> Winning Spirit > by Bookish Delight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Intramurals > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indigo Zap fought off the mild throbbing in her forehead as she surveyed Crystal Prep's sports fields. The basketball team was situated behind the school, and she could see the tennis and racquetball courts close to the bleachers. Meanwhile, the soccer field lay to the west of the campus, with a volleyball net stretched across it and the school track circling it. If she squinted her eyes, she could just make out the starting line, all the way on the other side of the campus from her current location. The good thing about having so many fields was that it allowed Crystal Prep to excel at as many sports as possible—particularly against the other schools in and around Canterlot. The bad thing about having so many fields was that it also meant a whole lot of students to keep track of during practice hours. Which in turn meant that, on any given day after school, if Indigo didn't have practice herself, she was having the absolute worst time. Indigo let her mind wander, allowed herself to daydream of playing games with the other students. If only Twilight Sparkle hadn't transferred away from CPA before finishing her cloning advancements. Indigo would totally split herself into quintuplets and set herself loose on every field at once, instead of being stuck pushing a supply cart around between them—to say nothing of suffering from neck strain as she looked around to make sure there were no problems. Sure, these were tasks which Principal Cadance said only Indigo could optimally perform—but she was having serious doubts. She huffed, once again weighing her options as she considered finally telling Cadance to find someone else. After all, her own practice was suffering for this—and besides, three months of field duty had yielded nothing but uninteresting, un-awesome, uneventful boredom. As if to punctuate her mental griping, Indigo heard a scream at that very moment. Her body snapped into motion, and she grinned, both on instinct. Finally, some action. With a squeal, she was off. Leaving her cart behind, Indigo tore across the complex. She slapped away racquetballs with her bare hands, and intercepted a basketball pass by the shirts, tossing it to the skins with a wink and smile. With zero loss of speed, she ran onto the main field, weaving between the volleyball players, making sure nobody's game was interrupted. Finally, as a coup de grace, just before reaching the other side of the field, she jumped as high as she could and blocked a goal shot with her forehead, causing simultaneous cheers and cries from the players. Indigo landed, shook off the soccer ball-induced dizziness, and powered through until she reached a dark-skinned girl with short-cut white hair wearing a Crystal Prep-branded t-shirt and shorts. The girl was sitting in the middle of the track nursing a skinned knee. "Whoa! Looks like you took a nasty spill, there." Indigo took out some healing cream, sanitary gauze, and bandages from the pocket of her own shorts, and knelt. "Come on, let's take care of that." The girl winced as the cream met the cut, but she relaxed as the pain subsided, and Indigo cleaned and bandaged the wound. "Hey, thanks," she said. "Meh, don't thank me," Indigo said. "The longer you stay there on the ground, the longer you block the other runners." "O-oh, right! Sorry about that." Indigo rolled her eyes. "Yeesh, don't apologize either. This stuff happens to everyone." She fastened the bandage, and stood back up. What's your name, anyway?" "Night Glider," she said, taking Indigo's hand, and standing up herself. "Huh. Interesting name." Indigo looked towards the sun, then back to Night Glider, and chuckled. "Maybe you're a couple hours early to practice?" Night Glider chuckled back. "Betting you're not wrong? Didn't stop CPA from scouting me to transfer here, though, and I wasn't about to say no—" She froze, her eyes widening. "Oh. Oh my God." "What? What is it?" Indigo said. "Did I lose my goggles again?" She felt around her head, grasping her headgear, and sighed in relief. "Okay, good. Hate when I do that." "You're..." Night Glider gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. "You're Indigo Zap! Star of, like, everything here, but especially track! