• Published 27th Nov 2017
  • 1,273 Views, 32 Comments

Sunset's Redemption - ThomasZoey3000

Sunset Returns to Equestria to try making amends with other ponies, but her visit is met with surprises, betrayals and plots to get back at her.

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Chapter 10: Confrontation

Sunrise finally broke free from the spell and was now trying to push her way threw the crowd. At the front was Moon Crest, "if this is your plan Moon Crest, I'll never forgive you for this," she said angerily.

"What are you talking about? I have nothing to do with this," he protested.

"Sure you're not, and I suppose you're not responsible for Sunny Rays being ponynapped by Pen Pal and taken to the top of the tower."

Moon Crest gasped, "he did what?! That fiend!"

Silver Swirls and Honey Tree had finally pushed their way to the front of the crowd, "we'll go up there and get her down for you Mrs Shimmer," said Honey Tree.

They ran to the door, but were suddenly zapped by magical lightning.

"Okay, that hurt," groaned Silver Swirls.

An angry shout came from up above, "I don't want any of you ponies to come up here, only Sunset Shimmer! She and I have unfinished business! Now where is she?!"

"Right here Pen Pal!" shouted a voice.

Everypony turned and saw a pony wearing a heavy trench coat, sunglasses and a big hat. She removed the hat and revealed her eyes. She slowly made her way to the door, and using her magic, opened it and walked inside.

"That was Sunset Shimmer, the one mentioned in the newspaper," said one of the town's ponies.

"She's so young, how can she be that dangerous?" asked another.

"Were you not reading the info on her?"

"I was, but she seems like a kind caring pony to me," said a third pony.

Sunrise looked to her husband, "doesn't that prove she's not bad? She could've run and not bother, yet she's going up there to get our daughter back. What do you have to say for yourself now Moon Crest?"

But Moon Crest still said nothing. He wanted to be angry, but it's like every conversion he had since kicking Sunset out of the family were playing on his mind.

Sunset made her way up the stairs, desperatly hoping that Pen Pal had not done anything to harm Sunny Rays. She did care about her like a real sister, even if they weren't anymore according to her father. At last, she reached the top of the tower where she found Sunny Rays in plain sight. She looked to be unharmed.

"Are you alright Sunny Rays?"

"I'm alright, but I'm scared to be up here and with him nearby."

"Don't worry, I'm here to take you down to Mommy and Daddy," Sunset said with a kind assuring smile. "You can trust me, I'm not going to hurt you."

The door seperating the corridor of stairs and room slammed shut, and a familar face came out of the shadows.

"Sunset Shimmer, at last we meet again. It's been too long, hasn't it my old girlfriend?"

Sunset turned to face him, "indeed it has been, and you know something, of all the ponies I wanted to run into during my visit here, you were the one that I did not want to see."

"Why? Cause you feel ashamed for what you did? Oh silly me, I forgot, you never feel ashamed because you enjoy hurting other ponies."

Unknown to the two ponies, Sunny Rays had lit up her horn and with her magic, made a speaker so everypony in Canterlot could hear the entire conversation.

"Why would you ponynap Sunny Rays when you were just looking for me?"

"Simple, because threw your stupidity, I knew you'd come back to make that filly's life a misery. So it was easy."

"You really do believe anything that comes out of your mouth don't you? I wouldn't do anything to her, I would make sure she's safe and brought back to her parents where she belongs."

"Would you now? And this coming from the mare who was rude, demending and would look anywhere else when we went out. You ignored me everytime we went out, so in the end, I had no choice but to break up with you." He shook his head in disgust, "it's a shame isn't it? We were once good friends growing up, then you went bad and turned on everypony you ever met."

"She would not, she..."

But Sunny Rays was interupted by Sunset putting a hoof out and shaking her head.

"You're right, I was rude, demending and spiteful, I was even that when I ran away from my studies with Princess Celestia, and for what? The power I once wanted? I regret ever doing anything to hurt those I cared about, but I wouldn't have learned that lesson, had it not been for Princess Twilight Sparkle. Ever since then, I've been working hard to make up for my mistakes, and granted there have been bumps along the way, but with the help of my new friends, I have been able to turn my life around and become the mare I am today. The mare I was before I changed."

Pen Pal scoffed at what he was hearing, "yet you've made no progress here, you've even been kicked out of your own family."

