• Published 2nd Sep 2017
  • 705 Views, 10 Comments

The Wild Crystalling - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily's first trip to the Crystal Empire for the baby's Crystalling has been turned upside down

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Chapter 2: Friendship Trip

After a few days of getting things prepared, and other stuff they need to take care of, Twilight, and all of the others are on the train to the Crystal Empire for the baby's Crystalling. Hours later, the train is almost at the crystal empire, and everything is going well and can't wait to get there. However, Starlight is looking at the window feeling nervous and upset about seeing her old friend again. She look back to see that everypony are excited about going to the empire. Since they're almost to the empire, Starlight thinks it will be a good time to wake up Tiger Lily, since she's been sleeping for a while.

Starlight moves Tiger Lily head, and calmly says with a smile, "Tiger Lily, it's time to wake up,"

Hearing Starlight's voice, Tiger Lily wakes up and sits on the seat. She then rubs her eyes with her hooves and lets out a yawn.

"Are we there yet?" Tiger Lily asks feeling a bit tired.

"Almost," Starlight answers.

Starlight and Tiger Lily decide to look out the window to see. Tiger Lily becomes amazed to see the empire and the snow on the way there.

"Wow, look at all that snow," Tiger Lily says looking astonished.

"Yeah," Starlight replies with a small smile.

The two are pretty excited about going to empire to see the Crystalling for themselves. They never been to the empire, so they can't wait to see what the place has in store. However, Tiger Lily notices a sad look on Starlight's face, and knows why.

Tiger Lily hugs Starlight, so she can make sure feel better, and asks, "Still nervous about seeing Sunburst?"

"Yeah," Starlight sadly answers.

Tiger Lily can understand why Starlight is feeling worried. She's ever afraid that Sunburst will be a wizard or scared on what Sunburst will think when he find out what she has done in the past. Tiger Lily knows she need to make a new friend in the empire, but Starlight seems to be more important right now. As they wait, the others are waiting to be at the empire to see the baby, and they all have their own gifts as well. Rainbow yawns for a bit, then notice Applejack having a secret surprise under the sheet,

Rainbow asks, "Um, Applejack, what is that?"

"Oh, just a little somethin' for the young'un," Applejack answers.

Applejack takes the sheet off of her surprise to show it to the others. When the sheet is off, the girls can see that Applejack's gift is a yellow crib, with apples on it.

Then Applejack explains, "Made from genuine Sweet Apple Acres apple trees. We make 'em for all the Apples, and anypony related to Twilight is practically family."

"Wow, it looks so pretty," Tiger Lily replies, interested on seeing the cirb.

"Thanks," Applejack says with a smile.

Rainbow flies past the others as she says, "Yeah, it's okay, but it's no Cloudsdale mobile!"

"Bam!" Rainbow exclaims presenting the mobile for the baby.

Rainbow mobile has four bars around it, and each of them has a rainbow, cloud, and a lighting bolt. It also has a cloud and a ribbon in the middle.

"Ooh!" Rarity and Pinkie replies, admiring Rainbow's gift.

"Pretty!" Pinkie adds as she touches on of the chain.

However one of the chain falls off and hits the ground. Luckily, Starlight uses her magic to pick it up, and puts it back on the mobile.

Applejack says, "Well, a mobile is real nice... as long as you have somethin' to lay in so you can look at it,"

"And a fetching blanket to keep you warm," Rarity adds putting the blanket in the mobile.

Then Twilight says with a smile, "I'm sure Shining Armor and Princess Cadance will love all our gifts, but I think they're more happy we'll be attending the baby's Crystalling."

"Ooh! I can't wait to see all that light and love make the Crystal Heart even more sparkly and shiny!" Pinkie cheerfully says, while jumping up and down.

Then Twilight says, "Actually, Pinkie, the Crystal Heart is an ancient and powerful relic. Without its magic, the Crystal Empire would be lost to the Frozen North."

"Sound to me like it could be really cold over there," Tiger Lily replies not sounding sure about this part.

But Twilight calmly says, "Don't worry, the Crystal Heart will make sure the cold air stays out,"

"Wow, this Crystalling sounds pretty important. I'd understand if you wanted to... you know... wait to do a different friendship lesson when we get back," Starlight nervously replies.

But Twilight says with excitement, "Are you kidding? This trip is perfect! Not only do I get to see the baby and take part in the ceremony that helps maintain the magic of the Crystal Empire, but I'm starting both of my pupils off with the most amazing friendship lesson ever! I can't wait!"

"Right... Me neither…" Starlight nervously replies.