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" She bounced in place. Realizing what was going on, Indigo put on a wide smile. Having fans never ceased to be fun. "Yep, yep, yep." Indigo exhaled in satisfaction. "That's me. No applause, please." Her voice turned earnest. "Actually, maybe you should pack it in early today. Come back tomorrow fresh. Like I said, everyone trips sometimes." "No way." Night Glider shook her head. "I can totally keep going." Indigo tilted her head. "You sure? Don't want you getting hurt. Crystals are best when they're in top shape." "Not to worry." Night Glider patted her bandaged knee. "It was just a skin scrape. Thanks to you, it doesn't hurt anymore—and besides, there's no way I'll catch up to you if I 'pack it in' after one fall." She took on a dreaming, motivated gaze. "Just seeing you here, every day, drives me to push as hard as I can. I want to be at my best for Crystal Prep and for you. So, you'd better be out here every day—I want you here to see me gliding!" Indigo relished the warm feeling in her chest as Night Glider took off. She was pretty fast. Not as fast as Indigo, but given time and practice... "We'll see," Indigo said to herself. > Extracurriculars > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indigo pushed her cart—a cart now full of every single type of ball imaginable—into Crystal Prep's sports supply room. After pushing the cart into the room's corner, she took a quick inventory—all the balls were accounted for, along with the racquets, and a quick scan of the room revealed that the workout mats had been put away already. Good. That was the word she was looking for, yes. Practice for the clubs had gone well today. When Principal Cadance had first asked Indigo to supervise the fields for all-sports club practice every other afternoon, Indigo hadn't been sure if she could do it. But over the months Indigo had grown into her role—and as a bonus, the new initiative had actually built morale amongst CPA's players, and between CPA's teams. In other words, Cadance had actually been right. Who knew? Indigo would have chalked it up to dumb luck, but quite frankly, friendship had been busting out all over Crystal Prep ever since she'd taken Cinch's place. Indigo had to admit, it was nice to have that much less pressure to be perfect at absolutely everything over her head. Still, even if it was only a supervisor role, it still was a workout, both on Indigo's eyes and on her body—especially when dealing with sudden issues like Night Glider. If only it were the sort of workout that kept her game-playing skills up, she'd be in business. But instead, it felt like... honestly, she wasn't sure what it felt like. And that was the real problem. Indigo leaned against the wall with a sigh—then perked up upon hearing a knock at the door. She walked over, opened it, and was treated to the sight of... a rainbow-haired girl leaning on the doorframe with a huge grin? Indigo suppressed a groan. Why now, of all times? "Hey," Rainbow Dash said, smile wide as the doorway. Mild annoyance gave way to wide-eyed panic as Indigo realized just where Rainbow Dash was. "Oh, fucking—" Rainbow blinked, then shrugged. "Well, I mean, I figured we could at least talk first? But we can switch things around if you're in that much of a—whoa!" Rainbow yelped as Indigo grabbed her arm and pulled her inside. "What the hell are you doing here?" Indigo hissed. She looked out the door both ways before closing and locking it. "Did anyone see you come back here? I don't care if our schools are on good terms now, there are still rules against spying on teams! If anyone but me had been behind this door..." She trailed off. "Awww." Rainbow chuckled. "You do care about me." Indigo engaged an oncoming blush in mortal combat. "Not even. Odds are I'd get strung up right next to you. Not to mention, we have a game next week! Is CHS—wait, were you actually spying?" Indigo furrowed her eyes and glowered at Rainbow. "Nah." Rainbow walked towards a nearby beanbag chair and lounged, spreading her arms, and crossing her legs. "Just me this time. And don't worry, no one saw me. Flawless stealth comes as part of the Awesome™ package." Indigo sighed, her panic subsiding. "Fine. I believe you. But why are you here?" Rainbow shrugged. "Felt like getting a look at the hottest chick in CPA in action." This time there was no fighting it. Indigo's face flushed with heat, almost to the point of lightheadedness. "Oh my God, shut up," she said, rolling her eyes. Rainbow didn't shut up. "Unfortunately, outside of a couple of cool cross-field moves, I had to watch that hotness pushing around carts for the last two hours. So, how you been?" Indigo leaned against one of the wall mats. "Been good, I guess. Afternoons for me these days are pretty tough work, though." Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, I can see that. All-sports-club practice?" Indigo rolled her eyes again, exhaling through pursed lips. "Three times a week, and that's on top of my usual stuff. It's taking a lot out of me, and I—" She stopped. "W-wait, how'd you know that's what that was?" Rainbow stretched, and re-crossed her legs. "I had that idea at my school a couple years ago. Only I had to beg Principal Celestia to let me do it. She thought it'd be too much for anyone, even me. I kicked its butt, though. And then our teams started kicking butt. Much like yours for the last couple months." Indigo's palm met her forehead with an audible smack. "Wait," she said, "you mean for the last few months I've been doing a CHS thing? Cadance, what the hell?" Rainbow rose from the beanbag. "Yeah, pretty much what I said. Especially that last part. Don't worry, though, I'm not mad. I'm glad you did it. It makes your teams more fun to watch, and to play against!" A glimmer of pride pulsed in Indigo's heart. "Does... does it really show?" she asked softly. "Heck yeah, it does!" Rainbow held up a fist. "I feel this total rush now whenever I play against you and your girls, that I just didn't feel last year. And definitely not at the Friendship Games." Indigo was about to reply that the Shadowbolts were in no way an official CPA team, but was cut short by the sight of Rainbow walking towards her. Slowly, one leg in front of the other, in that shapely way that Rainbow had to know Indigo was jealous of by now. That wild, slick rainbow hair didn't help matters, either—not when, during her more bored moments on shift, her mind would wander towards burying her hands in it, exploring every single colored lock, while holding Rainbow, and that perfect blue skin, in her arms, as close to herself she possibly could... She snapped back to reality when Rainbow spoke again. "But you know," Rainbow said, "that kind of thing just doesn't happen if you don't have the right girl in charge." Rainbow stopped directly in front of Indigo, looking into her eyes with a smile. Rainbow's next words were soft and cheerful. "I'm really glad Cadance knew who to choose." Indigo's heart did gymnastics flips. She struggled to keep her breathing under control. "Oh, yeah, saw you with that new girl on the track, too," Rainbow continued. "That was really cool. All inspiring and stuff." Her smile slanted, and Indigo heard the tiniest giggle as Rainbow leaned in and quickly whispered, "Made me wish I was the one getting bandaged up by you. Wanna go to the nurse's office?" The second Rainbow spoke those words, Indigo saw an all-too-vivid vision of herself in a white nurse's uniform, and Rainbow cuddling up to her, play in her mind's eye. The supply room morphed into a greenhouse. Words refused to form. "I... I, um..." Indigo barely managed between short breaths and fluttering eyes. "Yeah, you're right." Rainbow pulled back to standing in front of Indigo, her grin now triumphant. "Next time." Damn it. It was all Indigo could do to meet Rainbow's gaze, instead of looking away and kicking an imaginary rock like she was a little girl back in junior high school. Seriously, what was it about this chick that made her so... so blushing and weak? Indigo leaned back against the wall again, putting on as calm an expression as she could. She raised her hand, curling it into a fist, then uncurled it, then recurled it, concentrating on it, not daring to look into Rainbow's eyes again, those freaking cute magenta eyes that somehow always saw through Indigo's every move, into her very thoughts. "Ahhh, you know how it is," she said, finally cooling down and steering the subject back to where it had begun. "Cadance just knows I've got a lotta school spirit, is all." Rainbow nodded. "Absolutely! You gotta have that." Rainbow brought her hands up to Indigo's closed fist. She took that fist into her hands, that fist that Indigo was looking at, then opened that fist, finger by finger. Rainbow's hands were shockingly soft for a fellow athlete's. Indigo looked up. Rainbow looked up as well. She looked into Rainbow's eyes. Rainbow's eyes looked into her. Just like always. Rainbow squeezed her hand, and Indigo could hear her own heart beating in the room's silence. "But you know what else you gotta have?" came Rainbow's voice, soft and silken. "A wish to see everyone around you succeed, not just you. Cause if everyone isn't feeling it, you might as well be playing against the other team all by yourself. " Indigo felt Rainbow slide those soft hands up her bare arms. Eyes closed, mouth closed, she exhaled. "Yeah." "You've got the real winning spirit, Indie," said Rainbow, her voice softening even more. "The one that comes from a killer heart. That's why you were the right choice. And I bet Night Glider thinks so, too." "M-Maybe?" Indigo breathed, as Rainbow's hands came to rest atop her shoulders. She turned her head to the side, desperately looking at a random wall sign. "S-So you're saying... all of this is worth it?" "Well, you've gotta decide that." Too late, Indigo realized that all turning her head had done was give Rainbow