• Published 10th Jan 2018
  • 10,006 Views, 311 Comments

The Game Players - GamePlayer64

Inspired by a webcomic/Manga called The Gamer. Don't own it nor MLP FIM but OCs' names belong to me. This story will involve real life stuff outside of the MLP universe since I can’t fabricate them into what they might be in the MLP Universe.

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Gamer 28 Group2

“ID Create, Music/Animal Combine, Normal!” Said Sweet Tunes & Large Harvest.

The three doors opened as a bright light came from them, the 3 groups entered each door. “Good luck, my allies.” Said IQ as the doors closed.

Large, Tunes and Cute walked through the light as they were in a gothic forest, but the trees had painted faces that screamed Rock & Roll, the clouds were musical notes, the ground was a pattern of a keyboard of a Keytar and the rocks were drums. “Holy crap!” Said Tunes. “It's Rock & Roll Forest for fans of Rock!” She yelled as she did an air guitar.

“Uh…" Said Cute.

“Tunes is a fan of all kinds of music. She began to love it when she heard the soundtracks of Video games.” Said Large. “This is a haven for a Rhythm Gamer like her.” He said as Cute looked around and started to freak out by the forest.

“What the hell is this kind of Private Space?!” Yelled Cute as she backed away from the trees.

“It’s a combine ID. What we know becomes fused Private Space.” Said Tunes as a video screen appeared to reveal High IQ on it. “Hey! It’s IQ.” Large & Cute turned to the screen.

“Greetings Monsters of whoever gotten Tamed or new recruits to the Game Players. Pfft. Yeah right, like that ever happens.” He said.

“Yeah, I can see him saying that.” Said Large as Tunes nodded.

“This video is a tutorial or instructions to tell you about what is through this door. This Dungeon Door creates a personal ID inside the monster farm or in another personal ID. Don’t ask about it being illogical to do that but the Game Players theme is Video Games and they break the rules of reality all the time. This Dungeon Door was created by Death Alchemist and I, High Intelligence Quotient. These doors will not only train yourself to practice your skills and abilities but to earn some items that we can appraise to keep or allow you to learn with permission. Only the founding members can set the difficulty and the ID, it’s also to prevent treason with new members. You better not try to trick us because Sharpshooter dreams of giving a death sentence to traitors by shooting them to death or getting beaten to death by Tough Exo.”

“Oh boy… I know it’s true but… come on?” Said Tunes.

“The difficulties are quite simple to understand. Easy is 3 floors, Normal is 5, Hard is 10 and Very Hard is 25. Each of the floors is a large area, to travel to the next floor; find the stairs. Don't die if you’re going solo and trust your partner or partners if you’re in a group. Also, if you’ve already heard this tutorial; say ‘close video’ so you can skip it. Also, another warning. If you leave early without clearing this dungeon, all the loot and EXP you earned will be gone. END OF LINE.” The video closed as Tunes and Large sighed in annoyance.

“I swear that genius will make me want to murder him.” Said Tunes.

“Shit sakes.” Said Large as he pulled out a big bag of gummies. “He may be smart, but he can be a douchebag when explaining.” Opened the bag and grabbed a handful of gummies and ate them.

“Yeah. Can I have some?” Asked Tunes as Large shared it with Tunes and Cute.

“No thanks. I’m… trying to lose-”

“Girl, when you’re with us in IDs, it’s always a fitness gym and the great loot with it.” Said Tunes “I lost 10 in a day.”


The group turned to see a huge Black Bear that was wearing clothes as a heavy metal Guitarist and holding an electric guitar.


“Holy crap!” Said Cute & Large.


Rock & Roll Grizzly LV21

“Freaking sweet!!” Said Tunes as she summoned her sugar. “Eat This! Water Score!” Tunes played out a sonata as a long score sheet made of water wrapped around the bear, forming a water sphere and suffocating it by drowning inside the water. The fear tried to escape but ran out of air as it started to turn to smog. “Sweet.” Said Tunes as she stopped playing as the water popped and spread on the ground, and a spike collar appeared, soaking wet.

