• Published 29th Dec 2017
  • 404 Views, 6 Comments

Bounty Hunting - LaikenPone

A fashion designer pony jumped off a bridge in Manehattan and a suspicious piece of paper from her purse leads Detective Copper Top to a wide network of organized crimes directly under her hooves that goes way deeper than she first imagined...

  • ...

Bounty Hunting

Author's Note:

This is a direct sequel to "Viva la Solidaria". Some details might be unclear with not knowing the previous stories.

"That’s 62 bits, Miss."

Copper Top looked up from her empty plate and looked satisfied into the eyes of the finely-dressed waiter. The two weeks of her special leave came to an end today and she was secretly almost looking forward to the next case. Even though she had to solve the most complicated cases of her career in the last few months, her holiday wasn’t as relaxing as she hoped.

A good police pony has to solve problems. Without them, it would only degenerate. And driven by her recent accomplishments, Copper Top was more convinced than ever of her destiny to help ponies in need. How many times did she look at her cutie mark and felt that deep pride? Knowing that one's purpose is to help others in times of need simply has to lighten a pony's heart.

Copper Top sighed dreamily as the waiter reminded her kindly but more energetically of the bill.

"Oh my pardon, I was just thinking about work. What did you say again?"

"I’ll get 62 bits for the food. And you might want to think about taking a short vacation, especially if you just have to think about work while having dinner in a restaurant like the White Griffon.

Copper Top laughed and quickly dug out her purse from her elegant saddlebag.
"It's the other way around, I just had a vacation and I can’t wait to get back to work!"

The waiter sighed and looked wistfully at his half-hidden Cutie Mark, which looked like a polo racquet.
"Then I wish you’ll continue to enjoy your work. Hopefully you’ll be honoring us again soon."

Copper Top smiled, gave 65 bits to the waiter and said goodbye; full and satisfied.

No doubt, she did enjoy her vacation and was finally able to do things that she neglected badly during the working days; especially her passion for good food.
But tomorrow, the daily duties of a police pony would once again be waiting for her, and even if she didn’t like to admit it to herself, she had been waiting for this since the beginning of the vacation.

Copper Top put the purse back in her pocket and got up from her desk. She was about to make her way down the street in the direction of her apartment when she heard the waiter's voice behind her.

"Sorry, but you forgot your receipt!"

She turned around in surprise and waited for the waiter, who ran after her quickly.
"Since when do you give out receipts? I‘ve came here so often and never got a receipt, let alone demanded one."

The waiter took a deep breath as he reached Copper Top and handed her a small piece of paper.
"Didn’t you hear it? The court of Manehattan has fined a boutique on the Saddle Row because it allegedly defrauded a customer and didn’t gave out any receipts that would prove the opposite."

Copper Top thought for a moment. She remembered that many years ago, a new commercial law was decreed by Princess Celestia. Among other things, it obliged shops and businesses to give out receipts for their services in order to avoid such misunderstandings.

However, the whole society of Equestria was based on mutual trust, therefore, this law was hardly respected and it was almost never implemented.

She had to grin.
"No, I didn’t touch the TV or a newspaper during my vacation. My boss forbade me to do so."

"Well, at least many businesses have responded to it and now insist that we give out receipts. The boutique on the Saddle Row is facing ruin thanks to the penalties they now have to fulfill."

Copper Top took the piece of paper with a bit of irritation and just was about to say goodbye again, when suddenly something beside her hit the ground.

She just realized that it was a red purse when she heard a loud crash on the restaurant's terrace. Something had fallen on the umbrellas from the bridge that was above the restaurant, knocking over a few of them.

Copper Top and the waiter quickly ran to the crash site. Between the shattered umbrellas and tables laid, half buried under glass shards and scraps of cloth, a pale-blue pony with a tousled, pink mane and didn’t move.

"Call an ambulance immediately, I'll take care of her until they arrive. Hurry up and bring a clean rag, she’s losing a lot of blood!", Copper Top shouted, pressing her hooves onto a gaping wound on the flank of the unconscious pony.

A short time later she heard the approach of sirens in the distance...

"Will Blue Bobbin recover, Doctor?"

Copper Top looked at the light brownish colored pony, who asked this question in a shakily voice.

"I think so, Miss Pommel. Her wounds are serious, but thanks to the quick actions of Detective Copper Top here, a critical blood loss has been avoided. However, her spine worries me. It is broken at several places and she survived only thanks to the umbrellas in the restaurant. A fall from such a height, at least twenty meters, is usually deadly. I still have to wait for the results of the X-rays, but if things go bad, she might never be able to walk properly again."

Coco Pommel sobbed and looked at the wounded mare who still laid unconscious in the hospital bed.

Copper Top, who was already in her uniform again, gave the doctor a meaningful look and they both left the room for a moment as Coco sat down on a chair next to her friend's bed.

"The two know each other?", Copper Top asked, after the doctor closed the door.

"Yes, they both worked in the boutique ‘Rarity for you’ on the Saddle Row."

Copper Top raised an eyebrow.
"Worked? Were they fired?"

"Yeah, haven’t you noticed that the boutique was almost ruined by the receipt scandal? The owner was forced to give leave to her staff for an indefinite period."

Copper Top nodded absently, then resolutely turned back to the doctor.
"When will the patient be responsive again?"

The doctor looked in his files and shook his head.
"I didn’t wanted to say it in front of her friend, but I'm afraid her injuries may be more serious than we first thought. We might be lucky if she even wakes up again. If the spinal fracture is where I suspect it to be, it will be bad for her. But as I said, I have to wait for the results of the X-ray department."

"Can you please give me the address of the owner of the boutique?"

The doctor looked up from his documents.
"What's that for?"

"Well... I would like to inform her personally. The fact that she’s not here also suggests that she doesn’t know anything about her colleague's accident."

