• Published 27th Nov 2017
  • 1,275 Views, 32 Comments

Sunset's Redemption - ThomasZoey3000

Sunset Returns to Equestria to try making amends with other ponies, but her visit is met with surprises, betrayals and plots to get back at her.

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The Day After

Chapter 9: The Day After

Dark lines were under Sunset's eyes. After making the annoucement that she was going to return to the human world and never return to Equestria, she stayed awake, writing to her friends and letting them know that everything had fallen apart on her. Applejack wasn't the only one who wrote back to her as Sunset discovered. They were all at a sleepover when the messages started coming threw, and each one wrote to her. Rainbow Dash even said, 'we're here for you Sunset if you ever want to talk about it'. Sunset had smiled for the first time since the whole mess began.

Now it was morning, and it was time for Sunset to leave forever. However, she wasn't going to leave unless she had a disguise on.

"I'm sorry my dear," said Twilight Velvet, "but all I got is a big coat, sunglasses and a big hat."

"That will do. I'll make sure to give them back to Twilight later, and she can return them to you. I promise you, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Twilight Velvet smiled and gave the outfit to Sunset. A few minutes later, she had the entire outfit on.

"How do I look?"

"If I didn't know that was you in that disguise, I swear you were a different pony," said Spike.

Sunset sighed, "well at least I'll be able to slip threw town without getting attacked by a mob." She then turned to Twilight Sparkle, "I want to leave, but I don't want you to get in trouble with your friends. We'll go say good-bye, then we'll leave. But promise me, if you see any of my former friends or my former family, don't tell them it's me in this disguise."

"I don't know Sunset."

"Pinkie Promise me, please!" she begged.

Twilight sighed, "very well, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

With the promise now made, the trio said good bye to the Sparkle family and began making their way into town.

In town, Silver Swirls was doing some shopping, but she wasn't feeling very cheerful. She thought after finally giving Sunset the cold shoulder that she'd feel good, but instead she felt awful. But why? Sunset had done so many bad things in the past, "she deserves that and so much more," she said to herself, "but still..."

"Doesn't feel good does it?"

Silver Swirls looked up and saw Honey Tree coming over towards her, "no it doesn't feel good. Sunset wanted to talk to me yesterday, but I closed my shop before she could even say a word. She may have been rude in the past, but I think I was worse."

"I think we all were. I spoke with Octivia and Music Note, and both feel guilty for ignoring Sunset. Octivia even said the guards didn't need to take her too seriously about not letting her into the concert hall."

"You know what I think?"


"I think we had Sunset all wrong. Now that I think about it, if she does live on another world, she made the whole journey just to see us, yet we listen to her father and pretty much just tell her to get lost."

Honey Tree nodded in agreement, "I will admit, I enjoyed listening to her stories when we all went to dinner."

"Yeah, so did I."

An idea came to the two ponies' heads, they knew what to do. They walked over to the Shimmer family house, and knocked on the door, "Mr Shimmer," said Silver Swirls, "we'd like to return our bits to you. We want Sunset as a friend, not an enemy." Both ponies dropped their bits in front of him, "now where's Sunset, we want to talk to her."

"She's not here," he answered.

"Well where did she go?" asked Honey Tree.

"Go on Moon, tell them," said his wife angerily. "Tell them what you said to Sunset Shimmer last night."

He didn't say a word though. Sunrise sighed and walked up to the door, "I'm sorry girls, but I'm afraid you might be too late. Sunset was kicked out by Moon Crest last night, and it's possible she might've left Canterlot."

Both ponies gasped over the information, "you kicked your own daughter out?" asked Honey Tree in shock.

Again, Moon Crest said nothing. He still believed there was one side to the story, but his father's words were playing on his mind. He wasn't sure of what he should do.

"I'm glad to hear you both decided to go aganist Moon's words, but I really wish you had just given her a chance."

"So do we," agreed Silver Swirls. "Thanks anyways, Mrs Shimmer, if Sunset does come back, will you tell her we want to see her?"

Sunrise was about to answer that when Moon Crest piped up, "She's never coming back, you understand that?!"

Both ponies backed up uneasily, "geez, if you hadn't kicked her out, I'm sure Sunset would've left on her own accord." And the two ponies left.

Sunrise stared angerily at her husband, "so it's not enough that you hold a hatred towards your daughter, but you also hold a hatred towards those who actually care about her?"

