• Published 2nd Dec 2017
  • 337 Views, 9 Comments

Eye to [wonky] Eye - RandomDerp

Storm Chaser moves to Ponyville in hopes of finding a new start. Who he meets, and the events that will unfold will change his life for the better.

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A New Start

A horn blew across the courtyard of the Cloudsdale weather factory late in the afternoon. The doors burst open, and a cacophony of Pegasi emerged as their busy shifts came to an end. Among the hustle, I made my way through the crowds, waving farewell to my coworkers and making my way home.

As I closed the door, I allowed myself to let out a sigh, before hanging my hat and jacket up and making my way to my simple lounge. The room seemed more barren than usual. The sofa was haphazardly placed in the center of the room, with matching chairs scattered around. A lone bookshelf stood to the rear corner, and on the walls hung pictures spanning the course of my life, from foal to graduation from Cloudsdale Weather Engineering College.

An elongated gasp escaped my lips, as I sank into the soft cushions of my sofa and the weight of the day lifted from my shoulders and hooves. I had a little time to relax before I was expected at the local watering hole. I usually met with the guys to have a drink after shift, and then have some personal time at the weekends.

"Food." I muttered, as if trying to will a meal to appear on the table before me. Alas, nothing appeared, so it was looking like I would be required to cook. Summoning all of my willpower, I rose from the comfort of my seat, and shuffled through to the small kitchen. I was no master chef, but I could cook enough for me, and that was enough.

After wolfing down my food, I grabbed my scarf and trotted down to Main Street to our local bar. The Windigo was a cosy little bar, located between two large shopping complexes. You wouldn't normally notice it unless you knew it was there. The guys and I had a usual table, a small booth in the corner where we could unwind and chat to our hearts content. The barman, who we called Hearty, was an unusually shy and unenthusiastic pony for one working a bar.

We drank our ciders in the usual fashion, talking about our plans, families, ambitions. I was younger than most of the ponies I worked with, most already had families and were where they wanted to be in life. However I had always had a void that I couldn't seem to fill inside of me. I found myself listening to their chat, and longing for the kind of lives they lead. However Cloudsdale seemed to suffocate me in that sense. I was never fond of the bustle of the city, even as a foal.

Eventually, our little party got to the point where we were becoming rowdy, and I usually bow out at that point. I like to hang out with my friends, but when they get out of hand I can't be around them. Once again donning my scarf I walk my way home with thoughts of family and friends in my mind.

"I should write to mom soon, it's been a long time" I thought, making a mental note to compose a letter when I wasn't a little tipsy. It was hard to speak to mom ever since dad had left. He just upped in the middle of the night, grabbed his stuff and we never heard from him again. I was only young at the time, but I could tell my mom struggled without him around.

Laying in bed that night, sleep eluded me as I thought about my life, and how I was getting older with no real sign of anything advancing. I was working the same job I had gotten fresh out of college, with no sign of promotion or pay rise, and Celestia forbid I speak to a mare. I'm too awkward and shy to maintain a conversation with anypony I find attractive, never mind asking them out. I didn't consider myself bad looking, I was average build, grey coat and dark brown mane with a single stripe of red running through, which is unusual in it's own right. I needed a fresh start. I needed to leave Cloudsdale.

Morning broke with sunshine pouring in through my thin curtains, bright enough to rouse me from my sleep, but not quite to fully wake me.

"Ugh, can Celestia not have a lie in somedays?!" I exclaimed in frustration. It was my day off, and I was woken up at the crack of dawn again. Eventually I mustered the energy to pull my aching muscles from the sheets and shambled through to the kitchen for a drink. The thoughts of the previous night still rang through my head like a bell. I clattered the glass down a little harder than I meant, determination now filled me with a purpose I hadn't felt in a long time. I rummaged my bookcase looking for my Royal Equestrian Atlas, and began to search the pages for somewhere that looked ideal for me. I had ruled out anywhere with a large population, or anywhere too far from central Equestria as the cost of moving would bankrupt me. As I searched the perfect option became apparent.


I immediately threw myself into planning. A home move is hard enough to coordinate, never mind a sudden one. I had removal ponies to contact, hand in my notice at work, pack, find somewhere to live in Ponyville, the list went on and on!

I scoured the Ponyville Times for property listings, lots available but out of my price range. My heart sank in my chest, as I analysed every ad in the paper for something, just something I could afford! Then the break I needed jumped out at me.

"One bedroom apartment to rent. Kitchen, Living room, Bathroom and spacious bedroom with Everfree views. Above a bakery to the rear. 300 bits a month"

I scrambled for a scroll and quill and hastily drew a letter to the landlord saying that I would take it, no questions or viewing needed. Bursting through the door in a mad gallop, I charged towards the mailbox, where I could see the mailpony emptying the letters of the day and pushed the letter into his bag.

"Wow, you in a hurry ther' pal?" He asked in a bemused tone.

"Very... important... letter" I gasped after my mad dash to reach him.

"Why didn'cha fly? Saved your hooves eh." I placed my hoof to my face. In the heat of the moment I'd forgotten I could fly. Dramatic tension strikes again. I mumbled a thank you before turning and giving my wings a flap to cruise home on the breeze. In my head, all that I could hear was "I'm moving to Ponyville" repeating, and for the first time in a while, a genuine smile crossed my face and I let out an excited cheer to the clouds.

Author's Note:

Hi guys!

If you made it this far then thank you! I took a break from writing for a while, but thought I'd get back into is as I have more spare time now. I hope you've enjoyed the opening chapter of my story, and I hope you will stay with me as it continues :)

Cheers again!