"And you're sure she wants to hear that from a police pony? She'll think Blue Bobbin might have fallen victim to a crime."

"I was personally involved in the accident, as a civil pony. This has nothing to do with my service, but someone has to inform her. Why didn’t that happen yet anyway?"

"Because you see how understaffed we are here. The ponies from the reception called the first number they found in the wallet of our patient."

Copper Top sighed. Of course, she knew that the Manehattan General, like pretty much any other big clinic in Equestria, was suffering junior employee problems. Too many young ponies nowadays see their future more in offices or agriculture.

"Anyway. Please give me the address of the owner, I’ll visit her and inform her about the accident."

"Fine, her name is Rarity and she lives in Ponyville. But due to the scandal with her boutique in Manehattan, she’s currently in town with a friend. Probably they’re staying in a hotel in that area, I would ask somewhere there. Or you go directly to the said boutique. I'm sure she'll spend most of her time there."

"Good. Thank You. As soon as something changes in the health of the patient, I want to be informed immediately."

Copper Top gave the doctor her business card with the number of her office and left the emergency department. Outside at the parking lot, she took out Blue Bobbin's red purse from her saddlebag and pulled out the note that had been so suspicious since last night. A note with a well-known, extremely unpopular seal...

Copper Top crossed the intersection to Saddle Row and blinked in the morning sun. She hardly slept the previous night, she had too much to think about the events in the restaurant back then. When she arrived at the office early this morning, she immediately told her Chief what happened and showed him the bag of Blue Bobbin she found at the scene of the accident. Her chief also immediately recognized the symbol on the piece of paper, a stylized K surrounded by outstretched wings.

No, there was no doubt. Blue Bobbin must have had contact with Papa Kamra, an underworld boss who had long been a thorn in the side of the Manehattan Police Department. To most ponies, however, he was known as the "Godfather of Manehattan", based on a gangster from an old, famous movie.

Copper Top groaned. Right after she came back from vacation, she once again slipped into an extraordinary case. Kamra was famous for his machinations in organized crime; in particular gambling and money forgery but murder wasn’t a part of his files yet. The fact tah he now was involved in the accident of Blue Bobbin scared Copper Top. What if he now extended his business to contract murderings or something similar? She shuddered at the thought.

A short time later, she arrived at the boutique. Construction ponies were covering the shop windows with large sheets when Copper Top stopped in front of them and cleared her throat aloud.

One of the ponies, a muscular stallion with brown fur and a white helmet turned around and quickly came down from his ladder after he saw Copper Top's badge.


"Hello, gentlecolts, I'm looking for the owner of this boutique. Can you tell me where she is?"

The construction pony nodded briefly and pointed to a café on the other side of the street, where many ponies were having their breakfast at the moment.

Copper Top thanked him and quickly crossed the road as the construction workers resumed their work.
When she arrived at the café, she directly asked the waitress where she could find the owner of the boutique.

"She’s sitting in the salon with her friend, ordering one ice cream cup after the other. I wouldn’t disturb her, if I was you..."

Ignoring the advice, Copper Top opened the door to the cafe's separate room, where parties or gatherings were usually held. But at this time it was – except for the two ponies – completely empty.

She slowly walked towards the two and saw that the waitress actually wasn’t exaggerating at all. On the table were at least ten empty sundaes and a white mare with flowing purple mane was just about to eat another one. Due to her washed-out makeup, Copper Top suspected that she must have shed liters of tears.

The other pony’s back faced Copper Top so she couldn’t see her face. And also the rest of her body, which wasn’t covered by the chair, was hid behind a wide cowboy hat.

Slowly, the police pony approached the two, who had probably not noticed her yet.

"...all over, everything lost. My life has no meaning anymore!", the white pony sobbed, who obviously had to be the owner of the boutique, Rarity.

"Come on, Rarity, I'm sure your store will be able to recover. You have enough money from your other boutiques. And we both have a lot of experience in running a business. Together we will help ‘Rarity for you’ to get back on its hooves", the pony with the hat said to her friend with a warm voice.

"Applejack, you have no idea! The image damage to my name is irreparable. I’ll never be able to sell a dress again. This is the Worst. Possible. Thing!"

The other pony was about to answer when Copper Top took a chair and sat down at the table too.

"Good Morning. Detective Copper Top, Manehattan Police Department. I would like to talk to Rarity.
Applejack and Rarity looked at her.

"Bad time right now, Detective, don’t you see that?", Applejack grimly said.

Copper Top ignored the remark and looked at Rarity.
"It would be better if we could talk in private."

Rarity shook her head.
"It's alright AJ, the day can’t possibly be any worse. And don’t worry Detective, Applejack is one of my closest friends. She can know anything I know."

Copper Top shrugged.
"Alright, it's about your employee Blue Bobbin."

Rarity looked up from her sundae and wiped her eyes.
"What about her?"

"She’s seriously injured and now in the hospital. She fell from a bridge on the terrace of a restaurant in the city yesterday. And I suspect that this wasn’t an accident. I would ask you to accompany me to the Department, I have a couple of questions that I don’t want to ask you in public."

Rarity jumped up from her chair.
"What? How did this happen? Where is she? How is she doing?"

"She’s in the Manehattan General. Her condition is critical, but stable. One of your other employees, Coco Pommel, is already with her. After we’re done at the office, you can go there too, but now please come with me to the police station."
Copper Top looked deep in Applejack’s eyes.

Applejack was just about to reply when Rarity nodded.
"It's alright, AJ. I'll meet you at the hospital. Talk to Coco please, she'll need that for sure."

"Alright, Rarity, see you later."

Applejack paid the bill while Copper Top and Rarity walked the short distance to the Manehattan Police Station.

