• Published 4th Dec 2017
  • 5,381 Views, 16 Comments

The Day Reshapes The Twilight - SparkChance

Daybreaker has finally caught her most faithful student and is ready to fullfill Twilight's new destiny.

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The Twilights’ Fall

[Everfree Forest]

Twilight Sparkle is not having the greatest time right now. Firstly, her supplies have finally run dry, leaving her with only a bag filled with her personal journal, an ink vial, and a single quill. Secondly, due to said supplies running out, she was hungry, thirsty, and cold. Finally, Daybreaker is hunting her; well, playing with her really, which is fantastic.

Twilight would love to teleport or fly away, however Daybreaker was prepared for this particular encounter. How you ask? Well considering the Solar Guard is patrolling the surrounding area via sky and Daybreaker setting up a massive anti-teleport zone which would mean that Twilight will not be using any of those options for the moment.

Running seems to be the only logical solution Twilight thought, which would not be so bad if she was not already tired from her long journey from Baltimare. Having the trains constantly monitored by the Solar Guard makes traveling difficult.

The good news is that her luck seems to be turning around considering Daybreaker has not found her yet. Maybe once she clears this anti-teleport circle and the surrounding patrols she can teleport somewhere far; after gathering her breath first. While she collected herself, the natural ambiance slowly got quieter until it went deathly silent. After some time, Twilight quickly noticed the silence.

“Oh no,” she whispered in fear.

“Oh yes my dear,” whispered a silky voice above her. Looking straight above, Twilight’s fear grew even more as she realized her luck ran out. For you see, Daybreaker has finally caught her prey and like any hunter, she will be collecting her prize.“So my lovely Twilight did you enjoy our little game, because I throughly did and let me tell you the prize is going to be phenomenal for the both of us.” proclaimed Daybreaker enthusiastically.

“Why?” Twilight whispered very softly.

Daybreaker did not seem to hear Twilight and continued after taking a moment to collect herself,“I mean, after 10 years of searching and chasing you, I finally caught you. Now then, I suppose we should skip to the best part before you go decide to running way again and as much as I loved our game together it is time for you to join me at my side at last!”

“Why?” Twilight whispered slightly louder again only to be ignored again. Slowly, Daybreaker descended from the sky and slowly walked toward Twilight who was paralyzed with fear. Finally, Daybreaker pinned her student against the tree that prevent any kind of escape and lowered her horn towards Twlight’s while cast the spell that will trans-“Why!?” screamed Twilight surprising Daybreaker for a moment but not stopping the spell. Twilight continued, “Why did you give in to the darkness?”

“Because,” Daybreaker began, touching Twilight’s horn with her horn, “being a weak, pathetic princess, who can be taken down in literally a few minutes got really tiresome. So why don’t I entertain you with the story on the day I ‘fell’ as I perfect your new form, hmm?” Not giving Twilight a chance to say anything, Daybreaker cast a spell that will corrupt Twilight while beginning her tale.


[10 years earlier]

[Inside Celestia’s private study]

Celestia was pacing around her study mumbling to herself.“What is wrong with me?” Celestia questioned herself, “Why can I not protect my little ponies from dangerous threats anymore?” She was trying to figure out where her strength had gone in the moments that really counted. Just recently, a self-proclaimed necromancer had the audacity to attack Canterlot in the middle of the day with the Royal Guards failing to stop them. The most pathetic thing about the entire situation is that when Celestia arrived to stop the villian, she got defeated and captured in literally three minutes! Absolutely pathetic, Celestia thought to herself.

If Twilight and her friends had not been visiting Canterlot on a royal visit, then who knows what would have happen. It is one thing to lose to a powerful foe like Discord, a love-empowered Chrysalis, and the dark King Sombra, but to lose to some wannabe necromancer; who could not even maintain at least twenty undead skeletons; because killing a misguided pony without giving them a second chance is not how she does things, really puts one in a pathetic mood.

“Well,” a silky voice called out, “why don’t you give into the darkness, then?”

Startled out of her internal turmoil, Celestia shouted out, “Who is there?”

“Me.” the voice stated behind Celestia who turned around come face to face with an alicorn like her only with a flowing flaming mane, yellow irises surrounded in red, and sharp teeth that could tear into flesh with eaase. Also, a Cutie Mark like her’s only with an orange splotch underneath it.

“Your my darker self, aren’t you.” Celestia stated.

“Ding-ding, correct miss pathetic princess!” sneered the alicorn “looks like you can actually think something smart.”

“Is there any reason you revealed your presence to me, or are you just here goad me!” Celestia growled bitterly.

“Well… you see I have noticed recently that the All-Powerful Celestia is really lacking that all-powerful bit and getting your flank handed to you quite thoroughly.” the mare pointed out cruelly while looking at Celestia with a sharp grin.

“Yes,” growled Celestia, “And what of it?”

“Why, aren't you tired of not being able to protect your kingdom and your loved ones from all those nasty evils, who should not able to look at you without fear?” mocked the mare as she walked around the study.

“And why should I listened to the one who would use fear to rule the kingdom?” questioned Celestia as she watched her darker self explore.

