• Published 10th Jan 2018
  • 10,006 Views, 311 Comments

The Game Players - GamePlayer64

Inspired by a webcomic/Manga called The Gamer. Don't own it nor MLP FIM but OCs' names belong to me. This story will involve real life stuff outside of the MLP universe since I can’t fabricate them into what they might be in the MLP Universe.

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Gamer 25

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoy this chapter because the next chapter will have Battle of the Bands. So have patience for it as I'll write the roughdraft for it. Also I'll update the next chapter for The Spider before the end of the July.

The day in CHS. Half of the Game Players were teaching the Twins some math, reading, and science. IQ took Science, Dark Speed did the reading (mostly the GRIM versions of fairy tales, just one page at a time since the school refuses to allow him to read 10 pages to the twins), and Death assists in math as Exo watched them. The others were in a room with the most photocopiers, printing out flyers as Game made a digital drawing of the 8-bit Café. They place them in mostly where students hang out as they place the flyers, even in the bathrooms as Tunes was telling some of their classmates. They even made a warning to other students that Strict Authority cannot close their new business since they have a benefactor, Miss Beauty. Game warned nearly most of the guys not to come to their business just to see Miss Beauty because her husband will be there with his guards and they will destroy cell phones. They also accept change if it equals to 25 cents and a change machine, 3 of them will be there along with free WIFI and private rooms that drew in other clubs who which to have some privacy.

“Okay, everyone. We’ve managed to create enough flyers and place them around the school with permission. Our 8-Bit Café will have a mass of customers on the 1st weekend on Saturday and Sunday.” Said Game as Tunes was snapping her fingers.

“Since our business is not only for children and teens, but adults can too come for the café to complete their business for their jobs to be less stress. My dad wants to go to enjoy a cup of tea. Do we have a rewards program for discounts?” She asked which creates some groans.

“I didn’t think of that, but we have time. We’ll give it a month as we’ll get my Mom to see if we can make one.” Said Fancy as she was placing the flyers in her inventory.

“Uh… I hope you guys will provide some crates or step stool for those who are below the height needed to play the arcade machines?” Said Sharp since she’s only 8. They gave thumbs to her as she smiles.

“Also, we need to make an area to separate the arcade machines of the age ratings.” Said Large. “Long ago, parents didn’t give a damn but now, they’re sugarcoating nearly everything inappropriate. I remember that cartoon channels showed some movies that allow some swearing. I think it was Who Framed Roger Rabbit? was one of them?” Said Large as the others agreed except Sharp. “They didn’t cut it or blur out the swears.” Sharp groaned.

“Parents and adults are getting too paranoid because of nearly everything.” Said Sharp. “I agree that some can take it too far, but they need help.” They all agree as they all walked out of the room and nearly knocked over Principal Celestia.

“Oops.” Said Game as they gulped.

“Sorry Principal Celestia.” They all said as she got up and patted the dust from her.

“It’s okay.” She said as she noticed a Flyer. “What's this?”

“We’re canceled.” Said Tunes.

Come to the first-ever Café/Arcade/Karaoke combine building in exist or if someone already made one. The 8-Bit Café is your place to let out of the pains of life and give you the peace you want. Nothing about us is illegal, also no protestors and cops to make false accusations about us.” Celestia read it as she looked at the Game Players.

“Uh… Exo added that since we were falsely accused of things we didn’t do by Strict Authority.” Said Game as they looked nervous.

“I understand.” They looked surprised. “As long as you do it legal. I will allow this.” They smiled.

“Thank you! We’ll reserve a spot at the café for you and your sister as thanks.” Said, Fancy.

“Are you bribing me?” She said.

“‘No!’ ‘Not a chance!’ ‘We don’t do bribes!’” They all said as Principal Celestia chuckled.

“Have a good day and don’t forget about the Talent Show. Your club’s ban is now over.” They cheered happily.

“Let’s go.” Said Game as they left.

After School
Game Life had the twins on his back, he saw Exo was making some calls. “What are you doing?”

“Getting some employees. I know of some parents who are in debt to me, who need some jobs.” Game looked at her.

“So, you’re taking their wages.” Exo shook her head.

“Nope, now with our new ways. I don’t need to threaten others who owe me money but to my parents is another thing that’s beyond me.”

“So… ‘work at my new legal business and you're free from your debt to me’ is your way of telling them so they don’t get their kneecaps busted when you miss a payment to me and hide so I don’t find you?”


“I think you're changing a bit. In an effective way.”

“Thanks. I got to go find us a janitor, I refuse to clean toilets.” She left as Game Life left as well as the others.

