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Where is the foal?

It was the day for Luna to come back. Everypony, including Celestia waited for her. Rainbow dash was blushing near Applejack, who was eating a apple. Pinkie had put a banner that read "Happy Re-birthday Luna!" and many balloons, streamers and sweets. She had a big cake which was blue and had her cutie mark on top. A lot of her Super Luna, coming in one year happy birthday and first day as a foal cupcake Which she re-named to Super Luna, happy birthday and first day as a foal cupcake. Rarity was ready with beautiful frocks and clothing for the foal, and Fluttershy was ready with her birds to sing her a welcome back song.

"Twilight, when will she come?" Celestia asked, getting a little restless.

"Lemme just see it in my book." She said as she opened the book about the crystal. She found the page and read out loud. "After seven years, the foal won't exactly come on the first day of the year.It would actually come on the last day of the 6th year. The crystal will glow green and explode(the explosion won't harm it's surroundings. It would just be loud and all.) and the foal will automatically be on the most comfiest place in the room. It would be better to put the crystal in a room instead of a street on anywhere open 'cause it could end up in a store that sells beds and quilts. The foal can either come at night or at day. It matters which they loved more before they became a foal. The foal will immediately sleep for at least 2 hours and a half and then wake up. The first pony the foal sees will become it's mother or father so be careful. If the foal says they need something the first time they met their mother/father, the pony will immediately pick the foal up and give it what it needs. After that, it depends on the pony. Care for the foal with love and care because if you treat the foal badly, it will get angry and go on a rampage. Have fun!

Celestia was in a shock. The foal couldn't have been Luna, could it? Celestia thought about it and then realized that...She had became her sister's mother! Her jaw dropped and her eyes were wide.

"What happened princess?" Twilight asked, seeing her with her jaw dropped.

"L-Luna d-did come y-yesterday." Celestia said in a shaky voice.

"Why didn't you tell us? That's amazing news!" Twilight said, happily.

"Um I kinda became her mother...." She said, barely audible

"What darling?" Rarity asked.

"Uh I became her mother." She repeated, again with ponies being confused with what Celestia became.

"Um you can tell us anything princess. You don't have to be shy, uh only if that's okay with you." Fluttershy said politely .

"I-I became her MOTHER!" Celestia shouted, no longer being scared about it. There was a long pause.

"That's perfect!" Twilight said after a few moments.

"W-what?" Celestia asked, not believing her student.

"You're the perfect new mother for Luna! Anyways, you've always been a mother figure for Luna. What's the trouble?" Twilight said.

"Oh darling, who could've been a better mother for Luna than you?" Rarity said.

"Seriously." Rainbow dash said, removing the blush from her face. "Who did you think would be Luna's mother other than you? Twilight?" Twilight glared at Rainbow while Celestia thought about who she wanted to be Luna's mother.

"You're right. I was scared for no reason." Celestia said.

"Well can ya get Luna here so we can welcome her?" Applejack said, finishing her apple.

"I am super-duper happy! Luna is back!" Pinkie said cheerfully, jumping up and down.

Celestia nodded and teleported to her room. She walked to the empty crib.

"EMPTY?" Celestia shouted as she looked around for the foal.

"Your highness, something happened?" The guards outside her room said, peeking inside.

"Did a small, blue foal go out of the door? Celestia asked, hoping the guards would say yes.

"No, you highness." The guards replied. Celestia stomped her forehoof.

"I have to find her." She said...before jumping out of the window. She opened her wings and flapped them. She flew over canterlot, making sure she didn't miss any spot before giving up. "I can't believe myself." She said, as she flew back to her room. "I just lost her AGAIN!" She shouted. The guards were still confused.

"Why? Why does this only happened to me?" Celestia cried.

"Princess, Luna is just lost. She has not disappeared again." Twilight said.

"We promise we'll find her princess." Rainbow assured her.

"And ah am sure she wont be able to go that far." Applejack said.

"And when we find her we will surely tell you." Fluttershy said.

"And throw a party!" Pinkie pie added.

"And make her look absolutely fabulous in her clothes I made for her." Rarity said.

"Lets go find Luna!" They all shouted together.

Author's Note:

I wanted to make this even more interesting...