Starlight turn to see Spike and Tiger Lily. Even though they are not saying it, they are showing that Starlight should tell Twilight what's on her mind. Starlight agrees with them and decides to tell her.

Starlight turns to Twilight, and nervously says, "Actually, Twilight, I am a little worried about meeting Sunburst."

"Oh, trust me. I know what it's like to see old friends, but I'll be right there to help things along. I've broken the whole lesson down into a few easy steps to ensure this reunion goes off without a hitch!" Twilight says feeling excited.

Twilight then shows Starlight a very long list for Starlight's friendship lesson.

Twilight then turns to Tiger Lily and says, "And Tiger Lily since you are fully opening up to other, I'm sure if you just be yourself you'll be able to make a new friend here as well."

"Okay, but don't you think the list you made is a bit much," Tiger Lily says, looking at the list.

Spike leans over to Tiger Lily and Starlight, and whispers, "This is Twilight after all."

"I heard that," Twilight says looking a bit annoyed to hear it.

Starlight, Spike, and Tiger Lily start giggling while their hooves or claws are over their mouth. Sometime later, The train has stop at the Crystal Empire train station. When the stain stops at the station, the girls, and Spike exit the train with their gifts.

"Step one, head to Sunburst's house and get you two started on the right hoof. Step two, get to the castle with enough time to visit the ba…" Twilight says as she tells Starlight the list, but then bumps into somepony.

Twilight looks up to see her older brother, Shining Armor.

"Shining Armor!" Twilight happily says with excitement.

"Twilight...!" Shining Armor cheerfully says, but looking a bit tired.

"I didn't know you were meeting us!" Twilight says.

"Of course I am! It's me, right here. Here I am. Why wouldn't I come meet my sister? Though we have met before, heh-heh…" Shining Armor replies looking rather tired.

In fact, the girls and Spike can tell something wrong.

Twilight asks, "Are you alright?"

"I have to agree with Twilight, you look rather tired," Tiger Lily replies.

"Never better! Being a father is amazing! And wonderful, and amazing, and confusing, and amazing, but surprising too, you know? I mean, not that you'd know. You wouldn't know, I know... You know?" Shining Armor franticly replies.

He then sighs a bit, and says, "Sorry. I haven't really slept since Cadance had the baby. Come to think of it, she hasn't either. It sure would be great to get a break."

The girls especially Twilight can tell Shining Armor is very tired.

"Oh, of course! I don't know what I was thinking! You two probably need all kinds of help! Twilight says, understanding the situation.

Twilight turns to Starlight and Tiger Lily as she says, "I'm sorry, girls, but I guess combining your lessons with this visit wasn't such a good idea."

"Oh, uh, don't be ridiculous! You're an aunt now! That's way more important than some friendship lesson," Starlight nervously replies.

"I just wish there was a way to all three at the same time," Twilight replies.

Spike looks at the list, and then comes up with an idea.

Spike turns to the others and says, "Maybe there is! You've already done the work for Starlight's lesson with this list. All we have to do is follow it!"

"Spike, you're a genius!" Twilight says, approving the ideal.

"Yeah…" Starlight nervously replies.

Then grits her teeth and says, "Genius."

"Then it's settled! Shining Armor and I will head straight to the castle, and you two can head straight to Sunburst's!" Twilight says.

Spike salutes to Twilight and says, "Aye-aye, Princess!"

Spike then walks away to head towards the city.

"Uh-huh," Starlight nervously replies.

Starlight then starts to follow Spike to the empire. Tiger Lily feels a bit worried for Starlight, and wants to go help Starlight.

Tiger Lily runs to Starlight and asks, "If you want, I can come with you?"

"You don't have too, this is my friendship lesson, and this is something that I kind have to do on my own. Plus, you have your own lesson to make friends with ponies at the empire, and I'm sure you can do it," Starlight says nervous, yet sure of it.

Tiger Lily looks a bit concern, and says, "If you say so."

"Good luck with Sunburst," Tiger Lily replies.

"And good luck on meeting a new friend here," Starlight replies.

The two then give each other a hug wishing each other good luck. After the hug, the two go on their separate ways, while Starlight is going to rekindle her old friendship, Tiger Lily is going to stay with the others. Twilight and the others can see how close the two have becomes since Starlight is staying in Ponyville.

"Those two have become really close, like how family should be," Fluttershy says with glee.

"You right, I think it's wonderful to see them like a family. They're almost like sisters," Twilight agrees.

Twilight turns to her brothers, and happily says, "Alright, big brother, let's go see this amazing baby pony!"