“Uh…" said Large as he picked up the collar as it was dripping wet.

“I didn’t know that the loot got wet!?” Yelled Tunes as Cute looked amazed.

“No wonder nearly everyone wants The Gamer! The Gamer can make things real!” Said Cute as Tunes looked at her.

“Tell me about it but what do you mean ‘Nearly everyone wants The Gamer'?” Asked Tunes as Cute looked nervous.

“Well… I am an official member and don’t want to get shot to death. The Iron Maidens thinks The Gamer is a joke and isn’t worth capturing but other Guilds, and Organizations want The Gamer through a network of spies who earned thousands from a minute video.” Large and Tunes looked horrified

“Holy shit…" Said Large.

“I know. I mean thousands for a minute video?! I thought the merchandise in the Abyss Auction was a gyp but this! It’s an invasion of privacy!” Said Tunes as Large looked at her.

“Uh… yeah. Anyway, we need to raise our levels because I doubt an enemy in the Abyss will let us stay alive.” He said as Tunes sweated a bit.

“Well I'm not gonna be in no Arabian dancer outfit and give an HJ or BJ to any creep! I may pull it off with the belly dancing, but I’m not doing it for creeps! We need to keep up the rhythm in our levels!” She yelled as she marched towards the forest.

“Uh. what was all that?” Asked Cute.

“We'll talk about it later but for now, let's examine this collar.” Said Large.

Rock & Roll Spike Collar, Accessory Item – Increases Sound Attacks by 3% but only if it's related to Rock & Roll music.


“What is it?” asked Cute.

“This collar can increase sound attacks but only if it's Rock & Roll. I guess magic merged with music is the only thing that will help anyone.” Said Large but Cute looked a bit iffy.

“I personally don’t know any person in the Abyss that uses music as part of their M.O. (Main Objective) but I can imagine that they would pay a ton of money for it.” Said Cute.

“Oh… boy. We’ve better catch up with Tunes. She’s a bit out of tune, pun not intended and is taking her anger out on the monsters.” Said Large as a geyser shot in the air. “Holy… shit.” He said as Cute and Large headed to the tower of water. Large & Cute made it to the Geyser as they witnessed Sweet Tunes rocking out on a Wolf-Theme electric guitar.

“Thank you! Goodbye!” Yelled Tunes as she was about being attacked by a Tiger that’s dressed like a fan from KISS. “El-Ka-Bong!!” Scream Tunes as she smashed the guitar on the Tiger's Head.


The Tiger fell with a head with a large dent in it as it vanished. “In your face, the annoying lady from 5 years ago said cartoons will teach me nothing. Thank you, Hanna Barbara.” She turned to see the other members of the group. “Hey guys.”

“Tunes… what happened?” Asked Large as he saw the area damaged by her water magic.

“Oh! Uh… sorry for leaving you two behind. I was a bit frightened by the idea of being some creeps' entertainment gave me adrenaline to fight for my freedom.” Cute nodded.

“I understand. When I got kicked out of The Iron Maidens, I thought about giving up my time in the Abyss and the pay barely helped lower the debt on my home.” Said Cute “But I remember my date with Large saying that I could join your guild. If I ask your leader, Game Life.” Tunes looked at him

“So that’s why Game said that the 1st time in his life, 3 girls asked him to join our club. Pun not intended.” Large nodded since that’s an extremely rare thing to happen.

“But even I didn’t think of a Mercenary for hire, The Abyss Gambler and the heir of the Amazons of the Blood to show up at his house.” Said Cute

“Okay, we need to do a background check on you and the other 2.” Said Tunes

“Real-life edition.” Said Large. “Because no offense. We don’t know who we’re dealing with. Again no offense.” He apologize

“It’s okay, everyone in the Abyss is always on edge. I mean the Iron Maidens are an all-female guild. I became a member by accident when I saved their member from dying from a battle and 3 years later, I'm a member that showed no mercy to my enemies.” Said Cute as she plopped on the ground. “Ugh… it was horrible being with them. They even recreate those old Iron Maiden torture devices to kill their P.O.W.s, ex-members and traitors.” She said as Tunes noticed a contradiction.

