• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 13th, 2012


ask and i will tell. i am comfortable with proofreading most anything as long as you are open to constructive criticism. pm me if interested.


hello, i am Dr. Jax Realis. i am a scientist for the world college of science. i am twenty six years old at six feet three inches with copper hair. during an experiment with some new chemicals my lab and the forest around it was caught in an explosion that seemed to do nothing. until there was a knock on the door...

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 9 )

Normally, this is the type of story I rag against with the might of Zeus. Thanks to sleep depravation however, I'll just be using condescending humor.

To put it simply, this was more confusing than a pig in a centrifuge (notwithstanding the ethics violations and animal cruelty sues which will most likely pop up after it's little round-trip jaunt)

And while I should hate on you, I just can't because you have no basic understanding of science. Trying to call you out on that would be like trying to train a golfish to read Shakespeare. Overall, this story was bad. Not because of concept and spelling\grammar (though you do need to give your story a grammatical one-over) but because of pure un-feasibility and oddness. And while fiction itself is well outside the realms of feasible, hell, sometimes it flies out of the realm of reality faster than an Atom powered rocket attached to a warp drive.

What I'm trying to say is it doesn't make sense...in the right way. Also, you're character's...kind of...Gary Stu. I don't know what about it gives me that feeling, he just feels like one.

936773 well thanks for the feedback, i admit this story is mainly a product of my drugged mind and i have no doubt it will get even more far-fetched. but that's part of the fun for me. also i admit that i am an idiot, but i am an idiot that tries. either way thanks for the comment, it brightened up my day!:pinkiesmile:

Shit man. I really don't know what to say.

It's your time. Spend it as you wish.

If you want to woe the time you think you wasted then cry your heart out

If you want to celebrate the good times then do so

The only other thing I can think of is this

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best

Well... shit man.

There is still the possibility that you wont die if you dont go through with the surgery. If you do go through with the surgery though and it doesn't fully succeed, then I would assume that your chances of living would at least improve somewhat.
Other than that, you should make piece and pray to god (ironicaly I'm an athiest, I just say that to help boost moral).

1059674 best case scenario: i walk away with a few new scars but otherwise unscathed. Worst case scenario: i die in my sleep. both are better than just sitting here in pain till i die. and i too am an atheist but i'll try just about anything to improve my chances.

Though I can't see your face, or hear your words. It already sounds like you are feeling a bit better, that's reassuring. Besides, I'm sure anyone in your position would do anything to improve their chances.
If it helps you feel better. If you go through with the surgery, and you get to keep living, I will give you a big fucking internet hug when I get the chance.

1059831 just falling back on old philosophy's. it's amazing what you remember when you just think about your life.

1059845 How about before you die, you give this story to someone else to finish it, and do all the stuff you wanted to do in case of dying?

Wow I wonder if your alive right now or are you dead this confuses me well if your alive that's great if not I guess I will never get a response from you

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