Twilight and others look at Shining Armor to see he is asleep while standing on his four hooves.

"He's asleep?" Tiger Lily questionably replies.

The girls then giggle as they see Twilight's older brother sleeping.

Shining Armor mutters in his sleep, "Ahhh... the baby…"

The girls continue to giggle and try not to wake up Shining. Of course, they do need him up because of the Crystalling. After carefully waking him up, Shining Armor leads the girls to the Crystal Palace so they can see the new baby. Of course, Tiger Lily is amazed to see the different ponies and how different the city is. It's make Tiger Lily wonder if any of the crystal ponies will like her because she's different from everypony. In her thoughts, she think that if Twilight and everypony else likes her, then there has to be somepony in the empire will want to be her friend.

In the streets of the empire, Starlight and Spike are heading towards Sunburst's house. Starlight is still feeling very worried about seeing her old friend again.

Spike reads the list as he says, "I know you're a little worried about this reunion, but I'm sure Twilight's got everything covered."

"Everything except how I'd rather do absolutely anything else," Starlight bluntly replies.

"Oh, I bet she's taken that into account too. It's all part of the lesson. Trust the lesson," Spike says.

"Right…" Starlight says while rolling her eyes.

As Starlight and Spike head towards the house, Starlight is starting to feel very nervous about seeing Sunburst.

Starlight sighs sadly and says, "Maybe Tiger Lily should come with us."

"Why?" Spike asks.

"Because there are so many crystal ponies out on the street, and there has to be one she'll be friends with," Starlight explains.

"Yeah, but…" Spike replies.

However, Starlight sighs sadly and says, "I know, I should have let her, then I wouldn't be so nervous about seeing Sunburst."

Starlight knows that she needs to think of a way to get herself out of this. Starlight shows a smug on her face to see something she can use to get herself out of the lesson.

"Hey, i-is that... you?" Starlight asks looking at the statue of Spike holding the crystal heart.

"Oh, yep, it sure is! Now, according to the list, Sunburst's house is…" Spike says reading the map.

Starlight cut off Spike's speaking, and asks, "Why is there a statue of you in the Crystal Empire?"

A female crystal pony comes over and happily says, "Because Spike the Brave and Glorious saved all of us from King Sombra!"

"And then again during the Equestria Games!" Another mare crystal pony adds.

"Really?" Starlight asks

"Really!" a male crystal pony says.

He then tells Spike, "Big fan."

Then the pony leaves. Starlight has a plan in order to make sure they don't reach Sunburst's house.

Starlight comes over to Spike and asks, "Um, when were you going to tell me about this?"

"Nah, it's no big deal," Sike says.

Just then some of the crystal ponies says with excitement, "It most certainly is!"

Then all the ponies leave. Starlight can see Spike is a big shot here.

Starlight then pulls out a chair and says, "That's it! We're not going anywhere until I get the whole story!"

Spike takes a seat on the chair, and brings herself some popcorn.

Shen then tells Spike, "And maybe you can tell Tiger Lily about it later, she'll love to hear it."

Spike then start to explain the story to the crystal ponies and Starlight. Of course, this is something Starlight want to hear, and it will keep them distracted from reaching Sunburst's house. Back at the Crystal Palace, Shining Armor are in front of the room where the baby will be at. Of course, Shining Armor has something important to say.

Shining Armor nervously says, "Before we go in, I should probably tell you. Seeing the baby might be a bit of a shock"

"Come on, big brother. I've met babies before. I expect meeting this one won't be any different," Twilight says opening the door.

She and the others along with Shining Armor walk into the room to see Princess Cadance, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna in the room. On the bed, they can see the baby wrapped up in her blanket sleeping. The baby has light pink fur, pink shaded to purple mane with sky blue streaks in her mane with curls at the ends. From the looks of it, the baby is a unicorn filly. The girls smiles so see the baby, and are excited for her first day.

The baby then starts to move around a bit, and then exposes something else about her. The girls are shocked to see the baby has wings as well and opens her eye .The baby wings are light pink then expanded to a darker pink shade, and light blue eyes. She is wearing a blue diaper. The baby makes cooing and other baby noise as she lies on the bed.

"Of course, I could be wrong," Twilight replies in surprise.

This news is a shock for everypony in the room, especially for Tiger Lily. She is actually meeting a baby who is born an alicorn just like she is. She start to wonder how is it possible. In fact, she's still wondering how it's possible that she's born an alicorn herself. She knows one thing, this is going to be an interesting encounter and an interesting day.

Author's Note:

Next time, Tiger Lily spends time with the new baby while Starlight tries to meet her old friend.