• Published 2nd Dec 2017
  • 338 Views, 9 Comments

Eye to [wonky] Eye - RandomDerp

Storm Chaser moves to Ponyville in hopes of finding a new start. Who he meets, and the events that will unfold will change his life for the better.

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From the Ground Up

I stretched my legs, welcoming the morning with a groan before curling up under my duvet once more. It was a beautiful morning outside, however I could not yet bring myself to leave the warmth and comfort of my mattress. Life could wait another hour. Eventually, I surrendered to my awakened mind and crawled from my sheets. It had been a while since I had had such a restful nights sleep. No noise, no sore head from cider, just rest and comfort.

Upon making my way to my kitchen, I realized that while I had looked after my chores and sorted out my move, I had neglected to buy any groceries. Adulting can be hard sometimes. However, the smell of freshly baked delights permeated my nostrils, and I decided on something sweet from the bakery to sate my quiet hunger. I decided that given the lovely weather, my scarf could remain on it's hook, and I trotted out into the crisp morning air. After being up in Cloudsdale for so long, the air down on the ground felt thick, unlike the thin air of the sky.

A small bell rang merrily as I wandered into the bakery. I thought my apartment smelt sweet, but it was nothing compared to in here! The cakes and pastries were everywhere and my mouth watered slightly just looking at them. Cupcakes drizzled with icing, large buns with fruit seeded through, croissants the size of my face, you name it and it was there!

"Good morning! How can I help you?" A cheery voice resounded as a blue pony trotted through to greet me. A wide smile adorned her face.

"Hello, I've just moved in around the back and I couldn't help but come in and try what makes my apartment smell so sweet" I said, smiling just as wide back at her. Not that it was a contest, but with some ponies it feels like it is.

"Oh so you must be Storm Chaser! I'm Mrs Cake, your landlady I guess you could say" She let out a hearty giggle at the thought, "My husband is through the back, busy baking so I'm afraid he isn't available to say 'hi'"

"No problem at all, and wonderful to meet you" I shook her hoof, before turning my attention back to the treats that lay in front of me. Chocolate cake? Nah, too sweet. Croissant? Too fanciful for my tastes. Maybe just a breakfast muffin with butter? Perfect!

"May I please have a breakfast muffin, with butter if you have it?"

"Certainly! We have a new item to pair with it if you're interested in trying it? It's all the rage in Canterlot at the moment, it's called 'Hay Bacon', whatever that means." With a slight pause, I agreed. This was a time for me to try something new. I was handed a small number to place on my table, and with that I sat down by the window and lost myself in the morning life of the street. I always found it so satisfying to watch other ponies go about their lives. It was vaguely fascinating when you come to the realization that every pony passing the window each has their own lives as complicated and stressful as your own.

"Here you go sweetie, enjoy!" A small plate with my muffin and hay bacon was placed in front of me. A small butter dish and knife accompanied on the side. I thanked Mrs Cake once again, and prepared myself for my first baked treat in Ponyville. I carefully spread the butter which melted into the warm cake immediately, then I took my first bite. My mouth was awash with a symphony of flavors. The sweetness of the muffin was instant, with the slight saltiness of the butter creeping in after a moment. Upon chewing the hay bacon mixed in, with a hint of maple syrup which blended into the most delicious breakfast I have eaten in a while. I wolfed down the rest of the food and let out a satisfied sigh. With food like this, nothing could be bad in Ponyville.

As my food settled in my stomach, I went back to watching the ponies outside. Watching them go about their business and daily routines. A slight pang of guilt hit me as I realized that I still needed to find work here. I couldn't get by for long on my savings alone, so better get looking today.

I quickly paid Mrs Cake for breakfast before leaving on my quest to find myself some work. Fresh start meant fresh opportunities. Maybe I'd find something in the local weather station, or work on the apple farm! That would be fun! With high hopes I set about asking in several stores and businesses. Unfortunately most seemed fully staffed, and I was beginning to lose hope a little. A pony with my experience should get hired quickly, but it appears weather related skills aren't highly sought in this area. Even the weather station turned me down for an entry level position with them. It was hopeless.