"Sunrise, I didn't mean..."

"Oh I know what you meant, so I guess this mean you're going to hate Sunny Rays too, cause she's not giving up on Sunset, and neither am I!" She stormed off, went up the stairwell and walked into Sunny Ray's room, "Sunny, you want to find Sunset?"

"Yes I do."

"Then come on, let's go find her."

Sunny Rays dropped her building blocks and jumped onto her mother's back. They then made their way down the stairs and towards the front door, where they found Moon Crest standing in the same spot he had been in before.

"You can stand there like the fool you are, but you won't stop us."

With that, they walked out into town. Moon Crest stayed still for a moment, then left to follow his family. His intensions, he wasn't quite sure.

At Donut Joe's shop, Twilight, Spike and Sunset Shimmer met up with Twilight's childhood friends. Moondancer, Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts and even Lyra Heartstrings, who had just arrived on the train from Ponyville. Moondancer had already told them of what happened to Sunset.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Minuette asked kindly.

"Same as yesterday, only worse," Sunset groaned as she sat down.

Twilight motioned for Spike to get them some donuts, then she turned her attention back to Sunset, "are you sure you want to leave so soon? I mean, what about Sunny Rays? Doesn't your sister deserve a chance to say good-bye?"

Sunset shook her head, "my dad won't allow that to happen. Oh sorry, my former father." Sunset wanted to cry, but in a public place like this, it was better if she didn't.

"Believe me, I know the pain you're going threw," said Moondancer. "I once held a party for all my friends, but Twilight Sparkle didn't show up as she was moving to Ponyville. She didn't say good-bye, I felt betrayed by my friend, which made me decide never to bother with friendships ever again. In spite of these guys always asking me to join them."

"We really did try to help her," added Twinkleshine.

"Yes, but only after Twilight threw a party for me, and apologized for what happened that the pain and suffering I had gone threw finally went away, and it made me feel so much better. Who knows, maybe your dad's got second thoughts about what he did."

"I don't know if that's true," Sunset sighed as Spike returned with the donuts.

He picked one up and was about to eat it, when he noticed two ponies walking past the shop, "isn't that Silver Swirls and Honey Tree?"

Twilight looked outside, "that is them, but what are they looking for?"

"For sure it's not me, unless they want to teach me more lessons."

All the same, Sunset kept her head down. The two ponies looked into the shop, but they couldn't see Sunset threw her disguise. Disappointed, they continued on.

"I deserve this punishment and so much more."

"Hey come on, that's not the Sunset Shimmer we've come to know," smiled Twilight and nudged her a bit with her hoof. "You've pulled everyone together during the..."

"Yes I get it, but this is different. Over there, I had done only a small bit of damage. Here in Equestria, I've had years to cause trouble, so it's harder to mend everything when the scars of the past come back to bite me in the flank."

"Well with all due respect, nopony deserves any of the treatment you've gone threw."

"Uh excuse me," said Minuette, "but when you said 'over there' and then mentioned Equestria, what did you mean by that?"

"I live in another world with different creatures," Sunset anwered.

"I'll explain everything later," Twilight said. From the corner of her eye, she noticed two other ponies walking around, "Sunset, isn't that your mother and sister?"

Sunset looked, sure enough it was them. A smile came to Sunset's face, but then it turned into a frown when she saw her father behind them.

"You do care about your sister don't you?"

Sunset nodded and sighed unhappily. "I don't mean to rush, but I would like to leave before we get spotted."

"Oh sorry Sunset, I'll try and make this quick."

Outside, Sunrise and Sunny Rays were looking all around for Sunset, "she's just got to be here. She wouldn't really leave without saying good-bye, would she?" Sunny Rays asked her mother.

"I don't know. Judging from what your father said though, she might've gotten the impression that he wants her out of town forever too."

"But that's not true, I want her to be here."

"So do I sweetheart, and that's why we're searching for her. We go to the ends of Equestria to find her."

And with that, the two ponies continued their search. Moon Crest stopped at a street corner, his father's words playing on his mind once more. He then spotted another pony coming his way, it was Pen Pal.

"So Mr Shimmer, what did you think of my entire yesterday, pretty good huh?"

"Well I found I couldn't put it down," Moon Crest said quietly.

"I know, alot of ponies told me that. But oh boy is Sunset ever in trouble now. I take it you've given her just desserts at this point and time?"

