• Published 28th Dec 2017
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My Little Pony Equestria Girls The Friendship Games - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Sunset Shimmer has end up with the hardest challege besides competing in the Friendship Games, is facing herself

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Chapter 10: A Magical Catastrophe

During the race:

Pinkie and Rarity are still in the lead but Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest are catching up and skating very fast.

"Canterlot High has two laps to go, but Crystal Prep is making up for lost time," Chrysalis announce.

At that point the students starts to cheer very loud and are excited for the relay getting very epic. In no time, Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare pass Pinkie and Rarity and now they are in the lead.

The Crystal Prep Sunset is on the ground trying to find her device. When she finds it, she can see it's on the skating track, but Lemon Zest kicked it without noticing it. She is about to get it until a big vine that she saw earlier tries to grab her, but dodge it just in time.

At the course:

Pinkie and Rarity are trying to catch up and Rarity gets an idea on how to catch up.

"Come on," Rarity says looking back at Pinkie.

Rarity then reach her leg back to Pinkie. Pinkie then grabs is and Rarity flings her legs to give Pinkie some speed. Pinkie gains enough speed to pass the opposite team and reach to the finish.

"What a finish!" Chrysalis announces on the speakers.

Pinkie and Rarity along with the Crystal Prep student are happy, but Sunny and Lemon along with the students of Crystal Prep are a little discourage.

After the Speed Skating is the Motocross race.

With the two light flash green almost at the same time. Rainbow, the CHS Sunset, Indigo and Sugar Coat start to race on the course and ride on the motorbikes as fast as they can to the finish.

She starts going on a ramp and jump over them.

"Awesome!" Rainbow screams in excitement.

Then lands on the ramp heading to the other part of the course.

Just then a portal appears on the track and the plant monsters comes out and starts to attack the racers. Everyone on the stands are shocked to see the plants creatures coming out of nowhere and are starting to attack the racers.

The Crystal Prep Sunset is able to avoid the monsters but can see they are now causing trouble on the motocross track. She then decides to grab the bow that she and the other contestants made along with the arrow she see weren't used and decide to make her way to the motocross track.

The monsters then attacked Sugar Coat on the motobike. The CHS Sunset slides to the side but falls off the bike. Indigo is able to use the vines for her advantage and jump in front of Rainbow Dash.

But when Rainbow turns around she can see that her Sunset is still back then and decides to save her before she gets hurt.

Sugar Coat is able to get away from the monster unfarmed she then see Rainbow zoom right past her. Just then one of the monsters grab Sugar Coat by the waist and hoist her up into the air.

Rainbow zooms to Sunset on the bike so fast that she grabs her before the monster has a chance to get her.

"Rainbow you saved me, thank you," Sunset says feeling really really happy for her friend coming to the rescue.

"Well I'm not going to let my friend become plant food," Rainbow says. Thens he starts to glow a blue color and stop her motobike.

She get off the bike and pony up growing pony ears, extended pony tail, and wings.

Rainbow turns to her Sunset Shimmer and says, "Come on, we can still win this."

Then Sunset starts racing on Rainbow's motorbike while Rainbow will try to stop the plant monster from causing trouble.

Principal Cinch is surprised for what she saw just now. She turns to Celestia with a glare and Celestia simply smile nervously and shrug her shoulders.

The Human Sunset has the bow that she made along with some of the arrow that hasn't been used yet. She can see that her friend Sugar Coat is in trouble. She then shoots the bow at the plant creature causing it to dropping Sugar Coat to the ground.

Sugar Coat falls to the ground until the Crystal Prep Sunset catches her friend and she is relieved for being rescued by one of her friends.

"Thanks," Sugar Coat says happily.

"Don't thank me yet!" Sunset says pointing at the monster.

Then she gets her to a safe spot and then goes back to where the monsters are and stop them. She also knows that she needs to get her device and close it before it causes any more trouble.

On the stands:

Celestia, Luna, Chrysalis and Abacus can see that the Crystal Prep Sunset is risking her life on the field and worried that she might get hurt.

"What on earth is she doing?" Celestia asks scaredly.

"Is she crazy?" Luna asks completely worried.

"Not crazy. Brave," Crysalis clarifies with a determined look on her face.

"Yes. Very brave indeed," Principal Cinch adds.

Back on the motocross track.

Indigo Zap is excited that her team is in the lead. Just then the monster make a hole on the ground and falls in. Indigo becomes scared that the monster is going to get her until a few arrows hit the monsters on the side of the jaw. Indigo turns to see her Sunset shimmer with the bow she made and with an arrow ready to fire.

"Leave my friend alone!" Sunset screams then shoots a few more arrows at the monster.