Game was at home, making something new for dinner. Empanadas they were called. He used bread as the shell and the meat is mixed with chopped onions, peppers, and some peanut butter to keep the meat from spilling. He fried some of them in vegetable oil as he made more Empanadas, he scoops out the cooked ones, placed them in a paper towel to absorb the oils as he cooked some more and place some in the oven to bake instead of fried. He made over at least over 100 of them and more for his friends as he made a meal for his family as Mama Sweet Meds. Dinner end and the entire family slept.

MORNING!!! Your HP & MP are fully restored!”

Game closed it with a bat “I still @#$%in’ hate that screen.” Game got up as he got dressed, made pancakes for breakfast as Mama Sweet Meds grabbed a cup of coffee.

“Thank you, Gamey.” Said Mama Sweet Meds as she took a sip.

“You’re welcome. Also, I’m glad today’s a holiday, so I’ll take the twins with me.” Mama Sweet Meds walked to the bathroom. “Come along you two. We’re going to the arcade.” The twins cheered as they follow Game Life, out the door to meet a stranger… to them.

Fancy woke up by the song of her music pod. She was smiling as she gets ready for today, she kissed a picture of Game Life smiling with her, took a bath, gotten dress, snapped her bra. “God Authority damn it! Not another one!” She threw it in her wastebasket. “I swear I’m getting my mom’s boobs. Oh… that Strict will never let me be until I graduate or transfer.” Fancy dressed up in some casual clothes for her size as she wore her shoes. “I hope mom as some more custom bras for me because I need them.”

Fancy left her manor wearing her mom’s old bras that she wore in her teen years. She walked to Game Life’s House as she was shocked to see what was there.

“Huh?” Game Life met a surprising guest he never thought he meets again “Strong Love? Is that you?” Game Life met the muscular tough girl that could put Exo down for being an Amazon warrior of the Abyss, so pissing her off is a bad move. “Long time no see.” Strong Love looked at Game Life as she got on her knees with tears in her eyes.

“PLEASE LET ME DATE DARK SPEED!!!” She yelled as Game Life stood there dazed

“Uh… what?” He said as she looked up.

“I need-

“GAME LIFE!” They looked to see Heavy Cute charging towards them. Game didn’t get a good look at Heavy Cute, but he understood why she was called Heavy Cute. She was heavyset, an overweight girl, she had brunette hair & pigtails, she was wearing overalls, a plaid shirt, farm boots & had… an E-cup big rack. “Game Life!” She yelled as she was running as her breasts bounce as Game and Strong’s eyes were matching the movement of the bouncing tits. “Hello… Game Life!”

“Uh… you’re Heavy Cute?” He said as she bowed to him with tears in her eyes.

“Please tell me where Large Harvest is so I could go out with him and join your guild!!” she said while crying.


“So, you’re the Game Life I heard so much about.” The small group turned to see another babe with big tits.

“Oh, come on! What is with the attraction of girls?” Said Game Life as the new girl in a long skirt and shirt decorated in the symbols of cards, raise her brow to witness Strong and Heavy.

“Odd. Death never said that The Gamer was a player?” Game was offended.

“I am a Video game player! Not a playboy player, now before I wonder why so many girls that aren’t from video games. So, who the hell are you?” Said Game Life as the girl bow as her chest bounced.

“My name is Gambling Queen or Cards for short since that’s my nickname. I want you to let me in your baby guild.” She said as Strong Love stood in front of Game.

“Back off you gamble addict! You may be stronger than me but I’m tougher than you!” As she flexes her pecs as she pushed her back with her chest. Heavy and Game were surprised by that Heavy looked at her chest.

“Can tits bounce off people?” Asked Heavy as Game stepped away from them as Strong Love and Gambling Queen began to fight as Heavy tried to break it up.


“GAME LIFE!!” He turned around to see Fancy behind him. “What’s going on and why are those girls fighting?” Game Life looked at the fight.


“WHAT IN THE NAME OF MEDICINE IS GOING ON?!” The fight stopped as everyone to see Mama Sweet Meds with the twins behind her.

“Uh-oh.” Said Game Life.

“Gamey! Why are these 3 girls fighting on our lawn?” She asked him.

“Uh… to be honest, I don’t even understand myself.” He said as she looked angrily at the girls.

“Sit on your knees.” Said Mama Sweet Meds.

“Excuse me.” Said Gambling Queen.

“SIT! ON! YOUR! KNEES! ALL OF YOU!” She yelled as Sweet Medication looked frightening as Game and Fancy did what she said as the three girls sat on their knees in fear. “Now, Gamey, Fan-Fan. Tell me who are these girls?” Fancy shrugged her shoulders as Game coughed.

“Uh… well, I don’t know one of them personally, but I know their names. The muscular girl is named Strong Love, the farmer girl is Heavy Cute and the third one is named Gambling Queen. She said she’s Death Alchemist's girlfriend.”

