• Published 28th Dec 2017
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My Little Pony Equestria Girls The Friendship Games - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Sunset Shimmer has end up with the hardest challege besides competing in the Friendship Games, is facing herself

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Chapter 11: The Truth about the Human Sunset

After the second event:

The Human Sunset is crying so much she decides to hide herself in one of the girls restroom, crying and not wanting to show her face in front of anyone right now and locked herself in one of the restrooms. Her friends from Crystal Prep are at the one Sunset is in and are very worried about her, especially for what happened in the second event.

"Sunset are you okay?" Sour asks trying to calm down.

"Won't you please come out? Lemons asks sadly.

"Scram! I'm not coming out… Ever!" Sunset screams while crying.

"Come on Sunset don't be like that." Sunny replies trying to get Sunset to open the door in order to calm Sunset down.

"Yeah. It's not your fault Canterlot High has this magic going on," Indigo adds.

"But I am the one to cause their magic to be absorbed to my spectrometer! Not to mention causing the portal and plant monsters to appear that almost you you and Sugar Coat hurt!" Sunset screams and crying from the top of her lungs.

Sunset finally calm herself down and decides to come out for a little and with tears coming out and says, "And it caused my cat to talk."

The girls remember about what is going on with her cat and the second event that are involved with magic somehow. Shine the cat comes up to her to relax her owner and says, "Sunset what happened wasn't your fault."

The Sugar Coat comes to her and says, "She right. Now maybe you can tell us what you want us to do and we'll take care of it."

Sunset wipes the tears off her face and calm herself a little more. Then she sadly says to the girls, "Then you can tell Principal Cinch I'm taking myself out of the Friendship Games. You can finish it without me."

The girls look at Sunset with a shock they can understand why but they know not only Principal Cinch will not be happy about it, but they didn't want this incident ruin Sunset's life. They want her to be in the games with them and want her to have a good time. They decides to calm her down before she feels worse.

"But Sunset you were excited about competing in it," Sunny says with a worried look on her face.

"And you were having a great time with us," Sour Sweet says sadly.

"You can't quit now tomorrow's the last event," Indigo adds with a shock.

"You can't let what those girls said loose your confidence," Sugar Coat adds.

"We need you girl," Lemon beggs sadly.

Sunset is surprised that her friends still want her to play and want her to be happy. She then smile and asks, "Really!"

"Positive," Sugar Coat answers with a small smile.

"It wouldn't be the same without you," Lemon says happily.

"Plus you know what they say, you need to keep moving forward until the very end," Indigo says with pride.

"Thank guys." Then she gives her friends a big hug. They can tell that she is convinced to continue in the games till the end. Indigo starts to groans a little since it's starting to get a bit sappy for her taste.

"Please don't get too sappy with us," Indigo says feeling a little annoyed with things getting a little sappy.

"Sorry," Sunset apologizes feeling a lot better now.

"So what do we do now?" Indigo asks as she rubs her hand on the back of her head.

The girls start to think on what to do since they know they have things to do for school and their personal activities, some of them also have jobs to get to.

"Why don't you go see your parents and we can talk to Principal Cinch about this… dilemma you're going through. Then Sour Sweet, Lemon and I will met you at work, sounds like a plan," Sugar Coat suggests.

"Okay," Sunset replies feeling better and thinks it will be a good idea.

"See you tomorrow." Then leave to the bus stop in front of the school to go back to the city to visit her parents' grave and work later in the evening. Her cat Shine follows her to the bus stop.

"Bye," Sugar Coat and the others say with a smile on her face.

After Sunset leaves, the girls decides to talk to them on how to explain to Principal Cinch about the crazy magic, the plant monsters, and the incident with the termites.

Sour Sweet turns to Sugar Coat and asks, "Do you think some of us should go with her?"

"Yeah! She really wasn't happy about what happened at the Friendship Games" Lemon adds sadly.

"I always feel better with someone to talk to," Sunny replies with a sad look on her face.