Shortly thereafter, Rarity was sitting on the other side of Copper Top’s desk in her office, and the police pony gave her a cup of coffee.

"Detective, please tell me exactly what happened. Blue Bobbin is one of my best employees. Who would do that to her?"

At first, Copper Top didn’t answer and only looked deep into Rarity’s eyes. Then she leaned under her desk and took out the red purse she found yesterday.
"Do you recognize this bag?"

"Yes of course, it belongs to Blue Bobbin. Was it stolen from her? Did the robber bump her off the bridge?"

Without answering, Copper Top took out the note that had been bothering her all along. She put it on the table in front of Rarity and looked her in the eyes again.

"Did you know that Blue Bobbin had gambling debts?"

Rarity took the note a bit confused and looked at it.
"What's this?"

"A promissory note over 32,000 bits, issued by Papa Kamra, also known as the ‘Godfather of Manehattan. Your employee has contacts in the underworld and yesterday they probably were fatal for her."

"32,000 bits? But ... Oh no!"

Copper Top continued to look her in the eyes.

Rarity put the note aside and wiped her eyes again.

"I had to take her on leave recently because I couldn’t pay her salary anymore. She told me she would find a way to raise money for the business. The compensation payments we have to pay thanks to the judgment of the court have literally burned all reserves. I didn’t listen to her, so she probably took matters into her own hooves. But that she would squander her own money, getting so heavily over-indebted and on top of that, even in the underworld? Just so she can keep working for me?"

Copper Top took a coffee herself and pointed at the symbol.
"At the moment everything speaks for the fact that Blue Bobbin couldn’t pay her debts and Kamra wanted to set an example to her. Or…"

Rarity looked shocked.
"Or what? What could be worse than being on the Godfather's list?"

"Kamra is a prick. He has his dirty hooves in just about anything that is criminal. Counterfeiting, black market trading, narcotics, blackmail, illegal gambling, and so on. But he never was guilty of murder. So, there's only one thing that makes sense for the fall of Blue Bobbin on the restaurant."

Rarity's eyes widened, but she said nothing. But Copper Top was sure she knew what she was going to say.

"For me, it all looks more like a suicide attempt. Blue Bobbin knew that she had lost everything. Her money, her job, and thanks to the gambling debts at Papa Kamra, her whole future. She just didn’t know what to do anymore and simply wanted it to end."

Rarity nodded silently.
"I haven’t even seen her since I had to dismiss her, let alone heard of her. I thought she just wanted to handle it by herself. But that she would do something like that..."

Copper Top packed the bag and the promissory note back into her closet for evidence.
"Where does Blue Bobbin live? I would like to take a look around her house. "

"She lives with Coco, the two of them were close friends back at the fashion academy and when they both happened to be employed in my boutique, they immediately moved in together. "

"Even better. I also wanted to talk to Coco anyway. Thanks, that would be everything for the moment, I will contact you if I have further questions. You can leave now."

Copper Top got up and opened the door for Rarity, who quickly took on her scarf and left the station for the hospital.
She sat down at the desk and called the hospital to ask about Coco Pommel. She promised to go to the police station when Rarity arrived at the hospital and Copper Top put the phone back. She leaned against the window of her office and looked out over the busy streets of Manehattan while outside, small snowflakes were slowly falling from the sky.

"Thank you for coming. How is Blue Bobbin?"

Coco sat down on the chair and took the cup of coffee that Copper Top gave her between her hooves to warm them up. A dense snowstorm had replaced the peaceful small flakes outside. The wind was howling through the street canyons and down on the streets, only a few ponies walked around.

"Well, the Pegasi seem to be free today, but they can’t make beautiful weather every day."

Coco took a long sip and put the cup back on the desk.
"The... Doctors believe that Blue Bobbin is recovering well, but it’s still not safe if she will ever be able to walk properly again. Luckily, the fractures on her spine were hardly worth mentioning but she has a complicated fracture on her left hip. Only time will tell if it will ever heal again."

Copper Top took a sip of coffee too and raised the heat in her office a little.

"Rarity told me that Blue Bobbin jumped because she was in debt. Is that correct?"

"I'm assuming that, yes. She thought this was the only way out, as she would otherwise be at the mercy of Papa Kamra until the end of her life."

Coco looked at the floor.
"You said you have a few questions for me to help Blue Bobbin. I'll tell you everything I know."

Copper Top put her mug aside and took the promissory note out of the closet.

"This obliges Blue Bobbin to pay 32,000 bits to Papa Kamra, the payment period expires the day after tomorrow. After that, according to his rules, she is his employee for 1,000 bits a year. Although in his business model, the word "employee" is more likely to be translated as "slave". Ponies who owe him a lot of money usually have to work off their debts. The stallions are most likely used on the secret drug plantations in the south of Equestria or work in one of his little Bit forges. The mares, however..."

Coco interrupted her.
"I don’t want to know anything more. The important thing is that we spare my friend this fate."

Copper Top got up and stood next to Coco.
"For that we have to track down and arrest Papa Kamra. Not only would we help Blue Bobbin, but we would do a favor to all of Equestria."

Coco nodded.
"Alright, but how?"

"I have an idea, but I can’t say exactly what I intend to do yet. However, I’d ask you not to return to your house in the next few days. Kamra certainly knows where Blue Bobbin lives and so he also knows where you live. He could take you instead of Blue Bobbin if he can’t find her. Ask your boss Rarity. You seem to know each other well. Surely she will allow you to stay with her for a while."

Coco got up too.
"Alright. Please get in touch as soon as you find out something. Rarity lives in the Manefair Hotel. I’ll be there too for the next days."

Just as Coco wanted to leave the office, she heard the police pony behind her.
"Coco, one more thing."


"Blue Bobbin didn’t mention a "Golden Wheel" by any chance, did she?"

