• Published 28th Oct 2017
  • 943 Views, 8 Comments

A Different View 6: The Finale in the Mirrorverse - Polaris Solarmoon

The final Different View story starring the Mirrorverse Six

  • ...

The End

(The End)

Bordom..., it was what I was currently going through as the Captain was telling us our usual routine for the day, usually I'd just fly around and look awesome doing it but this wasn't the case, the Captain gathered all of us so she could tell us what we should do for the day and you know what makes this worse..., she was going in alphabetical order and my name was last up...

It took a while but I eventually hear the Captain speak my name.

"Windfeather, your up next!" I hear the Captain say.

"Ugh finally, I still don't understand why you had to call us in alphabetical order..."I said.

"Would you rather do laps 'round the course until I call you?" the Captain says in a teasing manner.

"Whatever..." I muttered to myself as the Captain winked at me.

"Lighten up "Ace",I won't do that to ya! Anyways I need ya to help the rookies learn tha ropes, you up for that?"She said.

"Of course Captain Phoenix, I'll see what I can do." I said with my usual charm.

"That's my top flyer! Now remember no showing off unless the rookies what ya to,got it?" Captain Phoenix said.

"Ma'am Yes Ma'am!"I say as I saluted her and then flew over to where the rookies were at.

So I did what the Captain told and all was well until I had forgotten her warning not to show off unless the rookies asked me to which got me in a heap of trouble with the Captain and I was terrified that she'd make me do 500 laps around the whole training ground but she told me that I would get one more chance to redeem myself and I made sure to be more careful.

So when it came time for me to go home, I told the Captain and she let me go as she knew I was tired and didn't want me to push me any further...

So I went home and opened my door and then went upstairs to my room and laid down on my bed.

(" I hope tomorrow goes better than today...") I had thought to myself before I went to sleep...

*The next day?*

I woke up without much of a problem and I went to my shower and I turned it on, after about thirty minutes I turned off the shower and dried myself and then hung up my towel and went over to my room to look at my calendar, it was Saturday so I didn't have anything to do today, so I took a look out my cloud home's window and saw that the skys were clear and it was a little bit more sunnier than usual.

"Huh,that's weird...,unless that little sister of Princess Luna is havin' a hay day or something." I say as I go outside and investigate, all I could find was an ordinary day so I decided to go to Ponyville, I didn't realize that Ponyville was going to be different...

When I had landed in Ponyville, I was met with a shocking sight, it was a griffin and it was being bullied by a really rude pegasus that looked somewhat like my Captain but she didn't have a Wonderbolt uniform on or a red streak in her mane, her cutie mark was what threw me off, she had three butterflies which obviously contrasted with her cruel personality, It wasn't long until she had noticed me.

"What're you lookin' at loser?! You a hero or something!? Get lost!" she said.

"Me? I was just passing by until I saw you bullying that Griffin over there!" I said.

"Ha! So? I can do what I want! Unless you wanna try and stop me?" she says before snickering at me,she then walks away and says "bah you two aren't worth the effort, see ya losers!" before flying off to places unknown.

"Wow... Talk about rude huh?" I said to myself.

"T-thank you..." I hear the Griffin say as she nervously walks up to me.

"Huh? Oh no problem are you.....oh...." I said until I got a good long look at who I just protected.

"G-Gilda!?" I said out of shock.

"oh...y-you know me?" Gilda said in a more softer tone than normal.

"Know you!? Your like the second best flyer out of Griffinstone!" I said.

"Oh goodness! that's not me! N-not at all! I'm not anywhere as good..."Gilda says in shock.

"Oh... Kay,well do you know where the library is at, I need to check out a book" I said.

"oh I think it's over there but I'm not sure..." Gilda says as she points over to where she thinks the library is at.

"Okay I'll go check it out,thanks Gilda." I had said before I had left.

I walked over to where Gilda pointed and found that her guess was right the library was just ahead but there was a Changeling Queen blocking my path.

"What the? Who are you?" I had asked her.

"Oh goodness me, I'm sorry I didn't mean to get in your way! Oh! I'm Duchess Chrysalis by the way." she says in a dual tone voice.

She seemed really nice so I asked her what she was doing here and she had told me that she was visiting a friend, I noticed that the pony she was meeting was Derpy, a pony who isn't known for her smarts she's mostly known for her clumsiness, surprisingly this version of her wasn't that way at all! She seemed much more refined and smart like if she were literally the wisest pony ever!

"Ah, hello your highness how may I help you today?" the smart,unclumsy Derpy said.

"Well you see... this pony behind me looks as if he's not from this world, do you know of a way to send him back?" The kind Duchess says.

"Hmm... May I see him?" she asks Chrysalis.

"Oh right, of course let me get out of the way." Duchess Chrysalis says as she moves out the way and lets me pass by.

"Thanks." I said.

"Your definitely not from this world if your thanking somepony, come let us see if Sunset can help us, if not we could try to go to Princess Trixie and see if she could help." Derpy the Wise said.

"Trixie!? Bah yeah right! Like that boastful magician's gonna help me! She probably go on about how "Great and Powerful" she is!" I say in protest.