“Wait a second? If you’re an ex-member now! Why didn’t they put you to death?” Asked Tunes as Cute scratched her head.

“Well… I don’t know myself but after I said about The Gamer, My Ex-boss freaked a bit. She said I will live if I don’t let the King and Queen of VG believe I was willingly involved in those Parasite Brothers.” Said Cute as Large and Tunes looked at her.

“The King and Queen of what?!” Said Large & Tunes.

“Uh… just the owners of The Abyss Auction. I think they’re the most powerful people in the Abyss. They’re not people to mess with and the reason is, they gave him a year's protection is very odd for a newbie? No offense.”

“Not taken.” Said Large & Tunes.

“I don’t know if he’s special to them emotionally but with what your abilities can do, I can say that The Gamer is their newest resource to buy, produce from and sell to their customers. I started to wonder how they got a mass production of those potions; I do like the taste of strawberries, but I was hoping for assorted flavors.”

“Death’s working on that. Be patient when they're made.” Said Large as Tunes picked up a Tiger Head-shape Makeup Kit.

“Okay…” Said Tunes as she opened it to see black, white and orange. “It’s face paint for fans. I’m not into make-up but I do know some rock & roll painters who will like this.” Said Tunes as she placed it in her inventory.”

“Let’s go. I’m starting to get bored of rock & roll, no offense Tunes.” Said Large as Tunes raised her hand.

“It’s cool, I always use the shuffle to not hear a list of my songs in order.” Said Tunes as Cute got up and followed them to the stairs to the next floor.

30 Minutes Later

List of Collect Loot:
Double Neck Thunder Dragon Guitar – Intelligence: 50, Strength: 80, Speed: 60, Utility Thunder Magic, Regenerate 5% of MP per min, increase 20% on Thunder Magic (If known), Require Strength: 40, Required Speed: 80 – This musical instrument was made by an inspiration by the sight of a Thunder Dragon in the sky of a thunderstorm. The guitar will create mana projectile musical notes by a strum of a professional musician.

Animal Pelt x23 – The pelt of an animal.

Animal Fang x10 – The fang of an animal.

Rock & Roll Spike Collar x33

Rock-Theme Make-up Kit x61 – Decoration-Type Item - A kit with Non-leaded Makeup to decorate one’s face to any Rock & Roll face-style.


Large Harvest: LV 32→35
Sweet Tunes: LV 35→36

Large, Tunes & Cute walked through the forest and hid behind some rocks to discover a Demon Guitarist was rocking out with a band near the stairs to the next floor. “I’m no expert on a band but Game Life’s expertise on RPGs, sometimes a group of monsters count as one. Are they one monster?” Said Large.

“Let’s all check.” Answered Tunes.


‘Demons of Rock Hell’ Band LV30
These demons got the taste of Rock & Roll and formed a rock band. The demons rocked out to the crowds in the human world and secretly stole their lifeforce to gain power to increase their abilities to gather more humans. They have never band off with a rival, so they’ll act arrogant.

“That is one dark and lousy band.” Said Tunes as she pulled out the Rock & Roll items and walked back to where they walk. Large & Cute were confused.

“Hey Tunes. Where are you going?” Asked Cute.

“I am in need of a drummer or a drum kit. It takes a band to beat a band! Plus it would be great training for The Battle of the Bands for my voice.” Said Tunes. “Besides, I don’t know if I’m collect a drum kit. A piece of it maybe but not an entire drum kit.” Said Tunes as she walked back as Large followed her but Cute tried to stop them.

“But what about the floor guardians?” asked Cute

“If it’s like Game's RPG collection, then that band boss isn’t going anyway.” Said Tunes as they ran together.