“I am.” Said GQ. “I got a picture.” She pulled out a picture from her cleavage

“Why do some girls put things between their boobs?” He asked Fancy quietly as she blushed.

“Only important things. Like… something you love.” Said Fancy as she looked at her own chest as she had a picture of Game Life and her when they were kids.

“Here looked at it.” They all checked the picture as DA and GQ in front of his house.

“That I can believe.” Said Game Life.

“Okay… I believe you, so please tell me why you three fighting for?” Asked Mama Sweet Meds.

“Uh…” Said Heavy Cute “I… want to… asked Game Life where Large Harvest is to go on a date with him and join their Gamer club.”

“WHAT?!” Yelled Game and Fancy.

“My turn.” Said, Strong Love. “I want to go out with their handsome and attractive friend of Game Life. Dark Speed.” She said.

“WHAT?!” Yelled Game Life

“Handsome and attractive?” Said, Fancy.

“I have lost a… boxing match with him since I was raised by my mother and our clan’s teachings. Only the strong is the greatest, all else is not worthy.” She said “I have never lost but how he defeated me struck me in the heart and soul. *SWOON*” She said as Game and Fancy was creeped out.

“Wait… Dark Speed is the one you talked about at the mall?!” Said, Fancy.

“Our Arkham Knight has a Cat Woman crushing on him.” Whispered Game Life. “He’s not going to like this.”

“Oh! I’m so happy that Speedy has someone who loves him! Lovely, I hope you tell him how you feel!” Said Mama Sweet Meds as Strong Love looked at Game Life.


“She always gives nicknames to my friends and me.” Said Game Life.

“Now Bing-Bing.” She earned some snickers “To be honest, I never knew Alca had a girlfriend.” She said as Queen looked nervous.

“Uh… to be honest, I have a busy job and we only chat online or phone.” She said as Mama Sweet Meds accepted it

“Okay… please tell me why you are here?” She asked.

“Well… I’ve been a bit jealous about my Deathy being in that club of yours. I want to join.”

“WHAT?!” Yelled Fancy.

“Three… members? That’s a first.” Said Game Life as Mama Sweet Meds looked at him

“Well Gamey, I know you love your club and you always want more members for your club. What do you say?” Asked Sweet Meds.

“I… uh…” Confused Game as he never had more than 1 member join the Game Player’s Club. “I… don’t know? This is the first time in years that this happens, and I don’t think the others will appreciate that I didn’t introduce you three to them. Just to be fair as everyone has a right to agree and disagree.” He said as Mama Sweet Meds clapped

“Okay. Gamey, I understand why you want to introduce them to your friends to be fair. Just promise me you don’t let them fight with each other.” She said as Game Life nodded as Prank and Sea walked towards them “I know you have to start with your job but promise me you watch the twins.” Game and Fancy nodded as Mama Sweet Meds went back inside.

“Okay… let’s go to the Arcade.” Said Game as Sea looked at Strong Love who was a bit uncomfortable.


“How do you get big boobies?” Said Sea as they paused. Game Life covered his ears

“Don’t ask me, please!” he yelled as Fancy smile nervously

“She’s just curious.”


A building has a crowd of people in front of it, kids, teens, and some grown-ups who miss their childhood. Tunes was DJing to entertain the crowd as IQ, Death & Dark Speed was singing. “Where the hell is our leader and his Co?” Said Exo as she was holding two police batons.

“I don’t know. Game is never late and we’re about to open in 5 minutes.” Said Large.

“HEY!” Yelled Game Life as the others looked at him, Fancy and the twins.

“You’re late, Solder! Tardiness is inexcusable for our operation!” Said Sharp.

“I apologize, sniper but Fancy and I was dealing with new recruits for both our club & guild.” Said Game as Sharp looked confused

“Who are these new recruits?” Said Sharp as Fancy looked red

“Uh… Exo’s not going to like it.” She said as Sharp saw them and noticed the problem Exo hates, girls with big breasts since she doesn’t have any.

“Oh, shitballs.” Said Sharp.

“Yeah…” She said as Miss Beauty came to see them

“Oh my. A mercenary, an Amazon of the Blood, and an Iron Maiden… I don’t like it.” She said as she gave Game Life the key. He gave the signal to stop as they ended their song. Tunes toss him a mic.

“Thanks. Welcome, players, singers, & relaxers! We welcome you to our business and we have enough sweets, drinks and quarters for your enjoyment! So now… Welcome to 8-Bit Café!” Yelled Game Life as he opens the doors as the kids ran in first. Miss Beauty headed inside to watch the business, as Game Life looked at the new members. “Uh… guys. Meet-”

“WHAT THE HELL?!” Yelled Dark Speed. “Why is this… amazon here?” He said angrily.

“And Cute?” Said Large happily as he waved at her.