Coco turned around a bit irritated.
"No, not that I know."

Copper Top sighed and sat down at her desk again.
"Although, shortly after Rarity had dismissed us, she said that if she found "the most important part of the wagon", everything would be fine again. I thought she just meant the old saying. You know, the four wheels on the wagon of success: ambition, cunning, passion and luck. I thought she simply meant the fourth wheel of this saying. That we would just had to be lucky again..."

Copper Top nodded and Coco, who put on her thick jacket, shortly thereafter disappeared in the dense snow outside.
Even if she didn’t know so, Coco had just given her the hint she needed.

She opened her file cabinet and searched for Papa Kamra's file. After a short time of browsing, she found the testimony of some employees from the secret casino of Kamra in Manehattan.

A few years ago, an employee of the casino faced the police and gave the crucial tip for the seizure of two others.
He reported a tavern under the streets of the city called "The Golden Wheel". Among other things, the illegal gambling games of Papa Kamra took place there.

In the following raid, slot machines and money worth over one hundred thousand Bits were confiscated. But the small number of arrests let the investigators already suspect that Kamra knew about the raid and left only a small amount for him so that the police would complete their investigation successfully.

According to the files, the gambling problem in Manehattan was actually solved, but since she had accepted the job in Manehattan, Copper Top believed that her predecessors ended the investigations too fast.

She took the identikit of Papa Kamra from the file and looked at it carefully. Noone from the police has ever seen him personally, the only picture they had was this identikit, drawn from the descriptions of that employee. According to him, the Godfather of Manehattan was a small, stocky, middle-aged stallion. A short gray mane graced his dark purple coat. Unfortunately, his cutie Mark was as unknown as his voice.

Copper Top took the files and put them in her saddlebags. Then she picked up the phone again and called the prosecutor of Manehattan.

"And I'm sure the Golden Wheel has been reopened. There is clear evidence!"

Copper Top was furious. Not only did the prosecutor not take her conclusions seriously, he categorically rejected her search warrant request.

"Detective, let's just imagine that you're right; purely hypothetical. Papa Kamra has been in business for so many years. He is a bit too big for you. I know you've had some great successes lately and made the MPD look quite good..."

"Exactly! I think you owe me something. I'm sure Kamra has reopened the tavern and runs illegal gambling! It is our duty as law enforcers to close it again!"

The voice on the other end of the line sighed.
"Alright, Copper Top, I’ll fax you the search warrant right through. But if nothing is found, you take the responsibility alone. Is that clear?"

"Crystal clear, thanks for the trust. I will not disappoint you."

"I hope so, for your own good. The press will quickly know what's up and ask many questions. If all this turns out to be a flop, heads will roll. And yours will be on top of the list."

Copper Top was about to object, but the prosecutor had already hung up.

She sighed, leaned back and watched the snow blowing in front of her window again. About an hour later, the search warrant finally arrived by fax. Copper Top put on her cap, pulled on the thick police jacket and headed for the Chief's office.

"Chief, I need a couple of colleagues for a search. Please send a patrol to the stadium on the outskirts, I'll wait for them there."

Her chief looked up from his donut he was about to eat.
"Send patrol? Search? What by Celestia's beard are you talking about?"

Copper Top uncomprehendingly raised an eyebrow.
"Celestia does not have a beard and I have clues to arrest Papa Kamra. So it would be nice if you could give me that patrol."

The chief immediately put down his donut after he heard name of Manehattan's Godfather and picked up the phone. With a quick hoof, he motioned for Copper Top to leave.

,At least one pony here, that takes his job as seriously as I do...', Copper Top thought and quickly left the office.

Fortunately, the blizzard had subsided, but it was still very cold outside. In order to not attract unnecessary attention, Copper Top renounced a patrol car and walked about two kilometers to the stadium. Her colleagues would probably arrive in fifteen minutes, so she didn’t even had to hurry. Nevertheless, she didn’t feel like entering the lion's den by herself.

Copper Top walked towards the Great Avenue, at the end of which was the Manehattan Hoofball Stadium. The entrance to the abandoned canalization section, home to the Golden Wheel back in the day, was located directly behind the stadium on an old construction site. Once there was a museum for hoofball history supposed to be built, but the construction was interrupted for cost reasons and has never been resumed. However, the entire sewage system has already been completed but yet not connected to the actual sewer system of the city. The perfect place for an illegal gambling den.

Copper Top waited at the entrance to the stadium, watching the snowflakes still falling from the sky, when three patrol cars with flashing blue beacons but no sirens drove up shortly thereafter.

A silver-coated pony with green mane got out and nodded to Copper Top.
"Detective Copper Top? I’m from the Equestrian Bureau of Investigation. We were told that the wanted underworld boss Papa Kamra is to be found here."

Copper Top was astonished. The EBI usually didn’t intervene with usual daily police work. Actually, they were directly subordinate to the Ministry of Justice in Canterlot and that could only mean that the prosecutor has personally requested them. Satisfied, she nodded to the agent. Apparently, the prosecutor finally came to his senses and recognized the need for rapid intervention.
"Follow me, the sewer entrance is on the construction site."

The agent nodded and called her team of seven other agents, while three others began to shut down the stadium on a large scale, while numerous rubberneckers already gathering at the scene.

The nine ponies were now standing at the entrance to the sewers, which was closed with a heavy iron plate. Beneath it, a large concrete pipe vertically led into the ground, to the large sewage reservoir. However, since the whole system has never been used, the organized crime has built a small paradise down there shortly after the construction site was closed. And by all accounts, this was the case again. Copper Top carefully opened the door and let her flashlight shine into the darkness of the maintenance shaft they were about to enter.