Indigo is surprised that her friends is saving her neck and that she never seen her this strong and mad before.

Sunset turns to see that the CHS version of is catching up and going to pass her "Indigo hurry!" Sunset screams.

"Right!" Indigo screams. Then starts to head towards the finish line, while her Sunset hurries to get her spectrometer before something worse happens. Just then the CHS Sunset is next to her racing.

The Sunset of CHS and Indigo Zap are speeding through the course. Just then two of the plant monsters are heading towards the. Rainbow Dash and the Crystal Prep Sunset see the monster. Rainbow speed toward the monster to the ground, while the Crystal Prep Sunset shoot more arrows at it causing it to scream in agony in the air.

Then the competitor are racing towards the finish line, neck and neck. As that moment the CHS Sunset is able to get farther ahead of Indigo Zap and crosses the finish line.

"Canterlot wins!" Chrysalis announces.

The student of CHS and Crystal Prep are surprised and yet impressed by the action they just says, but the student of Crystal Prep are not happy that they school lost the second even.

Principal Cinch sees this too and is not happy and ends up thinking that CHS has something that Crystal Prep are not expected to see.

Chrysalis can see that Principal Cinch is not happy about the results of the race. Then Chrysalis holds the microphone and announces, "Attention students, please proceed to the gym."

Shine is busy trying to scratch the vines and Sunset see her device and gabs it.

"Got it!" The Crystal Prep Sunset says finally gets a hold on her device.

After closing her device the portal starts to close and the plant monsters return to the world they came from. After seeing all this Sunset looks at her device and says, "All right. I'm going to put you away so you can't cause any more trouble."

Just as she is going to leave she hears Indigo Zap calling her, "Sunset!"

Sunset turns to see her friends coming towards her with a concern looks on her face. She is glad that Indigo and Sugar Coat aren't hurt, but she feels responsible for this mess.

Sunset shamefully says, "Hey Guys. Look I'm so sorry that my device is causing so much trouble."

"I don't think you're fully to blame for this," Sunny says think her friend is to blame.

"Yeah. You saw what those Canterlot High School girls did," Sour says agreeing with Sunny, especially since she saw what happened to Applejack.

Sunset looks at her device sadly and says, "I know, but my device suck up their magic and brought those plan monsters here." Then she sees the other Sunset and decides to walk towards them.

"What are you going to do?" Sugar Coat asks.

Sunset stop and face the girls saying, "I'm going to tell them about what really happened. I think I'm going to need their help in order to stop this." Then Sunset takes her leave to confront the girls who had all the magic she saw.

Her friends know she takes what she did very seriously and decides that she can't face them along.

"Wait!" Indigo screams.

"We're coming too," Lemons replies. Then she and the girls come with Sunset to confront her double and her friends with the magical energy.

At finishline:

Sunset gets off the motorbike and her friends are checking to see it if everyone is alright.

"Is everyone alright?" Applejack asks worriedly.

Then Rainbow Dash lands next to the group and cheerfully screams,"Better than alright! We won!"

Sunset then takes of her helmet and stressfully says, "Yeah we won, but some one could have gotten seriously hurt! The magic is going haywire and I have no idea how to fix it!"

"Um excuse me," The others hears the other Sunset's voice and turns to see her having her device and are with her friends and cat. Then She says, "I didn't want any of this to happen. I'm just trying to find out about the strange energy coming from your school. I didn't know it was magic or how it works."

"That's okay neither did we." Rainbow says as she walks up to her.

Just then her device starts to act up again Rainbow and Sunset become shocked of what the device is doing.

"Oh no, no, no, no. Not again!" Sunset screams with horror.

Then the device starts to absorb Rainbow's magic from her body. Rainbow is feeling pain and couldn't even move.

"I'm sorry my device malfunctioned and now it's absorbing magic on it's own. The worst part is that I can't figure out how to stop it," Sunset explains completely freaked out and worried about the situation.

Her double comes to her with anger and asks, "What do you mean you don't know how?!"

Just then the spectrometer make a portal reliving a night sky and a moon the girls are shocked to see that the Crystal Prep Sunset can make something like this. However Principal Cinc is going to check on the girls until she see the portal in the sky. She is surprised for what she witnessed this and decides to listen in the conversation to learn what is going on.

"The spectrometer is also causing these portals to appear, but I can't get it to stop either," Sunset says scaredly and is able to close the portal.

The CHS Sunset is getting very angry and stressed now. She then angrily asks, "Is there anything you do know? Like how to bring the princess back from Equestria or how to give us our magic back?"

"Equestria?" The Human Sunset says sadly and confusedly.

