• Published 4th Jan 2018
  • 1,413 Views, 10 Comments

On a Mo(o)nday - Dragonfire2lm

It's Twilight's wedding day, surrounded by friends and family she's ready to be with the love of her life, after she stops freaking out over what could go wrong.

  • ...

Freakout In Progress

Author's Note:

The following is based off of a dream I had where I was Twilight freaking out about getting married...on the day of the wedding. An adult Spike popped in and I got the felling that something bad had happened to him in the past so I shouldn't be freaking out because everything turned out better than what he went through.

Then the dream ended before i could see who I was gonna marry....i worked on the idea more and this is the result. I might add more entries in this new AU later if i have any more ideas.

If I add to it, I'll call it the Eternal AU


Churches were a relatively new thing for Twilight even after their implementation 200 years ago the alicorn of friendship still had trouble getting used to the elegant large marble building with stained glass windows that depicted her and the other four princesses. She was pacing across the plush red carpet, her white veil flipped back for better vision as the light, silk train of her dress whipped behind her with every turn.

"Twi, you need to calm down. Everything'll be fine!" Rainbow said as she hovered above the alicorn. The pegasus hadn't left Twilight's side since the preparations began, Rainbow took her role as best mare seriously.

"You're not even supposed to be in here!" Twilight hissed and grabbed the collar of Rainbow's suit with her magic and herded her towards the large wooden door.

"Hey, easy! You know how hard it was to convince Rares to make me a suit instead of a dress!"

"Rainbow you're supposed to be out there with....with...Oh what if-"

A blue hoof silenced the oncoming panic induced rant as Rainbow stared down at her, the grip on the pegasus' collar dissolved and Twilight let out an irritated grunt.

"Nothing is going to go wrong!" The Best Mare insisted as she removed her hoof from Twilight's muzzle.

"It can't any worse than what happened with me." Spike said as he walked into the room.

Spike had grown considerably in the past few centuries, though he was only a bit taller than most stallions Twilight couldn't help but be proud of him. the purple dragon had filled out into a respectable young drake with longer, sharper spines, a longer snout and strong legs and arms from doing odd jobs around Ponyville. She smiled as she saw three familiar young mares poke their heads out from behind the dragon and the Cutie Mark Crusaders didn't know who to comfort first, their beloved dragon or the worried princess.

Twilight sighed. "You're right Spike, I'm sorry this must be difficult for you after what happened with Rarity."

Silence fell around the room as the memories resurfaced. As everyone had grown, new priorities had taken precedent and with Twilight holding Friendship court alongside her friends once a week became the norm, so too did Spike's increased workload and a blossoming romance with the element of generosity.

The rumors started not long after and wishing to put both of their respective duties to Equestria before each other, Rarity and Spike called off their wedding.

"Hey, we got better. Rarity is a great sister-in-law and our friendship couldn't be better," Spike replied. "Besides if it weren't for these three I'd probably still be a complete wreck."

"Yeah it took us weeks to drag your scaly butt out of that cave." Scootaloo added with a cheeky grin.

"Scoots Ya know full well that if it weren't for those weeks we spent looking after him, we wouldn't even have him." Applebloom stated.

"Girls!" Sweetie chided. "Now's not the time!"

Twilight giggled. "Thank you for coming to check on me girls."


"And you Spike," Twilight added with an eye roll. "I think I'll be fine in a few minites."

"Crisis averted, come on girls, let's go find our seats." the drake said and led his mares out of the room.

"So...you ready?" Rainbow asked.

"No!" Twilight squeaked and the pegasus facehooved.

"You've gotta be kidding me....You've known her for centuries Twi! Hey do you remember when you were getting ready for your first date?"

"Of course I do, I had a checklist all set up for a wonderful evening, movie at ponyville theater, dinner at one of the best restaurants in town and stargazing on the castle roof to finish off the night."

"You were freaking out exactly like this the entire day beforehand." Rainbow deadpanned.