A smell of brackish, stale rainwater filled the air and Copper Top backed off in disgust. But the agent of the EBI and her colleagues, unimpressed by the disgusting smell, had already entered the tunnel and lit it with their bright lamps.

"For a gambling hell, this looks suspiciously inanimate, Detective."

Copper Top looked around nervously. In fact, they neither saw hoof prints in the mud, which has probably accumulated over the years here, nor any other sign of recent activity in the old sewer system.

"Did they hear us coming? Or find out about our plan somehow else?"

The agent shone in one of the small bays, which resulted in the larger tunnel through which they passed.
"Negative, between our alarm and the arrival of my team maybe ten minutes passed. After all, our headquarters is located in Manehattan and we actually wait almost every day just to mobilizations like this. And a huge gambling hell doesn’t disappear so easily in just a few moments."

Copper Top was more nervous by every minute that passed, as there still was no evidence of the existence of anything illegal be found.

When they finally arrived at the large sewage basin, to which all of the smaller tubes lead, Copper Top’s fear turned into certainty. The huge, circular room from which a never-built large pipe was supposed to lead the collected sewage of the museum plus the stadium itself into the actual sewers of Manehattan was empty; completely empty. No slot machines, no bar, not even a chair or a simple stool was found.

The agent turned to Copper Top, wiping her glasses with a cloth from her saddlebag.
"Well, Detective? Where is your casino? For me, this looks just like a smelly, abandoned sewage plant. Or are my eyes already so bad that I can no longer recognize slot machines, roulette tables and gambling ponies?"

Copper Top looked around frantically. But something HAD to be found here! She was so sure about everything. So sure that she could finally catch the Godfather.

She ran across the cobbled floor through the room, shone on the walls and looked for... something. Anything. She didn’t even know what she was looking for. Only that it had to be in this room.
"Gentlecolts, false alarm. We’re done here."

And while looking at Copper Top, who stood stunned in the room, she added "I'm already looking forward to the report in the police archives..."

Copper Top slowly followed the agents of the EBI and after they arrived outside, they directly got in their patrol vehicles and left the stadium. Copper Top was immediately surrounded by journalists who had probably got an idea of what happened, by the amount of ponies who were standing around the construction site. Recalling the arrests back then, they quickly put two and two together.

"Detective, could you arrest the Godfather?"
"What have you found down there?"
"Is Manehattan yet sure, now that the Golden Wheel is back?"
"Detective, I have a question, please!"

Copper Top shoved herself through the mass of ponies and got into the next cab to be driven to the Police Station. But even there were already some ponies of the newspapers and besieged her Chief.

He tried to stop them from entering the office by all means.
"Please gentlecolts, please. I can’t give any further information at this time because of ongoing investigations. Please contact our press department as usual."

Copper Top tried to get past the journalists unrecognized, but she was quickly discovered.
Immediately the ponies rushed like a voracious predator on her, but the Chief could draw her away from the crowd with his magic in the last moment and into the department. He closed the door and locked it.

Copper Top was about to say something, but the chief still pulled her behind him into his office. He put her unceremoniously on a chair and sat down behind his desk.

"Copper Top, we have a problem."

Before she could answer, the chief went on with a serious expression on his face.

"The prosecutor called me just before this mob arrived here. He wasn’t very happy about what the EBI told him. Even outside his own office are many journalists now and asking him unpleasant questions."

Copper Top almost knew what her Chief was getting about to say but she tried to stay serious with all her powers.
The Chief sighed and gave her a piece of paper with the seal of the Ministry of Justice.

"By order of the prosecutor, a disciplinary procedure is initiated against you. As long as the process runs, you are temporarily suspended. I need your badge and your weapon."

"But ... "

"I’m sorry. I know that this is an unduly harsh measure, but the public is in turmoil when they read the newspapers tomorrow. The EBI is on the prosecutor’s tail and he needs someone to blame. He said, you knew what you were getting into."

Copper Top was fighting back the tears now. She was part of the police for many years now and always did an impeccable job. And now she made one mistake and her whole future was in danger.

Without a word, she took her weapon, which she never had to use before, off the holster and put it on the table.

"Your badge..."

She slowly took the police badge from her upper pocket and looked at it. The shiny silver metal badge with her name on it glimmered in the light of the ceiling lamp, as a small drop of water fell on it. Without a word, she put the badge on the table and stood up.

"Listen, you will win your case and you can return in no time. Most likely... I'm guarding your desk until you're back. I promise."
But Copper Top already took her civil jacket and left the station in the direction of her apartment.

The crowd outside of the Office has just vanished as quickly as it appeared and Copper Top was able to reach her apartment almost unnoticed. The few press ponies that were still standing in front of the police station didn’t even recognized her because she was neither wearing her police jacket nor her beloved badge and had the hood of her jacket pulled deep over her face.

Once home, she shut herself in her bedroom and crouched down into her bed. This day was over for her; that was certain. But after an hour of self-pity she couldn’t take it anymore. She couldn’t just give up like that. Not after all what she had seen in her career. Of course, she was still far away from being a part of the "Old Guard" like her Chief or the other, long-time police officers in the department. But even though she was still a relatively young police officer, she had already achieved so much. She wouldn’t let anything take her career and especially the passion for their profession away from her!

She must have missed something in the sewers or in her investigation. Shortly thereafter, she jumped out of her bed and grabbed the phone, but put it back straight away and smiled bitterly. She wanted to call on the prosecutor again and ask for a new search warrant, just by the book. But first, she was officially suspended and secondly she surely didn’t wanted to lead a conversation with this pony right now at all.

But suddenly she had an idea. Right now, she was no police officer anymore but a simple civilian. Therefore, police guidelines no longer applied for her. Without hesitation she picked up the phone again and dialed the number of the Manefair Hotel. After two rings, the receptionist picked up at the other end of the line.

"Manefair Hotel reception. Good day, how can I help?"

