• Published 28th Dec 2017
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My Little Pony Equestria Girls The Friendship Games - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Sunset Shimmer has end up with the hardest challege besides competing in the Friendship Games, is facing herself

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Chapter 3: Two Sunsets Who Desire for More

Later that day:

Sunset Shimmer is at the CHS library trying to study for the Friendship Games and trying to figure out the mysteries of the magic in this world. So far she has nothing. Even doing some time at reading and writing diagrams isn't helping either.

After a long time of think and reading her notes Sunset has enough of this for the time being. She groans and decides to write in her journal to give a message to Twilight.

Sunset's voice comes up while writing her entry to Princess Twilight.

Hey, Twilight. Haven't heard back from you yet. I guess you must be pretty busy with your role as princess. But I could really use your advice right now. You see, I've been given the job of keeping magic under control here at CHS, even though I still haven't quite wrapped my head around it. And now after seeing Rainbow Dash pony up the way she did, it makes me think her magic might be… changing. Everyone is looking to me to figure things out and I really don't wanna let them down. But I'm not sure I have enough experience with friendship magic to solve this.

After writing her entry, Sunset decides to go for a while. So she back her thing and leaves the library to get home. Still hoping to find a way to keep magic under control.

At Crystal Prep Academy in the morning:

Sunset Shimmer's human counterpart is walking in the hallways and with an okay look on her face and adjusting her glasses and straightening her pony tail. She is wearing her school uniform from her school.

She is wearing a baby blue button up shirt with a collar, and a reddish purple long sleeve jacket with 3 light blue diamond shaped to button up the jacket, and a dark blue tie. She is also wearing a reddish purple plaid skirt with light blue, yellow and a light shade of reddish purple lines on it. She wearing purple socks with a pale purple lace on the top, and the socks are about a knee high. Her shoes are a dark blue color with light blue ribbons it with a dark blue light blue strap. She is still wearing her black glasses and her hair band with her shimmering sun attach to it.

She stop for a minute to make sure she have her school assignment and her script for a play she is doing and she feels nervous because she of all people gets the leading role in a play called Thumbelina. Then she can see the students on the hall ways and it's very crowded today. She takes a deep breath and make her way to her lab.

She didn't have any trouble getting past the students, she is knows as the best student and also known as a good hearted student as well. There is another thing they know, she lost her parents when she was young and after the trouble that happen in her life, she still manage to be a good person and a student.

In her lab, there are a lot of equipments in there like, a computer, printer, magnifying glass, and different science and paperwork.

On the chair, there is a small white cat with blue eye that shines in the light. She is sleeping on the chair until she hears someone coming into the room. She gets excited and runs towards the door. When the door open, she gets fling pretty hard.

"Shine! Shine!" Sunset calls out to her pet cat.

"Meow," Shine replies, coming out of the trash can. Then makes her way towards her owner.

"There you are," Sunset says happily. Then the kitten starts to scratch her head on her owner's cheek.

"Okay, okay," The her cat lays on her lap and still watching her owner with her work.

Sunset takes out her devise from her draw and says, "Last night field test confirms it Shine, with this device will be able to collect the strange energy from Canterlot High."

Her cat, Shine, meows with concern and worriedness. Sunset happily pets her cat head and says, "I know you didn't want me to go there, but I just couldn't wait and now I will have all the time I need. Everyone at the school is going to be there for the Friendship Games."

She talks as she is getting some of her things ready to leave to Canterlot High. Her cat also jumps off of her lap and play with her toy mouse.

"I just hope at this rivalry nonsense doesn't get in the way of not only my research, but also the other work I need to do," Sunset replies with a little annoyance for the rivalry between the two school. Her cat is still playing with her toy and listening to her owner at the same time.

"If I can collect enough of those EM frequency, I can be able to find out the wavelength to their origin. That will guarantee my entrance into Everton after graduation," Sunset says leaning her chair back in excitement holding her papers, but lean too far that she falls to the floor.

"Woah!" Sci Sunset yells after falling from her chair.

After falling over, a woman who has gray skin, darkish blue, green hair, and blue green eyes. She is wearing a gray suit jacket and skirt, with a green shirt under it, and green shoes. She is Chrysalis the Dean of Crystal Prep and also Sunset Shimmer's legal guardian. She is here to see how Sunset is doing.

She finds Sunset on the ground getting snuggles by her cat.

"Sunset you know the rules against pet," Chrysalis says.

"Dean Chrysalis, Shine isn't just a pet," Sunset says.

Then she grabs Shine and says, "She's the focus of my research project, plus she's like a sister to me."

"If you say so, just be glad that Principal Cinch isn't allergic to cats so you don't need to worry about changing your clothes," Chrysalis replies.

"Why?" Sunset asks curiously.

"Because she wants to see you," Chrysalis answers firmly.

Sunset smile and says, "Maybe she has news about my scholarship to Everton."