"We can go if we could, but I would be a good idea to give Sunset some alone time for a while," Sugar Coat explains.

The others think about and it will be a good idea to let Sunset have some time to herself until she goes to work tonight.

Indigo Zap says, "I guess that's alright."

"Right now, we need to tell Principal Cinch about what we found out and maybe she can convince Sunset not to quit," Sour Sweet replies.

Lemon "Really. We seem to help calm her nerves and she feels better now."

"Yes, but she needs to know about this. Agree?" Sunny Flare says.

"Right," The girls agree.

After that they decide to find Principal Cinch and tell them about the incident at the second event and about Sunset's doubts about herself being in the games any longer.

At the front of the CHS:

The Equestrian Sunset is looking at her journal to see if Twilight replies yet, but so far no answer. Sunset is just about to head home until she sees her human counterpart at the bus stop.

When the bus comes, Sunset can tell that her human counterpart is heading on the bus.

"Where's she going?" The Equestrian Sunset asks herself.

After seeing the bus leaves she decides to follow her counter to see where she is going. So she gets on at the next bus that comes that is going to take her to the city. After a long wait she can see her counterpart with a bouquet of white lilies wrapped in a clear wrapper, with what she can tell a few photos and something for her to eat. She gets off at the bus stop where she has see her and follow to where she is going but remains out of sight.

After following her counterpart for another 10 minutes, she finds out that her counterpart is going to a graveyard which is almost outside of the city.

The Equestrian Sunset asks herself, "I wonder why she is going to a graveyard? Maybe some she knew had past ways and wants to pay her respect.

After following her counterpart in the graveyard she find her counterpart stop at a grave from the looks of it, it seems the grave is for two people the Equestrian Sunset decides to listen in to see what she is doing at the grave and who she is here to see.

The Human Sunset starts to have some tears coming out of her face, but also seem to smile a bit. She sits down and says, "Hi mom, hi dad, how are you doing?"

The Equestrian Sunset eyes widen in horror realizing who grave her counterpart is visiting. She whispers quietly, "Her… her parents!"

The Equestrian Sunset decides to listen in on her conversation. She told her parents about her time in the Friendship Games and her college application to Everton University. She even explain to them about the magic she had experienced during the games and about the Equestrian Sunset, and her friends grew wings ears, and extended pony tails. She also explained to them them about what happened in the second event.

The Equestrian Sunset is shocked to hear that her counterpart wanted to quit because she felt bad for what happened but her friends was about to convince her to be in the games till the very end.

After hearing about what the human Sunset been saying to her parent. The Equestrian Sunset starts to feel awful for what she said to her back at the rally course like that.

Then The Equestrian Sunset hears her counterpart says, "Either way I know that things have been tough for me since you were gone and Chrysalis had to raise me, but things are going pretty well and being the Friendship Games is exciting."

The Human Sunset becomes sad and says, "I really wish you both are hear then you can see me compete at the games."

"Well I need to get going. I need to be at work in an hour and I need to get my uniform at the house. So I'll see you the next time I come to visit," Sunset adds very sadly. Then she grabs her backpack and hold her cat, Shine, in her arms and leave to get back to her house.

The Equestrian Sunset, who is still hiding from her counterpart starts to have tears coming from her eyes. She whispers and with tears coming from her eyes, "What have I done?"

Back at the Canterlot High front lawn:

Sugar Coat and the other found Principal Cinch and when the tell her about what happened during the second event and the termites, she is shocked to hear about it. She isn't too surprised since she understand why Sunset's spectrometer acted like that. After that Principal Cinch received a call that there was a termite mound near the building here the bows and arrows were made which explains where the termites came from and CHS has nothing to do with the equipment, but also know that they have something to do with the magic coming from the school. But one thing that they told her really make her shocked and unhappy.

"Sunset was planning on quitting," Principal Cinch says with a shock.

"Yeah. She felt awful for what happened that she wanted us to finish the Friendship Games without her," Lemon Zest explains.