"I-What no! I...I see your point," Twilight replied with a small smile. "I guess I'm being a bit silly huh?"

"Didn't she propose to you?" Dash added.

"Yes, yes she did and thank you Rainbow, this must all seem so silly but i can't help but be worried you know," Twilight stated. "It's my wedding day after all."

"Yeah yeah, you're princess, she's a princess, high expectations and all that but who cares!" the blue pegasus exclaimed. "You guys love each other, you've taken down monsters and demons, heck you fought death himself for her!"

"Technically that was for you and the girls as well but I won't deny, he did make a little bit angry when he threatened-"

Their conversation was cut short by another familiar face poking their head into the room. Princess Celestia smiled at them as she walked in and closed the door behind her with her magic.

"I wanted to come check on you, we won't start until you're ready," the older princess stated with a knowing smile. "She's just as nervous as you."

"She is?" the younger alicorn asked curiously. "I guess that makes sense, I mean this is her wedding too..."

With that sentence, realization spread cross Twilight's face and any fears, any doubts and worries that plagued her mind vanished. She took a breath as memory upon memory of her friends, her family and the trials they all had faced surfaced with one thing coming to mind above it all.

Twilight Sparkle, Princess of friendship was loved by friends, siblings and respected and admired by all of Equestria. But right now one mare, only one mare in the entire world mattered to her right now. She had laughed with her, cried with her, fought alongside and fought for her. Twilight had been ready to die for her and now, she was preparing to live for her.

With a calm mind Twilight, the bride-to-be walked forward and signaled that she was ready. Rainbow zipped out of the room to inform everypony while Celestia, quickly sipped on the sky blue dress Rarity had made for the solar princess and prepared to walk her former student down the isle.

The song that played was one Cadence had written centuries ago for her daughters own wedding, one that she too officiated. Twilight remembered how the song had become a hit and now replaced the old tune she had remembered from way back when, from the days when Cadence marrying her brother was the wedding of the century.

Now it was her turn. She heard a quiet gasp from many in the audience as she walked down the isle, Celesti by her side to give her away but for Twilight, none of it matter, her eyes were looked onto the sparkling blue mane and the calm green eyes that had held her attention and her affection for countless moons. Princess Luna looked regal and beautiful in the ink blue, silver lined suit Rarity had worked hard to craft. Gone was the princess of the night and in her place stood the mare Twilight loved with all her heart.

The ceremony passed in a blur, her Luna was just as captivated. a polite cough from cadence and a joke from Celestia snapped the pair out of it and vows were exchanged, they short, simple and to the point for though they may be princesses, they knew how easily things could be conveyed with just the simplest of words plus it didn't help that Applejack had combed through them beforehand and narrowed down the elegant prose and poetry from something that lasted for an hour to a more reasonable five minute length.

The ceremony completed with tears of joy and a loving nuzzle between the new couple and much to everypony's surprise and laughter, Pinkie kicked off the reception with a confetti explosion to rival even the most passionate of firework displays. The phrase "Eat, drink and be merry" never more apt a use that night as Celestia bowed down to allow the married the couple to lower the sun and raise the moon together in an awe inspiring display as friends, family and guests ll enjoyed the festive atmosphere and delicious food.

"This is beautiful."Twilight said quietly as she watched the laughter, smiles and casual conversations that happened around the large hall Pinkie had booked for the reception. The purple alicorn giggled as a few foals laughed and squealed while the play the various party games spread throughout the area and adults watched on as they ate and idly chatted around one of the many tables.

"I have you to thank for this, my little light." Luna replied and wrapped a wing around the smaller mare.

"Me? You proposed, on my 375th birthday I might add." Twilight added.

"I asked you to marry me because I love you. You could have said no." Luna said with a smile.

"Never in a million years would I turn you down, my princess."twilight stated with a smile of her own.

"Get a room you two!" Someone yelled out, most likely Discord judging the following "Ow, ow, ow, Fluttershy it was a joke! Let go of my ear!".

"You re not going to ruin this for them, please?" came the voice of the kind yellow pegasus.

