• Published 10th Jan 2018
  • 10,006 Views, 311 Comments

The Game Players - GamePlayer64

Inspired by a webcomic/Manga called The Gamer. Don't own it nor MLP FIM but OCs' names belong to me. This story will involve real life stuff outside of the MLP universe since I can’t fabricate them into what they might be in the MLP Universe.

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Hearts and Hands' Day

Author's Note:

Happy Valentine's day. Enjoy the short chapter

The Game Players were drawing some designs for their personal business; The 8-bit Café, weapons, armor, accessories, and plans for their Monster Farms; the abilities of each farms’ benefits for food and training. “We need some monsters that we can raise into food.” Said Exo as some of the Gamers shudder in fear.

“While I agree that certain monsters’ feeding habits and growth rates are getting out of control. Where are we going to find them?” Asked IQ as they put some thought into it “Not a lot of games have a slaughterhouse that doesn’t involve zombies.” They were racking their heads together as Death had the idea.

“A Bolt of Brilliance!” Said Death as they looked at him “It might not be in games, but Anime and Manga are our other choices.” They all looked foolish since they did have some Cartoon, Anime and Manga posters and figures in the club.

“Okay, Death and I shall do some research along with ‘celebrating’ Hearts and Hands Day.” Said IQ with finger quotes as he said celebrating as they groaned hearing of the holiday.

“Hearts and Hooves is a day where all humans celebrate a day of love which is nothing but betrayal and misery for all who tried to find happiness in their lonely lives.” Said Dark Speed as Tunes groaned

“Please Dark. I know that tramp hurt you emotionally, but can’t you let it go?”

“Will it reimburse Dark Speed’s $1832.92 that Dark Speed has spent for that succubus for 5 years?” They looked at Dark with shocked looks.

“That’s how much you spent for her?!” Said Large as he nodded.

“God damn… there is no way he can let that go.” Said Sharp as Tunes looked guilty

“Sorry Dark. I didn’t know.” Dark raised his hand

“It is forgiven. Let us continue for the day of betrayal. Dark Speed has created Dark Speed’s project.” He reveals a plush of a black heart with a chain wrapped around it. “Dark Speed calls it; The Black Heart of Love. This heart represents your true emotions for the one you… loved and how much will you give that love.” Game Life looked in awe.

“Can I two?” Fancy’s eye widens and blush but was confused


“One for you and one for Mama Sweet Meds. She’s done so much for me and all of us.” He answered

“I’m with you there.” Said Exo “She was the only pharmacist gave my family a good deal on our needed medication. I’m making her a heart out of metal, I’ll melt in the junkyard.” They all nodded as they drew their cards as Fancy had a pillow in the shape of a banner that said, ‘Sleep in Love’.

“Here you go, Miss Lax. For caring for us.” Fancy lifted Miss Lax’s head off of her desk and place it under her. “Enjoy the dreams.” They all left the room as Miss Lax smiled happily

“Such sweet kids.” She said as the Game Players were walking down the hall.

“By the way? How did you earn that much cash?” Asked Fancy.

“Dark Speed worked with Dark Speed’s Uncle, Grim Partings along with Dark Speed’s parents at the Morgue. Dark Speed’s Uncle complimented Dark Speed for Dark Speed’s great work on stitching open cuts.” Exo and the others nearly lost their lunch. “Dark Speed even help wrapped the craniums of the deceased with newspaper to prevent-

“NO MORE!!!” Yelled everyone.

The Game Players went through the day with boredom and annoyance from Lord Jackass, they began to part ways as Fancy stopped Game “Uh… Game Life. Can we uh… go on another date? Please say yes, I don’t want to spend tomorrow with my dad! He has suitors!” She said with a plea.

“Okay.” Said Game as Fancy sighed in relief as she skipped away. “God help me.” Game Life made it home, made dinner for him and Mama Sweet Meds; Chicken Tenders covered in Italian bread crumbs fried with white rice and was on the Abyss Auction. “Hmm… I know we can get some things on our IDs, but it has to be at a high difficulty. Dark Speed was kind enough to get me a Book on summoning light and entering the Book ID help me gather water, earth, and wind but I cannot summon all of them. I need to practice training that skill.” Game scroll down as he saw some items as a book caught his eye.