"Detec...", Copper Top bit her lips.


"Um, excuse me. Name’s Copper Top. I’d like to talk to one of your guests."

"Very well, with whom I shall connect you?"

Copper Top thought for a moment, as she had forgotten the name.
"Coco Pommel please. She should be accommodated in the room of Rarity."

The receptionist flipped through the guest list.
"Miss Pommel is not registered in the house, I'm sorry. May I connect you with Miss Rarity instead?"

Copper Top sighed.
"Fine, thank you."

The receptionist put Copper Top on hold while now the private phone rang in the room of Rarity.

Elapsed agonizing moments with terrible elevator music passed, until someone finally picked up the phone at the other end.

Copper Top recognized the voice immediately as the unfriendly Farm Pony that was with Rarity in the city.
"My name is Copper Top, I want to talk to Rarity."

"Copper Top? The police pony this morning?"

"Exactly, is Rarity in the house?"

"No, she is with Coco in the hospital at Blue Bobbin. You want to leave her a message?"

Copper Top thought for a moment, but the decided not to let Applejack in on her plan. She just didn’t know if she could trust her.
"It's alright, I'll call again later. Thanks anyway."

Copper Top was about to hang up as she heard Applejack’s voice at the other end again.

"You had a bad day, right?"

A bit confused, Copper Top took the hoofset back up.
"What do you mean?"

"Listen, I don’t know what you think about me but I'm not stupid. I saw the flashing beacons and the cars of the EBI from the hotel window. And the crowd of journalists at the stadium. The operation there was most likely a letdown. And the fact that you called me with a private telephone number leads to the conclusion that you're not at your office but at home. It's 2pm, so the police station is still far from being closed for the day. I conclude that you either shortly take vacation or, more likely, have been fired."

Copper Top grinded her teeth.

"Whatever. I assume you haven’t capitulated on your case yet and now hope that someone from the environment of the victim can help you to resolve the matter informally and save your job. That's why you called to persuade Rarity, or even better Coco, to infiltrate the evil and gather incriminating material at the source. Am I right?"

Copper Top was speechless. This redneck farm pony has actually point by point guessed through her plan. She must have really thought wrong about Applejack.

"According to your silence, I'm right, am I?"

"Not bad, I have to give you that."

She could almost hear Applejack’s grin at the other end of the line.
"How did you guessed all that?"

Applejack laughed.
"You know, I have a friend in Ponyville who knows pretty much about everything. The time with her probably helped a bit. But that’s not important right now. You need help and I can help you. Coco is too shy and Rarity will certainly not hang around in some dark alleys. If you want my help, you can count on me."

Copper Top thought for a moment. She officially wasn’t bound to the ethical code of the police any longer, but to draw an innocent civilian in a highly dangerous investigation which she still had to manage without any additional police support, caused her discomfort.
"Alright, meet me at the bus stop outside the stadium in half an hour. Then I'll tell you my plan."

"Got it. And don’t worry, we’ll solve this together... Detective"

With these words, Applejack hung up and Copper Top wiped a small tear away from her eye. Applejack apparently knew exactly how much she needed to hear this word right now.

It was already getting dark when Copper Top finally saw the orange pony from the cafe come through the snow in the early evening. However, she wasn’t really sure if it was actually Applejack because the pony neither wore a hat nor had her mane tied in a ponytail like she had in the morning. Instead, it was smooth combed and waved slightly in the soft wind. Also her Cutie Mark was hidden by a thick jacket.

Copper Top didn’t want to risk anything, so at first she acted as if she wouldn’t recognize the other pony. But soon, the situation clarified as the orange pony was coming straight for Copper Top.
"Detective? I'm ready when you are."

Now Copper Top was sure to know this rural accent.
"I'm sorry, I didn’t recognize you at first. You look so... different."

Applejack laughed.
"My family and I are well known to many ponies in Equestria. I would rather not take on any risks that aren’t necessary. However, I somehow feel incomplete without my hat."

Copper Top grinned too now.
"We should hurry. If I'm actually right, and the Golden Wheel was re-opened, the entrance is probably observed."

Applejack wiped a strand of hair off her face and nodded.
"Well, what's the plan?"

Copper Top pulled a small button out of her bag and put it on Applejacks jacket.
"This is a small camera. It will record everything you see. Once you have clear evidence that there are illegal actions happening, you get out of there immediately, you understand? Don’t take on any risks for I can’t help you once you’re inside. They most likely know my face already."

Applejack nodded decisively.
"Alright, I’ll be careful. Where do I meet you when I'm outside again?"

Copper Top pointed with her hoof at a bar opposite the stadium.
"I'll get something to eat in there. I have a perfect view on the entrance to the sewer and can see if something suspicious goes on outside. If you’re busted and somepony is trying to close the entrance, I can intervene. But everything else is up to you. We need these evidences!"

"Well, I'm going in, record what I can and come out again as soon as possible."

"Good luck Applejack, you'll need it."

Applejack smiled and winked at Copper Top.
"Call me AJ, pardner. It’s shorter."

The two ponies parted and Copper Top took a place in the restaurant across the street. She looked out the window and saw how Applejack walked purposefully towards the entrance to the sewers and disappeared inside.

She ordered a Hayburger and a large portion of fries and waited. Time passed painfully slow on her and thousands of thoughts were flying through her head.

What if Applejack was busted and is now caught? Or if she actually wouldn’t find anything? This operation was Copper Top’s only chance to clear her name. She could show them all; the Chief, the damn press and above all others the snooty prosecutor. They would all see that she was right all along!

More minutes passed and Copper Top just paid the bill as she noticed from the corner of her eye some movements at the drains. The snow storm calmed down further so that she could see at least a couple things. Three figures stood at the entrance and waited. Copper Top quickly left the restaurant and stood at the bus stop in order not to arouse suspicion. The three ponies were still standing at the large metal door and waited for something. Suddenly it dawned upon Copper Top.

