
by Fireworkblitz

First published

I was taken away from the human, and now I live here

I was taken away from the human, and now I live here with ponies, at least a can gain more LV and take over this damm world, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. (sees you) starting with you (blaster appears nd fires directly at you, your soul shatters).
LV 57
Let's begin


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"BROTHER...PLEASE STOP.........IT HURTS" said my weak brother, I nearly made it to LV 19 and i must kill my brother to achieve it.
"shhh pap...it-it'll be over soon..." i calmly said to him, tears were forming in his eyes. The only thing I can do is smile at his misery.
"YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THIS" there he goes again with the mercy crap.
"I-I do pap... The human......I need more LV......to sto-"
"WE CAN WORK TOGETHER" he interrupted, how is he supposed to help me, he's weaker then me, I don't want his weight on my back.

"IF... IF WE SHOW THEM KINDNESS...M~MAYBE...THEY..." he stopped, I can see that he's trying to think up something to say.
"...WOULDN'T WANT TO KILL ANYMORE..." he finished.
"..." I was lost for words, my brother might be on to something, what am I saying, the human wont accept MERCY they will FIGHT over and over again.
"LET ME HELP SANS!" It's now or never.

"YOU DONT UNDERSTAND" I yelled, my bro started to shiver.
"The human......they'll kill you...everyone...over and over.. and over an....and...so..." i stopped for a second and looked at my bro, horror in his eyes, the fuel that keeps me running.
"i will uh......stop that..."
"...Besides..." I continued.
"it'll be better to be KILLED...by ME... instead..." I finished.

"Right?" I questioned, he looked away from me.
"I-I...UNDERSTAND SANS" he answered.
"B-BUT- IT'S WRONG! You can do better!" WHATS he talking about.
"I-IM HERE FOR YOU! WE CAN GET THROUGH THIS TOGETH~" I couldn't take it anymore, I summoned a blaster and fired at him.
"ENOUGH!" and then there was silence, until.

"...ITS OKAY...I KNOW IT WAS HARD FOR YOU BUT" I looked at pap, to see what he meant, but what shocked me, there he was in half.
"!!!" no pap, what have I done.
"RIGHT?" What are you saying pap.
"If this'll help you...then...I'm happy" pap, nononononono don't you leave me.
"SHH SANS...ITS OKAY" he interrupted, he then started turning to dust, he then dissapeard into dust the only thing I can here is.
"ITS OKAY"over and over.

LV 19
HP: 40/74
"Ha...ha I started.
"hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah" I burst into a fit of demonic laughter, I finally killed him.
"I was wondering what would break the skeleton first. . ." she has finally arrived.
"his bones. . .or his mind" time for me to finish this.

I-I did it, I finally killed her, haha. Just then a ghost slowly appeared from frisks body."are you happy" the ghost said.
"you stole my LV...and killed everyone" I'm glad I did, if I didn't no one would of standed a chance.
"even little frisk here" the ghost carried on.
"and when i fade away...then what" what is she talking about.
"you'll be alone...i'll keep coming back...you'll keep killing us...eventually you'll want us to keep coming back" that means me killing him again, oh pap.

"on...and on...and on" were is she getting at.
"this repititive cycle, is insanity" haha is is.
"Well.....in that case..." I raised my hand
"YOU WANNA HAVE A MAD TIME" The ghost looked at me with a demonic grin, it jumped at me I fell back the purple bone flying into the air.
"Can you not see I'm already MAD" I looked at the ghost in confusion, just then the purple bone fell back down and landed through my body.
"I-I did not see that coming, haha" I felt my soul shatter slowly.
"Goodbye pap and I'm sorry"
LV 56
HP: 0/2970



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I woke with a start, which I was quit shocked to believe actually but that didn't concern me, the thing that did concern me is were am I. The place I was in looked like a cave, a cave with a giant glass container, with weird symbols. "hello is anyone there" I got no response, that is until I heard footsteps but as they got closer they didn't sound like feet at all they sounded like hooves.
"If anyone is in here please leave, NOW" I slowly looked round the corner and saw a pinkie/purple pony, just to make sure she isn't dangerous, I scanned her.

starlight glimmer
LV 15
HP: 56/56
ATK: 80 DEF: 50
'Wants to rule equestria'

So that's were I am, I'm on a different planet, haha it doesn't matter, at least ponies rule this world, it will be easy to take over. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....." oh shit, I looked round the corner and saw the pony smiling and walking towards me, well time for me to introduce myself, first I'll teleport behind her.