access to her neck, which Rainbow took it upon herself to caress with satin fingertips. She turned back to look at Rainbow again. If Indigo had thought that doing that would deter Rainbow in any way, she was mistaken. Instead, Rainbow took a single step forward, pinning Indigo to the wall behind her. Indigo's back pressed into the mat as Rainbow's body pressed into hers. Both of Rainbow's arms fell, just before Indigo felt her arms being clasped. She could feel Rainbow's body heat, feel her breath, taste the subtle scent of vanilla. "But if you need someone to help make it worth it? I'm totally down. I know this job's hard, and I've been itching to have someone I can just talk about it with." "Y-Yeah," Indigo said, her entire body riding waves of heat. "Me too." "How about this, then?" Rainbow raised her right hand and placed it on Indigo's cheek. "A lot of love and care goes into looking after all those teams, both at my school and yours. When it's all over, though?" Her hand rejoined the other on Indigo's shoulders, kneading softly. "How about we care for ourselves?" Indigo closed her eyes and leaned back. "That... that sounds... awesome," she said, finally giving up the emotional battle. It was too good an idea to resist. Rainbow chuckled. "You took the words..." She brought her face closer, closer to Indigo's, so close, oh my God just do it already— "Right out of my mouth." Indigo both did and didn't expect it when their lips met. When they did, however, she at last allowed herself to moan, and to melt. She smiled on the inside as she heard—and felt—Rainbow moan in kind. She went limp, sinking into the wall mat. She raised her hand, clasping Rainbow's hair, burying her fingers, enjoying how it felt, finally doing everything she'd ever wanted. She parted her lips, letting Rainbow inside. She moaned again, lapping at Rainbow's tongue, which lapped back at hers. She felt Rainbow's tongue swirl, explore, poke and tickle. She felt Rainbow's lips playfully suckle on her own tongue, and she yelped in surprise and delight. Rainbow's hands gripped Indigo's tightly, threatening to make fists of her own. She pressed Indigo further onto the soft wall mat as the kiss went deeper, more insistent... And then, Rainbow backed away—mercifully, as only then did Indigo realize that she'd been holding her breath for the longest time. Rainbow gasped in recovery as well. Both of them smiled. "You... you know..." Indigo said between gasps, "I may have picked up a few points about 'caring about my teammates' from a certain someone..." "Oh, yeah?" Rainbow stepped in again, kissing Indigo's neck. Audible pecks echoed in the room as she did so. "Tell me about her." Indigo smiled and sighed, then gasped as Rainbow's necking became more daring, with hard nibbles and sucks that in the back of her mind Indigo knew she would see in the mirror in the morning. Right now, however, she didn't care. She gasped under Rainbow's attention, closing her eyes, laying her head back, and wrapping her arms around the athlete in front of her. Rainbow pulled back, and Indigo grabbed her chance. "Well, when I first heard about her? From Cinch? I thought she was a total poser." Rainbow grinned, moving forward and touching Indigo's nose with hers, so close to another kiss, but teasingly so far damn this girl. "Heh, heh. 'Poser', huh?" Indigo blushed. "Yeah. Just a little." Rainbow's voice was sultry. "A thought like that might've crossed my mind too when reading up on you guys. You know. Just a little." She crossed the miniscule distance, giving Indigo a closed kiss on the lips. Still not enough. Still not what Indigo wanted, where she wanted. Indigo really was going to have to do this herself. "Glad that's all over, huh?" Rainbow moved to the side, sucking on Indigo's neck, extra hard, causing Indigo to shudder and moan, and dig her fingers into Rainbow's vest. She caught her breath, and slid her hands down Rainbow's back. "Yeah. Cause then I met her." Her palms came to rest over both mounds of Rainbow's ass through her skirt, and she leaned in to whisper in Rainbow's ear. "And I learned every little bit of her was magic." With that, Indigo slipped her hands under Rainbow's skirt, squeezing Rainbow's ass through her shorts. A loud "mmmm!" escaped Rainbow's throat, and she ground her hips against Indigo's leg in response. Indigo gasped and whimpered again, nibbling on Rainbow's ear, making Rainbow gasp again. It was a cheap move—Rainbow's ears had always been a little-known shortcut to getting her hot—but at this point, Indigo needed Rainbow to know. Sounds of love and gratitude mixed as the two ground against each other. Indigo's breaths deepened, her tingles became stronger, the greenhouse only got hotter, and her own hips pressed back and forth