Moon Crest nodded unhappily and admitted, "I kicked her out of the house, and the family."

Pen Pal jumped back in shock, but then he smirked, "good on you Mr Shimmer, that will show her what happens when she messes with other ponies. Personally, I would've loved to teach her some more lessons, but hey, I love what you did."

"My wife and daughter don't want to speak to me though."

"They'll get over it. The sooner Sunset's a memory of the past, the better, that's what I say."

Pen Pal walked away with the smug satisfaction that he had won, but still, he wanted more out of his revenge. So he began making a plan.

It wasn't long afterwords that Twilight, Sunset and Spike left the shop and were now making their way to the train station.

"If you want Sunset, Spike and I can go with you back to the human world and help in any way we can," Twilight offered.

"Thanks Twilight, but I think I'll be alright once I get home." Sunset sighed before continuing, "I've got a messy apartment back home anyways that needs to be cleaned up, that will hopefully take my mind off things."

"And stay close to your friends, I'm sure they can help you too."

"I know that," Sunset nodded.

Back in town, the search was still going on. Sunrise had to stop for a bit to catch her breath, "that's something else about Sunset that you both have in common, you sure know how to hide."

"But now is not a good time to hide," said Sunny Rays.

"Indeed not," said another voice. Both mother and daughter looked to see Pen Pal walking up towards them. They were not happy to see him, "oh what's with the unhappy faces? I thought you'd be happy with her gone."

"Despite your hatred towards her, she is still my little girl," snapped Sunrise, "and nothing you write about will make me stop loving her."

"Same here," agreed Sunny Rays.

Pen Pal shook his head, "really? You both still care about her, after all she's put everypony threw, it's shocking. Mr Shimmer certainly knows better, that's why I asked him to tell me what he really thinks about Sunset."

Sunrise shook her head, "you know what? I'm starting to see what Sunset was saying about you. She said you were a horrible pony, and I can see she was right."

"You chose to believe her and not a sensible pony like myself? I'd say you're being foolish Mrs Shimmer."

"She is not!" snapped Sunny Rays.

"Sunset Shimmer is the rudest pony I've ever met, and besides being rude, she's demending and self-asorbed. She would look elsewhere when we went out, that's why I ended things with her."

"And you also believe your own lies, she mentioned that too," said Sunrise angerily. "And for the record, she said she dumped you."

"Of course she'd say that, but honestly, I feel like we should stop our argument. For you see, I have a little plan to get Sunset out of hiding, so we can finally teach her an ultimate lesson, but in order for it to work, I'll need somepony's help."

Sunrise backed up angerily, "I will never help you Pen Pal."

"Oh I wasn't talking about you, I know Sunset hates you. I was actually talking about the only pony she hasn't had much time to torment."

Sunrise gasped, "You will not be using my daughter to trap my other one."

"Sorry Mrs Shimmer, but it's for your family and everypony else's sakes." His horn lit up and the duo were frozen solid. He then used his magic to move Sunny Rays over to him, "rest assured though, only Sunset will get hurt."

With a sly cackle, he headed for the old clock tower.

Sunset, Twilight and Spike were nearly at the train station at this point. Sunset was thinking of what she was going to say to her friends, when all of them heard a loud voice from the town. Some pony was using magic to make their voice louder.

"Attention Sunset Shimmer! You have done our town wrong, and you must pay for what you have done! Meet me at the old clock tower, and we'll settle this for good!"

Sunset was going to ignore that, "it's just Pen Pal, a pony who believes the false stories he makes up, and has not been too happy about our break-up."

"Was he really that bad?" Spike asked.

"Worse than that. He would look to other mares when we went out, and he was extermly rude to me, that's why I broke it off with him. He's one pony I do not want to talk to."

She began walking towards the station again, but the words she heard next made her stop; "Sunny Rays is up here with me, and I'm sure she'd love to hear all the stories about you, unless you come here now!"

"He's got Sunny Rays?!"

"But where are her parents?" Twilight asked, "surely they wouldn't have allowed that to happen."

At first, Sunset thought he was just making that up to get her to come out of hiding, but then thought maybe he was telling the truth. Either way, she cared about her sister, and did not want her to be anywhere near Pen Pal. She turned around and started making her way back into town. Twilight and Spike followed close behind her.

"Hang on Sunny Rays, I'm coming!"