15 Minutes Later

Tunes was teaching Cute how to rock out on an electric guitar. “It’s similar to a simple guitar but when you play it, the sounds are amplified for a large crowd to hear.” Cute did what she did, it wasn’t great at the first few bites but after a 2 minutes, she started to get to the rhythm as 2 screens appeared before them.

Congratulations! Sweet Tunes has earned ‘Music Tutor' Title

Heavy Cute has learned [Musical Instrument Mastery LV1 EXP: 0%] from Sweet Tunes

“I’ve never played an instrument before. I was born in a dairy farm and Mom said that practicing playing an instrument will aggravate the cows to produce sour milk and that will cost us our funds.” Said Cute as Large looked at them.

“Despite our time here. Tunes manage to tame a Giant Spider who’s a great drummer.” He said as he turn to a large black & white spider with a skull pattern on the abdomen , the size of Large Harvest that was drumming with its legs. “She’s good at what she's made.” Said Large as the spider looked at Tunes as she fed her a slab of fish.

“Don’t care. Thread Beat here will be our drummer for a song from The Upper Crust.” She said as Cute clapped happily.

“Oh I love that band!” She yelled as Tunes pulled out another guitar and tossed it to Large. “Now for that demon band, Let Them Eat Rock!!!” Yelled Tunes as they charged to where the stairs were.

Tunes, Large, Cute & Thread Beat rocked out against the ‘Demons from Rock Hell’ Band as Tunes turned sound into a weapon and blasted them into smog as they left some cash & an Amplifier. “Rock on! I needed an Amp for a long time!” Screamed Tunes as she collected the Amp and headed up the stairs as Large and Cute collected the cash. “I can’t wait to annoy that jerk of a neighbor who keeps shaming my folks for being gay!” Cute looked at Tunes.

“Huh? She has two moms?” Asked Cute.

“Uh, two married females as her parents. We don’t discriminate.” Said Large as Cute nodded and followed Tunes.

2nd Floor: Country Desert

Large was dancing with Cute as Tunes was playing the fiddle on a cow with notes as its patterns as they were defeating monsters as a Horse with country banjos on its sides shooting the monsters that tried to ride it.

3rd Floor: Classical Sea

Large & Cute were driving on a motorboat fused with a Metronome as Tunes was riding on a waves while dancing with a 3 dolphins, one in a black suit and two in black dresses that had Viola, Cello and a violin as Tunes was conducting them to play with a Conductor’s Baton.

4th Floor: The Jazz Plains

Tunes was dancing with some Flapper Kats and Vixens (Puns intended) while dressed as them and holding an umbrella as Cute joined in the dancing as Large was fighting against old style animal Gangsters & actual Pigs in suits.

Final Floor:
Large Harvest: LV 35→43
Sweet Tunes: LV 36→43
Heavy Cute: LV 55→56

Junk Loot:
Drum Kit x1
Electric Guitar x1
Guitar x5
Banjo x3
Saloon Piano x2
Bandit’s Hat (Black) x4
Sheriff's Hat (White) x2
Sheriff's Badge x2
Conductor’s Baton x1
Cello x6
Flute x7
Violin x7
Oboe x7
Bassoon x7
Clarinet x7
Piccolo x7
French Horn x5
Viola x6
Double Bass x4
Harp x5
Timpani x4
Saxophone x3
Trumpet x5
Trombone x4
Xylophone x4
Glockenspiel x5
Flapper Girl Outfit (1920’s) x2
Bandit’s Gun x9
Sheriff's Gun x2

Weapons Loot:
Organ Pipe Bazooka x3
Bass Warhammer x4
Wolverine Claws x5
Drum Cannon x2
Violin Short Sword x2
Jaguar Spear x3
Eighth Note Khopesh x5
Half Note Nunchucks x2
Heavy Bear Bagh Nakh x3
Musical Sheet Chains x6
Shark Teeth Chainsaw x4
Keytar Machine Gun x3

