• Published 2nd Sep 2017
  • 705 Views, 10 Comments

The Wild Crystalling - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily's first trip to the Crystal Empire for the baby's Crystalling has been turned upside down

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Chapter 4: Multiple Bonding Time

Back at Sunburst's house, Straight and Sunburst are having a cup of tea, and sitting at a table not saying a word. In fact, the two are not sure what to say to each other, or who should start. It's long since they've seen each other, that they are not sure what to say.

Sunburst breaks the silence, and says, "So... the Princess of Friendship wants you and I to be friends again?"

"Heh, I know, weird, right?" Starlight replies looking nervous and yet showing a smile on her face.

Sunburst adjust his glasses, and questionably asks, "Uh, I don't understand, did something happen to you after I left for magic school?"

"What?" Starlight shockley replies.

Starlight then nervously says as she pour a cup of tea, "No! I… I don't see what that has to do with anything. W… Why would you even ask that?"

However, Starlight is not seeing that she is overflowing her cup, and Sunburst can tell something's up, and wonder what can be wrong.

Starlight corrects herself, and asks as she put the pot down, "I mean, did something happen to you after you left for magic school?"

"What? Um, no. L… Like you said, I'm a… I… important wizard," Sunburst answers, sounding unsure about it.

Spike who is standing behind some books can see that the meeting is not looking very well. Mostly because the two are not talking very much, or not wanting to talk much about what they both been up too.

Spike looks at the list as he nervous says to himself, "I'm sure there's something on Twilight's list that can help here"

Outside of the palace where the Crystal Heart is, Applejack and the others are still trying to help Shining Armor with the preparations, but it's not helpful if Shining Armor is still panicking about the ceremony. Twilight and Pinkie comes out and become a bit concern seeing the prince is a panic.

Twilight questionably asks, "Um, what's going on?"

"Your brother is kind of having a panic attack," Rainbow bluntly answers.

"Oh boy," Twilight replies to the situation.

"So how was watching the baby, hope there wasn't too much trouble," Rarity asks.

Twilight rubs her head with a nervous reply, "Well, there were some complications.

Pinkie jumps in with a smile and explains, "Well the baby keeps flying all over the place and I was being dragged all over the floor, while Twilight keeps trying to stop the baby from zapping her magic all over the room. It would have gone forever if Tiger Lily hadn't been able to get her to relaxed and then sang a sweet song that put the baby to sleep."

After heading the story, the others are kind of surprised that the baby's been a hoof full for them, but at least glad that Tiger Lily is able to help them.

"Sounds to me like the new baby gave you a work out," Applejack says.

"Yeah. She's almost as fast as Rainbow Dash," Twilight replies.

Rainbow looks at Twilight with a confused look and says, "Almost fast, I'm way faster, but the baby has a long way to go if she's going to do better with her flying skills."

Then Rarity asks, "By the way, where is Tiger Lily?"

"She's still with the baby in the nursery," Twilight answers.

She then happily says, "And let's just say that she and the baby are becoming good friends. I think the baby is taking a shine to her."

The girls remember how the baby seems to take a liking to Tiger Lily, since she first lay eyes on her. It's like the two borned alicorns are becoming good friends, like the baby already has her first friend, After that, Rarity tells Twilight and Pinkie that they'll be ready for the Crystalling very soon, and ask Twilight and Pinkie to bring Tiger Lily and the baby. The two agree and leave to bring Tiger Lily and the baby pony.

Back in the nursery, Tiger Lily is still keeping an eye on the baby. Of course, the baby is still sleeping, and hasn't been into any mischief since Twilight and Pinkie leave the room. AS Tiger Lily is with the little baby, Twilight and Pinkie Pie walk into the room to see how Tiger Lily is doing with the baby.

"Hi Twilight. Hi Pinkie," Tiger Lily says.

"Hey Tiger Lily!" Pinkie shouts with excitement.

Twilight shushes Pinkie as she says, "Shhh! You don't want to wake up the baby."

"Oops, my bad, " Pinkie, replies quietly.

Twilight walks over to see the baby is still sleeping on her bed.

"So I'm guessing the baby hasn't caused iny trouble yet," Twilight supests.

"No, she's been sleeping peacefully, and been very sweet," Tiger Lily answers, with a smile.

The three leave the baby be, and make a circle among themselve, so they can discuss some smore.

"So, how is the ceremony going?" Tiger Lily asks.

"Well, the girls have been telling me that my brother had been having a bit of a panic because of the ceremony, but mostly because of him being a new father," Twilight answers.

"I guess that make since," Tiger Lily replies.

"But I'm sure things will come together for them," Twilight says.

"That sounds good," Tiger Lily replies.

Then Twilight says to Tiger Lily, "By the way, I also told the others that the baby have taken a liking to you. In fact, we all start to think that you in a way became the baby's first friend."

"You really think so?" Tiger Lily asks.

"I believe so," Twilight answers with a smile.