"This trip hasn't really gone according to plan I'll admit, but..."

Sunny Rays stepped forward and looked up to her big sister, "only my Daddy did that, not me and not my Mommy. We both love Sunset and we want her to be part of our family, and you're wrong about who ended the relationship."

Sunset nodded, "She's right, if you want to see who was rude, demending and would look anywhere else, why don't you look at a mirror? You said things to me that I wish not to repeat, you always demended that I pay for our meals when we went out to resturants, and honestly, I've noticed on more than one occassion that you would look at other mares. But what really ended our relationship was that night when you smacked me for talking with a waiter. By then, I had had enough, so I ended it, but I guess after all this time, you still haven't figured it out."

"Don't you dare insult me Sunset, have you forgotten where we are?"

"Oh I haven't forgotten, but I ask, if you're going to take your misguided anger out on me, then let Sunny Rays go, she has done nothing wrong to you. Let her go back to her parents."

But Pen Pal didn't open the door, he instead locked it up and stood firmly in front of it, "I'm afraid I can't do that."

"And why won't you?"

"Two reasons. One; I want her to witness how I will finally teach Equestria's most dangerous monster a lesson. And Two; I will have to teach her a lesson for supporting you."

Dozens of gasps could be heard from outside. Pen Pal was confused, then he saw Sunny Rays' horn lit up, "you little pip-squeak, you dare use magic at a time like this? No matter, I'll make you see sense, after I deal with the liar."

"No you won't!" snapped Sunset. Hearing those words had made her mad, "I thought you were a bad pony before, but I didn't think you would ever suggest hurting a three year old filly. If you want her, you'll have to go threw me first."

A smirk came to Pen Pal's face, "at last, payback is mine."

Hearing those words come out of Pen Pal's mouth, Sunrise, Twilight, Spike, Silver Swirls and Honey Tree charged up towards the top of the tower.

"He's a mental case that one, no wonder why Sunset broke up with him," said Sunrise angerily, "just wait till I get my hooves on him."

They soon reached the door, but it was closed and locked. The four ponies tried pushing hard aganist it, but it wouldn't budge. Spike even tried to burn it down with his fire, but Pen Pal was one step ahead of them, as he had put a protection spell on it.

"Moon Crest! Will you get your lazy flank up here?!" cried Sunrise.

But Moon Crest didn't move an inch. Sunrise groaned unhappily, "trust him to stick to his family ways. Come on everypony, keep pushing!"

Spike joined in the pushing, but nothing the five of them could do would push the door open. Worst still, they could hear explosions in the room, which made them fear the worse.

"Oh silly me," gasped Twilight, "how could I forget? I can teleport myself in there."

Or so she thought. Pen Pal had also put in a spell preventing any unicorns or alicorns from getting into the room. So when Twilight tried to teleport in, she ended in front of the door again.

"Is there anything this guy doesn't know?" groaned Spike.

They all pounded at the door, shouting at Pen Pal to open it, but he refused to listen to them.

Inside the room, he was charging at Sunset with the hopes of smacking her again with his hooves, but everytime he got close, Sunset would use her own teleportation magic to move herself to another part of the room.

"Stop running from me!" growled Pen Pal, "I must have my payback!" He charged in again, but Sunset teleported herself out of the way.

"I'm not running, I'm using magic to avoid you, that's all."

"I should've put an anti magic colar on you, then I'd easily get you."

"Is this really worth it though? You ponynapped a young filly, and now you're fighting me on top of the clock tower."

"Just shut up and fight!"

He charged in again, but before Susnet could move, he used his own magic and teleported in front of her, smacking her hard and making her slide into the wall.

"Sunset!" cried Sunny Rays.

Pen Pal chuckled, "that was satisfying. For all the years you made me suffer, you will pay this time."

"You were the meanie!" snapped Sunny Rays. "She did the right thing, not you!"

"Keep quiet little filly, I'll deal with you in a moment."

Sunset's rage took over at that moment, "No you won't!" Using her right hoof, she punched Pen Pal right in the jaw, and made him fly a short distance. "Nopony harms my sister!"

Some blood came out of his mouth, which really got him mad, "oh now you're going to get it. You're going to wish Celestia had locked you up, cause now I'll be the judge and the punisher!"