“And Gambling Queen.” Said Death as Queen blew a kiss at him.

“Uh… well…” stammer Game “They… want to join our… club & guild.” He said.

“No way in hell.” Said Dark.

“Called it.” Said, Fancy.

“Yes… so have I.”

“As I have well.” Said, Queen as Death looked at her.

“Okay, what the hell are you up to?” Said Death as Queen looked confused “We know your part of the Abyss.” She snickers

“I know as you Game Players earn a rep after saving High Stocks’ guild from a traitorous member. Plus, I heard rumors that you earn money from slaying monsters, along with weapons.”

“Knew it. You only want to join for money.” Said Death as Queen as she hugged her man.

“You know me too well but not this time. I also heard from the grapevine that your leader manages to reattach a severed limb.” Game Life looked confused

“Uh… yes?”

“And potions.” She said as Game nodded “Because I want to wake my sister from her coma.” They looked surprised and looked at Death.

“Well… it's true she has a sister and she is in a coma.” He said, “And she’s been gambling like crazy to earn a lot of cash to keep her in the hospital.” QB nodded

“And because of my mercenary job, some guilds under B are too afraid to hire me since the risk of death of betrayal. Plus, I’m low on funds.” She pulled out a deck of cards as she pulled out the Ace of Diamonds as she took a knee. “Please, my sister Chips is the only family that means everything to me. The rest of my family are deadbeats and moochers, even my mom and dad are alcoholics who probably drink themselves to death. I’ll even stripe to earn your trust.”

“NO!!!” Yelled all the guys except Dark Speed who didn’t care.

“Why?” she asked

“We want to live.” Said IQ.

“With a powerful mother inside and pissed of gangster outside. We want to keep our manhoods attached.” Said Death as he covered his crouch.

“Okay… Strong Love and Heavy Cute. Why do you want to join our guild?” Asked Game Life.

“Uh…” Said Heavy Cute “I’ve been expelled from my guild for being a puppet by those triplets and had all my stuff taken. I’ve been treated like dirt for being weak.” She said as Large was extremely pissed

“Can we let her join?” He said.

“And Strong?”

“I left for one reason; to win my love that is Dark Speed!” She yelled as Dark threw up in a trashcan.

“Dark Speed is getting sick.”

“Yeah, love sick~!” Said Exo as he threw a bar of soap at her head

“Eat soap to clean the filth from your mouth.” He said as Game looked at the others

“Uh… look the Game Players Club is the same as the Game Players Guild. You have to accomplish one task.” Dark Speed didn’t show any emotion.

“It’s easier than you think.” Said Death “Collect 100 hours... of playing video games.” They were shocked as they looked at Game Life.

“What… that’s for noobs who never played a video game.” Said Game Life

“I never even played a video game!” They all said as Game Life tossed them each a coin packet of $10 quarters.

“Enjoy the games. 100 hours is all they take or make it to the high score on one of the arcade machines. Said Game as he headed inside.

As time goes by
Game Life was with Dark Speed, Large, Exo & Sharp Shooter on the arcade floor, Fancy, IQ, Death as in the Café as Tunes was in the Karaoke Bar. Game, Dark and Large were serving lunch to the customers, Celestia was enjoying a cup of tea as Fancy was serving and Tunes was grooving with some customers who needed help.

“This is awesome!” Said Sharp as she was headshot zombies in House of the Dead.

“We never thought the first day would be this awesome.” Said Large.

“I hope this business of ours is staying open for 3 centuries or more.” Said Exo as she was serving pizza to a group of kids.

Fancy was serving tea, coffees, and smoothies “I’m enjoying this.”

The Game Players were closing as they were cleaning as Game Life added the potential new members. “So, you 3 did 8 hours of gaming, we don’t take time off for bathroom breaks because we’re not heartless monsters. So, you have 92 more hours to complete, you can play some at home and list in the hours. Watching walkthroughs online or people’s gaming doesn’t count and is an insult to the Game Players!” Said Game Life.

“Dark Speed believe they will all fail.” He said as Strong Love hugged him as he felt disgusted.

“Thanks for showing faith in me.” Said Strong as Dark Speed faded into the darkness.

“Try your best.” Said Fancy as Strong Love left except for Heavy.

“Uh… Large Harvest?” Said Heavy as she looked at him “You don’t mind if we go out if you don’t mind?” Large turned red as he took her hand.

“Uh… see ya guys!” He said as he was enjoying his time.

“See ya guys! I got myself a date.” Said Tunes as she was listening to her songs.

“Bye.” IQ as QB push Death as he enjoyed being with a hot babe. Sharp waved goodbye as Miss Beauty took her and Fancy home as Game went home as he played his music from his player.

"I'm a Gamer 4ever."

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