“Because, believe it or not I want our little ponies to be safe but also realize that they can rely on their rulers to protect them in their time in need,” reasoned the mare but muttered underbreath, “Besides, a little fear is just a side effect of showing your power.”

“You want to keep our ponies safe?” a shocked Celestia asked.

“Why, of course I want to protect them,” said the mare as she smirked, “I am you through and through.”

“How do I know you are not lying to me and trying to take me over?” a desperate Celestia asked trying to find any reason to deny her darker half

“My silly other half, if I wanted to take over do you think I would of waited until now, when there were other opportunities to do such a thing.” explained the mare. Celestia took some time to think about it and realized that the times such weakness occurred; when Chrysalis and Discord attacked, that her darker half did not show. “Besides I rather work with you rather against you,” finished the smiling mare.

“What do you mean by that?” asked a confused Celestia

“What I mean is that, I want you to let me in inorder to unlock our full potential.” answered the confident mare.

“Full potential?” asked Celestia

“Yes, have you ever wondered why you always seem to feel under-powered?” ask the mare

“Well, I assumed it is because I do not want harm my ponies.” answered Celestia

“Well, your partially right my other half.” corrected the mare, “the other part of the solution is that you are rejecting me, the rest of your power.”

“How is rejecting you, denying half my power when you should only represent my darker parts?” questioned Celestia.

“Come now dear, you should know this answer.” teased the mare “You just have to remember the days that we and our lovely sister had while ruling Equestria.” Looking skeptical, Celestia decided to indulge her darker self. Thinking of the days of which her and Luna’s power were godlike; compared to the present, she realized that both her and Luna did not show mercy or restraint to their enemies, because that kind of behavior was necessary during those days of betrayal, war, and uncertainty of the future. “Ooh, I know that look of realization.” teased the mare.

“What do you mean exactly?” ask Celestia, even if she knew the answer already.

“The realization when both you and Luna never restrained your power to annihilate a threat to your kingdom no matter how dark the reasons.” said the gleeful mare who then sadden, “Unfortunately once you secured your realm and decided that such dark actions were unnecessary, you rejected. However, if you were to say stop rejecting me then…”

“…I will regain my lost power.” Celestia cautiously stated

“Bingo.” the mare answered as she stood in front of Celestia, “So, are you ready to defend your kingdom properly again.”

After a few minutes of internal struggle passed, Celestia answered, “We have a deal.”

“Excellent choice,” smirked the mare as she step closer to Celestia.

“So, how does this going to work?” asked Celestia

“Simple,” whispered the mare in Celestia’s ear, “breath and open your soul to me.”

Nodding, Celestia closed her eyes, breathed in and out slowly, and carefully opened her soul to her darker half at which point the mare turn into a yellow-orange cloud and entered Celestia’s mouth. There was a short gasp which turn into a moan and then silence.

Then laughter.

“Hehehehehehe… my oh my what a rush that was, I cannot believe I denied myself of this power and feeling for so long,” Celestia exclaimed. “Well, I suppose attaining it now makes up for it. Although, I seemed to have changed a bit.” She said while looking over herself which looks just like her other half. “All well, I do believe I look better this way. Now then, I suppose I should go and address my little ponies.”

Celestia suddenly stopped before the door to the hallway having realized something, “Now that I look and feel different, I am going to need a new name. Hmm… I know Daybreaker!” the newly dubbed Daybreaker excitedly said. Having decided her new name, Daybreaker walked out the door toward the throne room to announce her presence




“And that is how I came to be in this lovely form, does that help you my dear Twilight?” ask Daybreaker with a devilish smile. Twilight looked at her former teacher and hesitantly nodded. “Good, now let see how much progress has been made,” said Daybreaker as she look closer at Twilight’s body, which has changed just below her upper stomach. “Sigh… why do you still resist my precious Twilight, do you not want to be with your precious teacher?” sadly asked Daybreaker.

Twilight looked at Daybreaker baffled and answered in an accusatory tone, “How can trust your word when all I see is your twisted form and a mouth that could speak sweet lies that give me false reassurance!? Also why do you even want me at your side?”

“You can trust me because not once have I hurt you nor do I intend to in the future and isn’t it obvious on why I want you my dear.” answered Daybreaker who then closed the distance between their lip and gave Twilight a full-blown kiss. Said kiss caught Twilight by complete surprise which allowed more of the corruption to spread to the point it covered her lower jaw before she started to resist again. “I love you with my whole soul and want to spend it with you at my side, love.” Daybreaker proclaimed.

“You do not mean that!” screamed Twilight in a panicked voice as tears start falling down her unchanged cheeks. “How can you say it just like that when there has been nothing but pain and sadness in my heart on the day you turned. How can you give me your love knowing that I could reject you and never give you any love back. How can you be so positive that I will be by your side for all eternity and never betray. How can yo-”

Twilight was suddenly cut off by another kiss from Daybreaker who released it and said in the most apologetic tone, “I am truly sorry for all the suffering you endured my love. Had I realized how much you suffered maybe I could of spared you 10 years of it. But let me make one thing clear love,” as her tone grew hot as blue fire, “you are mine now, for I have won this game of cat and mouse”

“B-but…”Twilight tried to protest but Daybreaker was not having any of it and claimed Twilight’s lips again which was slowly eroding resistance away. Just as Twilight was getting into it, Daybreaker broke the kiss which resulted in a frustrated moan from Twilight.