Food Loot:
302LB of Meat
40LB of Fish
120LB of Vegetation

Special Loot:
Metronome Motorboat x2
Bat Mega horn Shield x3
Dolphin Conch Shell x2
Musical Shuriken Notes x69
Savage Whale Body Armor x3
Musical Shoes x4
Boar Tusks Bracelet x3
Musical Score Cape x3
Wild Beast’s Strength Skill Book x6
Wind Slash Skill Book x2
Aqua Wave Skill Book x5
Fire Wave Skill Book x8
Earth Shell Skill Book x7
The Lowest Grade of Recovery Potion, Level: Easy x75

Large Harvest: LV 35→40
Sweet Tunes: LV 36→42
Heavy Cute: LV 55→57

Tunes (Back in her regular clothes) was playing a song on an ocarina she made from a large piece of wood she got from the 1st floor. “Hey Large. I was just wondering one thing.” Large turn to her.


“When did you and Heavy Cute met?” Asked Tunes as they stopped.

“Oh… udders. That was a long ago.” Said Cute as Large looked embarrassed.

“It was 7 years ago.” Said Large. “It was before mom left my dad.” Tunes looked at Large.

“Wait left?! I thought your old man said she was dead?!” Yelled Tunes.

“Dead to him! Dead to him. My dad is holding a grudge against my mom after he called her a sperm whale. Whatever that means?” Said Large as Tunes looked horrified. “What is it? I know that an actual mammal but what the hell does that mean to a human?”

“Don’t ask. Unless you want to know, ask Exo since she's knowledgeable on nicknames for people.” Large’s eyes widen.

“I… understand. My folks and I had new neighbors after the previous owner hung himself after learning his daughter was gay.” Tunes’ eyes shrank, gulped in fear and looked at Cute.

“My mom didn’t care about the casualties; the land was cheap to buy. We met when he was fishing, I was planning to steal some fish from him since my deadbeat dad didn’t bother to cook dinner and mom was fixing up the place. Large was kind enough to let my mom and I eat dinner with them as my deadbeat dad was knocked out by liquor until he brutally destroyed his own liver. The asshole, he was a horrible parent who didn’t want a kid. Next time, wear condoms!!! They’re for the public, nobody will judge you… unless they know the size. Why do we care about certain sizes anyway? Unless it's depending on how comfortable you are?” Large and Tunes looked at each other.

“Uh… it’s a comfort thing.” Said Tunes.

“Yeah… a comfort thing and something we can’t control.” Said Large.

“After some years of knowing Large, I developed a crush on him. But…” Tunes and Large looked at her.

“But?” They both said.

“I… was a bit judgmental on my appearance. I mean I was a bit chunky for a girl my age and size.” Said Cute as Tunes patted her shoulder.

“Don’t let those bitches and dicks judge you. They were jealous of your big assets.” She said as Cute looked at her chest and smiled.

“Well… mama did feed me well and those girls in CHS have been a bit envious of me.” Tunes looked confused.

“Wait! You’re from CHS?! Then how come we never see you there?!” Yelled Tunes as Cute looked down.

“My farm is having a problem with the harvest being short handed. We can’t pay anyone with money unless they want some vegetables as payment. So Principal Celestia allowed me to do online classes until I can come to CHS.”

“Thank you Celestia for being reasonable.” Said Large.

“Except Lord Jackass. He only accepts students with perfect attendance and refuses to listen to reason.” Said Tunes as she sat down on the ground. “Besides, I was wondering if we tamed too many monsters in our group.” Large and Cute turned around to see Thread Beat, a Horse with two large banjo/Gatling Guns on its side (, 2 cows with musical notes as its spot patterns, A Coyote in a western outfit, 3 dolphins in a classical orchestra uniforms and a shark, two female Flapper cats & 2 Flapper Vixens, a Zoot Suit male cat and fox and a Wolf in Gangster clothes holding a Tommy Gun.

