• Published 15th Jan 2018
  • 3,977 Views, 14 Comments

Winning Spirit - Bookish Delight

Indigo Zap is tired of supervising all of Crystal Prep's sports clubs. But she's best friends with a girl from another school who has the same job... and who is also perfectly fine with letting Indigo blow off some steam.

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Comments ( 13 )

Indigo vs Rainbow hm...I can sense the sexual tension! :3

loved it, that was extremely sexy

Alright, that’s it! I’m gonna have to follow you for this. :pinkiecrazy:

Ah. A classic bit of Sexy RainDigo Shipping! Just the way I like it. Hot, steamy, and filled with the drive to win...

"I feel this total rush now whenever I play against you and your girls, that I just didn't feel last year. And definitely not at the Friendship Games."

For some reason, I think that comma shouldn’t be there because the sentence flows better without it. Maybe you just mistapped on it?

Either way, this was a nice bit of RainDigo and I’m glad I’m not the only one who ships these two. :twilightsmile:

This was fantastic stuff :pinkiehappy: I really enjoyed it.


Pretty sure MS Word demanded I put that comma there, lol. I actually do like having it there in terms of the delivery I'm looking for, but I'll look further into it!

"You took the words..."

She brought her face closer, closer to Indigo's,so close,oh my God just do it already—

"Right out of my mouth."

I read this in Qrow's voice the moment I saw the words. xD Another favorite for the collection

This is an interesting little change of pace for you on a lot of levels.  This is a lighter story, thematically and in terms of what it sets out to do with its characters, than your usual fare.  And to be clear, that's not meant to be insulting; never mind that having some light entries in any series is usually for the good, but more over it's the goal the story sets for itself and meets well, and so that fact is very much in the story's favor.  Especially since that lightness does not mean the story is without depth.  Indeed, I think maybe my favorite thing about it is the interesting way it interacts with, and adds a good deal of shading to, your prior Rainbow-a-Indigo-go stories.
The big thing for me is the matter of perspective.  How Indigo perceives herself, her environment, and her relationship with not just Rainbow, but with others as well.  The way you tackle those aspects, mostly by having Indigo placed in a new position well outside of her element* is especially well done; impatience nags at her, sure, but you also sense that Indigo was, in fact, willing to at least give this new gig a try before turning her back on it, especially because that position feels like it aligns pretty well with the attitudes Indigo expressed back in "United by Bait".  The desire to play, not simply to win, but to enjoy the competition, after all, would seem to make Indigo ideally suited for keeping an eye out for the well being of the players, even if she never explicitly acknowledges it.  Which is in fact my point: the position pushes Indigo in ways that ordinary practice wouldn't, and that in turn leads her to feelings and ideas she might not otherwise have encountered; seeing the genuine admiration Night Glider has for her, seeing herself from somebody else's perspective and learning that the person they see is something like a Hero...that's a really interesting encounter for Indigo to have (to say nothing ofadorable, by the way), and the way it encourages her, and thus leadsherto encourage Night Glider in return, isexactlythe kind of heartwarming storytelling you are just so endlessly talented at.
Likewise, I really dig where her relationship with Rainbow stands at this point too.  "United by Bait" laid the groundwork, "Holding Down The Fort" showed how it had progressed and grown more intimate, and now "Winning Spirit" shows where it stands.  There's something refreshingly casual to it; that isn't to say it's empty or shallow, either.  The clear care both puts into how the other is feeling and why is impossible to ignore, after all.  But it's also clear this is something they both view with a fairly open, relaxed mind.  The cheeky way Rainbow teases Indigo about her feelings, the way they both allow their feelings about the games, both in the past and yet to come, bleed into their interactions together...there's a playfulness to the relationship here that I find really interesting.  Especially because it transitions so easily and so naturally into sincerity and bonding; Dash's reassurances to Indigo that she's exactly the right kind of person for this game and this role is really great, especially because it feels like she herself has come to understand that fact about Indigo more and more the more time they've spent together.  Honestly, it speaks really well to how, even as there's a structural similarity here to other stories you've told, not just with this pairing but in this vein, you manage to make it feel unique and right to each pairing, each time; little things like how Dash narrates how she met and got to know Indigo, for example, or the way in which the chance to relax and let Dash take the wheel is an important part of how Indigo enjoys their time together (especially because it still has these really interesting push/pull moments of who wants to pick up the pace and when)...it's the small stuff, but it has a significant effect on how we perceive the pair, and how their sex scene together feels.
It's another fine example of that thing you always do, with every story and every character.  You create these wonderfully nuanced details thatshowus something about how these characters feel, how those feelings reach out into the world.  Like, this story is really straightforward: Indigo is in a new role she isn't entirely comfortable with, so Rainbow comes along to help her recognize why it fits her so well.  And yet even there, you find so much room to explore; in the way Indigo begins to discover the true meaning of her position, in the way she and Dash make love and why, in the way that the two schools offer up interesting compare/contrasts to each other (and incidentally, Iadorehow you use the CHS/CPA divide here, at once humorous as when Indigo becomes annoyed at realizing where Cadence got her idea from but also sincere in showing how each school carries a genuine philosophy that means something to the students who attend them), in the pace and choice of action at each step of their sex with each other.  If it seems like I have a bit less to say than usual, don't take that as a criticism; indeed, take it as agoodsign.  Even at their simplest, your stories have a sweetness and depth to them thatalwaysrings true.

This was HOT.

Fans herself

Oh my indeed.

Well there be another one soon? Really love this pairing. It's so underrated!

Aww! How sweet! Loved it!

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