“So, tell me Twilight my love, have you decided on what you want to be?” asked Daybreaker

Finally recovering, Twilight ask, “I thought I was your prize, yet you are giving me a choice, why?”

“Twilight, you are mine, I am only giving this kind of chance to only those who I hold dearly and I want you by me as my equal, but if you continue to resist then you will be my toy,” answered Daybreaker. “So please do not resist anymore.” Daybreaker was practically begging now, knowing that if Twilight continued to resist then the spell will eventually break her. She design it that way in order to test the victim’s loyalty toward her. The best part is if victim does decide not to resist, then the spell reinforces that loyalty. How lovely.

Meanwhile, Twilight was struggling to make a decision. On one hand, giving in would guarantee a future full of love, security, and warmth while the other promised nothing but emptiness. The first option was most logical one to take but was it worth it? Because once upon a time the feelings of love that Daybreaker are expressing right now were mutual however ever since the fall of Celestia she was not to sure anymore. Finally, she decided to put one more theory to the test and see if the love that Daybreaker proclaimed was truly there.

Twilight looked deep into Daybreaker’s eyes trying hard to find any falsehood. Except no matter how hard she looked into them it was unmistakable. Love. Truly unconditional love with a bit of concern at which point Twilight felt something that she had not felt in so long. Hope. With that feeling still burning in her heart, Twilight finally voiced her decision.

“I will join you for all eternity, Daybreaker.” Twilight said warmly. She saw Daybreaker clap her hooves with glee then closed the distance with their lips once more. Only instead of it being overpowering and forceful, this kiss felt like a new connection is being made between the new lovers. As the kiss continued, the spell finally got the chance to finish transforming Twilight who embraced the changes both physically and mentally. After what seemed to be an eternity the new eternal lovers broke their kiss and took a look at the newly corrupted Twilight.

Gone was the soft lavender fur, violet eyes, and blue hair with a single purple stripe pony. Now in her place stood a dark lavender furred fallen goddess with yellowish violet eyes and a mane that looks like a nebula.

Daybreaker decided that her opinion must be heard, “Mmm… what a magnificent creature you have become my Twilight.

“Nebula.” corrected Nebula

“Hmm?” questioned Daybreaker

“Eclisped Nebula, my love,” answered Nebula.

“Oh, and why the change of name, love?” asked Daybreaker

“Twilight Sparkle was a name for the pony who did not truly know or appriciate your love until the end, and never understood the incredible amount of potential she restricted herself.” excitedly said Nebula

“I suppose this is true, however I have one nore question for you dear.” said Daybreaker

“And I might have an answer.” chuckled Nebula as she stared into her lover’s eyes

“Are you ready to rule together?” Ask Daybreaker knowing the answer already but wanting to hear it from Nebula personally.

“Yes, my love.” Nebula answered with hesitation.

“Wonderful,” a pleased Daybreaker said.

Holding their hooves together, both newly minted lovers exited the Everfree Forest and returned to Canterlot with future plans for their empire.

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed it, as said in the description give me your thoughts.


Comments ( 16 )

This was very interesting read. I enjoyed it.

Thank ya kindly

Is it just me, or does Twilight look like Tempest Shadow in that picture?

Yea, she looks a bit more like Tempest minus the mane and cutie mark

but what about luna and the other elements

Who knows? You well just have to see.Maybe :twilightsmile:

I demand a sequel. Nuff said. :pinkiehappy:

Whats this about hands?

my only question is where is Luna doing all of this.

Somewhere safe I assume hopefully. You will just have to wait and see, probably. :twilightsmile:

My biggest issue is that we don't even know why Twilight was running in the first place. We're never given any evidence that Daybreaker was a tyrant. Using her powers to a greater degree in order to protect her nation more effectively marks her as a far better, more competent ruler than Celestia was. Celestia was willing to let six civilians take up arms against threats that were more than worthy of her full power. She put her own preferences and morality above the security of her country and its citizens. Daybreaker, from what evidence we have in this story, seems to be far more reasonable in her approach.

Let us say that the fear for the unknown can drive individuals to do unnecessary actions. Just to be a little bit more clear, at the start Twilight only knows that her mentor has given into the darkness but not the reason behind it. She is given some information by Daybreaker who at the moment could chose to give select information to Twilight(and the reader) to try to improve her image. Now I agree, maybe some more context should be given about Daybreaker's rule(I thought I gave enough information:twilightsheepish:) however determining if she is a tyrant or not is something I want the reader to decide themselves.:twilightsmile:
Note: Thanks for explaining what you bothered you and hopefully I cleared somethings up(I hope) but if not then I will try to explain better.

I thought she would be running so she doesnt become a princess

I think this should continue. It was an interesting little read.

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