It was a trap! They had to be waiting for Applejack...

Copper Top only had one chance. She ran to the pay phone next to the stop, threw two Bits in and dialed the police hotline. Almost immediately someone answered on the other side.

"PSAP Manehattan, Police Department. What’s the emergency?"

"Yes, hello this is... a citizen. I report a... uh ... burglary! Exactly, a burglary in the restaurant opposite the Hoofball Stadium. Please send a patrol immediately!"

"Understood, please stay calm and move to a safe location, the police units will be with you in five minutes."

Copper Top hung up the phone and turned back to the bus stop. Apparently, nopony had heard her conversation, because none of them turned to the restaurant, to see the alleged burglary. Now she could only hope that Applejack won’t come out of the sewers too soon.

When she saw the flashing blue beacons at a near junction a short time later, Copper Top already thought she was safe but just at that moment, the door to sewers opened and Applejack jumped out of it with completely disheveled mane and a torn jacket; directly into the group ponies that were waiting for her. They fixated her with magic and put a bag over her head. Copper Top already wanted to run over to help Applejack as the police car at the intersection turned on the sirens. Apparently, the traffic was so dense that they could only pass the other vehicles this way.

A happy coincidence, because as the three criminals heard the sirens, they let go of Applejack, and ran across the construction site into the nowhere.

Copper Top jumped at the chance and rushed to Applejack, who was, panting and exhausted laying in the snow.
"AJ, are you okay?"

Applejack coughed, but nodded.
"Come on, we have to get out of here. Can you walk?"

Applejack nodded again and both went as quickly to the other side of the stadium as possible, away from the police. Copper Top called a cab and both drove to her apartment.

During the trip, none of them spoke a word, but Copper Top saw that Applejack apparently wasn’t really hurt, except for a few scrapes and scratches.

When they finally arrived at her home, Applejack fell completely exhausted on the sofa and put the camera on the table.
That took a load off Copper Top’s heart.
"You've really done it!"

"Let’s see, the camera probably suffered a little."

"Doesn’t matter, every bit of footage will help. I knew I was right!"
Applejack grinned.
"You have no idea what's going on down there..."

Applejack opened the door to the sewers and thought again about what she actually accepted to do. She agreed to poke around in a cell of the organized crime of Manehattan while presumably put her life at risk. If this goes well, Copper Top will certainly owe her a Cider.

She went through the maintenance tunnel and was stopped by a bouncer after a small curve.

"Name?" He asked bored.

"Apple... Jewel. I'm new here."

The bouncer Pony looked at his list.
"Not on my list. Get lost."

"You don’t understand, Papa Kamra wants to see me. He’s waiting for me."

The other pony put the list aside and raised an eyebrow.
"Papa wants to see you? Oh, you must be new ware. I should have guessed by your look though."

Applejack was confused somewhat, but recognized the opportunity.
"Exactly, I even dressed myself up for him. You better let me in now or you explain Papa that he has to wait for me."

Without a word, the bouncer stepped aside and whistled at Applejack as she walked past him.
Applejack had an even worse feeling about what she had gotten herself into, but there was no turning back now.

A short time later, she walked into the great hall and couldn’t believe her eyes. Brightly lit, a large bar stood along in there with everything needed for a good casino: roulette tables, slot machines, elegant croupiers and at least fifty ponies who occupied the tables and machines.

She already was about to turn around and leave, since she most likely had recorded everything Copper Top needed. But now she also had the opportunity to meet the boss in person and, with some luck, could take a good picture of his face. This opportunity could not be missed. She simply relied on her physical strength with which she would hopefully be able to escape from here, when it got too hot. After all, she was the strongest mare in Ponyville, no matter what Rainbow Dash said!

Applejack sat down at the bar and ordered a cider.
"Where is Papa, he wants to see me."

The bartender looked at Applejack, then pointed to a small access door at the left end of the bar.

Applejack emptied the glass a little nervous and stood up. She tried to stay calm but her heart beating way up to her throat as she carefully opened the hatch.

"Come in, come my dear! Who's my sweet mare for this cold evening? Papa’s waiting for you!"

Applejack gasped. This voice. How could she ever forget?

In the middle of the small room where she stood, sat a pudgy purple pony with silver mane and now turned around to take a look at her.

When he saw Applejack, his eyes froze.

Now Applejack was sure who she was dealing with.
"Hello, Papa Kamra. Or should I say Gladmane? It's been a while since we last met in Las Pegasus. Nice new hairstyle by the way..."

Gladmane needed a moment to be aware of the situation, then he realized the danger he was in.

Apple Jack turned around quickly and squeezed herself through the hatch, with the pointed ends of the stones torn her jacket.
The ponies at the casino realized that something was wrong and quickly went to the center of the room. Applejack jumped behind a ledge and hid while also Gladmane now squeezed himself through the hatch. He looked hastily around but apparently couldn’t find Applejack.

From her hiding, Applejack observed as Gladmane ran to the other ponies and some unicorns of the group lighten up their horns. Shortly thereafter, the entire casino had gone with a bright flash of light. Applejack was back all alone in the cold, dark and empty sewage tank. She stayed there at least ten more minutes before she dared to leave her hiding place.

She came out from behind the wall, and when she was sure that nopony but herself was left in the room, she ran toward the exit as fast as she could. Not even the bouncer pony was on his post, so Applejack easily reached the door to the outside.

She pushed it open just to feel a strong hit on the back of her head. Everything went dark and suddenly Copper Top nervously appeared in front of her.

"Unbelievable, Gladmane is the godfather of Manehattan. I would have expected a lot, but not that."
Applejack nodded.