"It could be, but I'm still a little concern about you focusing too much on your studies," Chrysalis replies a little concern.

"How's that?" Sunset asks arching her eyebrow.

"Well, you were more social when you were younger and… I just don't want to miss out on anything," Chrysalis replies.

"I guess so," Sunset replies confusedly yet she remembers.

"I know you are very busy trying to do things in your life and you with your job… I just don't want you to miss out. I know that you're trying your best to help since I started raising you, but you just need to have sometimes to spend with others." Chrysalis replied a little worried.

Then she smile and says, "Sometimes mingling with other is a good way to learn and know more about yourself,"

"I guess that's okay," Sunset replies uncertain about it.

"Good. Meet me at Principal Cinch office in a few minutes," Chrysalis says.

"Okay," Sunset replies happily.

After Chrysalis left, Sunset turns to her cat and gives her a hug and some treats.

"Well Shine, I still hope Principal Cinch has some news about my scholarship. It's never too early to begin the rest of your life and it's not like I have anything else to learn at Crystal Prep," Sunset replies happily.

After that she decides to leave to Principal Cinch's office, but has a sad look on her face.

After closing the door, she adjust her tie and make her way to meet Chrysalis in the office

Sunset Shimmer starts to sing:

Sci Sunset Shimmer:

I've walked through all these halls before

I've been in and out of every door, oh-whoa-oh

There's nothin' in this school that I don't know

In every class, my grade's the best

The highest score on every test

I think that means it's time for me to go

I know there's more that's out there

And I just haven't found it yet

I know there's more that's out there

Another me I haven't met

Equestria Sunset Shimmer:

Then Sunset Shimmer of CHS is making her way out of the school to get to her apartment across town.

Everyone here likes who I am

And it's not from a magic spell's command, whoa-oh

My friends look past the things I've done before

But still I miss those quests

The mythic creatures, magic tests

High school's great, sure, but who am I anymore?

After that she makes her way outside and goes down stairs to the school yard.

Sci Sunset Shimmer:

Human Sunset is making her way up stairs.

It's not that I'm ungrateful or trying to succeed

Then she looks out of the window to see the view of her home town.

But there's something left still missing, something that I need

Equestria Sunset Shimmer:

Equestrian Sunset is walking to through the school year and wonders about the person she was and the person she is now.

I know there's more that's out there

Maybe folks that need my help

I know there's more that's out there

Because I've seen it for myself

The starts to walk around town to her apartment.

There's only so much this town can offer

And I'm not saying that's so bad

But I know there's more that's out there

'Cause it's a life that I once had

Then she looks at a mirror wondering about the life she has ow and the life she left behind.

Sci Sunset Shimmer:

Sci. Sunset is on the second floor next to the library facing her back of the wall. Then she moves away from the wall to look around her surroundings.

Beyond these rooms, beyond these walls

So much to learn, I can't see it all

After that she starts to make her way upstairs.

Equestria Sunset Shimmer:

Equestria Sunset is walking on the sidewalk and feels like she doesn't fit in.

This town is home, this school is safe

But how can I be home and still feel out of place?

Sci Sunset Shimmer:

Sci Sunset make it to the third floor and sees the Principal's office door.

And I know there's more that's out there

Another world to explore

Equestria Sunset Shimmer:

Equestria Sunset stop for a moment and reach her hand up in the air wondering what more that is out here from her home.

And I know there's more that's out there

Am I wrong for wanting more?

Sci-Sunset and Sunset Shimmer:

And I can't wait for it to happen

But what it is I cannot say

I just know there's more that's out there

And it's calling out my name

And I'm searching for the answer

'Cause I feel I've lost my way

I may not know what's really out there

But I'll find out someday!

I'll find out someday…

As the last verse is going on both of the Sunset Shimmer are heading to their destinations and wondering what else do they want in their lives.

After that last verse. The Human version Sunset opens the door to Principal Cinch office. She can see that her office is rather dark except for a light shining over a small chair in front of her desk.

After she takes her seat, the door closed behind her. She can see a man with dark gray skin, black hair, and red eyes. He is also wearing a black suit with a red tie and a white shirt, and black shoes.

Sunset asks, "Sombra? Why is he here?"

Then Chrysalis says, "As an alumni, Principal Cinch thought he can provide some unique perspectives."

"Perspectives on what?" Sunset asks curiously.

Then Principal Cinch turns her seat around facing Sunset and says, "Why the Friendship Games of course."

Then she gets up from her chair and asks, "Your mother competed in the games did she not, Sunset Shimmer."

The surprised Sunset a little. Then she answers, "She did."

"And you happen to recall who won?" Cinch asks.

"Crystal Prep did," Sunset answers.

"Yeah, we always win," Sombra replies proudly.

"We always win," Cinch repeats that statement.

"Why do you want to see me?" Sunset asks in concern.

"Sunset I'll be honest. It doesn't matter if Crystal Prep wins or loses." Chinch says as she is rubbing one of the trophies with a cloth.