"We were able to help her change her mind, but maybe you can help her more," Sugar Coat adds.

"Yeah," Indigo replies.

"I'll see what I can do to help. Honestly I think Sunset actually discovered Canterlot High's success and even if they have magic, they shouldn't be using it during the Friendship Games," Principal Cinch replies firmly and sounding a bit angry.

"To be honest, I didn't want to tell her for what I think about the situation," Indigo says with fire in her eyes.

"And what is that?" Principal Cinch asks sounding confused.

"I think Sunset should get back at those Canterlot High girls and that double of her's," Indigo answers with anger.

"I agree," Lemon replies with anger and want to get back at the Equestrian Sunset and her friends.

"You said it!" Sour replies angrily.

Sugar Coat decides to stop their rage and says, "Now girls, I know you all are upset about what happened, but ask yourself this, will Sunset be up for the idea?"

Principal Cinch and the others start to think about it and know she isn't the kind of person for revenge or payback at someone.

"You're right, she not the type to get back at someone," Sunny replies agreeing with Sugar Coat's statement.

"Exactly," Sugar Coat bluntly says.

Then Indigo angrily screams, "Then we'll do it for her!"

Principal Cinch can see that three of the girls are going to teach the CHS girls a lesson, but she has a much better plan in mind. She steps in and says, "Now Indigo, I think there is a better way to deal with this matter without any violence."

"What do you mean?" Indigo asks confusedly and angrily.

"Well, for what we understand that Sunset has figure out that the students at CHS has magic right," Principal Cinch explains.

"Correct," Sugar Coat replies.

"And Sunset want to win as much as we do and learn about the magic that's in the school," Principal Cinch adds.

"Yeah," Sour says questionably.

"So?" Lemons says confusedly.

"I think I know what we can do in order to not only win, but will help benefit Sunset," Principal Cinch answers and surprisingly smiling about it.

"Really what is it?" Lemon asks curiously.

"We'll wait till tomorrow to discuss it," Principal Cinch firmly says then starts to make a slightly sad look on her face.

The girls start to notice it and want to know what's on Principal Cinch's mind. Sugar Coat asks, "Principal Cinch is there another reason you want to do this besides Crystal Prep's success,"

"What do you mean?" Principal Cinch asks confusedly.

"We understand that sometimes when you're around Sunset besides me you seem happy and sad at the same time," Sunny explains.

Then Sunny asks, "Does this has to do with Sun Dust."

Sunny can tell that her mother who is also her principal is getting a bit sad and want to avoid it. Sunny understand her mother better than anyone. Sunny says, "It's okay if you don't want to tell we're just… curious that's all."

The girls can tell that Sun Dust and Sunset are connected to what is going on her mind. Then they principal and the girls start to see it's getting late and some of them needs to go to work tonight.

"Well we have get going," Indigo says.

"Yeah! Big day tomorrow!" Lemons replies happily.

The girls decides to head home and want their rest before the final event tomorrow. PRincipal Cinch starts to think about her idea and isn't sure it's the right thing to do. She want to talk about her daughter about the sadness she is trying so hard to try.

"Um… Sunny," Principal Cinch tries to say to her daughter with a sad look on her face.

Sunny Flare turns to face her mother and asks, "What is it mom?"

"It's nothing," Principal Cinch says to her daughter.

"Okay. I'll be at home okay," Sunny replies curiously and trying to change the subject.

"Okay," Principal Cinch replies with a fake smile on her face.

After the girls are gone, Principal Cinch looks very sad again then takes her old photo out and remember the good memories she had with Sun Dust. She wishes she was here to giver her advise of what she is planning to do for the Friendship Games.

"Sun Dust I wonder what I'm planning on doing is the right thing?" Principal Cinch says sadly and questionably as she is looking at her old photo of her, Chrysalis, and Sun Dust.

After that she put the photo away and decides to head back to Crystal Prep to finish with her work and then head home for the night.

Author's Note:

Sounds like there's a lot going on people's mind.