"pony...do you know how to greet a new pal, turn around and shake my hand" the pony slowly turned around and raised one of her hooves, her hoof gripped my hand a 'pffffffff' sound emitted from my hand.
"HAHAHA the old whooped cushion in the hand trick, it never gets old" the pony had a look of surprise and shock she still had her smile.
"So you were the one laughing, correct" haha, this pony is smart, I underestimated her.
"yep the names sans, sans the skeleton, and you must be starlight glimmer" she had a look of surprise, she took a step back.
"How did you know my name? " I looked at her smiling by her question.
"I know everything, but right now I want to get out of here and get some fresh air" I slowly walked away, I heard hoof steps behind me, it's good shes following me

As I walked out of the cave I could see that I was on the surface, which is a change of pace for me. In the distance I could see a little town, "oh, you see my little town, do you want a tour?" This gives me an I idea, i will have a tour make everyone my freind and then kill them it will work.
"sure I'd love to have a tour of your town" she smiled, we continued down the Rocky path.

"Hey starlight I've got something to ask you" she looked at me, she had a questionable look.
"what's with the glass container with all the symbols about" she stopped dead in her tracks, she had a 'i don't want to talk about it face' on.
"Why...do...you...want...to...know" in her voice it sounded serious.
"O-oh no reason, I just asked"
"Ok then, let's carry on" shit that was fucking close as hell, who thought ponys could be dark and scary, I like her. We finally arrived at the town, i could see louds of ponys, who were smiling creepily, I'm supposed to be the one with the creepy smile.
"Why is everyo~ I mean everypony smiling like that? starlight didn't listen to me, instead she sped up.
"H.hey wait up I moved into a much faster pace.

"Oh president starlight your back from your walk, and who's the guest" ha another pony, this is going to be easy, better scan him first just in case.

party favour
LV 10
HP: 24/37
'Wants to be a party planner'

Why is his LP so low, has he been fighting someone or is someone hurting him, I should ask him. "Hey party favour, you seem a bit hurt, are you all right?" He looked at me in a weird way.
"What are you talking a-about I'm totally fine" I already know he's lying, and is hurt, I'm gonna finish him off first.
"Hey starlight, I'd like to talk to party favour in private, is that all right" she looked at me nodded. As me and party favour walked off, I quickly scanned some of the residents, all the LV was really high, I'm going to enjoy killing them, we arrived back at the cave were I woke up.
"Why are we here" I looked at him, my eye turning into a red/purple/blue colour, haha I'm going to enjoy this.
"Oh, just to finish something with you" my eye started to spark with a flame.
"by killing you that is" I summoned some bones and they penetrated him, I quickly walked towards him me before he could scream.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I laughed be for finishing him off with a few more bones, party favour then started to break up, his body started to become dust. A few seconds later and he was a pile of dust. hahahahahah one down, more to go.

LV 67
HP: 3056/3056

Well that was easy, I better get back and kill them all, it's the best thing to do now, I've already started. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Let's do this.

Celestia's POV
I was in the day court, going through the nobles horrible and silly demands I was nearly done with my second one, and we started 20 minutes ago. "-so that is why I want you to shut that place down" finished the noble, uhh, that was absolutely tiring.
"I will try my best in a way that is not shutting it down, glimmer shine" the expression on his face was in complete shock.
"B-but prince~"
"No buts glimmer, I'm not just going to shut a place down, please leave" glimmer shine slumped out the room in disgust. That's when I felt something, it was a magical surge, a strong magical surge.
"Guards, I will be leaving for awhile, tell all the nobles that day court is on break" my guards saluted and walked out the room. I teleported to my sisters room, and surprisingly she was awake.
"Thou felt it too sister"
"What shall we do? Should we get the elements" I looked at my sister.
"The elements will be. arriving at the very place soon, I hope there carefull" my sister looked at me.
"Dont thou worry, they will be fine" your right Luna, I left a moment later and got back to day court, I asked my guards to tell the nobles to start coming back in. I hope your right sister.