• Published 2nd Sep 2017
  • 705 Views, 10 Comments

The Wild Crystalling - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily's first trip to the Crystal Empire for the baby's Crystalling has been turned upside down

  • ...

Chapter 1: The Crystalling Question

The sun starts to rise in the sky and some of the ponies and animals are starting to wake up and go around their daily routines. At the outskirt of Ponyville, in Tiger Lily's bedroom, she is starting to wake up as well. It's been a over a month since the incident with time traveling, but everyday is like it is. However, Tiger Lily noticed a rose made out of crystal on her desk .Tiger Lily suspect that her special admirer had left it for her after he revived the gift from her.

Tiger Lily smiles at the small crystal rose and says, "Another present, and that means whoever he is got mine."

Tiger Lily then remembers about having to do to the castle today to talk about a very special trip to the Crystal Empire for Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's baby that is about to be born very soon, but no pony knows. Plus, Twilight is going to give her and Starlight some friendship lessons while she's there. After eating her breakfast, gathering her saddlebag and the rose, and she sets off to Twilight's castle, which isn't very long since Tiger Lily is able to teleport herself there. Tiger Lily opens the door to see Straight walking around.

Tiger Lily smiles and says, "Morning Starlight."

"Morning Tiger Lily, how are you doing?" Starlight asks with glee.

"I'm fine," Tiger Lily replies back happily.

Starlight can tell Tiger Lily feels extra happy today. She then notices a small crystal rose inside of her saddlebag, and suspect why she's happy.

She make a suspecting smug on her face, and asks, "So, got another gift from your secret admirer?"

Tiger Lily starts to blush a little bit, seeing that Starlight suspicion is correct.

She takes out the crystal rose and says, "Yes, my admirer left this for me on my desk."

"It must be sweet that you got someone who really admires you. I wonder who your secret admirer is?" Starlight replies with a smile.

"I don't know, but I wish I can meet him," Tiger Lily says with a shy smile.

Then Tiger Lily asks, "So what are you doing today?"

"Well, I went to see Twilight earlier and she has overdone it with some friendship lessons for us," Starlight explains.

Tiger Lily giggles and says, "That's Twilight alright.

"Right now, I'm going to see the others about our trip to the Crystal Empire to see the new baby," Starlight adds.

"I know, this is my first time to go over them, I can't wait to see what's the place is like," Tiger Lily says.

"Me too," Starlight agrees.

Then Starlight asks, "You wanna come with me to the throne room?"

"Sure," Tiger Lily answers.

Agreeing to the idea, Starlight and Tiger Lily start to make their way to the throne room to go see the others. In the throne room, The girls including Spike are discussing about the upcoming event called The Crystalling for Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's baby that will be coming soon. However, they are having trouble discussing about it.

"Well, I think we should leave ASAP. I don't want to miss the Crystalling!" Rainbow complains.

But Fluttershy shyly suggests, "But, um, shouldn't we wait for the invitation?"

"Frankly, I'm not exactly clear on all the customs and traditions of the Crystal Empire, especially when it comes to a Crystalling," Applejack replies looking a bit confused.

As they are talking, Starlight and Tiger Lily walk into the room to catch up with the conversation.

Tiger Lily happily says, "Hi guys."

"Hi," The girls reply.

"So how are you two doing?" Pinkie asks with glee.

"Nothing much," Tiger Lily answers.

Then Starlight says with a smug on her face, "Other than the fact that Tiger Lily had just got a special something from her special somepony."

The girls then show a smile to hear that Tiger Lily has received another gift from her secret lover. Tiger Lily blushes hearing it.

Rarity smiles and says, "Ooh, what he gave you this time?"

Tiger Lily brings out the crystal rose, and says, "I got a crystal rose from him, and it looks lovely."

"Wow, it looks very nice," Fluttershy says with glee.

"You must be lucky to have someone who love ya very much," applejack says.

Tiger Lily nods her head, and says, "Yeah, I think it's sweet, but I wish I can know who he is. He never even gave me his name."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find him," Starlight says with reassurance.

Then Starlight faces the other and asks, "But on to your discussion, what's a Crystalling?"

"That's right, does it have something to do with our trip," Tiger Lily asks with curiosity.