against Rainbow's leg more firmly, entirely on instinct and desire. And then, Rainbow moved her leg. Just as Indigo was just about to ask what was going on, she saw Rainbow dip her hand south, and felt soft, precise fingers whether leg had just been, pressing intently. Greenhouse became sauna. Finally. OhmigodRainbow. Indigo's mouth slackened, and she shuddered as Rainbow palmed her crotch through her shorts, then traced directly in the midst of Indigo's legs with her fingers, leaving Indigo wanting more, and more wanting. Her hips did her best to grind back against Rainbow's hand, but Rainbow knew to keep her touches light, but firm, controlling Indigo's sensations, making Indigo feel only when Rainbow wanted her to feel. Rainbow leaned in for more kisses, which Indigo appreciated but barely felt, as Rainbow's hands danced below her hips... and then she pressed a finger into Indigo's shorts, rubbing just a little more, a little faster, and every few rubs Indigo could feel Rainbow brush up just against her clit and she could barely take it anymore. With each passing second, with each movement of Rainbow's fingers, Indigo's legs became weaker, and she became wetter. She threw her arms around Rainbow to support herself as her passion rose, and those once-supportive athletic legs became jelly in Rainbow's hands. She knew it would only be a matter of time before the rest of her body, including her arms, followed suit, but she didn't care if she collapsed into a puddle of goo so long as the liquid currents running through her never stopped— Rainbow moved her hand away. Two seconds later, Indigo noticed. She instantly let out a dismayed, longing squeal. "Wh-What..." she whimpered. "Hang on." Rainbow took Indigo's hand, and gently tugged. "Let's get a little comfier." "But..." Indigo started, her body protesting far louder than her mouth could at the moment. "Shhhhh." Rainbow looked at Indigo with a smile. "Trust me, okay?" she said, her voice sincere and reassuring. It took everything Indigo had not to outright beg for Rainbow to just get her off right then and there, but instead she nodded. Rainbow's smile widened, and she stepped away from the wall. Holding Rainbow's hand, Indigo followed Rainbow over to the beanbag from earlier. Rainbow sat her down on it, and Indigo had to admit that it was more comfortable. She looked up, and saw Rainbow take off her vest, then slowly pull off her t-shirt, revealing a blue bra underneath. Rainbow leaned down over the beanbag, propping herself atop it with both of her arms at each of Indigo's sides. With one hand, she tugged at Indigo's gym shirt. Indigo took the cue, pulled it off, and tossed it to the side. Rainbow reached around, loosening the bands of Indigo's black sports bra, pulled the shoulder straps aside, and tossed the garment away, freeing Indigo's breasts to Rainbow's waiting gaze. Rainbow giggled and licked her lips. "Finally." And wasting no time, Rainbow slid both her hands over Indigo's chest, cupping one breast with each hand. She slid her palms back and forth over each of them, taking Indigo's rapidly-hardening nipples between her index and middle fingers, making Indigo gasp as the sensations, the desire, the wanting built up anew. Rainbow leaned over again, and took Indigo's left breast into her mouth. Indigo could feel Rainbow's tongue swash over it slickly, ticklishly, tantalizingly, circling around the areola. With a kissing sound, Rainbow went from one breast to the other, and Indigo gave in completely to the tingles and heat. Her back arched as a loud, appreciative moan sounded through the room that had probably come from her. Rainbow let go of Indigo's breast, and trailed her mouth down, moving her tongue back and forth as she moved lower, lower, swishing across Indigo's bellybutton, then around her hips, making Indigo laugh, then squeal, then moan again. This time Indigo was almost completely sure she was the one responsible for all the mewling kitty noises she was hearing around herself. Almost. Rainbow brought herself up to look into Indigo's eyes and smile. Indigo tried to do the same, but through her racing heart and the haze of sensations, all she managed was to whisper, "Rainbow, please..." Rainbow nodded. "Yeah," she whispered back. "Of course." She tugged at Indigo's shorts, pulling them down and past her legs. Indigo's panties went next, revealing her wetness, creating a new, all-encompassing draft which blew over her but somehow also reached inside. Rainbow traced up and down Indigo's folds with her finger, parted them, and, with one more lick of her lips, dove into her dessert. The effect was immediate and electric. It became impossible to catch her breath, but Indigo did her damnedest anyway as Rainbow's long, slow licks from the bottom