The Crystal Prep Sunset can tell that she is getting very scared and nervous about what happened so they decided to stop this before their Sunset get too stressed.

"Hey! She said she's sorry!" Sunny says in anger.

"Yeah like… it was an accident," Lemon adds angerly.

"I don't care, she shouldn't even be messing with something she doesn't understand. Because of what she did, the only one who knows how to stop this is unreachable, not to mention how she endangered you and my friends!" CHS Sunset anger yells at the Crystal Prep students.

Then the CHS Sunset furiously says to her counterpart, "Since you seems to understand about this looks like you are the only one who can fix this," making her counterpart very sad and uncomfortable about this.

"Hey why does she have to do it ?" Indigo says angrily.

"Yeah! You're the one who have all this magic," Sour says angrily.

After hearing that Sunset and her friends and the Human Sunset's friends starts to argue about what happened in the games.

The Human Sunset is starting to get pressured by all this. She build the device and done all that research about the magic coming from the school, but she realize that magic is something even bigger than she can imagine. She tries to say, "I… I… I..." The problem is that the others are not listening and she isn't speaking loud enough. She finally can't take this any more. So she she screams from the top of her lungs, "I can't think!"

That really catches the others attention with a surprised yet shocked look on their faces.

"She's mad," Lemons says.

"Like a hornet," Applejack says.

"Wow! I never see Sunset that mad before and she's a different Sunset," Pinkie replies with concern.

"I have," Sunny bluntly verify.

Then Human Sunset angrily says, "Why can't you girls thought about that yourselves? Since you six seems to know about more magic than I do, I got my off days too you know," Then she furiously says, "But instead you all act as thick as logs and tried to leave it to someone else who is still trying to figure it out."

"Woah heavy," Indigo says with a shock.

"Ooh," Pinkie replies.

The Crystal Prep Sunset looks at the others with a shock realizing she lost her temper. She starts to cry and says, "I… I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." The next thing that she does is run away in tears.

"Sunset come back!" Shine calls chasing her Sunset and her friends starts to run after her.

The CHS Sunset and her friends stand there with sad looks on their face realizing that they pressured her to hard. Sunset feels very guilty for what she said to her counterpart like that.

Principal Cinch can see that the other Sunset and her friends are more connected with magic than anyone else, but can also see what her Sunset's device can do. She knows that her Sunset may found the key to CHS success. The only problem that also can see that her Sunset is very hurt and feel bad because of her research. She knows now that she needs to find a way to help CHS win and her her Sunset get her confidence and worry that she might quiet after what happened.

Principal Cinch then hears Celestia calling her. She turns to to see Celestia and Luna and says, "You can't possibly call that a fair race."

"Principal Cinch, we all saw what happened. You can't think CHS had some kind of advantage," Principal Celestia says trying to reason with Principal Cinch.

The Principal Cinch firmly says, "Can't I? Even without your trained attack plants, your students have wings!"

"Well, the race certainly had some...extenuating circumstances." Luna replies.

"And I suppose that, other Sunset Shimmer, and what happened with the bows are part of your advantages as well," Principal Cinch adds with a angry look on her face.

"Well to be honest no. Perhaps we should end the games now and declare a tie." Principal Celestia says trying to convince her to call off the Friendship Games.

"A tie? Was this your strategy all along? To force us into accepting you as equals? I think not. The games will continue and Crystal Prep will prevail despite your antics and whatever performance-enhancing regimen your students are on." Principal Cinch says angrily and not willing to listen when Celestia said at all. Then Principal Cinch leaves to check her student who are in the gym.

After Principal Cinch leaves, Sunset and her friends comes up to Principal Celestia after hearing everything that Principal Cinch said.

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop all this from happening." Sunset says shameful and bad for not about to stop this.

"It's not your fault, Sunset." Principal Celestia says trying to reassure Sunset.

"Isn't it? I should know how to control the magic I brought here. But I don't. I let everyone down. And now Principal Cinch thinks we're cheating." Sunset says and now feeling terrible for this happening.

"It doesn't matter what Principal Cinch thinks." Principal Celestia says.

"But it does. The students here at CHS don't just wanna win. They wanna beat Crystal Prep. It isn't gonna count if the other side doesn't really think they lost. Crystal Prep is never gonna believe we won fair and square if there's magic around. And that magic is only around… because of me." Sunset explains to them so sadly and she knows how true it is.

CHS want to beat their rivals and knowing that Crystal Prep isn't going to believe that they didn't use magic at the games. The CHS Sunset thinks this is all her fault for allowing this to happen.

Author's Note:

Things have come from bad to worse? Now both Sunsets feel guilty about what happened.