He charged in for another strike. Seeing this, Sunny Rays jumped in front of them, "STOP!" she cried.

Driven out of his mind though, Pen Pal didn't stop. He continued to charge in and smacked Sunny Rays, sending her flying towards a wall made of wood. It smashed open, making her fall towards the ground.

"Sunny Rays!" cried Sunset.

She kicked Pen Pal in the face with her back hooves, then jumped out the hole to the ground level. There were no flyers that day, so it was all up to Sunset. Luckily, she had gone sky-diving with her friends not too long ago, so she knew what to do. She folded in her legs and dived down even faster towards Sunny Rays. She caught her little sister, her horn lit up and they disappeared.

An explosion could be heard from behind the crowd. Everypony looked to see clouds of smoke, and inside the smoke was Sunset and Sunny Rays, safe and sound.

"They're okay!" cried a pony, and they all cheered loudly.

From up above, Pen Pal growled angerily.

Twilight and the others had heard the commotion and ran back down the stairwell. They were relieved when they saw both Sunset and Sunny Rays on the ground.

"You alright Sunset?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, though I had forgotten how much energy is needed for that much of a distance."

"At least you're okay, and away from that Pen Pal," said Sunrise. "Sunny Rays was right, you did the right thing by breaking up with him. I wouldn't want my daughter to be in an abusive relationship."

Sunset smiled, but it soon faded when she saw Moon Crest coming over. His words from the day before played back on her mind.

"Okay Sunny Rays, I've saved you, now I have to leave."

"What? But why?"

"Because I'm a stranger remember? I'm not a member of this family."

"Oh don't believe your dad," said Sunrise. "His whole family revolves around holding grudges and throwing each other out. You're our daughter, and you should be allowed to come home."

"I'll only believe that when I hear it from him."

All eyes peered to Moon Crest, but still no words came out. Sunset sighed and looked down to her little sister, "Sunny Rays, do me a huge favour. Don't go down the path I went down. Stay close to your family, make lots of friends and remember you can do anything you set your mind to." Sunset then looked back to her now former father, "I'm leaving now Moon Crest, you don't have to worry about me coming back. Twilight, Spike! Let's go."

The duo rejoined Sunset and they set off once more for the train station.

"But you can't leave! We're family!" cried Sunny Rays. But Sunset didn't stop, she just walked away with tears falling from her eyes.

Sunrise stared at Moon Crest, "I swear, if this doesn't prove to you that Sunset's changed, then I don't know what will. She risked her own life to save Sunny Rays. Would the Sunset Shimmer you claim to know do this?"

Again, Moon Crest didn't say a word.

Pen Pal finally reached ground level and saw Sunset walking away, "so you're running away again huh? It just proves that you're a coward!"

Hearing Pen Pal's voice, Moon Crest turned and stormed over to him, shoving him aganist the wall, "you complete fool, you nearly killed my daughters."

"Don't you mean daughter? And yeah I'm sorry about that, I was trying to..."

"I know what you were trying to do."

"Come on Mr Shimmer, you agree with me that little monster needs to be taught a lesson, and it's best that you teach Sunny Rays not to talk with monsters like her."

"Oh shut up you!" Moon Crest snapped. "I will do no such thing, and I won't allow you to harm Sunset ever again."

"But Mr Shimmer...oh wait, you're going to do that aren't you?"

"No I will not!" This caught everypony off guard. "Sunset is my daughter too, and I will not allow anypony to teach her lessons like the ones you were going to give her. Now you will go to your editor, retract the story and get some help because you're a nutcase!"

"But Mr Shimmer..."

"And so help me, if you come anywhere near my family again, I will drag you to the mental house where you'll be locked up forever."

Moon Crest then turned back to his wife and youngest daughter, "if we hurry, we might still have a chance of catching up with her." Using his magic, Moon Crest lifted Sunny Rays onto his back, then they hurried away. They weren't alone as Silver Swirls followed them while Honey Tree went to find Music Note and Octivia Melody.

Pen Pal tried to slip away, but the ponies of Canterlot made sure he was taken back to the newspaper building.

"Pen Pal, what in Luna's name is going on here?" asked his editor.

With the eyes of Canterlot on him now, Pen Pal took in a deep breath and said; "we need to talk about my story on Sunset Shimmer."