Rarity looks and sounds a bit unsure as she answers, "Well, that's just it, darling. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's baby is due any day, and we're still not sure. The Crystal Empire was gone for a thousand years. A lot of their customs are a bit murky."

"We know it's got somethin' to do with the new baby," applejack says.

"And a party!" Pinkie adds with a rushed voice.

"And the Crystal Heart," Fluttershy adds.

"And a party!" Pinkie repeats herself in a rush voice.

"And some kinda cool energy," Rainbow adds.

"And... a party!" Pinkie rushly adds while spreading confetti all over the room.

Then Spike puts his book down as he says, "It's not hard to understand. Most things in the Crystal Empire aren't."

"Like how I'm a big hero there, for example!" Spike adds holding a poster of him holding a crystal heart.

The girls look a bit blunt to hear it while Rarity tries her best not to laugh. Tiger Lily and Starlight are looking a bit confused about it, and wonder why he even has it.

Spike feels a bit embarrassed and put the poster down as he says, "Eh... plus, I've had to help Twilight do a lot of research on Crystallings."

"So what happens?" Tiger Lily asks.

"I'll show you," Spike says.

Spike then bring a crystal vase on the table that has pictures of the Crystaling, and shows each of the pictures and explains, "Whenever a baby is born in the Crystal Empire, the parents bring it before the Crystal Heart. They get the purest shard of crystal they can find, then pick a crystaller to present the baby to everypony who comes. Then they all share the light and joy they feel, feeding it into the crystal that joins with the Heart, and increases its power! And this is going to be a royal Crystalling, so pretty much the whole empire will show up. That hasn't happened in a millennia!"

"What do you mean it increases the Crystal Heart's power?" Starlight says.

"The energy it uses to protect the Crystal Empire, I guess" Spike suspects.

"Protect it from what?" Tiger Lily asks.

"I... didn't help Twilight with that part," Spike answers, looking unsure about that detail.

Tiger Lily and Starlight have become quite curious about the Crystaling and they like to know more about it. After the discussion, Starlight decides to take Tiger Lily to Twilight. When they go into the room, they can see that Twilight is busy looking at some papers. The two decide to walk in and ask Twilight their question.

As they walk in Starlight calls out, "Hey Twilight, I'm back and Tiger Lily is here too."

"Hi Starlight. Hi Tiger Lily, how are you doing?" Twilight asks with glee.

"Doing fine," Tiger Lily answers.

Starlight thinks it will be a good idea to ask Twilight more about the empire and the crystalling.

Starlight asks"Say Twilight, I and Tiger Lily like to ask you something about the Crystal Empire and The Crystalling."

"Funny that you mentioned it, because I have narrowed your friendship lesson to three options and I thought it will be a good idea for you two to do lesson together. One of my options is at the Crystal Empire," Twilight says holding out two pairs of three papers.

Then Twilight says, "I think it will be a good idea for Tiger Lily to have a crystal pony for a friend."

"And what's the lesson for me," Starlight asks.

With a grin on her face, Twilight happily says, "I found out that's where the first pony you ever cared about lives!"

"Sunburst?" Starlight says with a quiet surprise.

Starlight then turns her head as Twilight explains her other friendship ideas for her and Tiger Lily. Tiger Lily think the lessons are nice, but turns her head to see Starlight showing a scared and nervous look on your face.

Tiger Lily comes over and asks, "Starlight, are you okay?"

Starlight break out of her thoughts to see Tiger Lily and Twilight showing concern looks on her faces.

Starlight makes up a quick excuse and says, "I'm fine, just that Twilight sure make some interesting option, might be hard to chose,"

"I know! I guess you were right… it is gonna be hard to choose one!" Twilight says sounding excited.

"...Yeah," Starlight nervously replies.

Starlight then decides to leave the room while Twilight continues to do some work. Tiger Lily is growing quite concern, and she knows why. So she decides to follow her, to see if there anything for she do to cheer up Starlight. However, Starlight is not in the mood to talk. Starlight opens one of the doors hoping it will be her rooms but it's not. Instead, cleaning supplies have fallen on her. Tiger Lily quickly uses her magic to put the supplies back in the room, and closes the door.

Tiger Lily asks

Starlight groans with annoyance and says, "Ugh! I am never gonna find my way around this place!"

Spike comes out of one of the rooms hearing the noise, and asks, "Gee, Starlight, what's wrong?"

