• Published 5th Jan 2018
  • 1,836 Views, 8 Comments

Dusttale - Fireworkblitz

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"BROTHER...PLEASE STOP.........IT HURTS" said my weak brother, I nearly made it to LV 19 and i must kill my brother to achieve it.
"shhh pap...it-it'll be over soon..." i calmly said to him, tears were forming in his eyes. The only thing I can do is smile at his misery.
"YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THIS" there he goes again with the mercy crap.
"I-I do pap... The human......I need more LV......to sto-"
"WE CAN WORK TOGETHER" he interrupted, how is he supposed to help me, he's weaker then me, I don't want his weight on my back.

"IF... IF WE SHOW THEM KINDNESS...M~MAYBE...THEY..." he stopped, I can see that he's trying to think up something to say.
"...WOULDN'T WANT TO KILL ANYMORE..." he finished.
"..." I was lost for words, my brother might be on to something, what am I saying, the human wont accept MERCY they will FIGHT over and over again.
"LET ME HELP SANS!" It's now or never.

"YOU DONT UNDERSTAND" I yelled, my bro started to shiver.
"The human......they'll kill you...everyone...over and over.. and over an....and...so..." i stopped for a second and looked at my bro, horror in his eyes, the fuel that keeps me running.
"i will uh......stop that..."
"...Besides..." I continued.
"it'll be better to be KILLED...by ME... instead..." I finished.

"Right?" I questioned, he looked away from me.
"I-I...UNDERSTAND SANS" he answered.
"B-BUT- IT'S WRONG! You can do better!" WHATS he talking about.
"I-IM HERE FOR YOU! WE CAN GET THROUGH THIS TOGETH~" I couldn't take it anymore, I summoned a blaster and fired at him.
"ENOUGH!" and then there was silence, until.

"...ITS OKAY...I KNOW IT WAS HARD FOR YOU BUT" I looked at pap, to see what he meant, but what shocked me, there he was in half.
"!!!" no pap, what have I done.
"RIGHT?" What are you saying pap.
"If this'll help you...then...I'm happy" pap, nononononono don't you leave me.
"SHH SANS...ITS OKAY" he interrupted, he then started turning to dust, he then dissapeard into dust the only thing I can here is.
"ITS OKAY"over and over.

LV 19
HP: 40/74
"Ha...ha I started.
"hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah" I burst into a fit of demonic laughter, I finally killed him.
"I was wondering what would break the skeleton first. . ." she has finally arrived.
"his bones. . .or his mind" time for me to finish this.

I-I did it, I finally killed her, haha. Just then a ghost slowly appeared from frisks body."are you happy" the ghost said.
"you stole my LV...and killed everyone" I'm glad I did, if I didn't no one would of standed a chance.
"even little frisk here" the ghost carried on.
"and when i fade away...then what" what is she talking about.
"you'll be alone...i'll keep coming back...you'll keep killing us...eventually you'll want us to keep coming back" that means me killing him again, oh pap.

"on...and on...and on" were is she getting at.
"this repititive cycle, is insanity" haha is is.
"Well.....in that case..." I raised my hand
"YOU WANNA HAVE A MAD TIME" The ghost looked at me with a demonic grin, it jumped at me I fell back the purple bone flying into the air.
"Can you not see I'm already MAD" I looked at the ghost in confusion, just then the purple bone fell back down and landed through my body.
"I-I did not see that coming, haha" I felt my soul shatter slowly.
"Goodbye pap and I'm sorry"
LV 56
HP: 0/2970

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading my first chapter I hope you enjoyed and also if your wondering why sans has loads of LV right at the end, he got it from chara/frisk when he killed them so yeah, see you on the next chapter