"Fine..." the draconequus relented.

"I love you too, Discord." Fluttershy replied with a smile as the newly married couple watched the element of kindness guide her mate over to the dessert table and a happy exclamation of "Oooh, cookie dough ice cream!" quickly brought an end to whatever scene the spirit of chaos had attempted to start.

Twilight couldn't help but smile at the good cheer of her friends, her family new and old. She nuzzled Luna and grinned mischievously. "So...When are you going to tell the rest of Equestria that their Princess of the Night isn't a Princess?"

"Perhaps when I recount the glorious tale of our honeymoon?" Luna replied with a smirk.

"Only if you let me fact check." Twilight stated flatly.

"Of course, such documentation would need to be correct on counts."

"Luna, Twilight please keep that information to yourselves, at least for a few centuries..." Celestia sighed from her seat next to them.

Comments ( 10 )

What was this dream about?

If you read the authors notes at the top of the fic, it explains what the dream was.

This was a fun read.

I'm glad you liked it.

This was so adorable!! I really liked the way that the mare Twilight's marrying is revealed slowly, and Twiluna is a super cute ship (even if I kinda prefer Twidash). Your descriptions really painted a picture of the scenes, and Discord and Fluttershy were super cute in the background. Also, was there some Spike X Sweetie Bell there? 'Cause the only ways that I can think of that Spike and Rarity would be sibling-in-laws would be if Spike married Sweetie Bell... Or Rarity married Applejack and then Spike married Applebloom.

One thing though--why is everypony immortal? :rainbowhuh:That was one thing that confused the heck out of me.

This was a setup for an AU I wanted to do. Spike breaks up with Rarity due to work reasons, gets all mopey and the now adult CMC nurse him back to health after he spends a while wasting away in a cave. So really it's SpikeXCMC.

As for the immortality, there is a mention of Twilight fighting the Grim Reaper to save both Princess Luna and her Friends.

Much of this is an idea for an AU, I'll have to clean the fic up a fair bit when I get the time, typos and autocorrect blunders and so on.

I'm glad you liked it, I might expand on the ideas in this fic with a sequel or two when I have the time, maybe flesh it all out as well.

I’ll admit, I don’t really know how to feel about this story. The writing’s fine (save for the grammatical errors, which I’m glad you plan on ironing out) and I have no problems with the main ship of this. Yet, trying to shoehorn in other ships out of the blue, without having them add anything? That just seems unfitting and maybe even a bit desperate. No offense to you, the story itself is fine. But, the heavenly relationship status as well as the fact that it seems to be set centuries in the future from the show's canon just makes us feel as though we’re missing something. Give us some more insight outside of just the expositional dialogue. I understand that you plan on expanding it with future stories, and I’m excited to read them, but this story drops us right in the middle of the action without much context. It had some good romance stuff in there, the relationships were pretty cute, and the idea is very interesting. But, it can’t be so cute to the point where it’s just unbelievable, unrelatable, and just kind of...lame. I have also created stories and ideas that were based on dreams of mine, and I think this is a good example of your creativity! Just, don’t make everything feel so claustrophobic even after the panic has ended. Best of luck to you, though! Never stop writing, and I still enjoy this story very much!

This fic is, in all honesty, a snippet of an AU. Something that briefly introduces a few half-baked ideas and a bit of world building with a few ships. I admit this would have been presented better if I had turned it into a multi chapter story with more world building and a slower pace.

I didn't want to do that though, too many of my fics are multi chapter stories and they've hit a point where either I lose motivation or life just gets in the way of updating them.

I will come back to this AU, flesh it out with a few more shorts perhaps but at least you found things to like about the fic, even if my writing leaves something to be desired.

Thanks for the comment.

Yeah, sorry. As much as I love the main ship, and despise with all my heart every other one, I can't like it. Idea is not bad.

But this should have been done after you got the au it's in going. Not before. Nothing makes sense otherwise.

Eh, it was just an idea.

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