Monster Allies
Large’s Party:
Wild Burp (Western Coyote) LV30
Gunner Hoof (Horse) LV29
Cool Nat (Zoot Suit Cat) LV35
Sly Knox (Zoot Suit Fox) LV35

Tunes’ Party:
Thread Beat LV30
Dolphin String Trio (Gar, Fen, Raine) LV32
Savita (Flapper Cat) LV35
Cerise (Flapper Cat) LV35
Snuggles (Flapper Vixen) LV34
Ginger (Flapper Vixen) LV34

Cute’s Party:
Bessie (Cow) LV26
Messie (Cow) LV26
Riggs (Gangster Wolf) LV35

“Uh… I don’t know because it’s a game thing.” Said Cute.

“I have over 40 many ogres in my MF and they’re growing some fresh fruits and vegetables for them, but I don’t see a limit. So I guess it’s alright.” Said Large as Cute nodded.

“Okay. I guess it’s okay since Bessie here can give my life some fresh milk.” She said as she petted Bessie as she felt comfortable. “I was hoping you will show me the details on a Monster Farm was it?” Large and Tunes nodded.

“And the loot is great where we could get some new gear from the Abyss Auction and maybe… Cute, do you know anyone that became slaves?” Large looked at Cute. “I thought we should free some innocent Abyss people who are force into slavery.” Said Tunes as Large agreed with the idea.

“Okay, we’ll ask Strong and QB since they’ve been in the Abyss the longest. No offense Cute.”

“It’s okay. I usually stay away from that kind of business.” Said Cute.

“But one thing we should do, plan a strategy. A Final Boss is stronger than all the bosses we fought. Game Life may be a Gamer4ever but he does make a great teacher for those who have problems with certain things in video games. Except for Love Sim games, he said he stinks at them and doesn't have the answers he would normally say.” Said Tunes as they made some upgrades to their stats.

“Okay, are you ready?” Said Tunes as Large & Cute nodded. “Okay, let’s take the final boss!” She said as they looked at their monsters.

“Stay here please.” Said Cute as they all agreed to stay behind as they opened the Boss Doors as they entered.

Tunes, Large & Cute walked in as the room was dark. “It’s dark.” Said Large as Cute gulped in fear.

“Too… dark.” She said as Tunes noticed the floor was an unusual color; a checker pattern of red & green.

“What the sour notes?” Large & Cute turn to Tunes

“What’s wrong?” Said Large.

“The Floor… it looks like it’s from a… dance floor.” Said Tunes as she realized what the boss room as loud music started to play.

“What the heck is this music?!” Yelled Cute as she covered her ears.


Undertale, Sans’ Theme.” Said Tunes as the lights flash on as they looked up to see a massive machine floating in the air to reveal it was a DJ system with large speakers and a creature with a pair of shades and headphones. “I’m guessing that’s the boss?” Said Tunes.

“Observe!!!” They yelled.

DJ Unicorn LV48
A duplicate creature made from the wavelength of 2 beings of two parallel universes. This creature has no thought and no will except the destruction of any living creature in its sight. The talents of this creature involves music of modern times. The resemblance of this creature is depending on if it knows this creature’s identity.

“A unicorn? Why is it a unicorn?” Wonder Cute as Large and Tunes looked at it.

“Wait… doesn’t that unicorn look like someone I know?” He said

“VINNY!!” Yelled Tunes as Cute & Large looked at her

“Who?” Said them both as Tunes looked nervous.

“Uh… someone who called himself DJ PON3.”

“The Radio person?” Said Large “Wait… you know that one in person?!”

“I Pinkie Promise not to reveal his identity.” She said.

“God damn it!” Yelled Large.

“Pinkie what?” Asked Cute.

“Don’t ask.” Said both Tunes & Large. The unicorn’s horn glowed as it used telekinesis to lift two records and place them on the system to play them. The floor lights up as it brightens to the beat.

“Crap.” Said Large.

“SHATTER!!!” Yelled Tunes as they jumped out of the way as the unicorn fired a sound-wave laser beam as they were pushed away by the aftermath. “Holy shit sounds! It's strong!!!” Large pulled out his shield as Cute pulled out her sledgehammer.

