever kissed me. Y’know that?”

Spike shook his head, “No. I guess not,” He said. “Though, I can’t help but remember that one time we were so close to making it official,” He chuckled. “You know what I’m saying?”

Applejack laughed in agreement, “How could I forget?” She though fondly of the memory. “You were so fixated on rescuing Rarity, you were so eager for a kiss in your fantasy.”

The dragon laughed in agreement, “Well, at least this time, I know it’s a reality that I’ve kissed someone, who I really love, with all of my heart.” Realizing what he said, Spike blushed a fiery shade of red, and looked away in embarrassment. “Hehe, sorry,” He apologized. “A little too....romantic for your taste?”

“Not at all, Spike,” Applejack smiled lovingly. “To tell ya the truth, I love you too, Sugarcube,” Applejack blushed.

Upon hearing that confession, Spike can feel his heart threatening to burst from his chest.

“You-really?” He stammered.

“C’mon, Spike. I wouldn’t let ya kiss and have your way with me if I didn’t like ya.” Applejack held her hoof out, under the dragon’s chin as she brought him closer, looking deep into his eyes. “From the moment you displayed your dedication and kindness and forever after, I can’t help but fall in love. You’re the apple of my eyes.”

Spike smiled as he looked deeply into Applejack’s eyes, “And you’re the diamond in my sky.”

Without a care in the world, the two clamp their jaws and shared another kiss.

Author's Note:

I did it! I finally did it! I’ve made an Applejack ship fic with Hey Ocean’s song.

Comments ( 4 )

Great job, my friend.

This was so sweet!

Applespike is upvote from me.

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