of her labia to the top sent her reeling with every slick touch. Rainbow closed her lips over Indigo's clitoris, alternating between sucks and tongue-lashes, withstanding Indigo's forceful hip-bucks, enduring Indigo's echoing gasps and squeals. Rainbow paced herself, slowing her tempo when Indigo got too excited for her tastes, then resuming her gusto when Indigo calmed, and as Indigo felt her arousal rising to its peak, Rainbow drew her tongue lower again... ...and slipped inside. Indigo ground against Rainbow's tongue the second it entered her, probing and playing, jutting and even vibrating the tiniest bit as Rainbow hummed while she worked. Her thighs convulsed, squeezing Rainbow's head between them, or at least, they tried, but Rainbow held Indigo's legs open with a shockingly strong grip—the same grip she used to hold onto the beanbag for dear life. Indigo never noticed any of these things, nor did she care. She moaned, begged, cried for more, but no matter how many licks Rainbow gave, it was never enough, until it was, and the world became nothing more than heat and surging, and Indigo tried to both fight and indulge in it but she just couldn't hold out anymore. Heavenly waves wracked her body. Indigo shut her eyes and gritted her teeth in a blissful smile as she rode everything out, and her orgasm ebbed from a sensational storm to smooth sailing... ...yet never quite left her, even as afterglow threatened to settle in, what was going on— W-wait, it's not stopping? She looked down, saw Rainbow still between her legs. She felt Rainbow's tongue still licking her. Still causing sparks. Still— O-oh my god... she's... she's seriously not stopping—! She felt one of Rainbow's fingers enter her, then another, then felt Rainbow's tongue back on her clit, and Indigo surrendered completely. Her strength gone, Indigo could only move her hips when her body did so on its own as Rainbow wiggled and thrust her fingers. Every once in a while, Rainbow came up for air, and to kiss Indigo, allowing Indigo to taste herself while moaning into Rainbow's mouth. And the world of lust continued, with no resistance, until Indigo came again, even harder than before, and she squealed and spasmed until she couldn't anymore. Only then did Rainbow at last let up, and allow Indigo to calm down, draping herself over Indigo, kissing and licking her face. Indigo wouldn't have stopped Rainbow even if she could. She could still barely move, but could feel her sweat dripping along with Rainbow's lips and tongue. Her entire body felt as if she'd been through three practice sessions, once after the other. Of course, after practice, she rarely tingled or dripped like this. The all-sports supervision sessions felt like child's play in comparison. It was all Indigo could do to catch her breath, so little energy she currently possessed. Rainbow giggled at the sight. "So, what do you think?" she asked. "Worth sticking around for your school?" Indigo laughed as well as she could laugh, and wrapped her arms around Rainbow. "Totally worth. I'd never complain if all my sessions ended like this." She sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "And I guess it's also worth it if it really does show on the field against you guys. So that'll keep me motivated, too." Rainbow laughed. "Glad to hear, 'cause I sure can't come do this every day. Downtown's a ways out." "I know." Indigo played with Rainbow's hair. "How about I come uptown and see you next week?" Rainbow's face lit up. "Yeah? You mean it?" "Hell, yeah," Indigo said in a dreamy voice, sliding her hands up Rainbow's sides. "You deserve some care too." "Aww, thanks," Rainbow said, then grinned conspiratorially. "Wait. That mean you're gonna sneak into our school, then?" Indigo flashed Rainbow a challenging grin. "What, think I'm scared?" Rainbow chuckled, then kissed Indigo's lips. "Nah. I just hope you're good enough." "I think I am," Indigo said, kissing Rainbow back. She sighed. "We should probably leave before the school locks up." Rainbow sighed back. "Yeah, I guess." Both girls got to their feet and gathered their clothes. Indigo walked over to Rainbow. "Don't worry," she said. "This room connects to the girl's lockers and showers, and I've got the keys." "Awesome." Rainbow took Indigo's hands, and looked up, into Indigo's eyes. "Just like a certain someone I could name." Indigo smiled and blushed in gratitude. Rainbow always knew how to help. Someday, Indigo promised herself, she'd find a way to return every favor. "So, when can I expect you at my school?" Rainbow asked. "I don't know." Indigo winked. "You'll just have to hope, every single day, until I do show up." "Hope, huh?" Rainbow winked back. "Sounds like a winning play to me." The two left the supply room, hand in hand.