Dwarf Blacksmith’s Gloves!!! Increases your blacksmithing skills so they won’t come out like crap!

“Okay, I’ll add that to the cart and… those shoes. These Speed Wyvern’s shoes and that Ring of Spirits.” The purchase was made as Game added an instant express. “I still can’t believe about the drone is a colorful UFO.” He is got his purchases as he types a list of what couples go to. “I hope these places are good?”

The Next Day at 11:30 AM

Game Life was wearing casual non-game theme clothes at the entrance at the mall. “This day has better be a good day. Holidays like is where I game all day.”

“Uh… Hey Gamey.” Game Life turned his head to see Fancy Looks in a lovely dress. Game Life was baffled as he stared at Fancy as she looked confused “What’s wrong?”

“Uh… I say that dress is beautiful on you.” Fancy blushed

“Thanks. It was a hand-me-down from my mom.” She said as in their minds.

(“Before her figure.”) They both thought simultaneously.

“Shall we go see a movie?” Asked Game

“Sure! As long as they-”

“Don’t have long lines.” Said, Fancy, as they witness a line that is an hour long.

“I can wait for a game in line but for this and the only movies they’re playing are all romance genres.” Said Game as he looked at Fancy “Where are we going to go now?” Fancy put some thought into it.

“Uh… the Roller Rink?”

1 hour later

“It’s full?!” Yelled Fancy as they saw old and young couples skating. Game looked at a sign that read, ‘Couples skate free.’

“This holiday really pisses me off. Even some of my personal channels have romance genres. What else is there to go? Amusement Park?”

3 Hours Later

“And all the entire park is overcrowded.” Said Game angrily.

“This is not how I imagine this day.” Said Fancy sadly as Game’s right eye twitched

“If the All Sizzling Steakhouse has a line that takes 5 hours to get in? I’ll go insane and burn that annoying eco-freak of a teacher’s home to the ground.” Fancy backed away a little and place her hand on his shoulder.

“Calm down and I think you’re right about the Steakhouse. Let’s get some fast food instead.” She said as they left.

30 Minutes Later

Game and Fancy were eating some burgers, fries, and milkshakes. “I never thought everyone took this holiday seriously.” Said Game as Fancy nodded.

“Nor did I. Maybe because none of us were dating that most of the Game Players except Death were dating. We’re new to dating as well as Large but Dark Speed-”

“We have to accept what he feels about love. He was betrayed and lied to that scarred him for his life. He’ll heal… in time. Besides there is someone for everyone or unless Dark Speed is finding the one who won’t use him like before. Even if it's in front of him and he's too stubborn to see it.” Fancy lowered her head

“Poor Dark Speed.” She said as they watched the passing couples. “Almost everywhere fun is overcrowded. Is there even one place that isn’t occupied?” Wonder Fancy as Game put some thought of a place and remember one place.

“There is… one place.” Fancy looked at him “The View.” Fancy gasped and smiled

“We haven’t been there in 3 years. It sounds wonderful, let’s go.”

2 Hours Later

Game and Fancy were in a forest, walking up a hill with a huge tree in the center of the hill. “It's still lovely as I remembered and the sea of trees with the city as land is still beautiful.”

“Shame that everyone in the whole city is afraid of the forest.” Said Game as he sees the sun setting.

“What were they afraid of again? I forgot about the reason for it?” asked Fancy.

“I don’t know but I think it could be Mack and his pack?” said Game Life as Fancy smile

“Mack… I miss that little wolf pup.” Said, Fancy, as Game wrapped his arm around Fancy's waist and brought her closer to him as they sat on a log

“So, do I. I miss Mack too.”


They looked at the forest as the howling sounds like Saria’s song and smile “He’s all grown up.” Game Life smiled but frowns as Fancy notices it “What’s wrong?” Game looked at her

“I’ve been thinking about Gaia.” She looked at him “Why did she choose me? What does she have planned? Also, if my folks were still alive, will they be proud of me or… fear me?” Fancy patted him on the shoulder.

“It’s okay. To be honest; I was scared of my mom and cousin after she threw the others and me in a cell. I still can’t look at her without having the urge to flee. I believe you can make your own path.” Game Life looked at her and smile.

“Thank you.” He kissed her on the cheek as they watch the sun setting.

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