• Published 2nd Dec 2017
  • 337 Views, 9 Comments

Eye to [wonky] Eye - RandomDerp

Storm Chaser moves to Ponyville in hopes of finding a new start. Who he meets, and the events that will unfold will change his life for the better.

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To Ponyville!!

The day had finally come! My minimal belongings were packed and loaded into the carriage outside. I took one last look around the apartment I had called home these last few years. It was strange, the blank walls and floors looked different to the ones I had grown accustomed to, but I was moving on to better things.

With one last glance over my shoulder, I closed the door and placed the key under the mat. The removal ponies were already on their way with my belongings, which just left me to fly down to my new home. It was a pleasant day for a fly, and I rarely got to stretch my wings for more than a few minutes flying around the city. There's something freeing about soaring lazily through the clouds that you just can't find anywhere else.

With the wind in my mane, I could see Ponyville on the horizon. A small village, quaint looking and flanked by masses of apple trees on one side, and a large forest to the other. Just the change I was looking for.

My hooves touched down just after noon, the sun high in the sky and the air smelling fresher than anything I was used to back home. I felt at ease already. Or at least I did, until there was a loud pop behind me and I was showered with confetti and streamers.

"WELCOME TO PONYVILLE!" A pink blur screamed at me, as I noticed I had been given a party hat and blower without my knowledge.

"Normally I would bust out the welcome wagon, but Discord said he needed to borrow it for something or other, so I can't bring it out, but I can still sing if you'd want? But it's not the same without the wagon, there's normally confetti in the oven, and cake in the cannons... NO, WAIT THAT'S WRONG, I always get those two mixed up." She then frantically giggled while shaking my hoof far faster than I ever thought was possible.

"Hi there," I stammered, a little taken aback by how forward this pony was being, "I'm Storm Chaser, I'm looking for Sugarcube Corner if you know where I can find it?"

She let out a long gasp.

"So you're the pony who's moving in behind the cakes! We're going to be neighbors! Oh this is exciting, we'll have neighbor parties, and sleepovers, and we can have cans on strings so we can talk to each other in the middle of the night in secret codes that we'll make up and it'll be AMAZING!" Her smile was contagious, and I couldn't help but smile along with her and her slightly ridiculous ideas.

"It's this way, follow me!" Before I could even react, she grabbed my hoof and I was being dragged through the streets towards a brightly colored building with confectionery decor. I can't believed I'd missed this place from the air.

Sure enough, the removal ponies were parked around the side and were moving my furniture into my new place. I thanked the pony, who I had learned was called Pinkie Pie, and waved as she shot off into the distance.

"Well, if everypony is this friendly, I think I might actually like it here." I murmured to myself turning to get to work at setting up the house.

As the advert stated, it was fairly small but cosy. The living room was a fair size, and the bedroom was around the same size. The entire apartment smelled slightly of freshly baked cookies, something which I could never get sick of. I took my time arranging my furniture into a way that made sense to me, and sat down. I would finish unpacking at another time.

I soaked in the quiet of the apartment for a while, before my mind went back to my mom. I never did get around to writing her that letter. She didn't even know I was moving. I sighed and sat down at the table after gathering my ink, some paper and a quill and thought about what to write. I was never the most emotionally available pony at the best of times, but it was even harder for me to be when it came to speaking to my mom. Eventually I decided that whatever I wrote would have to do for now, there was plenty of time for me to catch up with her properly later.

"Hi Mom,

I know it's been a while since I have written, and I'm sorry I don't keep in touch more. I've never been great at keeping in contact, so please forgive me. I have news! I decided to move house, to a quiet little town called Ponyville, maybe you've heard of it?

It's a cosy little apartment behind a bakery in the town center, and I think I've already made a friend, so one more friend than I ever really had in Cloudsdale! Tomorrow I'm going to look for work, and I'm hoping there will be an opening for a weather engineer somewhere in this town.

I know you don't normally write me back, but it would be nice to hear from you. It's hard not knowing how you are, or what you're doing. "

I signed the letter off with my address and popped my scarf on to head to the post office, if I could find it. I took to the sky, as I thought it would be my best bet for spotting the building. Fortunately Ponyville was such a small town that it didn't take me long to spot the signature Equestrian Postal Service emblem upon a sign. Slowly I descended and trotted my way over.

As I entered, the building was very quiet. It was late in the day for a post office to be doing business, so it was to be expected that maybe I had missed the last delivery time. I trotted to the counter, and placed the letter down. A small bell sat in front of me with a "ring for attention" sign. Upon ringing the bell there was a loud thud, and several crashes from the back.

"One moment!" a mare called back, obviously a little flustered.

"Take your time" I called back, not wanting to rush her when it sounded like multiple valuables had just been decimated. After a couple of moments she emerged from the back, her hat slightly askew and her name badge hanging off slightly.

"Hi there! Welcome to Ponyville Post Office, how can I help?" She smiled sweetly, and I began to feel my nerves creeping up on me. She was very attractive, her coat was a grey, similar to mine. Her mane was golden blonde like the first light at the break of dawn, and her eyes... were slightly wonky, but there was something behind them, which made them shine like a precious gem.

"Are you okay Mr? You're just standing there?" She asked with her expression changing to one of slight concern.

"Hmm? OH! Sorry!" I stammered quickly, thinking of an excuse. "Just moved to town you see, a little bit spaced from all the pressure of the move. Anyhoo, could I please have one first class stamp and an envelope please?" I smiled, hoping that the awkwardness wouldn't haunt me for years to come.

"Two bits for a book of stamps and a pack of envelopes, is that okay?" She smiled again, and once again I was slightly awestruck.

"Perfect, thank you!" I dropped the bits on the counter and hastily slapped a stamp on the envelope and scribbled the address on. "I would also like to post this"

She took the letter and placed it into a sorting bag at the back of the room.

"So you've just moved here? Where are you from?" She asked as she re organized the back shelves.

"Cloudsdale, couldn't handle the city anymore, so I upped and left for a simpler life." I replied "I didn't expect such a warm greeting from the town though."

"Pinkie Pie?"

"Pinkie Pie." We both shared a laugh and it slowly dawned on me that I was actually talking to a mare I found attractive. New life: 1 Old life : 0.

"Name's Derpy Hooves" She extended a hoof, and I took it in mine.

"Storm Chaser"

"Well I'd love to stand and chat, but gotta get the sorting room cleared up before the boss gets back, he won't be happy if I've broken another fragile parcel." She gave me a playful wink, and then we said goodbye and I left for home. The smile never left my face the whole time.

Two new friends in one day, not bad going for the shy city pony just moved to the country. With the excitement of the day behind me, I crawled into bed not knowing if tomorrow would bring me more friendships, or if I would see some more of Pinkie and Derpy. My mind was awash with thoughts as I slowly drifted to sleep.

Author's Note:

Well second chapter knocked out in one shift in the shop! Having a lot of fun writing again :)

Hope you all are still enjoying this story. Leave a comment to let me know how I'm getting on! :D