“It’s gonna be hard to beat.” Said Large as Tunes clean the dirt from her clothes.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll hold it off as you and Cute deal the damage to it.” She said with confidence.

“Really?” Said Cute “How?!”

“The Ultimate Skill of The Game! Game On!!” Yelled Tunes as the entire room transformed into a familiar place to Large as all their monster allies appeared through the door.

“Bowser’s Castle!?” He said as Tunes snapped her fingers as Arrows pointing up, down, left, & right appeared below her.

“Now for the intense challenge. THE BOSS FIGHT!!!” Screamed Tunes as the music was intense as the Boss inside the DJ Machine danced like crazy. Tunes was grooving to the music, doing a little dance, making some love as words appear in the air.


Tunes was dancing as massive amounts of arrows pointing up, down, left, & right were heading towards her “LARGE!!! CUTE!!! Prepare for some help from me!!!” She yelled as she stomp on the arrows heading towards her as a words of ‘Excellent’, ‘Perfect’ & ‘Great’ appeared as several combos was added as two symbols of Large & Cute appeared as she stomp on them as energy from them, gave Large & Cute some energy.

“WHOA!!!” Yelled Cute.

“I’M FEELING THE RUSH!!!” Screamed Large as Tunes was dancing like crazy as she stomped more symbols as Large and Cute jumped towards and stuck the boss as a massive health bar appeared over her as the red inside it decreased by a quarter.

“Go Tunes!!! Go Tunes!!!” Cute chanted as she and Large danced to the music while dodging the music laser blasts.

“Tunes is the Dancing Queen of Bomberman!!!” Said Large as he grabbed Cute and spun her.

“She is awesome!!!” Yelled Cute as Tunes was spinning on her head while hitting the arrows. Tunes not only hit her allies symbols and hers as they all group attack.

TRIPLE SMASH HIT!!!” They all yelled as they went through the machine and blew up the bosses machine with the boss in it. They landed as they did a twirl and pose.

Rank: A
282 Perfect
129 Excellent
33 Great
0 Miss
382047835043403 Score
444 MAX Combo

Large Harvest: LV40→48
Sweet Tunes: LV 42→48
Heavy Cute: LV 57→59

Congratulations! Sweet Tunes has earned ‘Dancing Master' Title. Through this new earn title and collected years of a hobby made of love. 'Dance Magic' has been awaken.

[Dance Magic (Active & Passive) LV 53 EXP: 49.23%] - This skill can turn the rhythm of dancing into magic. Through this skill, this magic can buff allies and debuff enemies, inflick status condictions to enemies and can damage enemies with only known magic.

Tunes was sweating and panting for air. “That’s enough of a work-out for a week.” Said Tunes as she was wobbling and nearly fell on her ass if Large & Cute didn’t catch her in time. “Thanks.”

“No, thank you. The Siren Queen of Music.” Said Large.

“You make those dancers who did those DDR arcade machines look like… novices.” Said Cute as some of their monsters lifted her on her spider monster.

“Aww… you’re making me blush.” Said Tunes.

Dungeon Complete! Enter the portal to leave the dungeon.

“WHOO-HOO!!!” Yelled the entire group as the monsters praised their Tamers.

“I never thought I might be happy to be in the Abyss.” Said Cute. “If I met you guys years ago, I wouldn’t fear getting skewered to death by an Iron Maiden.” She said as she blushed at Large. “Or… see someone I know much handsomer.” Large was red in the face as he looked away.

“Uh…” Stuttered Large.

“Come on ya big hearted farmer!” Yelled Tunes “Go ahead and give your neighbor of a girlfriend a smooch!! The ocean of the world will always hide your secrets within its salty ripples.” She said with a wink and a smile. Large looked at Cute and smiled as they made out. (“I’m proud of those two. They deserve each other.”) Tunes noticed the sparkling in the ground where the boss landed. “Thread. Take me that spot please.”