"He was already a criminal in Las Pegasus. But I wouldn’t have believed him to do something like this."

Copper Top gave a cup of tea to Applejack and sat down beside her.
"Thank you AJ, you just saved my job. And also perhaps Rarity’s boutique."

Applejack looked at her questioningly.
"How come? Gladmane had nothing to do with ‘Rarity for you’..."

"Right, but I know someone who will help us catch Gladmane and simultaneously help Rarity to redeem a bit of her good name. Trust me."

Applejack nodded and Copper Top took the phone.

"Yes, hello Parasol. Copper Top here. Yea, nice to hear you too. I have something for you that might interest you..."

"Would you like another tea, darling?"

"No thanks, Rarity. I drank more tea and coffee in the last few hours, than can be considered healthy. But Parasol definitely takes another sip, right?"

Parasol nodded and put the video tape, which she had already been copied, to the side.

"So you're a member of a newspaper that specializes on uncovering conspiracies, right?"

"Yeah, I work for the Solidarity. Recently, I’ve worked together with Copper Top. We’ve uncovered a conspiracy in the Crystal Empire and have been friends since then."

Copper Top nodded slightly and resumed the video again.

Parasol noticed her absence and looked at her a little worried.
"What's going on? We have everything we need. Gladmane is convicted, you’ll get your job back and everypony is happy. The sewerage will be filled up with cement and Golden Wheel will surely never open again."

"Yes, but one piece of the puzzle is still missing. I just don’t understand how our first raid was such a disaster."

Applejack shook her head.
"You saw how the unicorns can make the whole store disappear with their combined magic."

"Yes, of course. But we should at least have seen the bright flash of light. I don’t understand how they got wind of our plan so early..."

Without saying anything, all four ponies watched the video again but suddenly Copper Top stopped the band abruptly. She rewound the tape a few seconds when Applejack had just taken a picture of the bar. Copper Top enlarged the image section and saw half-covered by bottles, a golden hazelnut lying on the counter.

She gazed motionless at the gilded nut.
"I can’t believe it..." she finally said.

"What? What is it? "The others asked almost simultaneously.

"This nut belongs to the prosecutor! Some time ago, he said that he had given it away. It was something like a lucky charm for him. Now I get it! Even the prosecutor himself had gambling debts with Gladmane, He wasn’t able to pay and Gladmane made him his mole in the police. Informing him of impending manhunts or police ponies who ask the right questions and he received a share of the profits of the casino. How could I miss that detail?"

Parasol put her tea aside and looked at Copper Top with a serious expression on her face.
"That all may be true, but it will never be enough for an indictment."

Copper Top was now very excited and again looked at the golden nut laying on the bar.
"Probably not, but I'm sure that I'm right about him. The prosecutor worked together with Gladmane. And even if we can’t have him arrested, the Solidarity at least will be able to destroy his reputation. He would no longer be acceptable as a public servant and could no longer talk about our plans with Gladmane. This is a dirty maneuver, but the only chance we have to avoid Gladmane from recovering too soon."

Parasol sighed, then nodded.
"You're right, I will immediately hand this to my friends and also inform some other newspapers. We will write the articles in a way that mostly blames the prosecutor for the escape of Gladmane because he was suspending his best investigator pony. That should be enough, the general opinion will do the rest."

Copper Top looked at Parasol’s eyes.
"I have another favor to ask you for. Please take care that Everypony who reads your article knows that “Applejack had taken all these risks for her friend Rarity to help her in her time of need”, or something like that. This should give Rarity the positive reputation she needs so desperately right now."

"No problem, will be done. But I should go now too, it's a long way up to our editorial and no, Copper Top, I still won’t tell you where it is. That remains my little secret."

"Thank you Parasol, for everything. I owe you one. Have a safe journey home and hurry up with the article, I miss my desk and my office!"

Parasol said goodbye while Copper Top took the original tape and also left the hotel room of Rarity and Applejack.

Copper Top left her house early the next morning and headed directly to the Manehattan General. She went to the room of Blue Bobbin and sat next to Coco Pommel who apparently had spent all day and all night beside her. Now she was fallen asleep on her chair and had her head buried in her thick sweater.

Silently, Copper Top went to the bed and took the medical records of Blue Bobbin from the tray.

The report of the doctors was at least hope that she might actually be completely healthy with a little bit of luck. Thanks to the surgeons yesterday, her shattered hip joint was removed in an emergency surgery and replaced with an artificial one.

Copper Top thought of her grandfather, who had also receive an artificial joint back in the day and still played hoofball with her for long hours on the meadow behind his farm when she was a little filly.

Everything would be alright again, she was sure about that.
Because if there was one thing on which the young police pony could count on in Equestria, it was that at the end of the day, the good would always win...

Comments ( 6 )

If Copper Top was voiced, what would she sound like?

so this whole thing finished without seeing the aftermath like him actually getting caught or finding more evidence about police corruption thats kinda lame

Wow, that was a cool story! I keep loving these kind of mysteries more and more, because they are original and clever. You inserted the backstory about Papa Kamra and his illegal doings very nicely at the right moments. The dialogue was very good, and the Gladmane thing makes perfect sense.

The casino disappearing with magic is also very realistic. I mean, the series is called 'Friendship is Magic' for a reason. I didn't expect that, anyway.

It was a very nice read, and I am sure that the police officer is a partner of Gladmane too, because he dialled so quickly. I'm very sure he called Gladmane and told him of Copper Top's raid. Am I right?

Keep writing stories like these, because you are so good at that. I'd love to read the next Copper Top stories when they come out. But don't rush anything!

Keep on writing,


She already has a voice she is the police officer that stops pinky from banging on the rock pouch store

Less than a 5% tip. Jeeze.

Hard times that we live in^^

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