"Oh goodness no, my little Princess is nothing like that! Come I'll show you."Duchess Chrysalis says before teleporting herself and I to where Princess Trixie was.

...Only to to end up teleporting us right in front of a Rock Farm.

"Oh dear... I think this is the wrong place." Duchess Chrysalis says as she looked around.

"You think!? Heh, oh well let's go see if the locals are friendly." I said as I started to walk around for a little while until I had accidentally bumped into an awfully familiar yellow unicorn with a red and yellow mane, she even had the same sun like cutie mark.

"Oops, sorry about that! Are you alright?"the unicorn asks.

"I'll be fine but what are you doing here?" I said.

"Oh I'm helping Maud, she asked if I could help her with the rock farm while she's practicing for this Rock concert and I told that I could." She says.

"Hi Sunset! I was looking for you dearie!" I had heard Duchess Chrysalis say as she walked up to Sunset.

"Oh! Duchess! I almost didn't see you there! What do you need?" Sunset said.

"Well this pegasus next to me is not from this world and-" Duchess Chrysalis wasn't able to get another word in because a rather loud and obnoxious voice had interrupted her.

"Yo! That's awesome!" a grayish earth pony with a white t-shirt and a cutie mark of a rock with a party hat on it said.

"Maud... That really rude!" Sunset said.

"Heh, sorry 'bout that... But still this guy ROCKS!" Maud said.

"Oh, that's alright Maud, I actually wanted to know if either of you have seen Princess Trixie." Duchess Chrysalis said.

"Huh... I think she might still be at home resting after that whole Cadence thing..." Maud said.

Duchess Chrysalis shuddered at the name Cadence and had went quiet.

"I'm guessin' this Cadence pony ain't the nicest creature arond is she?"I said.

"N-no... No she isn't..."Duchess Chrysalis said.

All of a sudden we were all blinded by a bright blue light, when it faded a light blue Alicorn had appeared in front of us.

"Duchess Chrysalis! It's been a while!" The Alicorn said.

"Princess Trixie!" Duchess Chrysalis said before they both did this odd dance and then giggled.

"Uhh... So this is Princess Trixie then?" I said.

"Yes this her, She is a good friend of ours and she might be able to help you." Duchess Chrysalis says in a motherly tone."

"Help with what exactly?" Princess Trixie said.

"Well you see this pegasus here... He isn't from this world, can you help me return him home?" Duchess Chrysalis said.

"Of course Duchess consider it done!" Princess Trixie says before casting a spell that opened up a portal back to my world.

"Hey uh... Before I go, I'd like to thank all of you for helping me... Heh, see ya!" I had said before I went into the portal...

"Hey... Hey!... Wake up! Windfeather Wake up!" I hear a voice say as I regained consciousness after going through the portal.

"Wha.... What happened? Am I back?" I said as I looked around only to notice a familiar purple unicorn poking me with her hoof.

"Hi Windfeather! You've been for a while, I thought wouldn't wake up!" the unicorn said.

When I got up and my vision cleared I now realized who was next to me.... It was Glitter Brightstar.

"Gah! Glitter Brightstar!" I said in complete shock.

"And a hello to you too, Windfeather! Glad to see your awake! Now I can throw a Yay! Windfeather's Awake Party! Isn't that exciting!" she says happily while bouncing in place.

"great..." I had said sarcastically before Glitter dragged me away with her magic.

"Yay this gonna be so fun, I can't wait! We could invite Phoenix and Quartz and..." Glitter Brightstar just rambled on and on.

As she was rambling on about the ponies she was planning on inviting to her party, I had only one thought in my mind:("Why me?")

[The end...]

Author's Note:

I don't know if I want to feel bad for Windfeather or... , heh oh well at least he's home... Right?

( oh if anypony complains about why Ace Windfeather is even in this they will have to deal with an angry Glitter Brightstar...)

Comments ( 8 )

Hi Solarmoon here, just wanted to tell you all that I have a new story that will coming out Tomorrow called A Nightmare Night in the Different View Universe, yes in that world Celestia is Luna but I think it might be cool if the ponies celebrated some kind of holiday on All Hollows Eve so I'm going to write it as soon as I can...😊

Figured out what the posts have in common?

Toola is kind and friendly,and open to new ideas. She's also hyper,and likes to make ponies smile. However,she can be stubborn.

She wields the Element of Laughter.

Ignore the last post I posted here,alright?

The Great and Powerful TRRRRIXIE! Is Princess Celestia's student in this universe,and oh boy did her ego inflate because of that,as well as her insecurity(Personally,I think Trixie is insecure as well as boastful. It explains why Trixie said she was still better at magic than Twilight before she ran away in Boast Busters.). Other than that,Trixie's still the same as canon,except she's very loyal to her friends after the Nightmare Moon incident.

She wields the Element of Magic.

Figured out what the posts have in common?


It's a nice Au

Glitter Brightstar: hi I want to give you something!*gives invite*https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/784531/invitation-to-the-biggest-party-ever

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