“*Screech*” Said Thread Beat as she crawled to the look and discovered some interesting loot and things she knew.

“Whoa… *GASP* (“Vinny’s shades and phones! I can’t let Large & Cute know who Vinny’s identity.”)” Tunes snatched the shades & phones and stuffed it in her inventory as she examined the other loot.

Magical DJ Station Throne, Defense: 132, Intelligence: 200, Wisdom: 50, Speed: 90, Type: Vehicle Weapon, Require Known Ability: The ability to use a DJ system and play an instrument. – This machine is a DJ’s ultimate masterpiece in music. The gather the minds of DJs of the years who dream to own the ultimate system of music. This increases all sound attacks by 45%.

Sound Magic Book – This Spell book will allow the caster to turn sound into magic. Offense, Defense, Support & Healing Sound Magic is access to the caster.


“This spell book is something only I can master.” Said Tunes as she tried to learn it but Cute stopped her.

“Wait a moment!” Yelled Cute as Large has kiss marks on his face.

“What the…” Said Tunes as Cute let go of her.

“Sorry. It looks like a one of a kind spell book, never seen or known in the Abyss. You could make copies of it; it would sell for billions!” Explain Cute as Tunes put some thought into it.

“Wait a minute! I remember that Death collected a Blank Spell Book from an ID from the Library. A Spell Book that allows the caster to copy the magic or skill into it. I am asking Dark Speed to see if he can have a Book ID to collect those Blanks to make copies of this magic book!” Said Tunes as Large nodded.

“I think we’re the only guild who can do this. We better talk inside of the 8-Bit Café.” They agreed to that as Tunes sat on the throne as it floated.

“Ahhh… I needed a sit down. I am only using this on a private party in our monster farms.” Said Tunes as they headed for the portal as Tunes played some music familiar to Large & Cute.

~It’s only magic~

Large & Cute sang with Tunes as they exited with their monsters in tow.

"Hey Tunes." Said Cute as Tunes turn to her "I was just wondering something. Why did you put on that Flapper Girl outfit?"

"Oh... Simple, I remember reading some info of the origins of Betty Boop that was inspired by a Flapper Girl. So I wanted to dress as one that was authentic from the 1920's. Thank to the Abyss and the Gamer's powers, I got my outfit. Plus I love watching Betty on that DVD collection." Explain Tunes.

"That's one odd reason." Said Large "You gonna show that outfit to the gang?" he asked.

"Uh... Maybe not. I don't want to see myself online to give Lord Jackass a reason to disqualify me." Said Tunes.

"Got it, I understand." Said Large

Author's Note:

Hey Everyone who's down in the dumps because of the virus crap. We may have friends and family going paranoia and suffering boredom but I will not let it stop me from writing my chapters!! I hope this chapter and the rest I upload cheer everyone up. Also I will explain some things. The reason Tunes is call Vinyl Scratch AKA DJ PON3 Vinny is because Tunes and her along with Octavia are best friends. Sweet Tunes calls DJ PON3, Vinny and Octavia, Via as nicknames. Plus she hides Vinny's job hidden from anyone outside of Canterlot City who are fans of her. Yeah and Large's mom isn't dead. Just dead to his old man like this for example

Anyway here's some updated stats on Large Harvest, Sweet Tunes & Heavy Cute.
Large Harvest:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mxeOpPGs2iKzxQqwghyzH0xDfypvS8ATvjEViI5jwy8/edit?usp=sharing
Sweet Tunes:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vCBW5PefxfztCHP3v7ISHJUwSg-BnljLbR5Xaj_8CHs/edit?usp=sharing
Heavy Cute:https://docs.google.com/document/d/119HXebqucMhOluDNDVMaN1pz20iAfSAc0eg_Z4rWSuk/edit?usp=sharing
Also if you notice any grammar errors, the ones I ask to Proofread might be out of order due to the virus paranoia. So please understand the errors.

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