The last stop of the day took me back to the post office where I had met that lovely mare the other day. I smiled, thinking of our interaction and I think part of me was hoping I would see her again today. Walking through the door, there was a larger pony standing behind the desk. He looked tired and a little unkempt.

"Hello! I was wondering if you had any job vacancies at the moment? I'm new to town and looking for work." I tried my best to come across as cheery as possible, hiding my slight disappointment that it wasn't Derpy I was speaking to.

"Experience?" He muttered, not looking up from his log book which he was frantically filling out.

"I have 5 years with the Cloudsdale Weather Factory as a Rain and Storm Technician, and a Degree in Weather Engineering with a minor in Storm Flight and the effects on Pegasi." I smiled once more. This time he placed his pen down on the counter and turned his attention to me fully.

"Can you fly in bad weather?" He asked gruffly. Customer service is clearly not his strong point.

"I have special training as part of my degree. No weather to be manufactured that we ourselves can't fly in to manage."

He smiled for the first time at this.

"Well, you're in luck. We've been looking for a pony to fly deliveries to the stormy regions in the North of Equestria. Dangerous storms around the mountains, think you could handle that?" He raised an eyebrow at me, as if checking me over. I know I may not look overly athletic, but I can fly better than most. I nodded confidently.

"Piece of cake! They don't call me Storm Chaser for nothing!"

"Excellent! Well in that case, could you come in on Monday to collect your uniform, and complete your training, paperwork, all the boring legal stuff, ya know how it is. Name's Sello, everyone here calls me Postie as a nickname, just whatever you prefer is fine." I shook his hoof firmly, and smiled once more.

"Can't wait to start sir!" I gave a wonky salute, and turned to leave. As I was leaving, I spotted a familiar grey mare flying towards me at quite some speed.

"LOOK OUT" She cried, but alas it was too late. She crashed into me headfirst sending both of us tumbling to the ground.

"Oh my Celestia, are you okay?!" She rushed over and helped me to my hoofs.

"Fine" I winced with a smile, trying to cover up the slight throbbing from my head, "Just a little dazed but I'm sure I'll live."

She smiled with relief.

"Sorry, I'm not the best of flyers. Depth perception is a little off because of my eye, it tends to wander, but it's quirky I find" She let out a small giggle, while abashedly running a hoof through her mane.

"Well I like it" I stood silent for a moment. I said that out loud. Oh Luna's starry flank I said that out loud. She giggled slightly again as I could feel the blood rushing to my face. Why am I like this?

"Thank you! Anyway, sorry I'd better get inside and finish my paperwork for today, but I'll see you soon yeah?" She smiled as she trotted past.

"Yeah, soon." I muttered to myself as she passed through the door behind me.

"Ugh stupid Storm Chaser, STUPID" I shouted, beating my hoofs into an unsuspecting cumulus cloud. I'm sure the cumulus had done nothing wrong, but I was determined to take out my embarrassment on it. With a sigh I collapsed onto the soft layer of cloud that had previously bore the brunt of my annoyance. I just couldn't believe I had acted so foalishly. While it may not seem like a big thing to any other pony, I always found myself obsessing over slightly embarrassing moments within my life, like that time at flight school when I tumbled headfirst into a ring and crashed into the teachers flank face first. Oh why did I have to remember that?

I rolled over and glanced down at the town, the bustle was dying down now. Ponies heading home and picking their foals up from school. Must be nice.

With a flap of my wings, I drifted from my fortress of solitude on the beaten cumulus and floated lazily towards home. After the weekend, I would be a mailpony for the Royal Equestrian Mail Service.

"All good things today" I said to myself as I landed by my door. It was open.

I pushed slightly on the wood and it lazily drifted open. I could hear some shuffling coming from inside my living room and nervously I crept towards the door, intending to catch whoever it was in the act.

I pushed the door open, and burst into the room ready for anything.


Okay, I was not ready for that.

Author's Note:

Hey hey hey again guys! Thanks for keeping reading, if you're a new reader then welcome!

Please leave some feedback if you are so inclined, or even just a comment to let me know you're there... I'm so lonely....

