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Sadness and mourning

Everypony was sad after reading Luna's disappearance and each thought it was their fault. The green crystal had been kept in Celestia's room so nopony else disappears. After a few days of many adventures for the mane 6, they got invited to Shining armor's wedding. He was very sad to hear about Luna, but Cadence didn't look like she cared. After the wedding, real Cadence was told the news and was pretty sad about it as well. A year had passed and Celestia was so sad that her mane went gray and she looked a mess. Her eyes turned red because of the crying.
It was like déjà vu. First for thousand years, now for 7 more.

The mane 6 were just going on adventures to save Equestria. Soon Discord reformed. After some days, Twilight became a princess. Another year passed, Twilight got a castle. Another year passed. Starlight got reformed. Finally 6 years had passed. Celestia became better knowing her sister is gonna come soon.

Twilight sighed while looking out of her balcony.

"Hey Twilight." Spike said dragging a stool next to her and climbing on it.

"Hi Spike." She replied, in a sad tone.

"Luna's gonna come soon." He happily said, trying to cheer her up.

"Yeah." She replied again in a sad tone.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Luna is gonna come as a foal, Spike. We don't even know how she looked like when she was a foal and where she will appear."

"Come on Twilight, she's alicorn. All we need to do is match her colors with her when she was in her weak form and see if she's a alicorn."

"You're right Spike." She said, starting to get happier. "It's not gonna be the easiest job but still it's gonna go fine." She flew to the ground and went to see her friends. "Hi Pinkie pie." She said, coming inside Sugercube corner. She knew she needed cheering up so, she knew she would need to go to Pinkie because, who can cheer one up more than Pinkie.

"Oh Hello Twi! Do you want to be the first to try my Super Luna, coming in one year happy birthday and first day as a foal cupcake? " She happily asked. The cupcake looked delicious. It was blue in color and had different shades of blue sprinkles on it. It had Luna's cutiemark. It had a blueberry on top and was beyond compare.

"Sure Pinkie pie." Twilight said as she took a bite out of the cupcake. "Mmm Delicious Pinkie."

"Thanks!" Pinkie replied cheerfully.

"I'm gonna go see the others". Twilight said as she started leaving.

"Okie dokie lokie." Pinkie said as she went to the kitchen to make more of her Super Luna, coming in one year happy birthday and first day as a foal cupcake.

Twilight spread her wings and flew to see Rainbow dash. Rainbow dash was in a ring shop, which was particularly unusual.

"What are you doing Rainbow?" Twilight asked. Rainbow froze. "Rainbow? Rainbow what happened? Rain-" Twilight saw something very unusual. Rainbow was holding a ring box! "Who's the special pony?" Twilight said after realizing the situation. Rainbow blushed and flew away. "Rainbow!" Twilight called out and went after her. Twilight couldn't catch her and she got away. "That was weird." She thought to herself. Next she went Rarity and saw Fluttershy, Apple jack and Rarity having a tea party. She told them about her weird encounter with Rainbow dash.

"Don't ya guys worry. She invited me to hang out with her at the end of Sweet Apple Acres after Luna comes back. Ah will just ask her why she had a ring with her." Applejack said.

"Hmm suspicious."" Twilight said.

"Oh darling" Rarity whispered to Fluttershy and Twilight. "We should probably follow them later."