"I have to admit, the baby reminds me a lot of of me when I was small, and I was very curious as well. I actually like being around her." Tiger Lily says.

Then Tiger Lily asks, "I sometime wonder if it's alright if Cadence and Shining Armor let me watch her once and awhile?"

"I'm sure once they see how bonded you two are, I think they will approve the idea." Twilight replies.

Tiger Lily shyly nods her head, and really like to be with her some they don't know, is that Princess Cadence and the others princesses have been listening to the whole conversation. Just then, Princess CAdence has a great idea. The three princesses leave the hallway so they can go see how the ceremony is doing, and hopefully Twilight and the others will help out some more.

Then Pinkie says, "By the way, the others want us to head over to where the crystal heart is. It's almost time for the Crystalling to start."

Tiger Lily smiles and says, "Sounds good, I'll just bring the baby while she's asleep and…"

But before she can say anything, they start to hear baby noises behind Tiger Lily. The three ponies turn around to see the baby has woken up and start to fly all over the room again. Pinkie grabs hold of her, but the baby continues to drag her all around, just like before. The baby then starts to shoot magical beams again, as Twilight manages to stop them once more. Tiger Lily then decides to fly around hoping to tire the baby out. However, they don't have too much time, so Twilight comes up with an idea. Twilight uses her magic to create a protective bubble so the baby can't move around, and Pinkie keeps holding on to her. Tiger Lily stops flying to see the baby smiling at her. With that, Twilight uses her magic to carry the baby and Pinkie to the Crystalline with Tiger Lily flying next to the bubble.

Outside side of the palace where the Crystal Heart is the others are trying just about ready for the ceremony. Of course, Shining Armor is still trying to calm down while Rarity is brushing his mane. After his mane is fixed up and finally calmed down, Shining Armor is able to have everything together for the Crystalling Ceremony. Just then Princess Cadence and he two princess sisters arrive at the base where the heart is.

Shining Armor comes up to them finally calm down, and says, "Okay, I chose the honor guard, picked the purity crystal, and I know exactly who I want to be our crystaller."

"That's good," Princess Cadence says with a smile.

"And we also have something else accomplished as well," Cadence says with glee.

Shining Armor and the others look a bit confused to see Cadence smiling the way they are.

Shining Armor giggles a bit, and asks, "What are you smiling at?"

"Nothing much, it's just that I think I have in idea who should be the baby's godparent," Princess Cadence answers with a smile.

"That's good to know, who is it?" Shining Armor asks.

"You have to wait until after the ceremony and I know it will be a good idea to do so. All I can tell you is that she's really bonded with our little one," Princess Cadence says with a grin on her face.

"Okay, so, all we need is…" Shining says, trying to think of what else they need.

However, Cadence simply stares at her husband, and answers, "The baby?"

Shining Armor becomes shocked as she curls up his lips. He completely forgot about the whole point of the Crystalling.

However, Twilight's voice calls out, "We're here!"

Which makes Shining Armor relieve about it. Everypony look to see the new princess in a bubble while Pinkie is holding on to her. The bubble has been casted by Twilight, and Tiger Lily is flying next to the bubble so the baby can be happy. The baby flies around with Pinkie holding on to her.

Pinkie surprisingly says, "She's a really strong flyer!"

Everypony can see the baby is having a great time, and is happy. Twilight opens the bubble a little so Tiger Lily can hold the baby now. Once Tiger Lily gets a hold of the little alicorn, Pinkie let's go of her, and being levitated to Twilight in the bubble. Twilight burst the bubble putting Pinkie down after that.

Twilight pets the baby on the head with a smile, and says, "Come on sweetie, it's time for you to be with your mommy."

After ticking the baby a bit, Tiger Lily takes the little princess over to her mother. Cadence then uses her magic to take the baby from Tiger Lily's grasp, and place her in her hooves. However, as Tiger Lily leaves to be with her friends, the baby starts to whimper and reaches her hooves out for her, not wanting Tiger Lily to leave. The baby starts to whimper more, and her eyes become watery. The girls and the others are starting to notice. When the baby can't hold it anymore, the baby cries feeling like a sonic blast, after a short time she stops crying. However, the loud cry from the baby still the Crystal Heart, and then makes it crack all over. With that, the Crystal hart falls from the bias to the ground in little pieces. Everyone gasp to see the results of it, and know that this is bad, really bad.

"I'm guessin' that's gonna make it harder to do the Crystalling," Applejack worriedly replies.

Then Twilight says, "It's worse than that, without the Heart, the Crystal Empire's about to be buried under a mountain of ice and snow!"

She opens one of the curtains to see that dark clouds are forming, and strong weather of snow is on it's way. They all can see that Twilight is right, without the Crystal Heart, the empire will be covered in ice and snow, along with anypony who are living in there as well. They have a really bad situation that they need to fix, and fast.

Author's Note:

Uh oh, the crystal heart is shattered, will the girls, and the others be able to save the empire.