Then she says, "The most important this is that we are expected to win because Crystal Prep has a reputation." Then puts the trophy back on the shelf.

"And it is that reputation, my reputation that is responsible for everything we have here. For everything you done here and you done quite a lot haven't you," Cinch adds directly at Sunset.

"I don't know I guess," Sunset replies with uncertainty.

"Aw don't be modest, you the best student this school has ever seen. What I can't understand is why my best doesn't want to compete, at least not at first," Chinch says as she is taking her seat.

"What?" Sunset replies with a shock and adjusting her glasses.

Then Chrysalis says, "Sunset, I spoke to some of the girls and they told me you were planning on signing up, but you change your mind about competing."

Then Cinch says, "Yes, what we like to know is what that something is?"

"Well you see the second day of the Friendship Games…" Sunset is about to explain but then stop because she didn't know if she can tell them.

"Go on," Cinch replies her to explain some more.

After that Sunset takes a deep breath and says. "Is the day of my parents death."

This made Cinch, Sombra, and Chrysalis surprised. They did remember that Sunset goes to see her parents grave during this time ever since she lost her parents in a car accident.

Sunset decides to continues with her reason for not competing in the games, "And you know I almost get perfect attendance except for that day, plus I'm looking on a research project which will be good chances for me to go to Everton even though I am expecting scholarships, and I also have a job, and I just got the leading role in my drama class..." Sunset realize she is naming so much that she decides to cut it short and says, "I felt like I wouldn't have the time to be in it."

"Speaking of jobs, I receive a call from your boss, saying you will be handling the night shifts for this weekend," Sombra replies.

"That's… good," Sunset replies uneasy.

"Plus we understand that you go see your parents every year, but your parent would want you to do the things you want to the fullest and if it helps then maybe after the second event you can go there for a little while," Chrysalis adds.

"I guess that will be okay," Sunset replies still feeling a little better.

Cinch can see that Sunset is more willing to compete, but decides to take this matter in her own hands. She turns to Sombra and Chrysalis and says, "Chrysalis, Sombra, I will like to talk to Sunset, alone."

"Of course," Chrysalis says. Then She and Sombra take their leave going back to their jobs.

Cinch then takes some envelopes from her draw along with some papers and says, "I understand you apply for Everton and you have received many scholarship from there."

"Why is that?" Sunset asks curiously.

"Well beside your intelligence and athletic skills and your other strengths, you are living with Chrysalis who is your only legal guardian," Cinch answers with a firm look on her face.

"I guess that's understandable," Sunset replies.

"Yes. Also being in the Friendship Games will boost your chances even more," Cinch says.

"So me being in the Friendship Games will help all of us?" Sunset asks with curiosity.

"In a way it does," Cinch answers.

Then she turns to Sunset and says as she is getting a piece a paper from her desk, "Plus, it seems that Canterlot High is going of a residence. Test, scores are up, grads, and even… athletics skills are on the rise. They are developing something of a reputation."

Then angrily says, "This can not happen."

"I'm guessing that's more of a reason for me to be there," Sunset suggests feeling concern.

"Yes," Cinch replies.

Then with an evil smile she says, "After all, you wouldn't want to lose your applications or let your parents down along with Crysalis, would you."

Sunset hesitates over what Principal Cinch just said and understands what she means. She might lose her application and really wants her parents and Chrysalis to be proud of her.

So she takes a deep breath and says, "I guess I can be in the games, if there is still time for me to sign up."

"Well there is still one more spot in the reporting list and you made that list," Cinch replies as she is adjusting her glasses and Singing her name in the list of competitors.

"Okay," Sunset says nervously.

"That's good," Cinch replies with a smirk on her face.

"Okay, thank you," Sunset replies with a smile on her face. Then she makes her leave to get ready to go to Canterlot High.

After she left, Sunset sighs sadly and says, "I can't believe I let her talk me into it like that."

In Chrysalis' office:

Chrysalis is busy going through some of the papers she decides to get done before leaving to Canterlot High. After getting some of the papers done. She goes to her draw and pulls out an old Crystal Prep yearbook.

She turns the page to see her and Principal Cinch when they are younger along with a girl who also competed in the Friendship Games with them. She has long orange hair with yellow streaks, green eyes and light yellow skin. They are wearing their school uniforms and have first place medals on her necks. That girls was Sunset Shimmer's mother, Sun Dust. Chrysalis and Abacus Cinch were actually friends with her and were so close until the day of the accident.

After she died, Chrysalis took the job of adopted mother and raising Sunset. Also, since she started going to Crystal Prep, Principal Cinch and Chrysalis also did their best to watch her and making sure she is doing alright with her education. She simply sighs and wonder if she did a good job of raising Sunset or not.

Author's Note:

This song is the alternate version of "What more is out there" from My Little Pony Equestria Girls Friendship Games.