"Yeah, you've been acting strange, and I think I know why," Tiger Lily replies.

Starlight can see she is unable to hide this anymore, and there's no way out of it.

Starlight sighs and says, "I don't know, guys. Twilight's figuring out what my first friendship lesson is, and I guess I'm not exactly thrilled with the options. Well... with one of them."

"Which one?" Spike asks.

Starlight feels very sad and worried about telling them.

Tiger Lily comforts Starlight and says, "Starlight, it's okay, it's okay."

Tiger Lily then turns to Spike and explains, "Starlight is a little nervous about being reunited with her old friend, Sunburst. According to Twilight, he lives in the Crystal Empire."

"Really, but what's so bad about it?" Spike asks.

"Does this have something to do about your friendship being broken up?" Tiger Lily suspects.

Starlight sighs and decides to explain to her the whole story, "When we were foals, Sunburst knew everything there was to know about magic. He always knew just what to do. And he was always there to help me. I guess it's not surprising that Sunburst got his cutie mark in magic and... went off to Princess Celestia's school. But when he left…"

"You blamed cutie marks and stripped a whole village of theirs, and when Twilight and the others stopped you, you went back in time and almost destroyed Equestria," Spike bluntly adds.

Tiger Lily doesn't like that, like, at all.

She Tiger Lily scolds him, "Spike, that's not a nice thing to say."

"No, but he's right. It's not really stuff I'm super eager to tell Sunburst about. I mean, he's probably some big important wizard now, and... I can't even find my way around Twilight's castle."

"How do you know he is, you could be wrong?" Tiger Lily asks with concern.

"I just do," Starlight says feeling sad.

"Well, if Sunburst is that good at magic, maybe he'd appreciate your, uh... those exploits," Spike says, but nervously adds the last part.

Then Tiger Lily says, "I'm sure if you explain to Twilight, I'm sure she'll understand,"

"I know, but I don't want her to think I'm not ready to learn or that I'm not grateful for everything she's doing," Starlight says, still feeling worried.

Tiger Lily smile smiles and says, "I doubt Twilight will think that. She's your friend Starlight, I'm sure she'll understand."

Starlight smiles back and says, "Thanks."

Starlight and Tiger Lily give each other a hug with calm smiles. Spike is glad to see the two are getting close, since they first realizes they are family.

Just then Twilight calls out for the balcony, "Spike! Come quick!"

Spike runs outside of the balcony with Starlight and Tiger Lily along with him. They can see Twilight is very excited about something special. As they look at the sky, they can feel a strong wind blowing. Then a snowflake comes into the sky heading towards uses her wing to catch the snowflake. The three look a the snowflake too for a closer look.

"Wow, it looks pretty!" Tiger Lily complements.

"It's a snowflake," Starlight replies.

As they look at the snowflake, they can see a small pink paper on it. The small paper unfolds itself to see a letter on the paper, which can only mean one thing.

"It's a Crystalling invitation!" Spike says with excitement.

"Shining Armor's a father! I'm an aunt!" Twilight says feeling so happy for the news to come.

"I'm so happy for you Twilight," Tiger Lily giving Twilight a hug.

"And I'm sure you'll be a great aunt," Starlight complements.

"Thank you," Twilight replies.

Starlight looks at the invitation and asks, "So did it say anything about the baby?"

"It sure did, it says that Shining Armor and Cadence have a brand new daughter," Twilight says.

Just then Twilight has an idea, and announces to the three friends, "Well, this settles it! Since we're going to the Crystal Empire, Starlight, your first friendship lesson is going to be... reuniting with Sunburst, and Tiger Lily is going to make her first friend in the Crystal Empire!"

"That sounds fun," Tiger Lily says looking excited.

However Starlight nervously laughs, and quietly says, "Great…"

Going to the Crystal Empire for The Crystalling is one thing, but Starlight reuniting with her old friend is something else. Starlight starts to feel very scared about seeing her old friend again after so long, and not sure what to do. On the other hoof, Tiger Lily seems also excited about going to the empire, and Starlight doesn't want her worried to direct Tiger Lily's time and lesson for making a new friend. So after telling their friends, they decide to pack everything they need for the Crystalling, and it will be an amazing event.

Author's Note:

Next time, the friends arrive at the empire, and will end up getting a big shock.